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本文将良好家庭氛围、不良家庭氛围以及改善家庭环境的一些建议作为论据,从创造一个良好的家庭环境作为立论,通过硬环境和软环境来对比论证一个良好的家庭环境,酝酿一种快乐和睦,温馨甜蜜的家庭气氛,对子女身心的健康发育成长相当重要。最后提出和睦,欢乐,温馨的家庭氛围是子女健康成长不可或缺的。  相似文献   

青少年犯罪的家庭预防对策研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
影响青少年犯罪的家庭因素主要有三个方面:家庭环境(包括家庭的软环境和硬环境)、家庭结构(主要是单亲家庭、再婚家庭和支离型家庭)和家庭功能(包括家庭的生产功能、消费功能和精神功能)。要预防青少年的犯罪,必须在增强青少年犯罪家庭预防观念和提高对家庭预防重要性的认识基础上,改善家庭环境.优化家庭结构.强化家庭功能。  相似文献   

陈金玲 《文教资料》2008,(8):151-152
家庭环境是人最初的生长环境,对一个人的人格的形成起着基础性的作用.而家庭环境中,硬环境是一个相对稳定的因素,它对儿童人格形成的作用有限.而家庭软环境关系到人的因素,对儿童人格的发展起着更直接更根源的作用.  相似文献   

流动儿童的家庭环境及对其自尊的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本研究以490名初中生(其中399名流动儿童)为被试,使用家庭环境问卷和自尊问卷考察流动儿童发展的家庭环境特点及其对自尊的影响。结果发现:(1)流动儿童的家庭经济资本、人力资本和家庭内社会资本低于城市儿童;(2)流动时间在1-3年的流动儿童,其家庭内社会资本最高;(3)家庭经济资本越高,流动儿童整体自尊水平越高;家庭经济资本、人力资本、家庭外社会资本高的流动儿童,其成就自尊也越高;家庭外社会资本较高的流动儿童,其社会自尊较高。  相似文献   

家庭是儿童成长的第一所学校,也是铸造孩子良好性格和人格的重要场所。家庭环境的优劣,直接影响儿童的身体健康、学习成绩,甚至影响儿童的心理健康发展。许多研究显示,儿童心理不健康问题的发生,其多数是与家庭环境不良有十分密切的关系。由此可见,在儿童成长过程中,家长应积极为孩子提供一个温馨和睦的家庭环境,以便儿童身心均得以健康发展。  相似文献   

对学习有障碍儿童的教育越来越引起人们的关注。这是由于学习有障碍的儿童的教育问题直接影响着义务教育的质量。学习有障碍的儿童一般指除残疾儿童外 ,由于智力差、行为问题、心理障碍、疾病侵扰 ,教学不适以及不良社会环境等各种原因致使在正常情形下学习明显落后于教学大纲要求水平 ,而需要采取特殊教育方式的学龄儿童和个体心理发展水平严重落后的学龄儿童。一、家庭因素的影响不良的家庭环境是造成儿童学习有障碍的原因之一。如 :父母经常打牌打麻将 ,无节制地收看电视 ,使得孩子难以完成家庭作业 ,第二天听课也听不进去 ,久而久之 ,恶…  相似文献   

家庭是儿童成长的第一所学校,也是铸造孩子良好性格和人格的重要场所。家庭环境的优劣,直接影响儿童的身体健康、学习成绩,甚至影响儿童的心理健康发展。许多研究显示,儿童心理不健康问题的发生,其多数是与家庭环境不良有十分密切的  相似文献   

常艳春 《家教指南》2006,(10):12-15
随着社会文明程度的提高,有越来越多的人逐步认识到,家庭不仅是亲情的港湾,而且是孩子成长的摇篮,是塑造孩子良好性格和高尚人格的重要阵地。也许正因为如此,所以早就有人把家庭誉为“人生第一所学校”。在家里,父母对子女的教育,在相当大的程度上决定着孩子未来的发展。有研究结果表明:青少年心理问题的产生,大多数与家庭环境不良有着密切关系。一般来说,家庭矛盾及父母离异,容易使男孩产生焦虑或抑郁;更容易导致女孩产生心理问题,甚至与其成年后的家庭亲密度、情感表达等密切相关。与之相反,在儿童的成长过程中,家长注重营造家庭文化氛围,提升家庭文化品味,能为孩子提供一个和睦友爱、亲情浓厚、富有情趣、充满生机的家庭环境;才有利于儿童身心的健康发展。那么,怎样才能形成良好的家庭文化氛围呢?近日,湖南师范大学李桂梅教授在接受采访时,对此进行了深刻的阐述:  相似文献   

<正>家庭环境中的成员构成、物质状况、文化素养、教养方式等因素都是影响孩子健康成长的重要方面,家庭成员构成相对于其他几个方面有着更加独特的影响性,物质条件差一些可以很快弥补过来,文化素养低也可以积极学习提高,教养方式落后也能认真改正,家庭成员结构的变化例如单亲、离异、再婚、留守等都是短时间不能改变的,而是已经成为影响儿童健康成长的关键家庭环境因素,家庭结构不健全的环境因素对孩子的影响表现非常突出,我们  相似文献   

家庭是儿童接触最早的环境,也是接触最多的环境,父母是孩子人生的第一位老师,因此家庭环境对每个儿童的影响是根深蒂固的。许多研究都发现家庭环境对学习障碍儿童有影响,文章从家庭物质环境和家庭精神环境来论述其对学习障碍儿童的影响及建议。  相似文献   

家庭与儿童早期数学认知能力发展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
数学认知能力在个体的发展中具有重要地位.已有的研究表明,家庭是影响儿童早期数学认知能力发展的重要因素之一.本文从近年来相关的实证研究出发,进一步证明家庭对儿童早期数学认知能力发展的影响是通过父母的教育观念、教养方式、为孩子提供和创造的物质环境、与孩子的互动以及对孩子正确的评价等方面直接或间接地显现出来的.本文最后从"家庭数学"的观念渗透、"家庭数学"非正式学习环境的创设和"家庭数学"的支持系统三个方面,提出了倡导和实施"家庭数学"的建议.  相似文献   

外来务工人员子女融入城市教育是一项系统的工程,近年来湖州市吴兴区外来务工人员子女接受义务教育有了很大的改善,但仍存在着外来务工家长自身素质和家庭环境影响其子女成长及民办学校师资队伍良莠不齐、教师收入待遇较低等诸多问题,应科学安排经费,统筹解决外来务工人员子女就学,积极整合资源以促进各类学校办学水平不断提升,只有这样才能使外来务工人员子女更好地融入当地的城市教育,使他们真正成为所在城市的一员。  相似文献   

This is a study of deaf children in Bhimavaram, West Godavari district Andhra pradesh. Physical disability hampers personality development of the child, because of the social stigma that such disability conditions carry. Children with hearing disability cannot speak also as they are deprived of learning and imitating sounds in the environment. Because of the disability of hearing and speaking they are segregated from the rest of world due to the lack of communication. Due to its invisible nature, the disability does not evoke the necessary response from the public. Compared to other human positions, hearing is next to mind itself, mans most important assistant for an integrated and satisfying social existence. It can isolate a person from his/her family, peers and community. Those who do not understand this disability may subject the victim to extremely negative attitudes.  相似文献   


In India, people with disabilities often struggle to access various opportunities and resources. As a result of perceptions within the Indian culture around disabilities, families may face social, financial, and emotional difficulties. Within the family, a child with a disability may lead to strained relationships, particularly with siblings. Often siblings have little knowledge about disabilities and may feel ostracised. The purpose of this exploratory study was to examine the knowledge and attitudes of 12 Indian children regarding their siblings with disabilities, including their perceptions about disabilities against the backdrop of societal attitudes. Participants were interviewed to understand their knowledge of their siblings’ disabilities, to examine their sibling relationships, and to assess how school and society influenced their perceptions about disabilities. Results from this study can help family members understand how disability shapes relationships between children. The findings also provide key stakeholders with information that might help them better support families.  相似文献   

The success of students with disabilities in school and community largely relies on productive family professional partnerships (FPPs). The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA, 2004) recognises the importance of family collaboration to student success by mandating that parents be involved in the Individualised Education Plan (IEP) process as full team members. While several previous studies examined the perspectives of parents of children with disabilities on partnerships with educators, less research exists on teacher perspectives on family professional collaborations. Additionally, there are even fewer studies that focus on teacher perspectives on partnerships with parents of children with autism, a disability category which continues to increase in prevalence. The present study contributes to the literature by examining teacher perspectives on factors that build and hinder positive partnerships with families of children with autism. Researchers surveyed 25 Special Education teachers and conducted additional individual interviews and open-ended questionnaires to examine teachers' first-hand experiences. Findings identified four common themes that educators felt helped and hindered collaborative relationships with families. Study results may lead to the development of specific family professional collaboration strategies that can be implemented and discussed in school districts, teacher trainings, pre-service teacher education programs and family workshops.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: This study was designed to assess the prevalence of PTSD among Palestinian school-age children. Variables that distinguish PTSD and non-PTSD children were examined, including child characteristics, socioeconomic status, family environment, and parental style of influence. METHOD: Participants were 1,000 children aged 12 to 16 years. They were selected from governmental, private, and United Nations Relief Work Agency (UNRWA) schools in East Jerusalem and various governorates in the West Bank. Questionnaires were administered in an interview format with children at school, and with the available parent at home. RESULTS: A substantial number of children experienced at least one lifetime trauma (54.7%). Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) was diagnosed in 34.1% of the children, most of whom were refugees, males, and working. Although the expected association between family environment, parental style of influence and PTSD symptomatoplogy was found in this study, family ambiance (child's experience of anxiety in home environment) was the only predictor in the final model. CONCLUSIONS: The results stress the importance of assessing PTSD in schools settings.  相似文献   

ASL and the family system.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper examines some of the sociological implications of poor interaction on families in which one of the members is deaf. When a family systems perspective is used, once a child is diagnosed as deaf the family is no longer considered "hearing"; the parents may be hearing, the other children may be, but the family system becomes "hearing and deaf." By viewing this as a hearing/deaf problem, it becomes clear that no adequate solution can be found without the participation of deaf adults and the benefit of their perspectives and insights. We suggest that attention be directed toward neutralizing the effects of the stigma associated with deafness so that American Sign Language can become a pivotal tool for facilitating functional symbolic interaction in hearing/deaf families.  相似文献   

This paper draws on longitudinal data to examine the extent to which parents’ educational expectations shape academic development and changes in self-concept among young people with different types of disability. The analysis is based on the Growing Up in Ireland longitudinal study, which tracked 7423 children between the primary to secondary school years, 21% of whom were identified with one of four main disability types. Our conceptual framework assumes that parental expectations at age 9 will be influenced by both the child’s disability and child’s academic achievement at that stage, as well as being influenced by other factors such as parent’s own education, family economic vulnerability, family relationships and family structure. Therefore, we take these factors into account in tracing the consequences of parental expectations at age 9, on academic and social outcomes at age 13 after the transition to secondary education. Among young people with a disability, poorer self-concept at age 13 is partly explained by lower parental expectations, particularly for those with general learning and emotional/behavioural disabilities. Similarly, parental expectations are a significant influence on children’s academic outcomes and partly explain the effects of disability status on academic development. Parents’ beliefs about their children’s abilities have a strong influence on achievement and self-concept, raising important issues around the need to promote equality of opportunity, raising awareness of the educational opportunities available, promoting positive expectations and engagement with school and the importance of promoting a range of opportunities for achievement.  相似文献   

This study assessed the influence of individual family members in functional families, primarily to determine whether hearing children of deaf parents have more influence than do hearing children of hearing parents. Eight families with deaf parents and a hearing child and eight all hearing families were videotaped while planning a family meal together. It was found that deaf-parented families share many traits with hearing families. However, there were some differences. The hearing children of deaf parents had a greater number and percentage of their ideas accepted than did the hearing children of hearing parents. Differences were also noted between the deaf fathers and the hearing fathers. The deaf-parented families were more adaptable, as measured by the Family Adaptability and Cohesion Evaluation Scale. The observed difference in child influence, in and of itself, is neither good nor bad. Deafness of one family member, in an auditory dependent environment, may require a more flexible family power structure. Professionals assessing deaf-parented families should be sensitive to the special adaptive needs required for healthy functioning of the family.  相似文献   

ObjectiveThe study used a series of vignettes to investigate how the presence of three disabilities (cerebral palsy, intellectual disabilities, emotional/behavioral disabilities) affects the processes and outcomes of child abuse investigations at two levels of child injury severity (moderate, severe).MethodSeventy-five CPS case workers completed study surveys and answered questions in response to a series of eight vignettes.ResultsThis study revealed differences in the responses of CPS case workers when the alleged victim of physical abuse had a disability. Children with disabilities were more likely than children without disabilities to be seen as having characteristics that contributed to their abuse. Most CPS workers felt at least some empathy with abusive parents; empathy was highest when the children had emotional/behavioral disabilities. Services recommended for families of children with disabilities were more likely to be child-focused. Parent-focused services, such as individual counseling and adult anger management, were more likely to be recommended for families of children without disabilities. In general, differences among disability groups and between cases involving children with and without disabilities were more pronounced when the children's injuries were less severe. Even with more severe injuries, such as a concussion or broken bones, the CPS workers still responded differently depending on the disability status of the child victims.ConclusionsRecommendations are made concerning the utilization of investigation teams that include disability specialists and the need for further disability-related training for CPS case workers.Practice implicationsThere is a strong need for training related to disability, with an emphasis on attitudes as well as knowledge and skills. The training should include examples of healthy family functioning and positive aspects of parenting a child with a disability to counteract the prevailing perception of disability as a cause of chronic stress and dysfunction; identification of broader ecological contexts in which these families live, including social response to disability and the disability-related service system and; strategies for disentangling the signs of abuse from characteristics of the disability. Interdisciplinary teams should include members from disability-related fields to share expertise and increase communication between systems.  相似文献   

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