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知识青年"上山下乡"运动已经结束多年,而在文学界及思想界,它的影响却并未随着时间的推移而消失。正是由于当年轰轰烈烈的"上山下乡"运动,使新时期文学中出现了独特的一景——知青文学。它以其独特的内容和思想内涵吸引了包括知青在内的整整几代人的目光。"上山下乡"运动到今年已过去近半个世纪,而知青文学也历经了从幼稚到成熟,从单纯到深刻的蜕变,但贯穿其中、始终如一的是作品中难以挣脱的"知青情结"。本文以时间为顺序浅析知青文学在不同时期的流程,并从中揭示出贯穿其中的"知青情结"。  相似文献   

知识青年上山下乡运动是“文化大革命”期间形成的席卷全国的热潮.本文从社会心理学层面对这场运动加以审视,探究“文革”时期知青投身上山下乡运动所蕴含的社会心理,并揭示上山下乡运动走向终结的历史必然性.  相似文献   

自知识青年上山下乡的历史运动展开后,中国当代文学就有了许多叙述知青生活的文学作品。叙述知青人生体验的文学作品虽然形式多样,主题不一,但是,从总体上看,基本上都隐含着知青与农民的身份二元对立结构。  相似文献   

"文革"初年商洛市受到了全国知识青年"上山下乡"再锻炼社会思潮的影响,商洛"老三届"毕业生的知青运动发展到了高潮.知青运动在商洛市虽未能解决体制性的就业问题,但仍然磨练了一代人.通过考察"文革"前后商洛市的知青运动,力求还原商洛市知青的原貌,给予商洛市知青运动客观、公正地评价,对后人观照"文革"具有一定借鉴意义.  相似文献   

20世纪90年代以来一些未经过知青上山下乡运动的年轻作家对知青文学重新审视与把握,以民间立场对知青文学进行重写,知青文学中出现了农民话语,给当代文坛带来新视角和新风格,这也是对以往主流知青文学的一次微弱的反抗.这有利于全方位深层次反映与阐释知青和知青运动.本文试图从时代诉求、文本主题以及这种知青叙事的影响来考察知青文学微弱反抗的历史必然性.刘醒龙、韩东、李洱、何顿、赵刚、刘汉太等的知青叙述将是本文的分析对象.  相似文献   

本文通过向老一辈咨询和翻阅相关资料,了解知青"上山下乡"的来龙去脉,通过重温这段历史,能从感性上升到理性层面来认识"上山下乡"运动,了解了那代青年生存、生活的不易,而更加珍惜今天的幸福。  相似文献   

20世纪60—70年代上山下乡运动中,知识青年的户口由城市迁到了农村。由于中国实行严格的户口迁移管理,广大知青很难再把户口迁回城市。这种状况一直持续到文革结束后。计划经济年代,由于城市户口与市民很多利益粘连,把户口与上山下乡运动捆绑起来,使知识青年丧失了城市人口身份,所以一开始就遭到他们的抵制,造成很多社会问题。从一定程度上来讲,把户口迁移与上山下乡运动捆绑起来,注定了这场逆城市化潮流而动,大规模地从城市往农村迁徙知识青年的所谓"革命"运动的失败。  相似文献   

当代中国的知识青年上山下乡运动持续时间长久,影响地域广泛,牵涉人员众多,对这一群体以及这一段历史,从“知青学”的高度展开实事求是的深入研究,对于重建知青历史、反思中国社会演进过程,具有重要意义。何英编著的《远去的岁月》等广大知青的回忆实录以及众多知青作家们的纪实作品,已经成为研究知青问题的重要素材。  相似文献   

“后知青文学”的新写实趋向   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一、关于“知青文学”和“后知青文学”从六十年代到七十年代的十几年间,数以百万计的知识青年卷入了上山下乡运动中。对这一重大历史事件的回顾与反思,产生了当代文学史上的“知青文学”一脉。这一文学思潮的开初时具有震聋发聩意义的是卢新华的《伤痕》,此后产生了如孔捷生的《南方的岸》、王安忆的《广  相似文献   

1968年至1980年间,我国曾掀起轰轰烈烈的知识青年上山下乡运动。近2000万城镇青年奔赴边疆、农村,成为普通农民。由于地域不同以及城乡之间的差异和知青政策的不完善,这一代青年历尽千辛万苦。30年过去了,知青的下一代已经走向社会,参加工作或考上大学...  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the perceptions of preschool administrators and parents about preschool movement education and movement practices in preschools. Participants were 8 preschool administrators and 21 parents from 8 randomly selected private preschools in one of the municipalities in Ankara, Turkey. Semi-structured interviews, field visits, and observations were conducted, and written documents were collected. The findings indicate that preschool administrators and parents have limited content knowledge in movement education. Movement education practices were not aligned with physical-education goals for these schools. Children’s participation in organized sport activities is valued more as an extracurricular activity by administrators and parents. Limited indoor/outdoor spaces for movement activities seem to be among the limiting factors for movement education practices. To conclude, there is an immediate need to improve preschool administrators’ and parents’ knowledge of movement education and to enhance preschool facilities to ensure quality movement education.  相似文献   

This study is a critical discourse analysis of the New Jersey Opt-Out Movement. In 2015, and in response to the increasing standardization of US public school instruction, and over-use of high-stakes testing, NJ parents began to refuse to allow their children to take a key end-of-the year exam, the PARCC. We employ the concepts of master and counter narratives to exam the qualitative data that was collected in an online-questionnaire, a focus group, and refusal letters. We argue that these parents have refused this exam for their children based on differing reasons, that parents effectively changed the master narrative of the PARCC to grow their movement, and their refusal letters were key in promoting a new counter narrative.  相似文献   

Within the past several years, parents, teachers, students, and community members have vociferously debated the value and importance of opting out of standardized testing. The debate has been sparked by an increasing number of parents, dubbed “opt-out activists,” who refuse to have their children participate in federally mandated standards testing. However, an assortment of civil rights organizations and activists have challenged the opt-out movement. Quentin Wheeler-Bell argues that the debate between those in the opt-out movement and the civil rights activists is an example of neoliberal cynicism. While both groups acknowledge (to different degrees) the structural problems inherent to the current testing regime, they both also make educational demands that assume equal educational opportunity is achievable within a capitalist system. In making this assumption that equal educational opportunity is valuable within capitalism, Wheeler-Bell concludes, both sides ultimately reproduce neoliberal cynicism.  相似文献   

维护父母权威是顺利实施家庭教育的重要条件之一。在家庭生活中,亲子之间通过资源交换维系了父母权威的正常运转:通过对个案的细致观察和详实记录,对父母权威的产生、运行的条件与过程及其类型作深入地分析,可以从人际资源交换的角度揭示亲子关系的存在状态。  相似文献   

The efforts of the child development movement to understand development and the factors influencing it have been the basis of 2 interrelated tasks: the scientific study of children, and the dissemination of this knowledge to parents. Content analysis is used to assess the extent to which psychological theories and research about infants have been communicated to parents from 1955 to 1984 in 2 popular publications, the Infant Care manual and Parents magazine. Results indicated that there is not a singular relation between what experts know and what is communicated to parents. Information reflecting scientific advances about the biological components of infant development (perception, cognition, and temperament) have been most accurately communicated to parents, whereas discussions of the mother-infant relationship, child care, feeding, and fathers appeared to be related to the broader cultural context and demographic changes over the past thirty years. This study reveals an interaction between science and culture in our theories of infant development and child rearing.  相似文献   

亲子游戏是父母对孩子进行影响和情感交流的重要手段,亲子间开展亲子游戏是孩子运动、语言、认知、情感、创造力、社交等多种能力成长的关键。研究从亲子游戏研究的对象入手,发现家长角度的研究还处在参与度等基本问题上的探讨上,并未深入,而从幼儿园角度的研究非常缺乏。总结目前对亲子游戏的作用、种类、影响因素的研究,认为今后还应加强从幼儿心理角度对亲子游戏的研究,深入对亲子游戏类型模式开发的研究。  相似文献   

罗泽南是著作等身的名儒,罗门弟子,也多为名师贤徒.太平天国崇拜上帝,不敬祖先,不孝父母,兵至郴州,焚毁文庙,十哲两废,狼籍满地,崇奉儒家圣道的罗泽南等,认为是洋教乱华,起而卫道,师死徒继,兄死弟继,前仆后继,誓死抗争,直至太平天国失败.太平天国起义,当然是一次激烈的阶级斗争,同时,也显然带有中西文化冲突的色彩.  相似文献   

The movement of families around the world is becoming increasingly common, whether involuntarily (as a result of war or famine, for instance) or voluntarily (resulting from economic migration or a parent’s occupation). Though one of the effects of globalization is the growing number of professional parents whose occupation causes them to move their families around the world on a fairly regular basis, little is known of the effects of such global mobility on the children. This paper describes a small‐scale study undertaken with 120 globally mobile Botswana‐based children between 9 and 11 years of age, which explored their perceptions of what it means to belong to a home country. Findings highlighted the many different factors that influence such perceptions (including length of stay, country of birth, country of passport, country of parents’ passport or birth), as well as the need for further research to be undertaken in this increasingly important area.  相似文献   

School choice in China is a parent-initiated bottom-up movement characterised by the payment of a substantial ??choice fee?? to the desired school, and parents?? positional competition through the use of cultural, social and economic capital, before and during the school choice process. This study demonstrates that Chinese middle class parents?? cultural capital and their efforts to help their children to accumulate cultural capital through after-school activities greatly increase their positional advantage in the competitive school admission process in China. The Chinese practice of acquiring cultural capital outside the family has to some extent extended the development of Bourdieu??s cultural reproduction theory. The widespread practice of such actions by middle class families clearly illustrates how cultural capital can be used to maintain social stratification by perpetuating educational inequalities that lead to unequal life opportunities for differently schooled people.  相似文献   

美国的“在家教育”已成为较为普遍的现象。各州通过“在家教育”立法对父母的教育权进行了法律上的肯定与保护,这种基于立法的保护与管理,对“在家教育”的学生和家长权利的维护有着重大的意义,也有利于这种教育活动的良性发展。事实证明,合法化的“在家教育”对于学生和教育的发展都有着积极的作用。  相似文献   

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