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Generalizability Theory   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Generalizability theory consists of a conceptual framework and a methodology that enable an investigator to disentangle multiple sources of error in a measurement procedure. The roots of generalizability theory can be found in classical test theory and analysis of variance (ANOVA), but generalizability theory is not simply the conjunction of classical theory and ANOVA. In particular, the conceptual framework in generalizability theory is unique. This framework and the procedures of generalizability theory are introduced and illustrated in this instructional module using a hypothetical scenario involving writing proficiency.  相似文献   

In this essay, Polly Graham addresses a current instantiation of what might be called self‐loss within education in the United States. Graham observes that, in her experience, many students and educators, whether decidedly or without reflection, conform to superficial schooling practices that circumscribe the possibility of receiving affirmations for the sense of self we implicitly know to be authentic. Through narrative, she puts forward the possibility of “educational love” as a counter to the fundamental insecurity associated with habits of acting in conformance with superficial, alienated, school‐determined identity criteria. The question of “repetition” in a Kierkegaardian sense invites the reader to resist the logic of standardization — which assumes and valorizes comparability and reliability from an outsider perspective — in favor of a consideration of generalizability as embedded within the intimacy of a particular relation. As such, educational love is resonance rather than dictation.  相似文献   

Although multivariate generalizability theory was developed more than 30 years ago, little published research utilizing this framework exists and most of what does exist examines tests built from tables of specifications. In this context, it is assumed that the universe scores from levels of the fixed multivariate facet will be correlated, but the error terms will be uncorrelated because subscores result from mutually exclusive sets of test items. This paper reports on an application in which multiple subscores are derived from each task completed by the examinee. In this context, both universe scores and errors may be correlated across levels of the fixed multivariate facet. The data described come from the United States Medical Licensing Examination® Step 2 Clinical Skills Examination. In this test, each examinee interacts with a series of standardized patients and each interaction results in four component scores. The paper focuses on the application of multivariate generalizability theory in this context and on the practical interpretation of the resulting estimated variance and covariance components.  相似文献   

科林伍德的美学理论在西方20世纪文论发展的过程中起着承上启下的作用,对之后的西方现代艺术理论有重要的启示意义。本文通过他与克罗齐理论观点的比较,从而发现科林伍德理论在现代艺术理论中的地位,并探究其美学思想所具有的现代意义。  相似文献   

This study utilizes an argument-based approach to validation to examine the implications of reliability in order to further differentiate the concepts of score and decision consistency. In a methodological example, the framework of generalizability theory was used to estimate appropriate indices of score consistency and evaluations of the likelihood of decision errors based on the design of a performance assessment and its intended use. The study illustrates how generalizability theory can be applied to address various claims about consistency when decisions are based on two or more cut scores, and results underscore the importance of considering score and decision consistency separately.  相似文献   

本依据语用学理论对语言教学通常涉及的怎么教和教什么两个基本问题进行重新思考。传统上人们一直认为,语言教学关注的是怎么教而不是教什么,即教学方法是第一位问题,教学内容则是第二位问题。本对这种传统的观念提出挑战,认为在怎么教和教什么两之间后决定前,而不能本末倒置,因此应给以特别重视。同时本就教什么提出了具体的看法。  相似文献   

市场经济及其伦理原则—论亚当·斯密的“合宜感”   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
在所有的前现代社会,道德的评价都以利己心和利他心为基本标准,到了市场经济的现代社会,道德的评价却是以在利己心和利他心之间实现某种平衡的"公正心"为基础的.亚当·斯密的学说就从市场经济的内在机制出发,说明了市场经济的伦理原则就是"公正"、市场经济社会的道德基石就是"公正心"--他称之为"合宜感";亚当·斯密揭明了"公正心"的内涵和要求--学会从无直接利害关系的旁观者的立场来看待并约束利己心.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of items, passages, contents, themes, and types of passages on the reliability and standard errors of measurement for complex reading comprehension tests. Seven different generalizability theory models were used in the analyses. Results indicated that generalizability coefficients estimated using multivariate models incorporating content strata and types of passages were similar in size to reliability estimates based upon a model that did not include these factors. In contrast, incorporating passages and themes within univariate generalizability theory models produced non-negligible differences in the reliability estimates. This suggested that passages and themes be taken into account when evaluating the reliability of test scores for complex reading comprehension tests.  相似文献   

介绍了在教育测量和评估中运用多元概化理论的优势,使用多元概化理轮的过程步骤,以及能够提供给研究者的各种结论和信息。认为可以帮助初学者了解多元概化理论,并为使用者提供了使用方法。  相似文献   

从发生学上看,宗教学思想的产生所必须具备的条件是理性与信仰从神话思维中的分化。在西方,这种分化发生于古希腊,理性之形态表现为概念逻各斯。逻各斯与神话本来一体无分,使两者相互分离的原因,一是希腊宗教祭仪在城邦生活中的公开化所导致的宗教祛魅,二是较具个人性和神秘性的奥尔弗斯宗教对信仰的私密性的强化。另一方面,就最早对宗教进行理性辨析的哲学家塞诺芬尼来说,这种分离则是希腊宗教的能指与所指之间的逻辑上的错位所致。塞诺芬尼率先运用理性对宗教进行批判,在这个意义上可视为西方宗教学思想的萌芽。  相似文献   

语言学理论的创立与语言学家为自己确立的理论目的密切相关,自从乔姆斯基把解释的充分性作为语言学理论的目的以来,理论的解释力成了语言学家们衡量理论的标准。但是什么是真正的科学意义上的解释以及解释的对象是什么,这仍然是一个尚未有共识的问题。对于这两个问题的不同回答导致了不同的语言学理论的发展。  相似文献   

本文认为,孔子提出的"仁人君子”的人格理论是代表广大人民群众利益和希望的人格理论.它对于规范人们的思想和行为有着积极的作用.它对于提高国民的素质具有极为重要的现实意义.  相似文献   

改进普通话测试的概化理论分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
根据概化理论的原理和方法,讨论了普通话测试的测验设计问题。研究发现,国家语委实施的普通话测验从总体上说具有较高的信度。其中,测验的第一和第二部分的信度要高一些,而第三部分的信度要低一些。改进测验设计的首要方法是提高分测验三的信度。具体来说,评分者个数为2、题目数量为25是一个最低要求的设计方案。若要求信度值较高(如Eρ^2=0.60以上),则宜选择评分者个数为2、题目个数接近50,或评分者个数为3、题目个数大于30的测量设计。  相似文献   

This paper is a response to Harker & May 1987 which rejects as inaccurate and misleading their ‘exposition’ of the theory, the analysis of the place of rules in the theory, the analysis of what is taken to be its structuralist base, and shows how forms of the practical sense may be realised in, and described by, the theory.  相似文献   

Science learning and a Sense of Place in a Urban Middle School   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper offers an analysis into low-income, urban middle school children's sense of place and what and how their sense of place matters in science learning by focusing on the following questions: In what ways is students' sense of place leveraged in a science classroom? How does the content and context of science class shape how students leverage their sense of place? What learning opportunities emerge when sense of place is leveraged in class? Drawing from an ethnographic investigation into an environmental statistics class in a mid-sized public middle school, we examined sense of place events from their source, process, and outcome perspectives. Our findings are presented from two aspects of sense of place events, (1) characterizing students' sense of place by exploring sources of the sense of place events, and (2) examining processes of how students' sense of place is being leveraged in the episodes. We also examine two kinds of tensions that emerge in the class when sense of place is leveraged by students and acknowledged by the teacher: epistemological tensions (related to what the students are learning) and procedural tensions (related to how they are learning).  相似文献   

尽管章学诚提出的“史德”,能促使史家写出真实可信的历史,但尚不足以解释何以许多史家倾其一生研史、治史,最终形成中国古代史学蓬勃发展的局面。笔者以为“史德”的另一面,即“史家的责任感与使命感”才是这种情况形成的真正原因。本文探讨了“史家责任感与使命感”形成的原因,同时阐明提倡这种道德对现代史学发展的重要意义。  相似文献   

This article searches for an autonomous discipline of education, one that is a self-governing discipline and exercises the right to organize its own activities and to make independent decisions. In undertaking this quest, it asks: how may education be organized to safeguard its autonomy so as to be able to generate strong and unique educational knowledge and theory? To address this question, Herner Saeverot argues for a conceptual structure comprising three interrelated perspectives: education as translation (ETN), education as task (ETK), and education as truth (ETH). These three perspectives are part of the overarching term “the science of education” (SE). While ETN translates knowledge from noneducational disciplines into educationally relevant knowledge, ETK produces distinct educational knowledge or theory directly from educational practice (EP). Through these processes, education can function as an autonomous and a self-governing discipline. However, more research is needed to identify what would be required for education to become a strong autonomous discipline. The reason for this is that ETK ultimately produces educational theory in a weak sense, that is, it yields knowledge structures that are too loose or poorly articulated to be designed as strong theory. Thus, ETH examines ETK to produce educational theory in a strong sense, in other words, knowledge that has undergone thorough scientific verification and theoretical substantiation. By way of this organization, educational theory is developed through (1) ETK as a firsthand experience in which practice-based knowledge and theory is derived directly from EP, and (2) ETH as a second-order observation of EP in which theory-based knowledge is derived indirectly from EP and directly from practice-based theory (ETK).  相似文献   

The much-lamented gap between theory and practice in education cannot be filled by practical knowledge alone or by explanatory knowledge alone. Principled practical knowledge (PPK) is a type of knowledge that has characteristics of both practical know-how and scientific theory. Like basic scientific theory, PPK meets standards of explanatory coherence. However, its main function is not explanation or prediction but practical guidance. PPK grows out of efforts to solve practical problems, but it requires additional effort invested in producing knowledge that goes beyond what is required for the task at hand yet not so far beyond as to be unusable by practitioners. The Wright brothers’ construction of PPK to address problems of flight control is used as a model for building such knowledge in the learning sciences. Design-based research in the learning sciences may motivate research into basic theoretical questions, but it is unlikely to contribute directly to answering them. Extending design-based research to the creation of PPK can, however, increase the generalizability of knowledge produced through design work and provide a ladder leading to sometimes radical design improvement.  相似文献   

Generalizability theory provides a conceptual and statistical framework for estimating variance components and measurement precision. The theory has been widely used in evaluating technical qualities of performance assessments. However, estimates of variance components, measurement error variances, and generalizability coefficients are likely to vary from one sample to another. This study empirically investigates sampling variability of estimated variance components using data collected in several years for a listening and writing performance assessment. This study also evaluates stability of estimated measurement precision from year to year. The results indicated that the estimated variance components varied from one study to another, especially when sample sizes were small. The estimated measurement error variances and generalizability coefficients also changed from one year to another. Measurement precision projected by a generalizability study may not be fully realized in an actual decision study. The study points out the importance of examining variability of estimated variance components and related statistics in performance assessments.  相似文献   

涉外导游人才的职业核心能力是英语导游能力。为了生成符合外国游客审美期待的导游词,涉外导游人才需要具备一定的语篇知识。通过对主位结构理论和主位推进模式的概述,以及对主位推进模式与篇章宏观结构关系的分析,探讨了桂林旅专涉外导游专业应如何将"主位推进模式"这一理论引入《导游英语》课程的教学中,以培养涉外导游专业的学生的语篇意识。  相似文献   

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