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论译文的回译性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
到目前为止,译论对语际翻译,尤其是英汉翻译进行了大量的研究,并已归纳出不少翻译原则。这里从多语转换现象出发,提出了“译回译性”这个新概念,并对其分类进行了讨论。在从原到译的翻译过程 中考虑译的回译性有利于促使译“忠实”原,并在此基础上进行合理的“神似”、“化境”,也有利于多语转换和化交流。据此认为,“译回译性”应成为译质量的评判指标之一,回译性研究应成为翻译研究的一个组成部门。  相似文献   

20世纪80年代,随着网络的普及,网络语言开始流行起来。网络语言作为一门新兴语言,很多人对其意义还不甚了解。因此,为进一步地研究网络语言,引导人们更深入地了解其意义,本文将对网络语言进行简要的介绍,并从认知语言学的角度探讨这一被人广为接受的新兴语言形式。  相似文献   

池哥昼是白马藏族傩祭祀仪式遗存,祭祀以驱鬼逐役、酬神纳吉为目的,围绕逐家串户跳池哥昼傩舞的方式进行,具有浓郁的原始特性和民族特色。作为祭祀仪式表征符号的池哥昼傩舞,古朴、原始,以其丰富的表演形态和风格全方位地透析出无文字民族独有的聚合信仰、娱人娱神、以舞叙事、重温历史等多重文化特性,是研究白马文化的"活化石"。  相似文献   

The paper offers a historical perspective on the linguistic and cultural imperialism embedded in the struggle to maintain French as a leading international language. France was the nation-state where the ideology of national language was first clearly formulated and directly extended to overseas colonies. This shows the close relationship between linguistic nationalism and imperialism. It was believed that French was the language of universal human reason and had the power to civilize people who spoke it. This myth of the "clarté française" and the "mission civilisatrice" had a strong influence on various kinds of metalinguistic discourses that created the taken-for-granted representation of French as dominant language. It is the essential strategy of language dominance to establish the hierarchy of languages as if it were natural order of things. When French was obliged to yield the status of international language to English, there emerged the ideology of "Francophonie" which tried to defend its privilege against the monopoly of English, but the same ideology is also directed against minorities' claims for their own linguistic human right. It could be said that these discourses form a recursive prototype of language dominance whose variations are to be found in other shapes almost all over the world.  相似文献   

The paper offers a historical perspective on the linguistic and cultural imperialism embedded in the struggle to maintain French as a leading international language. France was the nation-state where the ideology of national language was first clearly formulated and directly extended to overseas colonies. This shows the close relationship between linguistic nationalism and imperialism. It was believed that French was the language of universal human reason and had the power to civilize people who spoke it. This myth of the "clarté française" and the "mission civilisatrice" had a strong influence on various kinds of metalinguistic discourses that created the taken-for-granted representation of French as dominant language. It is the essential strategy of language dominance to establish the hierarchy of languages as if it were natural order of things. When French was obliged to yield the status of international language to English, there emerged the ideology of "Francophonie" which tried to defend its privilege against the monopoly of English, but the same ideology is also directed against minorities' claims for their own linguistic human right. It could be said that these discourses form a recursive prototype of language dominance whose variations are to be found in other shapes almost all over the world.  相似文献   

世界上的语言千姿百态,且其变体多种多样。无论是这些语言,还是其方言.无论大小、强弱,都没有优劣和贵贱之分。英语的发展和“遭遇”非同一般。她原是日尔曼语族的一食小语种,“出身”可谓“卑贱”。在其发展过程中,她又“饱受”了多种“磨难”,有两次差点儿被学灭,而如今却成了一种公认的“全球性”语言。原因何在?这给了我们以及汉语许多有益的启示。  相似文献   

‘Children of Our Future’ was a short essay published in 1929 in the Hebrew Teachers’ Association jubilee book. It boldly claimed that future offspring of European Jews in Palestine were all fatally doomed due to the degenerative characteristics of the local climate. Such concepts stood in clear opposition to the dream of creating a regenerated type of New Jew in Palestine (referred to symbolically as ‘Hebrew’, which was the ancient denomination of Jews in Palestine). What were the cultural concepts that inspired the article? Did it express a unique idea of the writer or, on the contrary, reflect deeper hidden fears and concealed disappointments of the Hebrew community? To what extent were such concepts a cultural reflection of wider European ideas about degeneration? This article tries to elucidate these issues. The Jubilee book was particular for two reasons: it represented one of the most influential activist groups in Jewish Palestine of that period – the Hebrew teachers – and it was, for its time, an unchallenged intellectual achievement by the wide scope of educational issues it treated as well as by the depth of its analysis. The article, in fact, was unique in trying to reconstruct a pupil ‘type’ and in trying to understand the origin of its particular features. It was also seemingly unique in its interpretation of environmental influences, which stood in apparent contradiction to regenerative ideas that dominated the Jewish ethos in Palestine. But was it indeed unique or rather a reflection of alternative concepts that considered the regenerative trend with more critical views? In order to answer this the article should be placed in the larger context of psychological, medical and pedagogical European concepts concerning degeneration and regeneration and their reflections in the intellectual sphere of Jewish Palestine.  相似文献   


It is generally accepted that hearing homophobic language can be detrimental to the well-being of same-sex attracted young people. Writing Themselves In 3, a survey of Australian same-sex attracted young people, found that almost half of the respondents reported hearing such language on a regular basis, and considered it offensive. Less is known however about heterosexual young people’s experiences. Homophobic language use is often assumed to be motivated by prejudice, but this topic has not been well studied. Using interviews and an online discussion with young people aged 16–21 years, this study explored heterosexual young people’s perspectives on homophobic language use at school. Contrary to the framing often used in anti-homophobia education, the meaning of this form of language was seen to largely depend on the context in which it was employed, frequently functioning to reinforce masculine gender norms, particularly for popular male students. Furthermore, while many heterosexual participants in this study used homophobic language regularly, they did not see themselves as homophobic and viewed school policies against the use of homophobic language as largely ineffective. Findings suggest that heterosexual young people may respond more favourably to anti-homophobia education if these programmes acknowledge the variety of meanings and functions of language commonly understood to be homophobic in character.  相似文献   

It all began in the second decade of the 1900's. I was then a pupil in an old-fashioned cheder. Mr. Louis Hurwich, of blessed memory, was invited by the Associated Jewish Charities to make a survey of Jewish education in Boston preparatory to the establishment of a Bureau of Jewish Education which he headed as superintendent for many decades. He visited my cheder and selected me as one who should learn Hebrew as a spoken language. He convinced my parents to transfer me to a Hebrew School which used the Ivrit B'Ivrit method of teaching. I made the transfer though this meant a long daily walk of several miles. Upon graduation, he encouraged me to attend the Hebrew Teachers' Training School which was the precursor of the Hebrew Teachers' College, now called Hebrew College.  相似文献   

“It seems that until now all the effort of teaching Hebrew in the United States has been channelled toward one aim, strengthening and serving the Jewish identity of the learners. Unfortunately, for the most part, Hebrew has been taught as an authoritative language, that is, as a language that approaches from the outside…. It is a language with a certain power over us within certain contexts such as the synagogue or a number of life-cycle events, but it is at the same time a language which when displaced from these contextual situations loses its power…” (Bekerman, 1987, p. 6)  相似文献   

长久以来,人们一直都强调手语词汇的理据性,而且也有很多人因为手语词汇极强的理据性而否认手语的语言地位。与之相反,本文要证明的是和汉语、英语等有声语言一样,手语词汇同时具有理据性和任意性。手语词汇的理据性和任意性是强弱、多少的关系,而不是非此即彼。同时,手语词汇的任意性也是手语具有语言资格的有力证据。  相似文献   

《官话指南》系日本驻清朝公使馆翻译生在中国教师的帮助下将平日课本整理而成。其语音教学浅显简略;其口语对话,既注重实用,又兼顾趣味;其课文组织,既有日常应对,又有公务交涉。情景逼真,语料丰富,句型生动,口吻酷肖。其所不足,在于外语会话读物而无母语或通用语对照;趣味阅读的偏重,带来了生词稍多、用词稍难、句型复杂、篇幅稍大等问题。从而在正反两方面留下了足资借鉴的宝贵经验。  相似文献   

This study focuses on the utilization of different Jewish languages by student-teachers in a two year teacher education program. The study examined the Jewish language used by these students while teaching Jewish content, making the distinction between their personal Jewish language and the cultural Jewish language of the program, which they were expected to use. We found a definite change in the languages used by them: although they seemed, at first, to adopt the cultural Jewish language of the curriculum, they quickly reverted to their personal Jewish language, which, in most cases, was the traditional one. By so doing they actually created a new version of the original program. We conclude that the idea of educating teachers to lead a significant social cultural change involves an inner struggle between the teachers' personal language and that of the program, that may be more difficult to win than was initially expected. This study examines the role of student-teachers' personal Jewish language in their teaching of Jewish content and the relationship that develops between their personal Jewish language and that of the Jewish content they teach.  相似文献   

散文起源文字说认为与人类生产劳动、现实生活关系最为密切、最适宜实用的散文的起源,迟于那些并非最为实用,与人类生产劳动、现实生活关系并非最为密切的诸多文体,是不合理的。散文和其他许多文体一样,也是可以口耳相传,存在于口头语言中的。连属语言,亦谓之文。所以,人类语言的产生,就是散文的起源。  相似文献   

This study examines the interface between ethnicity and nationality in a nationalized educational site – the annual school trip – that took place in a Jewish high school in Israel that serves underprivileged ethnic groups. Based on ethnographic field work, I analyze how the Ashkenazi (central-eastern European origin) hegemonic national culture that is embedded in the field trip is worked out by the Mizrahi (Asian and north African origin) students, in light of their ethnic background and the ethnic Ashkenazi/Mizrahi division that characterizes the Israeli society. Although both groups share the same national sentiment, the analysis exposes the different ways the pedagogical practices used by the trip represented the national hegemonic culture and the ways it has been contested and reshaped along ethnic lines while reflecting the existing ethnic borders that the pupils were trying to widen.  相似文献   

Teacher‐training programs for Jewish educators in the United States have de‐emphasized the Hebrew language as an essential element in their curricula. Research in the field of sociolinguistics points to the relationship of language, culture, and identity. It is the purpose of this paper to point out the intimate relationship between Hebrew language and Jewish culture and identity. The de‐emphasis of Hebrew‐language learning leads teachers to present a culture and religion which does not properly reflect the texts, culture, and practice that form the base of Jewish tradition. The need to transmit an authentic tradition effectively requires an awareness and understanding of the centrality of Hebrew in the training of Jewish teachers.  相似文献   

The Tamil situation in Singapore is one that lends itself ideally to the study of minority-language maintenance. The Tamil community is small. Tamils constitute only 4% of the population, whereas Indians constitute around 7%. The history and demographics of the Tamil community are well known. The Singapore educational system supports a well-developed and comprehensive bilingual education program for its three major linguistic communities on an egalitarian basis, so Tamil is a sort of "test case" for how well a small language community can survive in a multilingual society where larger groups are doing well. But Tamil is acknowledged by many to be facing a number of crises. Tamil as a home language is not being maintained by the better educated, and Indian education in Singapore is also not living up to the expectations many people have for it. Educated people who love Tamil are upset that Tamil is becoming thought of as a "coolie language" and regret this very much. Because Tamil is a language characterized by extreme diglossia, there is the additional pedagogical problem of trying to maintain a language with 2 variants but with a strong cultural bias on the part of the educational establishment for maintaining the literary dialect to the detriment of the spoken one. This article examines these attempts to maintain a highly diglossic language in emigration and concludes that the well-meaning bilingual education system actually produces a situation of subtractive bilingualism.  相似文献   

傅颖 《海外英语》2012,(18):183-185
《傻瓜吉姆佩尔》发表于20世纪五十年代,由艾萨克.巴什维斯.辛格创作,索尔.贝娄将其从意第绪语翻译成英语。通过概述《傻瓜吉姆佩尔》的写作背景,抓住其鲜明的犹太主题,站在宗教伦理的角度颂扬吉姆佩尔乃至整个犹太民族,正是由于这种忍耐的民族文化心理和大智若愚、以德报怨的生活方式,支撑着犹太人繁衍生息,在与异族相处、与异质文化的冲突碰撞中力求生存。  相似文献   

I — Reminiscences Deuteronomy 32:7

Back in 1925, upon graduation from the Teachers Institute of Yeshiva University, I started my career as teacher in the first and oldest Talmud Torah in the United States, the Machzikey TT on East Broadway in Manhattan. I recall with pleasure how boys and girls spent ten hours a week in Jewish studies: giving the 12-13 year olds intensive instruction in Torah, Neviim, Mishnah, Hebrew Grammar, Hebrew Literature and Yiddish. For many years the Machzikey TT had a school enrollment of one thousand students and more. When the '30s came and the enrollment fell considerably, it became necessary to consolidate the school with the National Hebrew School, especially when the Downtown TT closed it doors.  相似文献   

在20世纪80年代开始,有不少作家公开称“用现代汉语方言进行写作”。方言写作有历史渊源,但方言写作从古到今都面临许多困难,特别是在普通话在全国全面推广的今天。  相似文献   

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