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B .1’11e一e:一℃f飞,一r·w。、eks irl al,10;lth.(二.「a(·11、,·:,l·!一a、l()L一I,、eas〔)rls.腼 听力部分(20分)1.选出你听到的句子中含有的那个单词。(5分) 1 .A.oran只e B.Passage C .village D.me、sage 2 .A.Potato B.To一ollr() C .Photo D.t()n一ato 3 .A.sweater B.sistel, C .weather D.PleasL一re 4 .A.littleB.letter C .Iater D.l、otter 5 .A.read B.1)read C .rea(ly D.lieadn.根据你听到的问题选择正确回答。(5分)[).Tl、e,淤al℃f。一l一。、w(·】:卜、e、tvelyyeal3 .A.Iti、l〕est五)l,I。。。…  相似文献   

1.单项选择。(3o幻()1,Wllat,5 that_English?It,5 apen. A.in B.on C.at D.of()2._you see a eal:under thet汕ie?Yes,1 ean· A.Are B.DO C.CaJI D.Is()3._~the students?Tlley~in the classroom· A.Wliat B.WlloC一Wllose D.Wllere()4.Tliere 15_old eloek on the table._eloek 15 Hack. A .a,The B.the,The C.an,The D.the,A()5 .What_isit?It’sh碰p时two. A.day B.time C.the dai:e D.theti~()6.Here 15扣ur new shoes·Put_on· A.it B.th叮C.them D.their()7._15 yotlr En沙血teacher?The one in a bhie eoat…  相似文献   

Anril 2000t,J,”1,,、‘,.,、、15。·,tll,::,1.“Io.lgoago Cl,1二i。·L;IL上,,,改百,1、l,L,〔·11。,,,i,l M[一11一叹4一1 111一飞115一,(l趁‘l一e,,5一才lgal)‘)re.se一1一lal卜e(、l℃tar一at .I.K。一It、一‘,k、rEs()L(K丫一卜;5(川.卜1,rl.1:20()oc(,,z一卜I一入M.()l丈‘、91戒,,1:,11·、,l拜一;一g。·Ce:lrro.30()la「19。(;,、)v。·R(1.,ler、、rz一e‘[()一11、vlll。,Kerl一[一(长、D:一vl。!Cig一10,1一I,。1.5、、一g:、一,,、、丫258352.1’,、1. 65一737一9044.卜’ax 65一734一2753.270一762一3422.…  相似文献   

娜阵匆,娜.哪声甲()1.一Do 1 have to eome baek tomorrow?一es,vou—.(2007武汉) A .ean B.may C.must D.should·()2一When does yourmothergo shopping?一Usually_Sunday momings.(20()7武汉) A.on B.in C.at D.for ()3 .1_the CDst。you if 1 have time tomormw,(2007北京) A.袱11 return B.returned C .have retumed D.retum ()4一Will you get there by_train?一No,I’11 take—taxi.(2007天津) A.1; a B.a:the C.人/D.the;a ()5一Who 15 singing in the Classroom?一—must be Susan·(2007天津)‘A.She B.ItC厂rh…  相似文献   

A S c h o o l F r i e n d o f E n g l i s h 1. I called ____ my sister5s after school yesterday. A. on B. at C. for D. up 2. Tom _____ the manager that he had made the mistake because of something else. A. lay to B. lay C. lied to D. laid to 3. There5s no reason for us to look down ____ the blind. A. at B. with C. for D. upon 4. There are some ____ assistants in that ____ shop. A. woman; shoe B. women; shoes C. women; shoe D. woman; shoes 5. ____ seemed that he ____ read the book befor…  相似文献   

.He〔)玉le,,saw 11 pir、g—(I)lay)I,asketbal]on*11e不)lay-91劝u Ild-lwe一一(1(,、〕k)〔)、,t。》f tlle window—_*卜le Yan只、_一(wat—Ye、,r},ev were.but(SeeSeVerl一1()tlling.last 111装ht了,︸,J4 .W川you l)lea、。—(say)it agai,1了5 .He、aid 11。,—(p:,efe,·)t蚤,ee(》urlrry一、,the eity.6 .W,·_(90)r()loed at nine、一’elo(·kt‘〕〔lay as usual.7.「l,e;、.a,1一..少1 ie)ont}一er,〕a〔1.}le wa*ba、lly hurt.8.从11e;,I、as 11a、ing breakfast一he doorbell一(ring).9 .My})r()thorF)i(Jke(1 up任…  相似文献   

口 IN。,t()nl丫____inte,est。了1 Inn,‘,t蚤一alll川l___!、cg一:、;llr琳一。,、h〔,w an interest in it. \、lhe{。拉。I一。I一奋1一rl一*。·11一、:a】l!,一、、.u.1。,一,卜、,,、 B,义he te、、、l、护r}川ns。·If卜;ar.汰111、15、龟u、{·、、卜 C 15 the tea〔her hl;nse]11、;a,℃all 1115、一denr、 I).15 the飞ea。书erh,,~If:刁1 hls student、a,, 25();,l尸,1(,《l。),、wel于、el飞*!r,tllof;、);一rw卜,,、I汗·r:l。(l一cal、、r长。。林、、。Jrol_- 、.if一gre,.n陀d!1 lr,greot一e。‘1 .of (二.r.eed。。19…  相似文献   

、单项鼓择 ()1._15 the population of the developed eountries? A .What B.Where C.Who D.Whieh ()2 .lfyou multiPly this_365,扣u’11 find how脚at the prohlem 15! A .in B.by C.wirh D.at ()3 .When the winter eomes,thed叮s罗t shorter__shorter. A .or B.with C.by D.and ()4 .China has_population than Australia. A .larger B.smaller C.more D.fewer ()5 .Hong Qi 15__210,以X)yuan in China. A .costs B.worih C.PayingD·spent ()6 .Miyoko had her pietures_on the Great Wall· A .take B.took C.to tak…  相似文献   

一、看图选择正确答案: 枷,l卜dP you, Mj“饰n君 巍ha 2 3 、t二_叮二忿二、承~(闷、~ 嘟潜〕诡缪 4 5 6 8 9 M 155 W6ng:A C. Yoz Yes, :℃a good即rl.11.Yes,1 ea;一 I)leaso.I).(;。od一I)y。 2·”·‘性今v“ry well· 山山止yo、一l;. C .1’nl going to义11〔)ol.D 一’m、叨itingfor lhe bus- 3.奋〕eter:A.Whe八,aml?B.DOv.)一J C .1弓x(use,:le.珑卜卜len】i,rl一。·趁(。ilel了D.Excus一1lle,15 it a toi!et分 49邝11(In一oL卜ler:八 C. 15 tl,ere any waror了 Wh。、I℃15 the water, 5 .pupil:A.入le.…  相似文献   

\n,14”q I’q●^…一、语音部分 I.选出以下每组单词中划线部分发音不同于其他三个单词的词()1. A.weather B.real C.ready D.pleasure: )2. A.town B.below C.SnOW D.blow()3. A.cloudy B.snowy C.fry D.ohIy( )4. A.north B.more C.repo__n D.hardworking()5. A.south B.birthday C.feather D.thick()6.A.said B.aga!n C.wait D.afraid( )7. A.harvest B.party C.1augh D.warHl(、8.A.c_hips Bl rea—ch C.touch D.sandwich II.比较以下每组单词划线部分读音的异同,用\/或×表示1·cou__ntry。塑th() 2·strong stop()3…  相似文献   

第一卷 1.设全集I二考非负整数卜,N={自然数},则N二 (A){o少(B”.(C)0.(D)于负整数}. 2.函数g=姓cos(。x+沪)(其中A,“,沪为常数,且月护。:。>。戏R)的周期T”10.巳知sin(兀+a)二 3~J-卜二.IUll 5‘(人)。osa一音·(。)seoa一号.‘B,,‘n(“一a)二鲁.‘D,,ga一备.(A)去.(B)答.(C)粤·‘D)等.s二已知a(R+,则arga+arg(一a)二(A)。.‘B)晋‘(C,二。‘D),二.‘.经过点““,一2),斜率为合的直线方程是(A)。+2一音二一,.(B)u一2一音二+,.(c)。+2一奋〔二一1).(D),一2一合(二+1).:,,函数。一Zarc。:n奋(城一:)的值域是(A)卜李司·(B)〔…  相似文献   

I.单项填空1.——Ⅵ‘here is Kitty? I can’t“nd her an)rwhere. 一She’s . A.in a doctors’ B.at her d()ctor’s C.in the doctors’ D.at doctor’s2.一I’m sony t0 haveA.】’m sorrv.tooC.Never mindkept you waiting so 10ngB.Y0u are rightD.That will doyour timely help and I’m not just A.Y0u’re weJcome B.Thank C.1)on’t say s0 D.You’d4. 一So it’s nothing se订ous, D0ctor? —— ~一.T11e child wiJl he all right A.5.Mr A.Yes B.No.Green suggestedit is C.N0£hat the letterVOUhetter not…  相似文献   

月跳护‘..,尸卜1 .Multi口eQ而Ce:(10%) 口.~此初司or咖暇山时】犯成曰哪阳口此肥n沈伙e:()1 .ha侧盯..B~长叮_场团耽奴釉以.城tha‘咖. A.心四浏比B·目n,C.讯冤‘己D.一()2.川触ra奴J击伍culty,坛_te碑曰1 thal如... A.。皿哪间B.别以洲汕目C.山面众刃D.况习坛记()3 .1肠刘eb笼。l润‘飞for坛场峨粉.川.,耐_1 have叙l旧it. A .at】洲B.in石此C.at此e司D.at砰性曰盆()4.场曰妇勿口,._‘可枷吐·‘翔献吐旧“口to,at all. A二哈..飞B .b日讨C.印丽佣D.。护..翻()5.叭沁俐耳曰犯J此曰圈‘.山.柑to_此成以幼刊匕七”司曰睡试 A .tr…  相似文献   

I.单项选择1. Without your support, he couldn钆 …一 his plan 九g0 0n B.giVP up C.sti(:k t() D.keep 0ut 2. 1nore time. I coul(1 do it hetter. A.(;iven B.HaVing giVen C.(;iving D.To giVe3.As r【liddle school stu(1ents, we must一…一一一right A.say;{如m I{.tell;between C.ten:from D.come;from4.——W‘0uld vou mind if I sHloked in the entrance hall? A.Sure,g0 ahead C.()f course5. The strange man was(:()ntentB.N0,go aheadI).Yes,please d0alone in the f_0rest.wrong· A.with Iiving B.for l…  相似文献   

吴国建 《中学教研》2005,(1):46-48,F003-F004
一、选择题:(本大题共12小题,每小题5分,共60分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一个是正确的.) 1.集合尸二{1,4,9,16…},若ae尸,b〔P,则a④b eP,则运算④可能是() A.加法B.减法C.乘法D.除法 2.已知x>o,y相似文献   

1.选择填空 从下列各题所给的四个选项中选择正确的一项( )1.Have vou A.a B.an( )2.Where is—map 0f China?C.the D.someEnglish book?Take itout and read the text A.you C.yOurs( )3.It is verv hot A.at B.On B.your D.mine——July in Be讲ng.C.in D.byyou get here at six tomorrowmorning?’’‘‘No,I can’t.”A.Must B.May C.Do D.Can【 )j.Who runs——,Tom or John? A.f{jst B.faster C.fastest D.the fastest( )6.Pay attenti()nyour handwriting, boys and girls. A.t() B.on C.in I).with)7.(’ari dldn…  相似文献   

下列都是从事不同行业的人士小朋友,请在五分钟内试把他们填写在适当的空位一七e()bbler Policeman doctorP()st一n之一nbutel飞erl飞飞eehanie firem氛互n tai!o‘’,QO·‘ 0.、一O公1 .A2 .A3 .A4 .ArePalrsc之lrs.sews elothes.eures the sick.nlends 511()es.5 .AkecPs Iaw alld、Cl!5 nle之一t.ordc卜6 .A7 .A8 .A(le!认ers letters.Puts ot几t tlle fil·e tl”u一。J!不‘8 uutu一sod’L Joq。一11q‘9u仑u,”。,lod、g,。I月(l‘)“’十·,O一。oP‘乞Jol万”1’艺”落u,q”“Lu’I:孝导各行各业@Jim…  相似文献   

一、考查a,an的位兰。 1 .All of us feel su甲ri哭d that一a litile场y~ear_mu。,hfe旧d.(2(X)l重庆市) A .su〔h;50 B.、o;50 C.sueh;sueh D.so;such2一Did you溉thefo浏ball mateh last night? 一Yes,1 have never seen_exeiting matehl犯fore.(2(X)3福州市) :\s一‘·ha扮名.,)aC,、一」‘、1一:川D.、(,al- 3._1 tl、t‘xlay!卜t’59‘)t。)fl,一a kito in tll。一、ark,、h:,llw。?(2(X)3厦门市) A .What fine weather B.What a fine weather C .11.、w泣fir.。铸二;11杏一rl).11()、fi,1二a*。1;,!l,,、r f解析{答案为l.A 2.…  相似文献   

一、选择题 1.长方体的全面积为11,十二条棱的长度之和为24,则这个长方体的一条对 角线边长为() A .5 B.6 C ZV亘D.Vi耳 2.如图1,在斜三棱柱ABC破‘B‘C中,乙A‘AB=乙A‘AC,乙ABC=乙ACB,则 下列判断不正确的是() A .A川土尸c已 B.侧面BBrc’c是矩形厂~卜~君 、 工 工 工 、 ︸ 、 ·广 Cz‘ C.A’A在底面ABC上的射影在乙BAC的平分 线上 D.A‘在底面上的射影是△ABC的内心 3.以正四棱锥的侧棱与底面所成的角的余弦值 为自变量二,则相邻两侧面所成的角的余弦值f(劝 与x之间的关系为() 图1 A .f(二卜 %42 Bf(、)= C .f(x)二…  相似文献   

(总分:100分时间:120分钟)班级_________姓名_________学号_________得分_________一、积累·运用(24分)1.下列加点字的注音,每组都有一个不正确,把它选出来并加以改正。(3分)(1)A.沁·园春(xìn)B.艾·青(ài)C.纠缠·(chán)D.妖娆·(ráo)()(2)A.素裹·(guǒ)B.姹·紫(cà)C.惟·余(wéi)D.敦·厚(dūn)()(3)A.分·外(fēn)B.嫣·红(yān)C.绽·开(zhàn)D.契·机(qì)()2.改正下列成语中的错别字。(3分)万里雪漂()唐宗宋主()山花烂慢()原弛蜡象()一代天娇()花技俏()3.找出不是对偶句的一项()(2分)A.绿树村边合,青山郭外斜。B.开轩…  相似文献   

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