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This article discusses the implications of the idea of Asia as method, a discursive strategy in Asian studies popularised by Kuan-Hsing Chen, in the context of Korean education. Chen has pointed to the one-way flow of knowledge into Asia from the West and has urged using ‘Asia as method’ in the production of post-colonial and anti-imperialist knowledge. The research interests of this article are twofold. First, I analyse ‘Asia as method’ as a strategy to de-universalise the West, particularly given the historical complexity in East Asia. I trace the historical context of the word ‘Asia’, beginning with the traditional Sino-centric period and continuing to the Japanese colonial occupation. Second, I explore the possibility of using ‘Asia as method’ in the sense that Chen proposes, particularly in the context of Korean education. This article examines the ‘East Asian style of education’ as a platform for discussion of the potential for constructing ‘Asia as method’ in educational studies. In conclusion, I argue that for Asia as method to be viable as a strategy for change, Asia itself must be conceived as an ongoing construction based on the inter-referencing of multiple histories and cultural imaginaries.  相似文献   

In the last decade, universities in East Asia have taken knowledge transfer more seriously, especially when the state funding for higher education was reduced while other private funding sources were diversified. Universities in East Asia collaborate with the industrial and business sectors on projects related to research, development, and knowledge transfer to enhance their global competitiveness. This article examines how the quest for an entrepreneurial university in East Asia has affected academics and administrators in higher education, with particular reference to the perceived impact of an entrepreneurial university on academic life.  相似文献   

The article charts the extent to which selected societies of Southeast Asia can be seen as knowledge societies. Beginning from the premise that the global world of knowledge is changing from the former bipolar model of the West and the Rest, towards a more multi-polar world in which Asia figures more prominently, the analysis proceeds to use China, the most prominent example of this shift to the East, as a benchmark for Southeast Asia. Charting China's rising knowledge profile is followed by a consideration of the notion of a knowledge society, including the work of Nico Stehr and Manuel Castells, and its transformation into the contemporary, and more instrumental, knowledge economy. The five Southeast Asian states of Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand and Viet Nam are selected for analysis, revealing both a common intent of moving towards a knowledge society (often now more commonly expressed as a knowledge economy), but rather different outcomes, and knowledge profiles. National innovation indices are compared; as are research and development (R&D) measures, including by sector, production of papers and citations, and moves to develop “World Class” universities, against a backdrop of brain drain effects, and the differential impact of corruption.  相似文献   

经济全球化和区域金融一体化的迅速发展,给东亚地区提出了一个现实的紧迫课题:作为世界经济的重要一极,东亚各国有必要加强本地区内的金融协调与合作,东亚区域货币面临着重新整合的必要与趋势。本文从东亚货币合作的发展状况和特点出发,分析了东亚货币合作的原因及其可行性,以此为基础提出要发展和推动东亚货币合作,应当走先建立亚洲货币基金,再实行汇率联动机制,最后过渡到东亚单一货币区的循序渐进之路。  相似文献   

浅析东亚一体化的动因   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
世界经济全球化和一体化的进程表明,东亚地区只有加强合作才有出路,而且东亚实现区域一体化也有其共同基础.基于此,本文拟从地缘政治、经济、文化等方面对东亚一体化的动因进行探讨.  相似文献   

International students from South‐East Asia who study in Australia are often portrayed negatively compared to local students in terms of learning and study practices. This article discusses some of the misconceptions held by university teachers and administrators about South‐East Asian students studying in Australia and examines them in the light of recent research. In particular, it challenges the views that students from South‐East Asia are surface learners, passive non‐participants in class who prefer the company of other Asian students. These findings challenge university teachers to reconsider accepted beliefs and practices when teaching all students, but particularly students from South‐East Asia.  相似文献   

Participation in private supplementary tutoring (PT) is a global educational phenomenon especially prevalent in East Asia. This study conducted a student-report questionnaire, collected school reports of mathematics achievement to track retrospective longitudinal variations of PT over half a year, and obtained an analysis of the impact of PT participation on mathematics achievement during the school semester and summer vacation. Results show that, during summer vacation, students’ participation in PT has a significant positive effect on their mathematics achievement; however, the effect is insignificant during the school semester. The findings enhance the knowledge about the effectiveness of PT and summer learning.  相似文献   

This speculative paper enquires into the discourse of the ‘end of labour’ or ‘disappearance of labour’ as a result of the development of ‘intelligent capitalism’ clearly seen in ‘intelligent manufacturing’ systems that are now pursued and developed as Industry 4.0 strategy in East Asia, Germany and others parts of the world. When ‘intelligent capitalism’ becomes the norm rather the exception what happens to labour as a factor of production and what happens to economy and society based on capital and labour? The paper briefly reviews the sociology of labour from a Marxist view to examine conceptions of Fordist and post-Fordist capitalism, and explore the advert of ‘intelligent capitalism’ to pose the question concerning education.  相似文献   

区域经济一体化是当今世界经济发展的潮流,东亚各国的地理位置相近和经济发展程度相似成为了该地区建立自由贸易区的天然基础。东亚各国贸易结构相似性分析结果显示,东亚各国之间以及与东亚整体的贸易相似程度较高,如能建立自由贸易区,会呈现较大的贸易创造效应。同时,各国之间的贸易结构又不完全趋同,出口商品的适度差异性说明在结成自由贸易组织以后不会遇到过大的政治上的阻力。  相似文献   

陈建  杜薇 《教学与研究》2007,(12):14-20
随着经济全球化进程的不断推进,国际分工格局发生了深刻的变化,新型的国际生产网络正在东亚快速形成并发展起来.中国作为东亚国际生产网络的中心和枢纽,对区域经济和贸易的促进作用日益扩大,但是要想真正分享由区域内分工所带来的利益,还面临着诸多挑战,必须根据本国及外部经济发展的现实进行合理的政策选择.  相似文献   

Sou Kuan Vong  Wai Ming Yu 《Compare》2018,48(5):785-800
Consequences of competition for global university rankings, such as changes in funding modes, have been extensively discussed in the field of higher education. However, few studies have reviewed its implications on knowledge production. This study provides a contextualised method for theorising the implications of this competition on the development of East Asian higher education, specifically teacher education. It identifies the new forms of knowledge being produced in two teacher education institutions in Hong Kong and Macau by reviewing the publications of new recruits in a five-year period. The study considers the following variables: author(s), date and form of publication, abstract, title, keywords, journal name, language, data source, research context and methods. The findings show that the dominant publication trends are towards quantitative research and multiple authors. Psychological research is the most popular area and studies of other long-term issues in teacher education are being marginalised.  相似文献   

The literature establishes that education drives economic performance, but the extent that education is associated with a country's competitiveness is empirically untested. Our study analyses Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) data from 63 countries to ascertain education's role in explaining the competitiveness of a country. Strong correlations were found for reading and science (each 53% shared variance) and mathematics (50%). Educational achievement explains 54% of Competitiveness. Regional differences were found with East Asia performing strongly both academically and in competitiveness, ahead of Europe, the rest of Asia, and South/Central America. Anglo-Saxon countries rank second academically behind East Asia, but in terms of competitiveness, the Anglo-Saxon cluster ranks first. We show that Anglo-Saxon countries' leadership in education and competitiveness have been challenged by East Asia. Our diachronic analysis shows that together with Competitive Industrial Performance, the cultural dimensions of Uncertainty Avoidance, Long-term Orientation and Indulgence Restraint, Education contributes to improvements in Competitiveness. The strength of East Asia in educational achievement will have implications for the region's future competitiveness compared to Anglo-Saxon and European countries. Our empirical findings support theoretical arguments for education's role in driving competitiveness. For education policy, the study emphasizes the importance of investments in reading, science and mathematics education.  相似文献   

滨下武志的朝贡贸易体系理论述评   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以中国为中心、包括东亚和东南亚各个国家和地区的朝贡贸易体系在该地区近代经济的发展中发挥了重要作用,在此基础上形成的亚洲经济圈,不仅在前近代,而且在近代也规定着东亚和东南亚经济的发展方向。  相似文献   


Sexuality in later life is an essential factor for quality of life among older adults However, little is known about the sexuality of older adult immigrants from East Asia who have experienced both Western and Eastern cultures. In addition, we have limited information about the mechanism of how sexual attitudes impact life satisfaction through knowledge of sexuality. To address these knowledge gaps, a cross-sectional research design was conducted by collecting data from older East Asian immigrants aged 60 or over in a large city in a Midwestern state. We analyzed 96 responses using exploratory factor analysis and mediation analysis. The results showed that older adult immigrants who had more open sexual attitudes were likely to possess accurate sexual knowledge. Older adult immigrants’ sexual knowledge mediated the relationship between their sexual attitudes and life satisfaction. The findings highlight the importance of lifelong sexual education for older adult immigrants and recommend social workers train in culturally sensitive approaches.  相似文献   

中亚地区的伊斯兰复兴是当代世界伊斯兰复兴的一部分。由于历史变迁的原因 ,中亚地区的伊斯兰复兴与中东和西亚地区的伊斯兰复兴存在着明显的差异。本文从中亚伊斯兰复兴的历史地理条件入手 ,分析中亚伊斯兰复兴的原因、特点、影响 ,并与中东、西亚的伊斯兰复兴运动作适当的比较 ,说明伊斯兰教对中亚五国的政治与经济的发展和对地区格局变化的深刻影响  相似文献   

Joint degree programs have gained popularity in East Asia, due to the growth of transnational higher education in the region since 2000. However, the external quality assurance (QA) and accreditation of joint degree programs is a challenge for QA agencies, as it normally involves the engagement of several institutions and multiple national accreditation procedures. The purpose of this study is to explore current QA approaches to joint degree programs in Europe and East Asia from the perspectives of QA agencies. There are four major findings from the study. First, East Asian countries tend to stipulate national regulations for a joint degree program. Second, an external QA mechanism for joint degree programs has not yet been developed in East Asian nations. Third, the adoption of international accreditation as the popular approach for joint degree programs in business fields in Asia raises the serious issue of national jurisdiction over higher education. Fourth, the European Consortium for Education's (ECA) single accreditation mode is highly recommended by QA agencies.  相似文献   

Educational agencies in East Asia have heeded the advice of research findings and therefore acknowledge the value of assessment for learning (AfL) practices through various policy initiatives. At definitional level, the evolving conceptions and theories of AfL have consistently streamed in from overwhelmingly European and Anglophone-based research. We present a review of mainly peer-reviewed journal articles on selected AfL research in East Asian countries. The findings show that the current implicit and atheoretical approach towards defining and implementing AfL suggests opportunities for further deliberation and theorisation about what constitutes AfL in East Asian countries. It is conceivable that teachers who understand the principles and frequently prepare students for summative assessment in the East Asian classroom are concurrently practising a particular process and practice of AfL. We conclude that the practices of AfL can therefore not just be variable; they will also be very situated and contested.  相似文献   

The race to establish regional education hubs is a recent development in cross-border higher education. This article briefly examines the rationales and strategies used by three countries in the Middle East and three in South East Asia which are working towards positioning themselves as regional education hubs. The different approaches and purposes among the six countries highlight the need for a typology of education hubs. Three types are proposed: the student hub, the training and skilled workforce hub, and the knowledge/innovation hub. The final section of the paper takes a closer look at Malaysia??s cross-border education initiatives and its actions to establish itself as a competitive education hub in a region where Singapore and Hong Kong have similar intentions. Whether Malaysia has the ability to make a quantum leap from being a student hub to becoming a knowledge/innovation hub remains to be seen and appears to be an optimistic outlook.  相似文献   

奥巴马上台执政以来,美国的对外战略开始了新一轮的调整,主要表现在:在中东推行"新政",稳固现有的战略成果,并进一步挖掘中东地区的地缘战略价值;在亚洲,进一步加大战略调整的倾斜力度,重返东南亚。从中东战略收缩后的美国,之所以将亚洲特别是东南亚地区视为其对外战略的重点所在,其意图与其"重塑多边机制参与者形象"的标榜并不一致,而是有着深刻的地缘战略的考虑。其背后更隐藏着包围中国,遏制中国的战略空间的战略企图。因而,从地缘政治学的角度对美国重返东南亚的战略进行分析对中国来说具有十分重要的意义。  相似文献   

大学国际化发展战略是高等教育领域的重要课题。世界著名大学都在思考如何在全球化时代有效地实施大学国际化发展战略。本文对北京大学、东京大学、首尔大学这三所东亚地区著名高等学府的国际化发展战略进行述评和比较,分析它们积极应对全球化时代的挑战,推进自身国际化进程,从而实现各自发展目标的措施,希冀为其他国家和地区大学的发展提供可资借鉴的经验。  相似文献   

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