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This research focuses on knowledge and ways in which knowledge may be constructed in the learner's mind. Specifically, it addresses the Web as a cognitive supporter for learning, organising and constructing a new domain of knowledge. In particular, the research analyses student reflection on constructing web sites. The analysis is based on an ongoing reflection of 40 prospective and in‐service teachers who took a course on educational computational environments. The students were asked to choose a complex topic and to document the process of constructing a web site that would present their chosen topic. They were to reflect upon the process with regard to their decision making, difficulties encountered, ways of thinking, considerations and insights. Student reflection is analysed from two perspectives: the first perspective examines how the task of constructing a web site contributes to student learning of complex topics, the second perspective views the students as teachers who explore how constructing a web site contributes to their understanding of learning processes.  相似文献   

This article describes sixth-grade students’ engagement in two model-eliciting activities offering students the opportunity to construct mathematical models. The findings show that students utilized their knowledge of fractions including conceptual and procedural knowledge in constructing mathematical models for the given situations. Some students were also able to generalize the fraction model and transfer it to a new situation. Analysis of the students’ work demonstrates that they made use of four fraction constructs—part-whole, operator, quotients, and ratio. The activities also revealed difficulties in the students’ knowledge of fractions, some of which were overcome in the process of organizing and mathematizing the problem.  相似文献   

A first-year tertiary-student structural equation modelling approach builds understanding of blended learning. The Biggs' 3P teaching-and-learning-systems model displays significant two-way interactions between each of its presage, process and product constructs. This study validates the Biggs' approach as a dynamic interactive learning system. The student learning processes occur through teacher contributions, mixed with learning interactions and feedback systems. Greater learning, knowledge and skills transfer is possible when students are suitably pre-prepared/pre-skilled for their ensuing learning experiences and for the varieties of teaching/learning interactions that they encounter.  相似文献   

In learning conceptual knowledge in physics, a common problem is the development and differentiation of concepts in the learning process. An important part of this development process is the re-organisation or re-structuring process in which students’ conceptual knowledge and concepts change. This study proposes a new view of concept development with explicit attention given to concept development from the level of knowledge-as-pieces to the level of knowledge-as-theory. The proposed new picture is based on the view that concepts are complex constructs essentially embedded in a larger system of knowledge. Three closely connected aspects require our attention: (1) conceptions of concepts, (2) conceptions of knowledge systems, and finally, (3) conceptions of the process of change. The potential advantages of this prospective are demonstrated through the re-analysis of the concept development in the well-known case of electric current and voltage. The results show that in the concept development process, both causal knowledge and coherence of the knowledge system play crucial roles. Finally, the study points out how the theoretical position proposed here directly impacts conceptions of learning and instruction as well as what solutions are sought for problems in learning—or even what is considered a problem or success in learning.  相似文献   

Science consists of a body of knowledge and a set of processes by which the knowledge is produced. Although these have traditionally been treated separately in science instruction, there has been a shift to an integration of knowledge and processes, or set of practices, in how science should be taught and assessed. We explore whether a general overall mastery of the processes drives learning in new science content areas and if this overall mastery can be improved through engaged science learning. Through a review of literature, the paper conceptualizes this general process mastery as scientific sensemaking, defines the sub-dimensions, and presents a new measure of the construct centered in scenarios of general interest to young adolescents. Using a dataset involving over 2500 6th and 8th grade students, the paper shows that scientific sensemaking scores can predict content learning gains and that this relationship is consistent across student characteristics, content of instruction, and classroom environment. Further, students who are behaviorally and cognitively engaged during science classroom activities show greater growth in scientific sensemaking, showing a reciprocal relationship between sensemaking ability and effective science instruction. Findings from this work support early instruction on sensemaking activities to better position students to learn new scientific content.  相似文献   

作业是课堂学习的延伸与拓展,是所学知识的巩固与内化,也是引领学生自主学习、学会学习的路径与目标。设计自主学习小学数学作业,布置联系实际作业,增强生活性;布置生动有趣作业,增强趣味性;布置操作实践作业,增强探索性;布置不同层次作业,增强自主性;布置一题多解作业,增强独创性,让作业成为学生生命成长的重要历程与精彩展示。  相似文献   

提问是通过师生的相互作用,检查学习、促进思维、巩固知识、运用知识和实现教学目标的一种主要方式。是教师在课堂教学中进行师生互动的重要教学技能。如何根据课堂需要和学生的实际情况设疑提问直接影响着教学的质量。教师在运用提问时应根据不同的提问类型使用不同的提问,还应根据不同层次的学生设置不同层次的提问,使课堂教学收到良好的效果。  相似文献   

The teaching of mathematics in Australian schools has received considerable attention over the past decade. States and territories have designed and implemented new mathematics syllabi, and education sectors have supported teachers through sustained professional learning initiatives. Whereas the major focus of these initiatives has been on students constructing mathematical knowledge from a range of learning activities and quality instruction, the education of students with difficulties in learning mathematics has been given little direct attention. This analysis of current syllabus developments and professional learning initiatives highlights the risk of exposing students with learning difficulties to fragile program designs and classroom instruction. The research literature is also examined to propose ways in which these fragilities can be addressed.  相似文献   

As follow-up to an initial study phase, both generative learning activities and retrieval practice can substantially enhance learning, but via different functions. Generative activities are theorized to mainly serve the function of constructing coherent mental representations of the learning content that are well integrated with prior knowledge, whereas retrieval practice is theorized to mainly serve the function of consolidating learners’ mental representations in memory. In view of these complementing functions, the present study investigated whether the sequence of these activities matters. In an experiment with N = 158 university students, we varied the sequence of generative learning and retrieval practice after an initial study phase. We found that the retrieval-before-generation sequence yielded better retention and reduced cognitive load during both types of activities. We conclude that although it might seem counterintuitive, engaging learners in retrieval practice before engaging them in generative learning can be more beneficial than vice versa.  相似文献   

在多元化文化思潮的背景下,新时代大学生对课堂教学的期待日益提高,挖掘常规课程中的思想政治教育元素的重要性日益凸显。对于“企业伦理”课程中思想政治教育元素的挖掘,可通过参与式教学的方式,在重点知识介绍前,引入现实中企业社会责任意识等思想政治问题激发学生学习兴趣;在重点知识介绍过程中,穿插爱国企业家案例唤醒学生的爱国热情;在重点知识介绍后,通过角色扮演等互动方式巩固理解。通过构建“挖掘常规课程中的思想政治教育元素”的参与式教学新模式,为培养德才兼备的新时代科研人才提供借鉴,完善我国情境下的“企业伦理”课程知识体系。  相似文献   

This article describes a qualitative study into student teachers’ learning processes through changes in their interactive cognitions. First, theoretical propositions about the relation between learning to teach, professional development, and practical knowledge are defined. Next, the procedure to grasp interactive cognitions as part of practical knowledge is explained. On three moments during teaching practise, students were video-recorded while teaching and then audio-taped during a stimulated recall interview. Changes in students’ interactive cognitions are understood as indicators for learning and professional development. The results show substantial differences between students. The significance of the findings for teacher education research is illustrated.  相似文献   

This article explores an alternative strategy for designing hybrid instructional environments. Rather than bridging home or community funds of knowledge with school learning, I propose designing disruptions to typical school practices to invite students to recruit out-of-school resources meaningful and sensible to them in order to grapple with school-valued concepts. I examine this design strategy first conceptually, then through a case called walking scale geometry, designed to disrupt the scale of typical classroom geometry. This major disruption has 4 interrelated consequences in that students must invent new tools and strategies for constructing geometry figures, spaces of activity and learning shift, students are positioned with new visual perspectives, and the division of labor is redistributed. I analyze how these 4 consequences played out in an episode of walking scale geometry, in relation to the deployment of student-recruited resources and conceptual agency, then comment on some implications for designing disruptions and hybrid learning settings.  相似文献   

We present a view of knowledge construction processes, focusing on partially correct constructs. Motivated by unexpected and seemingly inconsistent quantitative data based on the written reports of students working on an elementary probability task, we analyze in detail the knowledge construction processes of a representative student. We show how the nested epistemic actions model for abstraction in context facilitates following the emergence of a learner’s partially correct constructs (PaCCs). These PaCCs provide added insight into processes of knowledge construction. They are also used in order to analyze and explain students’ thinking in situations where some of the students’ answers were unexpected in light of their earlier answers or inconsistent with earlier answers. In particular, PaCCs are explanatory tools for correct answers based on (partially) faulty knowledge and for wrong answers based on largely correct knowledge.  相似文献   

基于VR的分布式教学模式是针对传统教学体验不佳、效率低下,尤其是此次疫情期间大规模在线学习暴露出的主要问题,而进行的一种教学改革的理论尝试。文章以开发研究为基本方法,秉持知识建构主义以及学习发生的社会文化属性,在具身认知理论与文化历史活动理论支撑下依托“VR+5G”技术优势,架构融合虚实相生情境性、多元一体分布性、人际交互实时性与教学方式多态性为一体的分布式教学模式。这种新型教学模式更加关注学生在VR课堂教学空间中的具身体验、情感交流和师生互动,将散落于不同节点的学生串联起来组成一个自组织的、开放的分布式系统,VR教学空间中的师生主体以规则为中介结成发展共同体,通过明确的任务分工方式对教学内容客体进行意义建构,为实现特定教学目标协同合作。基于VR的分布式教学模式的实现策略需要从理念转型、标准研发、资源建设、教师角色转换、网络教研以及家校共育等方面入手进行统整规划。  相似文献   

This study was conducted in the framework of a project that sought to change the school learning and teaching environment and adapt it to current reality through the proactive use of technology in the search for knowledge. It is an exploratory, longitudinal, case study of a single school, in one city in central Israel, which examines changes in educational beliefs, classroom practices, and knowledge restructuring processes of six teachers of grades 4-6, who for three years experienced an approach to teaching and learning focusing on information-rich tasks in an information-rich environment. The main findings show different patterns and rates of change in teacher educational beliefs, knowledge restructuring processes and classroom practices. They also demonstrate that students of teachers whose educational beliefs and classroom practices radically changed and which reflected a constructivist approach to learning regarded learning as a process of engaging with complex, context-related tasks requiring multiple viewpoints, whereas students whose teachers had a traditional positivist approach saw technologyassisted learning as learning with technical tools. The study indicates a reciprocal rather than unidirectional relationship between teacher classroom practice and changes in teacher educational beliefs and knowledge restructuring processes.  相似文献   


Involving students in the co-design of educational curricula and practices can benefit both students and teachers. Students who participate in co-design may show better learning or increased agency or engagement. In the present study, we investigated what kind of science knowledge or practices can be learned by student co-designers while engaging in co-design practices and how that learning happens with six high school students. We created a model to guide the analysis of students’ learning with technology in co-designing processes. The results revealed that students learned engineering design process even if no explicit instruction on engineering learning was given. Also, our analysis suggested that co-designing with technology enabled learning of the engineering design process and potentially furthered learning of science because it promoted knowledge integration. The results have implications for understanding and enhancing engineering design and science learning through co-designing with technology.


Students’ conceptions and beliefs about learning are constructs that have been proposed in two independent lines of research, phenomenographic and metacognitive, and analysed using qualitative and quantitative methodologies, respectively. The present research examines and integrates in a single study both constructs and methodologies. Data were collected through an open-ended task (Tynjäla, 1997) and an epistemological questionnaire (Schommer, 1990), administered to a sample of 1,200 secondary students. Three major statistically significant findings emerged. First, students’ conceptions of learning and epistemological beliefs changed from simplistic to more complex as they progressed through school. Second, the two constructs were linked to each other. The most advanced category on the ‘dimension of depth’ of learning conceptions corresponded to the highest scores at the complex pole of the belief system. Third, learning conceptions as well as epistemological beliefs were predictors of academic performance. The more capable students were of constructing meaning, the better their academic achievement appeared to be. Theoretical and educational implications are discussed with regard to further research, classroom instruction, and the value of combining both research methodologies in order to deepen our understanding of students’ learning experience.  相似文献   

"互联网+"时代,在线课程平台已经成为大学生课下自学的重要平台,但在线课程也正面临着高辍学率等问题。为了研究大学生在线课程的持续学习行为,本文基于期望确认理论从平台和用户双重视角构建研究模型。通过调查问卷收集数据,利用SPSS和Smart PLS进行统计分析和假设检验。研究结果表明:学习氛围、课程质量和教学质量以及自控能力显著影响用户的持续学习行为,而期望确认通过感知有用性影响学生的持续学习行为。研究结果对于提高大学生课下在线课程持续学习行为具有重要意义。  相似文献   

本文采用文献资料法、数理统计法、教学实验法,将尝试教学法运用于背向滑步推铅球技术教学中.结果证明:尝试教学法有利于激发学生的学习兴趣,使学生在学习技术动作的同时巩固理论知识;培养学生的尝试精神和创新能力,提高教学效率;有利于促进教学改革,提高教师素质.  相似文献   

In this paper we explore the potential of videodisc technology to develop student teachers'capacity to examine their judgements and reasoning critically about typical classroom events. We describe how the type of setting for such activities is committed to and successful at provoking quality collaborative learning. The videodisc system offers a range of exemplars of teaching which are carefully managed to challenge and extend students'existing ideas. We have adapted the key learning constructs of scaffolding and modelling of various strategies so that the intellectual processes of analysis and reconstruction are persistently attended to. In this way, we are designing a more powerful learning environment to support students in acquiring professionally relevant knowledge.  相似文献   

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