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One emerging but relatively untapped market of traditional age colleges students is children who have been home schooled. The National Center for Educational Statistics estimated that 1.1 million children were being home schooled in 2006 (Conlin, 2006). This non-empirical paper examines issues related to the home school movement as they apply to colleges and universities hoping to attract these students to their institutions. It explores the unique characteristics of home-schooled students who apply to colleges and universities. Recommendations are made to institutions of higher education for attracting more home-schooled students.  相似文献   


This report presents a summary of the program presented by 16 Texas community and junior colleges for people over age 60 during the academic year 1974–1975. This program, funded by the Governor's Committee on Aging and administered by the Coordinating Board, Texas College and University System, supported demonstration projects to improve the quality of life of elderly Texans through innovative educational activities. The development of these programs and the kind of activities made available are described. The majority of these colleges have subsequently continued programs with local funds, based on their demonstration experiences. This pilot project has helped a number of colleges in Texas enter the field of late-life education and, in turn, is helping the older residents in these communities to have an educational program of their own.  相似文献   


Traditionally, community colleges serve students who live within the school’s local region. Some community colleges are looking for strategies to increase geographic access to their technical education programs. Exploratory research on online technical education programs found some programs are using online and distance-learning strategies to make their programs more accessible. This paper examines two such technical education programs and the different ways they are making their programs available to students across the country. Looking at these two programs revealed that the types of online and distance-learning strategies and tools these programs chose to deliver instruction are, at least in part, dependent on characteristics of the technical equipment students are being taught to master. These characteristics include the equipment’s availability and accessibility, as well as how expensive and/or dangerous this equipment can be.  相似文献   


Based on an apparent lack of published research, an exploratory study was conducted to discover and describe current advertising practices in higher education. Results from fifty-nine colleges and universities who advertise in local, regional, and national media are reported regarding media usage, importance of communication objectives for institutional messages, and the importance of audiences targeted for advertising. All major media were used by most institutions sampled. Few colleges and universities reported using just one advertising medium. Traditional target audiences were noted. Communication objectives mentioned most often were general image enhancement and awareness of the institution.  相似文献   


In response to a shortage of qualified Black and Hispanic teachers, community colleges (CC) have developed certificate programs and Associate of Arts degrees in teacher education to address shortages of minority teachers in the nation’s classrooms. We examined one CC’s effectiveness in transferring Black and Hispanic students to university teacher education programs and the association with Black and Hispanic students graduating with a bachelor’s degree. We compared enrollment and transfer student data for the 2003 community college teacher education program cohort to graduation data for native-to-university students of two 4-year universities. Data were analyzed using chi square and phi coefficients. The CC Black and Hispanic students graduated at the same rates as the native-to-university students and higher than their peers of the same races, regardless of major, who began at 2-year colleges at the national level. We encourage CC teacher education programs to invest resources to increase enrollment of Black and Hispanic students to address the growing need for minority teachers to serve in urban communities.  相似文献   

Purpose: This quantitative study sought to investigate the perceptions of teachers and students regarding competency-based education (CBE) principles at the College of Agriculture at Razi University.

Design: This research is a comparative analysis of two groups. The first group consists of undergraduate and graduate students majoring in agriculture who are members and non-members of student cooperatives (n?=?256). The second group consists of agricultural faculty members (n?=?59).

Findings: The results of this study show that students and teachers have different views with regard to the extent to which CBE principles are practiced in the College of Agriculture. Moreover, students with different learning patterns had different perceptions regarding the extent to which CBE is practiced, whereas teachers with different teaching patterns had the same perception of the application of CBE principles in the College of Agriculture.

Practical implications: This study has practical implications for agricultural higher education in general and colleges of agriculture in particular. Colleges of agriculture across Iran could encourage their students to establish and engage in student cooperatives so that the ‘what’ and ‘how’ aspects of CBE are put into practice.

Theoretical implications: This study has theoretical implications for CBE principles. For example, student cooperatives can be utilized by faculty members as one of the main strategies for developing CBE in agricultural colleges.

Originality/value: This study is original in that it moves from theory to practice when considering CBE.  相似文献   


The community college sector of higher education has, over the past 20 years, become highly engaged in fundraising. Typically relying on business and industry sponsorships, institutional leaders have begun to shift their development strategies to focus increasingly on individuals who have the capacity and disposition to support the work of their colleges. Crowdsourcing is a relatively new process for garnering the interest and timely collection of interests and moving them toward the action of financially supporting an institution. This study explored how crowdsourcing is being used by community colleges, what institutional leaders expect from the process, and how these funds are used. Study findings revealed that crowdsourcing is used primarily to raise gifts for immediate expenditure, to identify potential long-term donors, and to electronically engage persons who have an interest in the welfare of the college.  相似文献   


This paper argues that the evolution of further education colleges in England is marked by both continuities and change, and provides evidence to show that they retain many of the characteristics and the underlying rationale present at the turn of the twentieth century. A defining characteristic remains the colleges’ need to respond to student demand in a continued climate of voluntarism and lack of policy commitment to the education of young people beyond school-leaving age.  相似文献   


This paper examines the association between participating in developmental education and degree attainment within 6 years for adults (age 24 and older) who entered one of 10 Ohio public community or technical colleges for the first time in 2002–2013. Degree attainment is modeled using annual data on course enrollment and completion measures. Results from both a logistic regression (with fixed effects) and propensity score matching provide different estimates of the impact of developmental education on degree attainment. The study identifies a range of intermediate educational characteristics such as credit completion and persistence that are associated with final degree completion. Based on the results of this study, educational institutions that provide adult developmental education need to design specific educational interventions that will address the barriers adult undergraduates face.  相似文献   


Drawing upon the narrative accounts provided by fifteen college principals in England and Wales this paper looks into the ways in which incorporation has changed the culture of further education colleges. Principals’ accounts reveal their views on how the sector has changed and identify a number of concerns including how the adoption of a market driven approach to the provision of further education now shapes their work. Data is presented and discussed on how principals experienced the process of incorporation, its impact on relationships with schools, other colleges and LEAs and on how colleges were to be viewed as businesses. It is suggested that since colleges are now widely perceived as independent businesses there is a need to reassess the understanding of business practice as applied to the college setting.  相似文献   


This article discusses the difßculties that face colleges of education as they attempt to work with students who have special needs—disabilities, oral communication deficits, and emotional adjustment problems. Presenting a case study of faculty in the College of Education (COE) at a mid‐sized regional university, the article explores the dilemma resulting from efforts to mediate between those educators concerned with providing equality of opportunity and those concerned with upholding standards of excellence. At the COE in question, faculty opinions became polarized, with some faculty advocating “equality” and others advocating “standards.” From its analysis of faculty members' difficulties in resolving this dilemma, the article draws implications for democratic practice in teacher education.  相似文献   


Agricultural education in England is at a crossroads. In line with Government policy to make public-sector service provision more responsive to market forces, the county agricultural colleges were made independent corporations on April 1st 1993. This change in status has coincided with substantial changes in the market that they have traditionally served - the school-leaver seeking to make a career in farming or horticulture. This article describes these changes and considers the main strategic options open to the agricultural colleges at this time in the light of results from a recently-completed survey exploring the use of vocational education/training provision by the rural population as a whole. It concludes that there is scope for the transformation of some agricultural colleges into Rural Business Centres providing vocational education, training and a range of related services to rural business and the rural population as a whole.  相似文献   

As community colleges receive attention focused on their role in addressing postsecondary needs, they are subject to varying levels of accountability, which necessitates the development of strategic approaches to leading institutions. Burke (2005 Burke , J. ( 2005 ). The many faces of accountability . In J. Burke & Associates (Eds.), Achieving accountability in higher education: Balancing public, academic and market demands (pp. 124 ). San Francisco , CA : Wiley . [Google Scholar]) recognizes three accountability perspectives that higher education institutions must consider: market, political, and academic. The strategic planning processes used at three North Carolina community colleges reflect a balanced approach to responding to the accountability requirements of all three perspectives. Using a qualitative multisite case study of the colleges, five themes emerge as implications for practice: (a) Involve stakeholders in strategic planning and implementation; (b) Create a student-centered culture; (c) Provide fiscal accountability with data-driven decision making; (d) Develop a balanced strategic approach to all accountability perspectives; and (e) Integrate regional accreditation principles into strategies. By applying the convergent practices of the three successful colleges, community colleges can create strategic plans to meet the needs of a variety of stakeholders, assert fiscal management, and encourage continuous improvement of programs and processes.  相似文献   

《Africa Education Review》2013,10(1):133-147

This article reports results of the study that examined constraints on the integration of Sustainability Education in Namibian colleges of education. The sample consisted of sixty-four (64) teacher educators selected from a total of one hundred and seventy-two (172). The findings of the study show that institutional, dispositional and situational constraints affect the cross-curricular integration of Sustainability Education in these colleges. The recommendations support the re-orientation of administration, curriculum and in-service training for teacher educators and administrators in order to support the cross-curricular integration of Sustainability Education in Namibian colleges of education.  相似文献   


This analysis of current developments in online learning for vocational education and training uses Ivan Illich's book Deschooling Society as a frame. Illich argued that formal educational institutions are flawed; that a mix of compulsion, indoctrination, certification and education creates an authoritarian atmosphere. Key benefits of online learning include its flexibility and its capacity to support dialogue between learners. On the basis of the capabilities of online technologies, and current developments in education, the authors predict that vocational learning will be profoundly changed. Inevitably, these developments will also challenge established colleges and universities, including their current dominance in major areas of vocational education and training. Education will probably become more pluralistic and more international. This paper calls for an inclusive approach?which makes the elements of an online course available to informal learners and free to people who cannot afford course fees.  相似文献   


More than 75 percent of post‐secondary institutions offering education programs in prisons are community and vocational/ technical colleges. The predominance of community colleges among correctional education providers is a major change from the early 1970's when two‐thirds of such programs were provided by four‐year institutions.

Over 260 community colleges provide programs and services to the 26,000 inmates participating in higher education. Results of a survey on correctional post‐secondary education indicate that these programs are in many ways different from those educational institutions provide on their own campuses. For example, they generally, have different admission standards, are administered by part‐time staff, and rely upon part‐time and adjunct faculty.

Community and junior college administrators are urged to closely examine the operation and quality of their correctional programs and the need for evaluative research on the long‐term effects of these programs is also stressed.  相似文献   


The College of Education at The University of West Florida in Pensacola launched an interdisciplinary course in 1983 entitled “Humanity and Global Resources: Education for Tomorrow.” Fifteen professors, representing twelve departments and three colleges, addressed the global issues of food, population, energy, environment, arms and security, cultural differences, and world trade. The professor who developed and coordinated the course was from the College of Education. Students and community members welcomed the course as a significant contribution to their educations. Universities and their colleges of education or centers of teacher training should take responsibility for educating their students to global problems. To do otherwise is to neglect a crucial realm of information at a time when Planet Earth and its inhabitants are buffeted by forces that won't be controlled until they are understood.  相似文献   


Information technology has numerous social and political implications. This paper is primarily concerned with beginning to outline some of the more important issues for teacher educators. An understanding of these implications is required before we, as teacher educators or as teachers in schools, can begin to address the issues in our work around information technology in colleges or in the classroom. This article outlines the issues rather than exploring how to present them in colleges.

There are important debates occurring around information technology, the nature of intelligence, and education, which have profound implications for society. This article argues that the kind of work done in schools on computers, and generally on information technology, supports implicitly the more traditional ideas in education. In order to take a more balanced position, and to give students a chance to realise how their futures may be affected, it is argued that the social implications of information technology must be addressed centrally in colleges of education.  相似文献   


Rural labour market changes are creating a demand for new and more flexible education and training opportunities. With the decline in agricultural production and the consequent reduction in demand for agricultural education, agricultural colleges in England and Wales are considering what their future role will be as providers of education and training for a diversified rural economy. To what extent and in what ways agricultural colleges are adapting to their new role and the factors which inhibit or facilitate institutional change was the subject of a research project undertaken in England and Wales between 1990 and 1992. The results show considerable variation between colleges in the way they are responding to change. This is reflected in the manner in which colleges perceive themselves, their mission and policy, how they perceive their constituency and the links they have with this constituency, as well as their ability to identify new training needs and provide relevant, flexible and more accessible learning opportunities to meet these needs.  相似文献   


Currently, great changes are occuring in 6th form education and in the way schools are being funded. The government is committed to increasing the staying‐on rate of post‐16 year old students. At the same time, the standard sources of funding to facilitate this are diminishing. Given the autonomy of schools over their own budgets, schools find themselves in competition with each other and with 6th form colleges for students and for resources to teach them. This paper examines what influence these changing circumstances are having on the students, the staff and the way the schools are run. It uses the cases of two schools receiving external funds in the inner‐city of Southeast London.  相似文献   

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