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The benefits of regular recreational reading for literacy development have been widely acknowledged, and as such, encouraging children to be life‐long readers is an educational imperative. Teachers who are models of keen recreational reading can play an important role in fostering a keen love of reading in children, so that they regularly engage in the practice. However, it is not known if all teachers have the time, inclination and awareness to actively model a love of reading in their classrooms. This article explores data from the 2016 Western Australian Study in Children's Book Reading to ascertain which teacher behaviours and attitudes children deem indicative of a love of reading. While many children did not know if their teachers liked reading or not, teachers who were perceived to be readers talked about books in the context of pleasure, were seen to read independently at school, and read aloud to the class with expression and emotional connection.  相似文献   

“爱”的教育是对孩子心性及行为认知的一种引导,要让孩子感受到爱,拥有一颗爱心。针对当前幼儿园“爱”的教育存在的一些问题,文章从几个方面对幼儿园提高“爱”的教育实效性的策略进行探讨。要注重环境创设,让学生时时刻刻观摩“立德”;开展主题游戏,时时刻刻进行“启智”;开展亲子活动,让学生时时刻刻体会“陪伴”。  相似文献   

In this article we develop the idea that there exists a unique educational love and that it moreover can be identified as essential to education. First, developing Arendt's claim that education is about the existing generation introducing newcomers to the world, we argue that the object‐side of educational love is not the student, but first and foremost the thing that is studied in the classroom. Educational love is love for the world, not for a person. It expresses itself in the act of affirming that a particular thing is interesting: a part of the world that is worth the effort of being studied together with the new generation. Second, we follow Badiou's account of love as the labour of fidelity to the event, in order to render teaching in terms of staying faithful to one's falling in love with a particular subject matter. Teaching is therefore a continuous attempt at making this event of falling in love present in the classroom. Thus, love for the thing materialises itself in an effort to make the thing endure and to show to the next generation that it is worth of care and attention. Finally, indicating the erotic and agapeic dimension of educational love we turn to Scheler and his position on love and hate as two distinct ways of relating with the world, which respectively come down to an opening and a narrowing‐down mode of world‐disclosure.  相似文献   

Teachers are responsible for providing an education to students of all ability levels. Recent data suggest that roughly 95% of students with a disability are receiving some form of education in their general education setting. Individuals with disabilities tend to engage in higher levels of disruptive behaviors (e.g., talking out in class, noncompliance, throwing materials) than peers without disabilities. With an increase in the number of students with disabilities receiving some form of education in their general education setting, teachers may be spending more time managing disruptive behaviors and less time teaching. Research suggests a strong relationship between classroom‐management techniques and academic achievement. These data highlight the importance of classroom‐management interventions that promote the learning of all students in the classroom. Despite the importance of classroom‐management techniques, a lack of training, as well as the feasibility of the interventions may prevent the ultimate adoption and long‐term success of effective techniques. Self‐management is a potential solution, as self‐management techniques can be easily trained and implemented.  相似文献   

从对重庆市南岸区几所中学的抽样调查可以看出,中学生爱情教育的现状不容乐观。教育理应担负起自己的责任,转变观念,不仅在学业上把学生培养成才,而且应该将情感教育作为素质教育的重要组成部分,帮助学生树立正确的爱情观,丰富学生精神生活,引导学生移情升华,利用多种途径对学生进行爱情教育。  相似文献   

教育是一项爱的事业,应该对教育爱有更为宏观的哲学式的关注。教育爱不仅仅是教师之爱,更是所有教育工作者的爱,是他们在整个教育事业中表现出来的爱,是具有精神性、智慧性、文化性等教育品性的爱。教育爱在实现人与社会协调发展、促进教育公平、发挥教育潜能等方面具有重要的的价值。我们可以从教育决策、教育的组织实施、教育评价等层面实现教育爱。  相似文献   

The popularity of Jacques Rancière in recent work in educational philosophy has rejuvenated discussion of the merits and weaknesses of Socratic education, both in Plato's dialogues and in invocations of Socrates in contemporary educational practice. In this essay Jordan Fullam explores the implications of this trend through comparing Rancière's educational thought to an analysis of the relationship between dialectic and stultification in Plato's Republic. This task clarifies what is useful in the recent wave of scholarship that brings Rancière's work to bear upon Socratic education, and what we might redeem in the practice of teaching that Plato assigns to the character of Socrates in the Republic. Fullam also draws on the educational literature on Socratic education to provide further context to explore the usefulness of both Rancière and Socrates for contemporary teaching.  相似文献   

以半结构性访谈为主的研究发现,高职院校辅导员的爱情教育存在诸多困境,主要表现在:对爱情教育的地位认识不够;对爱情教育的特征认识不明;对爱情教育的策略认识不清;对爱情教育的功用认识不深。为此,辅导员应当从提高对大学生爱情教育的重视度,构建科学合理的大学生爱情教育课程,加强对大学生爱情心理的调查研究,强化校园文化的环境育人功能和建立立体式的学生教育模式等方面着力克服困境,开展科学的爱情教育。  相似文献   

对大学生爱情教育的理性思索   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本研究认为,对大学生进行爱情教育是必要的,爱情教育应该走在性教育的前面;爱情教育的基调应该是人性的、生活化的;爱情教育目的在于形成健康的爱情观;爱情教育的形式应该是非教条的,重在观念的养成.同时也探讨了大学生爱情教育的内容.  相似文献   

构建大学生恋爱及心理健康教育新模式   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
大学生正处于青春发育期,由于性机能的成熟,性意识的觉醒与性心理的发展,致使恋爱与性问题成为不可回避的现实。渴望交友,向往爱情的大学生常常会进入爱情的实践,但是由于他们接受青春期教育不够,缺乏经验和指导,对异性存在的神秘感、恐惧感和渴望感交织在一起,因而引起一些学生陷入单相思,被动卷入恋爱、失恋等。也有人因感情压抑、性幻想、性自慰而产生心理异常。因此,恋爱与性心理的健康发展是大学生整个身心健康的一个重要方面,加强大学生的恋爱与性心理健康教育至关重要。  相似文献   

夏丐尊爱的教育深刻地揭示了爱是教育存在的本源,爱是人格完善的最强大的推动力,缺少爱的教育是空虚的,现代教育爱的消隐会导致教育的异化,会产生冷漠与暴力等。  相似文献   

本研究主要是从大学生对爱情关系的认知发展来探讨以爱情教育的通识化为目标的课程建设。目前在台湾地区的各大学校园中,与爱情关系相关的成长出现"活动"较多与"课程"较少的情形,现有开设的课程多半是以性别教育为主。根据爱情关系发展历程的相关文献,本研究以143位台湾地区的大学生为研究样本对"爱情"的定义进行开放性描述,经内容分析后,将资料进行分类归为"理性论"、"感性论"、"单向论"、"互惠论"、"主动论"、"被动论"及"比喻论"七类论述;其中以互惠(reciprocity)论述爱情占最多(43%),其次是"比喻论"(15%)。至于男女对爱情的定义主述内涵方面,在理性或感性的认知上,男生以理性论述较多,女生则是以感性论述较多;以比喻的论述来形容爱情的部分则是以女生居多。最后,基于爱情定义之认知及大学阶段爱情的发展历程,本文从爱情教育的课程开设、教学方式及教材三方面提出爱情教育通识化的建议方向。  相似文献   

裴斯泰洛齐是西方教育史上爱的教育的首创者和虔诚实践的楷模。他的爱的教育思想深受家庭、人文主义、启蒙学者及基督教的影响,其内容是指对教育对象的真诚热爱及反馈。爱的教育的实施途径表现为爱母亲、爱亲人、爱邻人、爱全人类四部曲及实现学校教育家庭化。该思想是教育的永恒话题,诠释了教育的公益性,提高了对教师的要求。  相似文献   

In this essay, Vasileios Pantazis examines how two philosophers having different orientations acknowledge and study the phenomenon of the “encounter” (Begegnung) and its fundamental importance to human life and education. On the one hand, Otto Friedrich Bollnow drew on existential philosophy and philosophical anthropology in his analysis of the encounter, while Alain Badiou, on the other hand, used psychoanalysis, mathematics, and Plato in exploring the concept. The approach Pantazis takes in this essay aims at fusing the concept of the encounter as developed by Bollnow with a philosophical view, specifically Badiou's understanding of the encounter in the context of his concept “event of truth.” Through the “fusion of horizons,” as Hans‐Georg Gadamer put it, between these two views, Pantazis seeks to enrich the concept of the encounter and to draw out a renewed meaning for philosophical and educational theory.  相似文献   

普爱是人间大道,教育正道。教育的真谛是大道普爱,教育的境界是培育教师的普爱自觉,教育的追求是让学生传递爱的火炬。普爱教育要以平等为原则,普爱而不偏爱;以尊重为前提,普爱而不滥爱;以适度为标准,普爱而不溺爱。  相似文献   

如何在行为的意义上理解教育   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在行为学意义上,教育是关怀性的干预,即爱的干预,是教育者对受教育者发出的基本行为。这里的爱不是普通意义的,而是一种生产性的爱。好教育是关怀性、策略性的干预,即爱智的干预。在认识上,从教育到好教育,是一个从爱开始不断加入智的过程。如果说爱是教育的原动力,那么智就是教育的促进力,能促使教育走向好教育。  相似文献   

高校年轻教师为师之道   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高校年轻教师的教学之道与为师之道,即是他们成长、成才、成功之道,是他们职业道德与思想境界、教育理念与教学能力、科研意识与科研水平的综合体现。高校年轻教师应该爱岗敬业、忠诚教育事业,崇尚以师爱为核心的职业道德;拥有符合时代发展和社会要求的教育思想和教学理念,练就扎实的教学功,尽快过好教学关;增强科研意识,找准科研切入点,有效推进科研进程,练就过硬科研功,从而使自己迅速成长为一名合格的大学教师。  相似文献   

爱心教育及其基本策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杜德栎 《中国德育》2006,1(8):15-17,25
加强爱心教育是未成年人思想道德建设亟待解决的现实问题与时代重任。对未成年人实施爱心教育,要重视爱心教育的当代价值,建构爱心教育的学校课程体系,夯实爱心教育的家庭基础,构筑爱心教育共同体。  相似文献   

大学生爱与责任教育是高校思想政治教育的重要组成部分。以科学发展观领航的思想政治教育,蕴含着丰富的爱与责任思想。进行大学生爱与责任教育,要坚持以人为本的原则,坚持全面发展的原则,坚持系统性和协调性相结合的原则,坚持理论与实践相结合的原则。要以科学发展观为指导,推进大学生爱与责任教育:牢固树立科学发展的教育新理念;建立爱与责任教育的长效机制;强化教育者的爱和责任意识;让学生增加爱与责任意识;构建家庭教育、学校教育、社会教育与自我教育整体互动的合力系统。  相似文献   

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