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通过运用文献资料调研、问卷调查、数理统计方法对国民体质综合指数落后地区的成年人体质状况进行研究,选取国民体质综合指数落后的六盘水市为调研对象。结果显示:从总体来看,国民体质综合指数落后的六盘水市成年人的体质综合评分较高,体质评价在合格及其以上的人数较多;在形态指标方面,男性成年居民在身高、体重、胸围、腰围方面大于女性成年居民,而在上臂皮褶厚度、肩胛皮褶厚度、腹部皮褶厚度方面,女性成年居民要大于男性成年居民;在机能指标方面,六盘水市成年人脉搏、血压都在正常范围内,女性居民的心肺功能要好于男性成年居民;在身体素质指标方面,六盘水市成年居民身体素质整体较好,而男性居民身体素质总体上要强于女性。倡导成年人加强体育锻炼,旨在提高国民体质综合指数落后地区的指数水平,更科学地指导国民体质综合指数落后的六盘水市成年人进行体育锻炼,促进该市的经济建设、社会发展及人们健康生活质量的提高。  相似文献   

采用文献资料法、体质测试法和数理统计法对安徽省6所高校957名大学生体质现状进行研究,比较大学生体质在性别、年级和专业上的差异.结果表明:安徽省大学生体质状况处于良好水平,不同性别大学生体质在台阶指数、握力体重指数得分上存在非常显著差异(p<0.01),不同年级大学生体质及各指标存在极其显著性差异(p<0.001),在体质总分上,二年级大学生得分显著好于其他年级;在身体机能和身体素质的各指标上,都呈现出大二、大三学生得分要好于大一和大四的学生,且具有统计学意义;文、理科专业无显著差异(p>0.05).  相似文献   

为了解不同自然环境下成年人体质变化特征,研究其变化规律,将2005年河北省国民体质监测成年人的数据按平原地区,沿海地区,西北部山区,南部地区进行划分.数据处理按国家成年人体质监测标准设计、编制的软件进行查分并用SPSS统计软件进行单因素方差分析(One—Way ANOVA)处理.研究结果表明河北省不同自然环境的4个地区之间成年人身体形态、机能和身体素质的多项指标存在显著差异,不同的地理条件、自然环境对人体体质的影响巨大:南部地区成年人在身体形态、机能、素质几个方面很多指标均低于其它地区.建议重视自然环境对居民体质带来的不利影响.  相似文献   

利用2014年怀化市国民体质监测所获得的数据,对怀化市侗、苗、汉族老年(60-69岁)女性的体质状况进行比较分析.结果表明:(1)身体形态:汉族的身高、体重均显著高于侗族;苗族的BMI,苗、汉族的体脂百分比及其WHR均值都超出正常范围.(2)身体机能:侗、苗、汉族的安静时脉搏、血压均在正常范围内保持相对稳定,其中苗族老年女性的安静时脉搏、汉族的舒张压和肺活量高于侗族.(3)身体素质:以上三个民族在力量、柔韧和平衡素质方面均表现良好,其中汉、苗族老年女性的握力及选择反应时好于侗族,汉族闭眼单脚站立均值高于侗族.  相似文献   

选取60名女性为研究对象,测定其经过12周有氧搏击操锻炼前后体质变化,研完有氧拉丁操对女性体质的影响.实验结果表明:有规律的有氧拉丁操锻炼能有效地改善女性的身体形态,提高身体机能水平,促进身体素质的发展,从而对体质产生积极有效的影响.  相似文献   

通过对西安文理学院7860余名在校生实施体质健康测试,将结果进行统计分析,并与《学生体质健康标准》和陕西省相关指数进行对比,结果表明,西安文理学院的学生体质健康状况不容乐观,身体形态方面“豆芽型”和超重、肥胖比率高,身体素质和身体机能方面差异显著.《学生体质健康标准》的制定有待完善.加大体育教育教改,重视课外体育运动俱乐部和高年级体育选修课的开设和引导,是改善学生体质健康的关键.  相似文献   

目的:研究用不同的人体测量指标,测定超重和肥胖的患病率和分布.方法:对991名男性和1188名女性进行横向研究,年龄在15—74岁之间.测量体重指标(BMI)、腰围、腰臀比率、腰身高比率和体脂百分比.采集空腹血液.评价CVD危险因素.结论:研究数据表明,腰臀比率和腰身高比率是预测男性心血管危险因素最好的人体测量指标,腰臀比率和腰围是女性最好的预测指标.  相似文献   

李一玉  何江川 《高教论坛》2010,(7):39-40,44
通过研究BMI分型与身体、形态、机能和身体素质指标间的关系,探讨了广西区少数民族男大学生的营养状况、肥胖与营养不足发生的规律和特点,结果表明:体质指数(BMI)值偏低会对大学生的各项体质健康指标产生一定的负面影响(台阶试验除外),BMI值偏低也会影响大学生肌肉力量的发展.  相似文献   

利用2010年河北省国民体质监测数据,通过数理统计等方法分析了石家庄414名中年女性的身体形态、身体机能和身体素质的现状及变化趋势,结果表明中年女性的体质随着年龄的增长存在较为明显的下降趋势.  相似文献   

目的:分析安徽省高校近5年大学生体质的变化特征,为高校体育政策的制定提供参考依据。对象与方法:运用文献资料法抽取2010年安徽省大学生年龄组数据,实验法抽样测量2015年安徽省高校学生体质。结果:1)形态学,2010、2015年,城乡男性大部分指标差异显著,女性基本无差异。与2010年比,2015年安徽省城乡大学生体重、BMI、维尔维克指数、腹部皮褶厚度、皮褶厚度之和显著升高,城市和乡村男、女变化趋势保持高度一致性。2)生理功能,2010年和2015年,乡村男女大学生均显著低于城市(肺活量)。与2010年比,2015年显著下降(肺活量和肺活量/体重指数)。3)身体素质,2010年,乡村大学生耐力指标好于城市;力量指标城市男性大学生弱于乡村,女性相反。2015年,坐位体前屈和握力无差异,其它指标均出现显著差异。与2010年比,50米、800/1000米、立定跳远(城市男女)、引体向上/仰卧起坐全面下降,握力和坐位体前屈保持稳定。  相似文献   

Objective:To investigate the relationship between alanine aminotransferase (ALT)levels and metabolic syndrome (MS)in nonalcoholic fatty liver disease(NAFLD).Methods:A total of 26527 subjects who received medical health checkup in our hospital from January 2005 to July 2007 were enrolled in the study.The diagnosis of fatty liver was based on ultrasound imaging.MS Was defined according to the criteria of the Adult Treatment Panel Ⅲ.ALT,triglyceride(TG),high density lipoprotein cholesterol(HDL-c),fasting plasma glucose(FPG),height,weight,waist circumference(WC),systolic blood pressure (SBP)and diastolic blood pressure(DBP)were measured in each subject to analyze the relationship between MS and ALT activity.Results:(1)The prevalence of NAFLD in men(30.94%)was significantly higher than that in women(15.65%);(2)The incidence of MS in NAFLD(33.83%)was significantly greater than that in non-NAFLD(10.62%);(3)Of the 6470 subjects with NAFLD,in the age-adjusted partial correlation analysis,there were statistically significant correlations between the ALT levels and most metabolic risk factors in each sex(P<0.01),except that ALT levels had no correlation with HDL-c in women.Moreover,in the multiple stepwise regression analysis,SBP lost its significance,and WC,body mass index(BMI),age,DBP,TG and FPG were independently associated with ALT levels in both sexes (P<0.05).HDL-c remained significant and was independently related to ALT leveis in men;(4)ALT levels were significantly higher in subjects with MS compared to those without MS(P<0.001).Mean ALT levels increased with the number of MS cornponents in each sex (P.<0.05 for trend).Conelusion:We found a strong relationship between ALT leveIs and MS in NAFLD and revealed that the cluster of MS components might be the predictor for ALT elevations.  相似文献   

采用文献资料、问卷调查、数理统计等方法,对北京市民生活满意度状况进行调查研究。结果显示:从总体看绝大部分北京市民感觉自己很幸福;交通状况、医疗状况、环境卫生、教育状况等是影响市民生活满意度的主要因素;18岁以下人口生活总体满意度显著高于其他年龄人口生活总体满意度;男性生活总体满意度和女性生活总体满意度没有显著差异。  相似文献   

肥胖女大学生的个性特征和SCL-90测试及其分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用艾森克个性问卷(EPQ)和症状自评量表(SCL-90)对肥胖女大学生(BMI≥30)进行测试,结果表明:症状自评结果显示肥胖女大学生的9项因子分均值都远远高于国内常模。BMI与心理健康状况有着高度的相关性,BMI高者有着更严重的抑郁、焦虑。EPQ与SCL-90测试结果相吻合,肥胖女大学生存在较为严重的心理问题。由于运动可使脂肪储存量减少,因此建议让她们加强控制体重的理论知识学习,提高自我锻炼的能力,掌握锻炼身体的方法,平衡膳食,并进行适当的心理治疗,从而改善其体质,提高健康水平。  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a leading cause of anovulatory infertility and affects 5%~10% of reproductive age women (Dunaif, 1997). It is characterized by hyperandrogenemia and chronic anovulation and is associated with insulin resistance, obesity and increased risk for type 2 diabetes (Kno- chenhauer et al., 1998). Insulin resistance is thought to play an important role in aetiology of PCOS (Chang et al., 1983; Shoupe et al., 1983). In vitro and in vivo studies …  相似文献   

对衡水学院大学生,在肢体运动、冰水、不同体重指数等情况下和安静状态下的动脉血压采用常规方法进行测量、记录数据并进行统计学处理.结果表明,血压与肢体运动、冰水及体重指数等因素有非常明显的联系(P〈0.01),这些都会影响人体血压;控制体重、饮食、多进行有氧运动以及养成良好的生活习惯是预防和减少大学生高血压的主要措施.  相似文献   

安徽省是农业大省和人口大省,努力扩大就业一直是安徽省经济社会发展和产业结构调整的重要目标之一。近年来,安徽省就业规模不断扩大,就业人口日趋增多,但就业压力依然较大。鉴于各个行业吸纳劳动力的能力大小不一,安徽省应立足本省的基本情况,通过大力发展第三产业、加快推进城市化和工业化进程等措施,努力扩充吸纳就业的主渠道,创造更多的就业岗位,不断提高就业率。  相似文献   

Despite the current growing popularity of the computer science (CS) major, women remain sorely underrepresented in the field, continuing to earn only 18% of bachelor’s degrees. Understanding women’s low rates of participation in CS is important given that the demand for individuals with CS training has grown sharply in recent years. Attracting and retaining more women to high-paying fields like CS may also help narrow the gender pay gap. Further, it is important that women participate in developing new technology so that technology advances serve the needs of both women and men. This paper explores the background characteristics, career aspirations, and self-perceptions of 1636 female first-year college students in the United States who intend to major in CS and compares them with 4402 male CS aspirants as well as with 26,642 women planning to major in other STEM sub-fields. The findings reveal a unique profile of women who pursue the CS major and notes many significant differences between men and women in CS and between women in CS and those in other STEM fields. For instance, women in CS tend to earn lower high school grades than women in other STEM fields, but earn higher SAT verbal scores. They also rate themselves higher than men in CS and women in other STEM fields on measures of their artistic ability, but rate themselves lower on other self-ratings, including academic and leadership ability. Further, women in CS are more likely to be undecided in their career plans than men in CS and women in other STEM fields. Understanding the unique characteristics of women in CS will help inform policies and recruitment programs designed to address the gender gap in computing.  相似文献   

观察在心电监护下局麻治疗急性牙髓炎,对老年高血压患者的影响,为其安全治疗提供参考。监测522名老年高血压患者在急性牙髓炎治疗前后及过程中的血压、心率等变化,将测量结果进行分析。患者血压在麻醉即刻及术中比治疗前明显升高(P<0.05),其中收缩压较舒张压变化更为明显。心率在麻醉即刻及治疗中均明显高于治疗前(P<0.05)。病情稳定的老年高血压患者可在心电监护下治牙,Ⅱ、Ⅲ级高血压,可据情况,静脉给药控制性降压,避免高血压危象的发生,严格掌握老年高血压患者治牙适应症,可明显降低治疗中并发症发生的风险,可提高老年高血压患者治牙的安全系数。  相似文献   

To determine the effects of drug use on entry into the labor force and subsequent socioeconomic achievement, we estimated duration models of the time elapsed since first leaving school to the first fulltime civilian job and jobs held at ages 24–25 and 28–29. The duration models show inconsistent drug effects: women who use illicit drugs other than marijuana delay entry into the labor force while men who use alcohol daily experience a somewhat more rapid entry. Blacks and those with a lower level of educational attainment enter the labor force more slowly than non-blacks and those with higher educational levels. The more important determinants of occupational outcomes at entry and later points in the work career are the human capital variables, i.e. educational attainment and experience. Duration of time since leaving school to first job has a statistically significant and negative impact on earnings, which increases over time for men but not for women. Being black is consistently associated with higher earnings among women. Holding constant other determinants of socioeconomic achievement, such as family background factors, marital status, race, and participation in different activities and roles during high school, effects of drug use among men and women and across earnings and prestige of the job are weak and inconsistent. The only statistically significant effect is the positive impact of marijuana use on males’ earnings at age 29. The findings lead us to conclude that drug use has only minor impact on occupational achievement in early adulthood.  相似文献   

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