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本文意在揭示我国研究生的学术道德失范现状,分析研究生在学术研究中出现失范行为的深层原因,并从思想政治教育、健全组织机构、规范管理体制、营造良好学术氛围等方面,提出建立研究生学术道德和学术规范教育长效机制的相关具体措施,以期帮助广大研究生树立正确的学术观,遵守学术规范,弘扬学术道德,进而使我国的科技文化事业健康和可持续地发展。  相似文献   

通过对研究生学术道德和学术规范教育机制现状的调研发现,研究生学术道德和学术规范教育机制的组织领导机制的指导协调功能不够强,运行机制满足不了研究生学术道德和学术规范教育的要求,反馈分析机制也不健全。经过定量和定性分析,本文从组织领导机制、运行机制和反馈分析机制三个方面,对构建研究生学术道德和学术规范教育的长效机制提出了相应对策建议。  相似文献   

在当今学术界,学术失范与学术不端行为是一种不容忽视的现象,对高校人才培养十分不利.遵守学术规范,维护学术道德,纯化学术环境,方能培养出栋梁之才.为了遵守学术规范,必须采取得力措施.  相似文献   

加强大学生学术道德教育的思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
宋汉林 《中国德育》2007,2(7):41-43,65
学术道德是为社会或特定群体共同期望和遵守的、用以调整从事学术研究的主体之间关系的基本规范和准则。大学生存在学术道德失范现象,其原因是多方面的。加强大学生学术道德教育,需要系统优化社会道德环境与学术道德环境;强化学校对于大学生学术道德教育的责任;提升大学生的学术道德自律意识;制定严格的学术规范。  相似文献   

本科生的学术规范教育是学术道德和学术伦理培养体系中的基础性环节,在解决当前学术道德和学术规范问题的过程中,本科生的学术规范教育是一个重要的问题。基于对本科生的"学术"活动的分析,提出对大学生学术不端行为的理解,对本科生学术规范教育的内容和方式进行思考。  相似文献   

关于高校学术道德建设的实践与思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,随着国内外一些学术不端行为和现象的曝光,学术道德问题越来越引起人们的关注。学术道德直接关系到高校的学术水平和社会声誉,是一项基础性工程。从现实操作性来看,加强学术道德建设应当紧紧围绕学术研究者这一中心,从机构与制度建设、教育宣传和社会舆论监督三个方面来考虑对策,使学术研究者在这一套体系下不能、不愿、也不敢做出违背学术道德的事情。  相似文献   

高校教育科研中的法律和伦理问题   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以学术为业的教育研究者应恪守共同的价值观,弘扬学术道德,遵循诚信、精确、效率和客观等原则及学术履历、注释、引证、署名、数据处理、论文撰写和发表的行为规范,防范伪造、剽窃和个人偏见等不端行为。在加强学术道德制度建设的同时,需要实施学术诚信教育。  相似文献   

高校的学术道德和学术规范建设是保障研究生培养质量的重要内容,本文介绍了加拿大多伦多大学和滑铁卢大学学术道德和学术规范教育的理念、政策、措施及经验,以期为我国大学的研究生学术道德和学术规范建设工作提供借鉴。  相似文献   

学术腐败是学术自由与学术道德责任的失衡。责任编辑是整治学术腐败环节中的关键。增强责任编辑的学术道德责任是当前把持学术阵地纯洁性的重要环节。因此。在要求责任编辑加强自律,严格遵循学术规范,提高编辑加工质量的同时。还应强化对责任编辑的道德责任教育,提倡编辑批评精神,更为重要的是要健全制度法制.规范责任编辑的实践行为。  相似文献   

研究生学术道德培养机制研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在研究生教育快速发展的同时,研究生学术道德失范现象也比较突出,有必要加强研究生的学术道德.要提高研究生的学术道德,就要改善研究生学术研究的外部环境,改善学术界的不良风气,完善研究生学术管理制度;增强研究生遵守学术道德的内在自律,注重研究生学术道德的系统性,创新研究生学术道德教育的方法和手段,注重研究生学术道德教育的目的性和规范性.  相似文献   

Ethics committees have an important role to play in ensuring ethical standards (e.g. BERA, ESRC, RCUK recommendations) are met by educational researchers. Balancing obligations to participants, society, institutions and the researchers themselves is not, however, easy. Researchers often experience the ethics committee as unsympathetic to their research endeavour, whilst ethics committees find some research approaches do not make ethical implications sufficiently explicit. This potential for misunderstanding is evident in the literature, but studies investigating how participants perceive this relationship are missing. This research comprises a novel empirical study which explores researcher perceptions of research ethics committees. Fifty-five participants in higher education departments of education responded to an online survey. Open and closed-ended questions were used to collect data on roles, methodological stance, experiences of the research ethics committee, perceived tensions and examples of good practice. The results indicated that contemporary educational researchers regard research ethics committees as friends when researcher and reviewer are transparently engaged in a shared endeavour. When this shared endeavour breaks down, for a variety of reasons—including apparently unreasonable demands or mutual misunderstanding—the research ethics committees can become foes. The difference between foe and friend lies in the quality of communication, clear systems and a culture of respectful mutual learning. The contributions of this study have practical implications for the ways that education researchers and research ethics committees relate to one another within university settings, both to alleviate areas of tension and to arrive at a shared understanding which will enable best ethical research practice.  相似文献   

Online surveys are increasingly used in educational research, yet little attention has focused on ethical issues associated with their use in educational settings. Here, we draw on the broader literature to discuss 5 key ethical issues in the context of educational survey research: dual teacher/researcher roles; informed consent; use of incentives; privacy, anonymity, and confidentiality; and data quality. We illustrate methods of addressing these issues with our experiences conducing online surveys in educational contexts. Moving beyond the procedural ethics approach commonly adopted in quantitative educational research, we recommend adopting a situated/process ethics approach to identify and respond to ethical issues that may arise during the conduct, analysis, and reporting of online survey research. The benefits of online surveying in comparison to traditional survey methods are highlighted, including the potential for online surveys to provide ethically defensible methods of conducting research that would not be feasible in offline education research settings.  相似文献   

研究伦理是进行社会科学研究时需要遵守的重要准则。英国教育研究学会(BERA)对研究伦理的基本内容和应用原则有着详细和成熟的规定,并在教育学研究生学术训练和学术研究审查程序中占据重要地位。研究伦理在英国的发展和实践对中国教育学界树立以人为本的研究伦理观,发挥各科研教学机构和学会组织的基础性作用,以及在国家层面形成对研究伦理的统一指导,建立与国际学术界接轨的学术规范等方面具有重要的借鉴作用。  相似文献   

This paper addresses ethical issues in educational research with a focus on the interplay between research ethics and both internal and external quality of research. Research ethics is divided into three domains: (1) ethics within the research community; (2) ethics concerning relationships with individuals and groups directly affected by the research, and (3) ethics related to the external value and role of educational research for various user groups and for the quality of education. The three domains represent different stakeholders and interests. The paper presents an ethical matrix method including three types of matrices. The method combines a systematic and a case-based approach to ethical problems and possibilities. The purpose of the matrices is to serve as a framework for identifying, reflecting, analyzing, and discussing ethical issues and balancing ethical dilemmas in educational research and development.  相似文献   

Social media, such as social network sites and blogs, are increasingly being used as core or ancillary components of educational research, from recruitment to observation and interaction with researchers. However, this article reveals complex ethical dilemmas surrounding consent, traceability, working with children, and illicit activity that we have faced as education researchers for which there is little specific guidance in the literature. We believe that ethical research committees cannot, and should not, be relied upon as our ethical compass as they also struggle to deal with emerging technologies and their implications. Consequently, we call for researchers to report on the ethical dilemmas in their practice to serve as a guide for those who follow. We also recommend considering research ethics as an ongoing dialogical process in which the researcher, participants, and ethics committee work together in identifying potential problems as well as finding ways forward.  相似文献   

作为一门从伦理道德的视角对教育活动进行价值分析和行为导向的交叉学科, 教育伦理是个体与社会教育伦理的有机统一, 自然地, 现代教育伦理在研究视阈上不仅要关注个体教育善的实现, 而且应重视社会教育善的构建。个体与社会之教育善是个体与社会教育伦理把握教育世界的精神实践, 两者都存在其价值合理性根据, 有其应然的一系列规范性要旨。教育伦理研究范畴的这一拓展, 既是弥补传统教育伦理研究在作用范围上存在缺憾的需要, 也是全面建设和谐社会的内在需要。  相似文献   

In the field of participatory health research (PHR) and related action research paradigms, limitations of standard ethical codes and institutional review processes have been identified. PHR is highly situational and relational, part of a hierarchical health care context and therefore ethics of care has been suggested as a helpful theoretical approach that emphasises responsibilities and relationships. The purpose of this article is to explore the value of Tronto’s second-generation ethics of care for reflection on ethical challenges experienced by academic researchers. Using the design of a collaborative auto-ethnography, this article starts from a story of a researcher who deals with dilemmas in responsibility to care for co-researchers with lived experiences during a PHR study in the field of acute psychiatric care. By analysing the challenges together with all co-researchers, using a framework of ethics of care, we discovered the importance of self-care and existential safety for an ethical PHR practice. The reflexive meta-narrative shows that the ethics of care lens is useful to untangle moral dilemmas in all participatory research-related paradigms for all engaged.  相似文献   


Action research approaches have evolved out of a criticism of previous research traditions, where teachers have been seen as research objects, at risk of being marginalized. Such approaches have also arisen out of the view that teaching, learning, and educational research are interrelated. In action research, teachers are seen as professionals, raising their status to subjects, conducting own research. The research is carried out with or by people rather than on someone, which changes the roles and relationships. Ethical dilemmas can arise, especially evident in action research, where the distinctions between researcher and researched are blurred or removed altogether. This paper aims to explore the changing roles and relationships between researchers and teachers in action research through a philosophical analysis based on the writings of Nel Noddings, especially the concept of ethics of care. The analysis creates an opportunity for a rethinking of researcher–teacher roles, focusing on responsibility and knowledge as well as reciprocity and communication. Based on the author’s own action research experiences, various dilemmas are discussed. Obstacles to and opportunities for developing caring relationships between researchers and teachers will also be highlighted. The implications of the study include valuing both researcher and teacher expertise and learning to understand each other’s perspectives as well as giving tailored care. It is also vital to find strategies to contextualize and enact these views and beliefs within the researcher–teacher relationship. Neither researchers nor teachers will have total control over the process, as they stay open to each other’s perspectives and needs based on a caring relationship.  相似文献   


This article considers ontological conceptualizations of shame-interest as experienced in educational research. Shame has frequently been reported in research as a property of the autonomous individual: the shame of the participant to share with the researcher, and the shame of the researcher to reflexively eliminate. Shame-interest is re-theorized here as a generative research event, as intra-action, as one simultaneous movement in the ongoing present. We attempt an ethical shift from a reflexive stance to fluxing movements of response-ability and co-consequence in order to encourage socially responsive educational research, informed through the conceptual resources of psychologist Silvan Tomkins, and feminist philosopher and physicist Karen Barad. Theory is threaded through a series of personal research vignettes to illustrate our thinking through ways shame-interest materialized within research events. Shame is re/conceptualized as a contestable composite feeling entangled with interest that allows an alternate non-reductive and ethical approach to educational research. We amplify our researcher responsibility, and our shame, by placing ourselves as entangled with the research ‘problem’ under investigation.  相似文献   

This paper explores what it means to engage as an ethical researcher in the conduct of critical ethnography. During the years in which this critical ethnography of new language learners in a midwestern high school, the ethnographer actively participated in the life of the site. This paper poses the question of what such active involvement means for research ethics. Much of the literature on research ethics deals with Internal Review Boards standards, but this paper takes a reflective, ethnographic look at the researcher's own ethical practices in order to articulate and examine the underlying principles entailed in the decisions to intervene or not in the ongoing life of the site.  相似文献   

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