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人力资本对于促进大学毕业生就业有着十分重要的作用。实证研究表明,大学毕业生人力资本诸要素对其职业地位获得机会与职业地位获得质量的影响不同。外貌条件、所学专业只对大学毕业生地位获得机会有显著影响;而工作经历、工作能力对大学毕业生的职业地位获得机会和获得质量均有显著影响。高校必须拓宽专业口径,培养综合性人才,政府必须大力发展经济,高度重视劳动力市场建设,增强社会对大学毕业生的吸纳能力,才能有助于大学毕业生就业问题的有效解决。  相似文献   

选取廊坊师范学院和河北工业大学的部分学生为调查对象,选用罗特的《人际信任量表(ITS)》、《卡特尔十六项人格因素测验(16PF》和肖计划的《应对方式量表》为研究工具,对大学生人际信任状况及影响因素进行研究。结果表明,大学生人际信任度总体偏高,人际信任无显著的性别、年级、生源地差异;人际信任与怀疑性和紧张性人格特质有显著正相关,而与稳定性、有恒性、幻想性呈显著负相关;人际信任与合理化挫折应对方式呈显著正相关,而与自责、退避应对方式呈显著负相关。  相似文献   

物质主义通常指一种强调物质拥有重要性的个体价值观。本文探讨物质主义价值观与幸福感和人际信任之间的关系。通过问卷法对918名深圳居民进行调查,结果发现:(1)物质主义价值观与幸福感的各个指标之间存在高相关。它与生活满意度、正向情绪之间显著负相关,与负向情绪之间显著正相关;(2)物质主义价值观与人际信任之间显著负相关;(3)社会比较在物质主义与幸福感和人际信任的关系中起到中介作用。  相似文献   

在公共教育支出中,政府与大学各自的成本和收益影响着政府对大学的投资.政府投资于大学,需要大学为国家培养人力资本,从而支出经费的同时控制大学的人才培养.博彝分析发现,政府少投入和少控制是大学和政府的优势策略.但现实状况下政府投资于大学还受到其他因素影响,从而使大学与政府的利益格局有不同表现.  相似文献   

对我国大学信任不平衡结构的实证考察及理论思考,是大学信任研究和大学内部治理效能提升的应有之义。本文从权威文化和制度绩效两方面考察了我国层级性大学信任的生成机制,深入探讨了两者的共同影响和异质性效应。实证研究发现,当前我国大学信任呈现出随着大学层次的下降而逐级下降的层级性特点,这一特点受到了权威文化和制度绩效的负向建构作用。研究还发现,权威文化和制度绩效对层级性大学信任的影响不是单独起作用的,而是共同产生影响。研究结果表明,高等教育公平可以作为威权主义价值观影响层级性大学信任的替代性变量,应建立基于分类分层的大学信任差别化构建机制,以弥合重点大学信任和非重点大学信任的差距。  相似文献   

基于全国性调查数据的分析,本文呈现了农民工信任结构的现状,并从人口结构特征、社会交往和政府支持角度考察了不同信任范畴的影响因素.研究发现,农民工对不同对象的信任度从高到低依次是社会信任、政府信任和市场信任,总体上呈现出以“家”为核心往外推及的差序格局特征,但政府信任呈现出“逆差序格局”特征.性别对各种信任都有显著影响.两代农民工在以社会关系为载体的社会信任范畴中并无差别,但新生代农民工对政府的信任度要显著低于其父辈.文化程度越高的农民工越倾向于市场信任和社会信任,而文化程度越低越倾向于政府信任.农民工的职业地位越高,其市场信任和政府信任度越高;越低则倾向于社会信任.政府对农民工的支持和帮助越多,获得的信任度也越高.而社会交往的对象与农民工信任的对象具有明显的叠合效应.  相似文献   

了解当代大学毕业生在找工作过程中的职业价值观现状及其变化特征,对预测他们的发展走向、提高就业指导工作的有效性,具有重要的意义。本研究采用自编的“大学毕业生职业价值观问卷”,对415名处于不同工作寻访阶段的大学毕业生进行了调查研究。结果发现:(1)当代大学毕业生在工作中更注重个人价值的实现,对社会维度的价值要素较为冷漠;同时也更重视手段性职业价值观的实现,显示出急功近利的特征;(2)男性在社会促进和社交活动这两项职业价值观上得分高于女性,但女性在身心安全、社会贡献、薪酬待遇、稳定舒适、社会关系职业价值观上得分高于男性,性别差异显著;文科毕业生在求职过程中,比工科、理科和艺术类毕业生更认同人情世故的价值观,且差异显著;(3)处于求职波动期的大学毕业生对职业价值观的追求有一定的盲目性;(4)目的性职业价值观影响着手段性职业价值观的选择。  相似文献   

政治信任对政权的合法性至关重要。在社会矛盾频发的背景下,运用江苏南京、苏州和扬州三地的调查数据,就现实利益伤害、矛盾解决程度、社会公平感、官员贪腐程度认知、获取非官方信息程度对现阶段中国民众政治信任的影响进行实证分析。分析结果表明,当前中国民众对政府的信任度随着政府层级的提高而逐步提高,表现出鲜明的"央强地弱"的政治信任格局;矛盾解决程度、社会公平感以及官员贪腐程度认知对政治信任有显著影响,其中社会公平感对政治信任的影响最大。现实利益伤害、获取非官方信息程度对政治信任的影响不显著。  相似文献   

采用《社会支持量表》和《人际信任量表》对唐山市几个社区的居民进行了调查,旨在探讨社区居民人际信任和社会支持存在的状况及之间的关系。研究结果表明:(1)唐山市社区居民的社会支持水平处中等水平,并存在性别、收入稳定性、婚姻及子女状况的差异;(2)唐山市社区居民的人际信任水平处中等水平,并存在性别、收入稳定性及子女状况的差异;(3)高社会支持水平的社区居民与中等以下社区支持水平的居民人际信任水平存在非常显著的差异。  相似文献   

应用陕西高校毕业生就业创业质量跟踪调查数据中2017届14 939名大学毕业生的调查数据,分析了人力资本、社会资本对大学毕业生就业质量的影响。研究表明:大学毕业生就业质量处于中等偏下水平;人力资本、社会资本因素中部分因素对大学毕业生就业质量具有显著的影响;就整体而言,人力资本因素对大学毕业生就业质量中就业状态、收入水平、就业匹配度及就业稳定性的解释能力要大于社会资本因素的解释力,但人力资本因素对就业满意度的解释能力要小于社会资本因素的解释能力。据此,本研究建议:政府部门应积极探索和完善大学毕业生就业质量的评价体系,建立和完善服务支持体系以促进大学毕业生更高质量就业;高校应努力提升大学毕业生的人力资本发展水平,为其更加充分更高质量就业提供保障;大学毕业生要重视人力资本和社会资本积累,为提高自身的就业质量作好充分准备。  相似文献   

Social dynamics,university experiences,and graduates' job outcomes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In Canada, little attention has been paid to the extent to which job outcomes are the result of the human capital honed in university or of broader social dynamics. Combining the fundamental insights of status attainment and cultural reproduction theories with propositions of the college impact model, the current study examines the effects of cultural, social and human capital on four job outcomes two years after graduation from a Canadian university. Overall, it is found that variables measuring cultural and human capital have independent effects on job outcomes; however, the impact of social capital is minimal. The findings suggest that graduates' job outcomes are connected to broader social dynamics as well as to what they might learn in university.  相似文献   

蒋帆  姚昊 《中学教育》2022,19(1):43-53
基于PISA 2018中国四省市数据,对家庭背景、学校氛围与学生抗逆力的影响机制进行分析.研究发现,对标OECD国家进行比较,中国四省市抗逆力表现略低于国际水平;家庭背景层面,家庭文化资本和经济资本对学生抗逆力提升更有效,而家庭社会资本则无显著影响;学校层面,学校氛围能显著正向影响学生抗逆力;学校氛围和家庭背景对学生抗...  相似文献   


This study seeks to examine the influence of the cultural elements on international students’ country choice. It also examines whether individual values moderate the influence of cultural elements on the country choice of international students. Drawing upon a sample size of 223, the data was analysed using structural equation modelling technique. Among the five cultural elements, education, language and social institutions were found to have a positive significant influence on the international student’s country choice. When moderated by individual values education was found to be the only key significant value to international students when selecting a country to further their education. The cultural elements should be given much attention by marketers, government and managers of academic institutions. An improvement in the standards of education in developing countries would attract more students from developed countries.  相似文献   

依托母体高校举办的独立学院具有在招生、人才培养、就业指导等的特殊性,其毕业生所拥有人力资本和社会资本对就业期望可能产生特定的影响。基于人力资本和社会资本的双重因素,对某独立学院2012届毕业生的就业期望进行问卷调查和实证分析,结果显示独立学院学生在人力资本和社会资本的存量上存在差异;社会资本相对人力资本,对毕业生就业预期的影响更大些。为此,独立学院毕业生要正视所处的教育生态环境,理性认识人力资本和社会资本、高校要分类指导人力资本和社会资本不同含量的毕业生,正确认识社会资本的作用。既要维护"继承性社会资本"。也要开发"生成性社会资本"。政府应做好毕业生就业流向的合理疏导。  相似文献   

Authors propose a research framework that human capital of universities enhances performance through the mediating mechanisms of relational capital. Against the backdrop of the report issued by the National Knowledge Commission set up by the Indian government with a vision to transform India into a global knowledge hub, this study explores how universities can contribute in contriving a knowledge economy. Data collected from 13 north Indian universities has been tested empirically using structural equation modelling (SEM). Findings reveal that human capital has a significant influence on a university’s performance and relational capital partially mediates that effect. The results of this study will be of paramount importance for planners in the Indian higher education sector to achieve the goals that have been laid down in the report. Furthermore, it will help administrators and policy makers at universities to take cognizance of the global shift towards the knowledge economy and leverage human and relational capital in the process.  相似文献   

“一带一路”高校联盟是扩大人文和教育交流的平台,助推中国从高校联盟边缘走向中心。然而,哪些因素导致了“一带一路”高校联盟合作的形成,对此很少有研究进行实证探讨。基于20个“一带一路”高校联盟中的68个“一带一路”国家与中国的双边关系数据,通过社会网络QAP分析发现:除了政策环境和双边关系等外生性因素外,财力资源、一流大学数量、经济发展水平等内生性因素也对“一带一路”高校联盟的整体合作具有显著影响;不过,内生性因素对“一带一路”高校联盟不同合作主体的影响表现出一定差异,它们对联盟中的“一带一路”国家影响甚微,而当联盟引入发达国家的高水平大学时,内生性因素才表现出更加明显的影响。  相似文献   

The main objective of this paper is to show to what extent and why students with the same academic aptitude but different social backgrounds have different odds of entering university. For our analysis, we separated primary and secondary factors of social origin in the formation of educational inequalities. The results show that the primary and secondary factors have approximately the same influence on the transition to university. Czech schools do not affect the process of forming educational aspirations and transition to university, and merely ‘classify’ children according to their social origin. This situation emerged during the socialist era and has remained unchanged after the fall of communism (in 1989). However, the mechanism of the social origin effect has changed – while cultural capital with a ‘direct’ impact had a major role to play during the socialist era, at present there is a rather ‘indirect’ influence through economic capital.  相似文献   

Capital‐embedded parental involvement in education is essential in enhancing university enrolment and maximising the educational potentials for equality and excellence. Previous studies in this field have mainly utilised Perna's ( 2000 , 2006 ) model, which defines parental involvement as social capital and identifies the additive influences of different types of capital (including social, economic and cultural capital) on university access and choice. Yet, little research to date theorises and disaggregates the interplay among various types of capital as well as the multiplicative capital effects on enrolment. This study addressed this gap. We proposed an ‘interacting multiple capitals’ (IMC) model and hypothesised that parental social capital could moderate the effects of cultural and economic capital on entry to university. To validate the model, a pilot survey was administered to 216 university students of Korean ethnicity in China and investigated the models of involvement adopted by Korean parents in the context of the increasing labour mobility of the Korean adult population. Moderated multiple regression analysis was employed and the results confirmed the hypothesis that capital effects upon university access and choice were multiplicative in nature, with social capital moderating the cultural capital influence on students’ educational aspirations. The study findings show that the interaction of various types of capital variables is sufficiently statistically significant to warrant future research and policy and practical discussion of how to promote parental involvement in university preparation and planning.  相似文献   

This study examined how cultural values and family cultural capital were linked to adolescents' motivation and reading achievement using multilevel analyses on reading tests and questionnaire responses of 193,841 fifteen-year-olds in 41 countries. In countries that valued more rigid gender roles, girls had lower reading achievement than girls in other countries. Also, the link between extrinsic motivation and achievement was weaker for both boys and girls in more masculine countries than those in other countries, supporting the view that discouraging students from their preferred non-traditional career tracks reduces competition for the remaining students. This reduces the impact of extrinsic motivation on reading achievement for both types of students. Students with more family cultural capital (cultural possessions and cultural communication) had higher interest in reading, extrinsic motivation, effort and perseverance, and higher reading achievement than other students. These findings can inform education policy to improve students' reading achievement.  相似文献   

社会资本是解释一个国家或者地区社会经济发展的重要因素。“泉州模式”的形成与发展是我国制度转型背景下泉州地方政府、人文传统、海外联系等因素共同作用的结果。特别是泉州社会资本在“泉州模式”形成过程中起了重要的作用。泉州侨乡的族缘社会资本、侨缘社会资本和业缘社会资本主要通过信任机制、信息机制和认同机制塑造了“泉州模式”“以侨资、侨力为依托”、“以股份合作制为主体”、“以国内外市场为导向”等特点。  相似文献   

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