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美国瑟蒙特当地时间7月25日,由于在耶路撒冷地位等关键问题上僵持不下,持续了15天的巴以戴维营和谈宣告失败。此次和谈是在美国总统克林顿的斡旋下于7月11日开始举行的,旨在打破当前巴以和谈僵局,推动巴以最终地位谈判,在中东地区实现永久和平。 此次和谈的失败反映出中东和平进程依然漫长而曲折。巴勒斯坦问题是中东和平的核心问题。根据巴以1993年在华盛顿签署的巴勒斯坦自治的原则宣言,为期5年的巴自治期本应于1999年5月截止。5年来,以色列分期从应属于巴勒斯坦的部分土地上撤出了军队,巴勒斯坦人获得了数千…  相似文献   

中东战略地位十分重要 ,二战后这里一直是苏美两个超级大国的必争之地。前苏联解体后 ,中东已成为美国国际战略的重要一环 ;加上中东地区丰富的石油资源 ,更显示中东地位的重要性。从伊拉克入侵科威特到海湾战争结束和 1993年克林顿入主白宫后 ,美国在中东事务中 ,采取了两种不同的政策 ,即在西面 ,拉动、调解巴以和谈 ;在东面 ,遏制两伊 ,并极力支持推翻萨达姆的统治。但其执行情况都事与愿违 ,现已陷入困境和失败。巴以和谈陷入僵局 ,战争一触即发巴以和谈已成为美国的一块心病 ,美在巴以和谈中屡遭挫折 ,屡次调解失败。 1993年 9月 13日 …  相似文献   

巴以和谈久无进展,流血冲突愈演愈烈,巴勒斯坦建国一推再推,中东和平前景堪忧。在人们关注巴以冲突和中东和平的时候,有一个城市的名字频频出现在各种媒体中。多年来,几乎每件与中东和平有关的事件都与这座城市有关,这就是耶路撒冷。耶  相似文献   

颐文1 .以色列于何时通过单边行动计划 ?答 :2 0 0 4年 6月 6日 ,以色列内阁通过了沙龙总理提出的单边行动计划。该计划决定 ,到 2 0 0 5年底前 ,以色列将撤出加沙地带所有 2 1个犹太人定居点和约旦河西岸 4个定居点。该计划是在巴以和谈失败、中东和平“路线图”实施受阻的情况下 ,以色列单方面实行“脱离”巴勒斯坦人的计划 ,遭到巴勒斯坦及国际社会的强烈反对。2 .联合国安理会于何时通过伊拉克问题新决议 ?答 :联合国安理会 2 0 0 4年 6月 8日一致通过第 1 546号决议 ,结束美英对伊拉克的占领 ,认可伊拉克临时政府。决议规定 ,伊拉克临…  相似文献   

巴以冲突是进入到新世纪以来国际关系中的一个重要问题。这个问题由来已久,这是一个历史问题,也是一个国际问题。如何能使巴以结束战争,通过谈判来解决问题,这不仅是国际社会所关注的问题,也是的的爱好和平的人所关注的问题。对巴以冲突的展望,最终的解决办法也是最好的解决方法就是和平方式。  相似文献   

课例:"巴勒斯坦问题由来和巴以冲突"的教学 这一课例所探讨的问题是<世界近代史>下册的第四章第四节"亚洲的民族独立运动"中的部分内容.  相似文献   

犹太定居点问题是巴以冲突及中东和平进程中最为棘手的问题之一,该问题能否顺利解决直接关系到中东地区能否和平与安宁,关系到中东和平进程的推进.文章试从早期犹太定居点政策、犹太定居点的建设与扩张、犹太定居点的出路三个方面对该问题作一探讨.  相似文献   

最近一个时期以来,以报复和反报复为标志的巴以大规模流血冲突不断升级,使整个中东局势急剧恶化,大有失控的危险。 沙龙玩火 为所欲为 今年2月7日,以色列右翼政党——利库德集团领导人沙龙在总理竞选中获胜,组成了包括左翼政党——工党在内的七党联合政府。沙龙在宣誓就职时,向全世界表示,他在任职期间,要努力平息巴以流血冲突,继续推进中东和平进程。然而,他上台后不仅没有着力为恢复巴以和谈创造条件,相反却推波助澜,使冲突不断升级。第一,动用包括杀伤力极强的F—16战斗机在内的重武器轰炸巴勒斯坦民族权力机构办公地…  相似文献   

自从9月28日巴以爆发新一轮冲突以来,已有200多人死亡,数百人受伤,其中绝大部分是巴勒斯坦平民。这给中东和平进程蒙上一层阴影。主张和平的人们无不为之痛心疾首。为了结束这次冲突,10月22日,在开罗召开了为期两天的阿拉伯国家特别首脑会议,并发表声明强烈谴责以色列镇压巴勒斯坦人民的残暴行径,支持巴勒斯坦人民的正义斗争。警告以色列应对镇压行动造成的破坏中东和平进程和巴以关系的后果承担全部责任。但以色列并没有因此收敛。当然,巴以双方几十年的恩怨不会轻易化解。但流血冲突,只能断送中东和平进程。只有双方尽快恢复和谈…  相似文献   

北爱尔兰问题是怎么回事长达22个月的北爱和谈终于在4月10日下午5时达成历史性的协议。这个由英爱两国政府和北爱八个党派共同签署的和平协议,表明北爱和谈终于产生了其最重要的实质性成果。所谓北爱尔兰问题,主要是新教徒和天主教徒对北爱归属的争端及由此引发的...  相似文献   

This essay draws from Edwin Black's Rhetorical Questions to illuminate the role of mutability in rhetoric, consciousness, and social idioms as it is displayed in Haydar ‘Abd al‐Shafi's speech delivered at the Madrid conference on October 31, 1991. Shaft's speech represents a significant mutation in Palestinian discourse. In this speech, the symbolic mold and the hereditarian social idioms that had controlled the Palestinian narrative until the intifada yielded to a mixed idiom that retained the hereditarian values essential for Palestinian identity but opened up space for the convictional values necessary for negotiation and rapprochement with Israel. This essay demonstrates that rhetorical critical theory could benefit from a close reading and application of the themes in Rhetorical Questions.  相似文献   

季尔薇 《海外英语》2012,(4):287-288
With the development of economic globalization,international trade has taken a great part in business.While every negotiation is a trade,people doing business have to pay great attention to negotiation,if they want to be successful in the trading market.In short,negotiation is a bargaining process to achieve coincidence on a problem about every aspect of negotiation for assuring everyone’s needs.This essay’s topic is that time pressure’s influence in negotiation.Since the general introduction of negotiation has been discussed before,now the following will introduce time power in negotiation in detail.  相似文献   

Despite being a protracted refugee crisis that entails international debates and controversies, discussions about Palestinian education have frequently sidelined the perspectives, needs and priorities of the Palestinian refugee population. Drawing upon a qualitative study in the West Bank and engaging with theoretical ideas of Johan Galtung, Paulo Freire and Pierre Bourdieu, we argue that the nexus between educational motivation and motivation for Palestinian liberation, which was particularly significant during the periods of ‘Palestinian uprising’, seems to be declining today in the present day context of oppression and structural violence. The growing disassociation among young refugees with Palestinian liberation, and with education as a means to this liberation, can be seen as a process of symbolic violence. Building upon these findings, we propose a new analytical framework for understanding the interrelationship between education, violence and struggle for social and political transformation in conflict-affected societies.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: The study aimed to achieve the following two objectives: First, it sought to examine the rates of sexual abuse in Palestinian society at three ages (12 years or less, 12-16 years, and 16 + years) by three perpetrators (a family member, a relative, and a stranger). Second, the study sought to assess some psychological implications of sexual victimization. METHOD: A cross-sectional survey was conducted among 652 Palestinian undergraduate students from the Palestinian Authority. A revised version of Finkelhor's scale was utilized to measure sexual abuse, and a revised and culturally adjusted version of Derogatis and Melisaratos' Brief Symptoms Inventory was used to measure nine psychological symptoms. RESULTS: The rates of sexual abuse among Palestinian students fall within the range of the problem in many other societies. Similar rates of abuse were found among female and male students. Moreover, sexually abused participants expressed significantly higher levels of psychoticism, hostility, anxiety, somatization, phobic anxiety, paranoid ideation, depression, obsessive-compulsiveness, and psychological distress compared with their nonabused counterparts. Sexual abuse by different perpetrators at different ages significantly explained between 20.7% and 35.8% of the variance in these psychological symptoms. CONCLUSIONS: The results provide strong support for the argument that sexual abuse exists in Palestinian society, as well as for the hypothesis that sexual abuse has a strong psychological impact on victims. Furthermore, the results highlight the need for further research into different aspects and dimensions of the problem in Arab societies.  相似文献   

在指出基本合同网的缺点和不足的同时,给出了一个任务熟人集的概念,提出了一种改进传统合同网协商策略的方法。  相似文献   

为增强信任协商系统的实用性,提出一种基于代理的自动信任协商模型(ABAM).ABAM引进代理使协商过程免于人工干涉.同时,ABAM指定了元策略格式,使用这种格式灵活的信任凭证来满足访问控制策略要求,而不需披露数字证书的全部内容.此外,ABAM使用高强度的非对称函数加密传输消息,能防止消息遭受攻击.最后,模型中提出一种新的协商协议来指导协商进行.事例分析表明,ABAM是健全和合理的.与现有工作相比,ABAM在智能性、保密性和协商效率方面得到了改进.  相似文献   

谢功英 《时代教育》2010,(2):258-258
Business negotiation in external trade is a process of communication under different culture background; it is also an importantpart of communication bridging the culture divergence. In the process of English business negotiation, the divergence is the main factor that affects the negotiation. In this article, by analyzing the effect of English business negotiation by difference of culture, the author does there search of trying to find a way to take effective measure to make up the divergence and improve t...  相似文献   

课堂教学是外语学习的主要渠道,多媒体辅助教学改善了外语学习的环境,但也带来了师生互动减少的问题。协商教学为大学英语多媒体课堂的教学注入了新的活力,协商理念中的个体协商、互动协商和过程协商符合语言教学的规律与特点,能够让学习者参与课堂决策的制定,从而发挥多媒体教学的优势,提高外语学习的课堂效率。  相似文献   

Role Conflict and the Dilemma of Palestinian Teachers in Israel   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
This paper explores the dynamics of conflicting role expectations among Palestinian teachers in Israel while focusing on the ways by which these expectations are generated and shaped by the broader sociopolitical context of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and its impact on the educational system. Following a brief review of the historical background and the changing role patterns among Palestinian teachers in general, the paper focuses on Palestinian education in Israel and the role of Palestinian teachers within it. The central argument is that the Israeli authorities have been systematically using formal education and the teachers' role in order to repress national identity and awareness among Palestinian students. Data from interviews with Palestinian student activists about the contribution of the formal education to their national identity is used to illustrate the dilemmas and challenges experienced by their teachers.  相似文献   

Trust negotiation (TN) is an approach to establish trust between strangers through iterative disclosure of digital credentials. Speeding up subsequent negotiations between the same negotiators is a problem worth of research. This paper introduces the concept of visiting card, and presents a history-based trust negotiation (HBTN) model. HBTN creates an account for a counterpart at the first negotiation and records valid credentials that the counterpart disclosed during each trust negotiation in his historical information base (HIB). For the following negotiation, no more credentials need to be disclosed for both parties. HBTN speeds up subsequent negotiations between the entities that interact with each other frequently without impairing the privacy preservation.  相似文献   

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