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专利作为一种实物期权的价值在研究中已经得到验证,而关于企业专利期权的决策类型和过程的研究相对缺乏。本研究试图从实物期权的视角,重构企业在投资和处置专利中面临的多层面管理决策。首先,研究识别和匹配了传统视角中专利层面的申请、维持和实施决策和实物期权逻辑中的典型期权决策。在此基础上,构建了专利组合层面期权更新的决策过程模型。最后,从企业层面讨论了企业内部(组织战略和资源)和外部因素(环境不确定性和期权独占性)对专利组合更新决策的影响。  相似文献   

企业的实际经营环境往往含有不确定性,由于传统的项目价值评估方法——折现现金流量法不能有效评价在不确定性环境下各种投资机会给企业带来的新增价值,实物期权在企业项目价值评估中的作用越来越重要。本文从金融期权与实物期权的概念入手,介绍了实物期权的种类,进而通过实例,分别利用二叉树期权定价模型和布莱克——斯科尔斯期权定价模型,研究了实物期权在企业项目价值评估中的应用。  相似文献   

范小军  陈宏民 《软科学》2010,24(3):32-36
通过分析渠道关系的合作基础和渠道关系价值的实物期权特性,并从实物期权角度出发,对渠道关系价值进行评估。该评估充分考虑了渠道关系价值的长期性、动态性和管理灵活性,将渠道关系价值分为核心价值和实物期权价值。在此基础上,提出了离散交易型渠道关系策略、稳定协调型渠道关系策略、交叉演变型渠道关系策略和战略成长型渠道关系策略等四种渠道关系管理策略。  相似文献   

通过分析植物品种权价值的不确定性、不可逆性与可延迟性等特点,探讨植物品种权的实物期权特征及其价值形成路径;在此基础上,建立植物品种权实物期权价值评估模型,重新定义变量参数,辨析欧式期权定价法和美式期权定价法对植物品种权价值评估的适用性。研究表明,美式期权的灵活性能够更加充分挖掘植物品种权的价值,更加适用于植物品种权价值评估。  相似文献   

风险企业价值评估是进行风险资本运作的基础,传统的价值评估方法已经难以全面评估风险企业的价值,无法满足风险投资的要求。而近年来实物期权理论的发展和完善为我们评估、发现和提升风险企业价值提供了一种全新的方法。本文将基于风险企业的高风险和多阶段特点,运用实物期权理论的方法,构建风险企业价值评估的多阶段复合实物期权模型,希望该评价模型有助于我国风险投资的实际运作。  相似文献   

"本文介绍并评价了专利权价值评估常用的基本方法,包括传统方法(成本法、市场法、收益法)、实物期权法和模糊综合评价法,并对这几种方法进行了比较分析。在此基础上,本文建议可以根据待评估专利权的具体特点选取传统方法或者实物期权法进行初始评估,并使用模糊综合评价法对初始评估值进行修正,从而获得更接近专利权真实价值的评估结果。"  相似文献   

郑莹  黄俊伟 《科学学研究》2020,38(6):1086-1095
主流研究认为专利放弃是专利质量低导致的“被动”技术投资失败,但实践中专利放弃有时是企业“主动”修剪专利组合的理性结果。二者矛盾,是因为研究者的视角局限在专利个体质量,而企业着眼于专利组合及长期战略目标。从企业战略的角度出发,借鉴实物期权理论,试图通过分析内外部环境的不确定性对专利放弃行为的影响,揭示企业处置专利时隐含的期权逻辑。研究通过对1992-2017年2380家A股上市企业面板数据进行实证分析发现,外生不确定性和内生不确定性会抑制企业的专利放弃行为,同时在企业专利组合多样化程度更高时不确定性对专利放弃的抑制作用更强,意味着多样化的专利组合对应对不确定性的作用更强。研究结果补充了传统研究中专利维持取决于专利质量这一观点的一元性,指出专利作为一种实物期权资产,其决策同时受到环境和专利组合层面特征的共同影响。  相似文献   

首先介绍实物期权和高新技术企业的概念,着重说明实物期权是一种思维方法,然后对实物期权的思维方法在高新技术企业价值评估中的应用进行了分析。  相似文献   

本文应用实物期权理论探讨企业碳无形资产实物期权特性及来源,通过比较分析几种常见实物期权评估法,讨论基于布莱尔-舒尔斯模型评估企业碳无形资产实物期权价值的可能性和适用性,使用公开碳交易市场价格数据实例演算案例企业碳无形资产实物期权价值,以此计量该价值对传统资产评估值增量的影响,并对演算结果做了拓展性分析。研究结果显示企业碳无形资产实物期权价值主要来源于资产柔性管理,而非资产本身;核证减排量等企业减排碳无形资产实物期权价值对传统资产评估值影响显著,与传统资产评估方法相比,实物期权评估方法能更加精确地计量它们的价值;而以碳配额为代表的企业配额碳无形资产实物期权价值趋近于零。  相似文献   

研究与开发(R&D)是企业长期战略的重要组成部分,因而合理评价R&D项目至关重要。鉴于R&D项目同时具有不确定性以及信息不明确的特点,本文将模糊理论运用于实物期权评估方法中来评估R&D项目的价值。  相似文献   

为能够快速准确地对高校发明专利质量进行评估,充分考虑专利的文本属性和结构化数据信息,基于深度学习技术构建基于GRU-Attention机制的高校发明专利质量评估模型,并通过引入衡量高校发明专利质量的关键指标及权重信息对初始模型进行改进.经验证,结合专家知识改进后的评估模型在稳定性和准确率上有明显优势,能够为高校发明专利质量评估提供有效的理论和实践支撑.  相似文献   

分析了传统方法存在的缺陷和风险企业投资的期权特征,指出对风险企业的价值评价应该使用实物期权方法,并在此基础上,建立了一个评价风险企业价值的复合期权模型,对于正确的评价风险企业价值,该模型具有一定的理论价值和现实意义。  相似文献   

[目的/意义]从交易视角评价专利可转让性,侧面评估专利价值及筛选可交易高价值专利。[方法/过程]基于专利价值评估指标,从技术和法律两个维度选取专利可转让性评价内部指标,基于交易视角中专利权人特征设计专利可转让性评价外部指标,结合高阶神经元将深度神经网络方法应用于专利可转让性评价。[结果/结论]结果表明,专利可转让性评价模型相比传统的BP神经网络方法和仅使用高阶神经元的方法精度更高,F1值达到86.72%;因其可区分通过交易实现价值的潜在专利,在大规模专利可转让性评价实际应用中具有可行性和适用性。  相似文献   

我国经济已由高速增长阶段转向高质量发展阶段,高质量发展需要高价值专利保驾护航。高价值专利评估是推动高价值专利转化为现实生产力的重要环节。为有效评估高价值专利,首先对高价值专利的内涵进行了界定,其次在分析和评估现有专利价值评估方法基础上,以300件中国专利奖获奖专利为研究对象,从技术因素、法律因素、经济因素、市场因素等四个层面,挖掘高价值专利的典型性特征,构建专利价值评估指标体系和评估模型。通过验证发现,该模型准确性较高、可测性较好、实用性较强,能够为加快推进高价值专利评估工作,促进高价值培育和转移转化提供借鉴与参考。最后针对高价值专利评估问题,就健全评估体系、增强评估意识与能力、打造评估服务平台等提出了对策建议。  相似文献   

[目的/意义]旨在探索一种既能评价专利自身技术价值同时又能对其市场价格给出预判的评价方法。[方法/过程]针对科研周期中不同阶段的特点设立指标体系,并引入市场询价机制综合考虑,构建专利价值评估体系,将专利价值评价融入到科研全流程常态化管理过程中。通过将专利的技术价值和市场价值有机结合起来,构建了一种市场价值为导向、直观可操作的高校专利评价模式,并通过实际案例进行了实证分析。[结果/结论]构建的评价模式能较好地评价高校专利价值,预测专利交易价格,能够为高校专利运营工作中的指导定价机制提供新的思路,为高校专利分级统筹管理提供价值度方面的数据支持。  相似文献   

陈秋东  汪少华 《软科学》2004,18(5):37-40
利用实物期权理论可以对不确定性条件下的各种选择权进行定量分析,从而提供一个有用的投资决策框架。文章详细论述了实物期权在风险投资中的应用,并以分段投资期权为例证明实物期权确实能给风险投资家带来某些创见,最后对实物期权的适用性进行了一定评述。  相似文献   

为有效评估高价值专利,提出"四位一体"的高价值专利分析理念,认为专利的高价值是高技术创新、高质量申请确权、高效益转化运用、高水平产业引领4个单维度价值的综合体现。以中国专利奖300件获奖专利为分析样本,从专利特征、发明人特征以及权利人特征3个维度,提取高价值基因,形成高价值专利构成要素的整体性判断。采用熵权法对专利各单维度价值相关指标进行赋权,建立单维度价值得分模型,并据此构建专利价值评估模型。通过对专利价值评估模型的验证发现,该模型具有较好的可测性、准确性和实用性,能够实现对不同领域高价值专利的评估,研究结论可为高价值专利评估实践提供有益参考。  相似文献   

The low-carbon pilot policy has played an important role when China make efforts to achieve the carbon emission reduction targets. In order to study whether the construction of low-carbon pilot policy can induce enterprises to carry out green technology innovation, this paper uses China′s low-carbon pilot policy as a quasi-natural experiment, constructs a difference-in-difference-in-differences (DDD) model that "before-after the implementation of the low-carbon pilot policy; if or not in the pilot city; if or not belongs to the high carbon emission industry". Since the third batch of low-carbon pilot cities was officially announced in 2017, the duration of the policy is not enough for us to evaluate its effect, so we take the pilot cities announced in 2010 and 2012 as the main research object. The number of enterprises authorized green patents and micro-economic characteristics of listed companies in China from 2006 to 2017 were used to evaluate the effect of the low-carbon pilot policy on enterprises′ green technology innovation, and explore whether the Porter hypothesis based on China′s low-carbon pilot policy is valid. The results show that: (1) The implementation of the low-carbon pilot policy has significantly improved the green technology innovation level of high-carbon emission enterprises in the pilot cities. The policy has increased the proportion of green patents of high-carbon emission enterprises in the pilot area by 0.929%, and the coefficient is significant at the 5% significance level. Furthermore, the low-carbon pilot policy has a positive effect on both green invention patent and green utility model patent of high-carbon emission enterprises in the pilot area, but has a more significant effect on the green utility model patent. The conclusion of the DDD estimation confirms the validity of the Porter hypothesis based on the low-carbon pilot policy in China. (2)In order to solve the problem of sample selection bias caused by the difference in initial conditions between the treat group and the control group, this paper introduces the propensity score matching method (PSM), and adopts the propensity score matching-DDD (PSM-DDD) method for the first time to explore the effect of the low-carbon pilot policy on green technological innovation of high carbon emission enterprises within pilot cities. The effectiveness of the matching process is proved through the matching balance test and drawing the propensity score value density function graph. The results of the PSM-DDD are basically similar to those obtained by the DDD method. At the same time, this paper proves the validity of the conclusions through parallel trend hypothesis test and a series of robustness tests. (3)The analysis of enterprises geographic heterogeneity shows that the low-carbon pilot policy has significantly improved the green technology innovation of high carbon emission enterprises within the pilot cities in the eastern and western regions, but for those in the central region, the low-carbon pilot policy even has a negative inhibitory effect on their green technology innovation. After grouping the data by patent types, we can see that, for green invention patents, the low-carbon pilot policy can significantly promote the green invention patents of high-carbon emission enterprises in the pilot cities in the eastern and western regions, but it has no significant impact on enterprises in the central region; for green utility model patents, the low-carbon pilot policy only has a positive effect on the utility model patents of high-carbon emission enterprises in the pilot cities in the eastern region, but has no significant impact on the green utility model patents of enterprises in the central and western regions.  (4)The analysis of enterprise ownership heterogeneity shows that the low-carbon pilot policy has significantly improved the green technological innovation of non-state-owned high-carbon emission enterprises in the pilot cities, but has no significant impact on the green technology innovation of state-owned enterprises in the pilot cities. Among them, the low-carbon pilot policy has a significant positive effect on promoting both green invention patents and utility model patents of non-state-owned high-carbon emission enterprises in the pilot cities. As for the state-owned high-carbon emission enterprises in the pilot cities, the low-carbon pilot policy only has a positive effect on their green utility model patents, but has no significant impact on green invention patents. The results of this paper further expand the study on the Porter hypothesis and the evaluation of the low-carbon pilot policy.  相似文献   

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