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Research on learning disabilities (LD) depends upon a conceptual framework that specifies what it should explain, what kinds of data are needed, and how these data are to be arranged in order to provide a meaningful explanation. An argument is made that LD are no different in this respect than any other form of human illness. In this article, a theory of LD based on weak normativism drawn from the philosophy of medicine is presented. This theory emphasizes that cultural values (norms) determine which aspects of human experience and function are instances of ill health. Thus, ill health is fundamentally normative. However, the experiences and behaviors themselves arise out of the natural world and therefore can be explained by a culturally neutral natural science. Data from a longitudinal study of specific language impairment are used to show that academic achievement is culturally evaluated, that low achievement is disvalued, and that therefore actions are taken to help the poor achiever. Spoken language abilities in kindergarten are associated with judgments of the adequacy of fourth grade academic achievement and are mediated by reading prior to fourth grade and also via a path that is independent of reading. It is argued that poor academic achievement may be viewed as a disvalued state consistent with an illness, whereas language and reading skills can be viewed as basic causal systems that can explain the child's learning performance. Properties of this causal system are value free, except that they can inherit disvalue by their association with poor achievement. It remains to be determined whether the notion of LD is to be equated with poor achievement and therefore serve as a type of illness or whether it is to be viewed as a particular cause of poor achievement and thus functions as a type of disease associated with poor achievement. The conceptual framework lays out the alternative meanings for LD and the choice between these alternatives will ultimately depend on how it is used in the LD research community.  相似文献   

中世纪西欧教会曾严厉镇压异端运动,同时又有一系列宽容的思想和举措。这是逻辑混乱或虚伪吗?教会法对异端分子的处理展现了基督教宽容在特定历史语境中的存在和运作,也说明这一宽容的渊源不是对真理的怀疑和冷漠,而是出自对神恩的信心、对他人良知的尊重。真理只能在历史进程中得以认知。而对宽容的评价也只能在特定的历史语境中进行。按照12世纪教会法学家格兰西的理解,处分异端分子的方式和举措典型地展示了正义和仁慈统合于爱,而爱就是关怀人类的拯救。不论是对罪犯处以绝罚还是鼓励他们与上帝和教会和解,相应的教会法规范都应该遵循,但是解释和应用法律必须考虑时间、地点、案件和当事人的特殊情形,据此减免刑罚或停止律法的施行。有时教会宽恕异端分子,期望他们能因此更快地纠正谬误。宽恕,不应该是神职人员渎职的借口;严格执法,也不应该蜕变成贪图和炫耀个人权威的机会。教会法对株连的批语尤其值得借鉴。教会法关于宽容的原则在律法的解释和施行中并未得到完全贯彻,迫害和滥用权威的现象时有发生,可知在寻求真理的同时又怀抱宽仁之心何其难也!  相似文献   

以马克思精神生产理论为指导,指出由于教师劳动的精神生产的特点,使得高校实施目标管理存在着管理目标难以制定、目标管理的双向性原则难以保证、目标实施过程难以控制、管理目标难以评价等四大困境。弱化量化评价,强化质化评价;完善同行评议制度,优化评价环境;建设大学文化,减少繁琐规范;实施现代大学制度,充分实现教授治校等,以改善这一现状。  相似文献   

Conclusion The interpretation of scientific diagrams has been characterised as a complex process. This contrasts sharply with an apparently widespread view among producers and users of resources for science teaching that they are generally unproblematic and that their meaning is usually quite transparent. The continued currency of this view is a matter of concern, especially when resources for learning in science are now so heavily based on pictorial presentation. It is likely that students who are new to scientific diagrams as a pictorial genre will look at them in a manner that is quite different from the way they are seen by their teachers. What seems to a teacher to be a straightforward and clearly presented depiction of a scientific concept, process or structure may be a mysterious and impenetrable abstraction to a student. Whereas the teacher is able to identify readily the elements of a diagram and link them into a coherent, meaningful whole, the student may misunderstand what it is that is depicted and how the depicted entitles are related. A critical factor underlying such differences appears to be the extent and nature of the mental representation of student and teacher. Both of these aspects of the mental representation of scientific diagrams would probably have to be addressed if there are to be improvements in the development of students' diagram interpretation skills. It does not seem sufficient merely to give students a huge diet of diagrams and assume that the necessary reading skills are either present or will develop by themselves. Rather, a deliberate programme designed to develop well structured mental representations of scientific diagrams should accompany efforts to build up an extensive knowledge base about this highly specialised form of visual display. Such a programme should be accompanied by instruction that develops appropriate processing strategies that allow students to gain maximum value from the diagrams they encounter.  相似文献   

新型民事纠纷不断出现,对实体法未明确规定的正当权利是否予以司法救济成为法院面临的难题,为了保护法律未明确规定的权利而产生的诉的利益应当从宪法权利、社会价值观念、公共政策、公共舆论以及国外立法实践几个因素去衡量,才能更好地保护当事人正当权益及纠纷的最终解决,同时防止新型民事纠纷的滥诉和审判权的滥用。而所谓诉的利益是为了考量“具体请求的内容是否具有进行本案判决之必要性及实效性”而设置的一个要件。  相似文献   

夸张辞格的认知阐释   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从认知的角度探讨夸张的定义、成立条件和有效性条件,认为夸张是指故意用话语表述出一种不符合基础认知的虚拟认知,通过形成认知距离而突显对象属性的一种表达手段。夸张成立必须满足两个条件:一是基础认知程度值必须为真,二是认知距离必须大于零。夸张要有效,其言辞传达出的情感值就不能超过人们认知中限定的情感最大值。  相似文献   

This article provides two ‘portraits’ of headteachers in primary schools in England and Hong Kong, derived from semi-structured interviews with these individuals. Contrary to some claims that such a small sample is worthless, this article argues that what is most meaningful is sometimes derived from the singular and unique; that generalisations in education are as likely to be useful if they are ‘fuzzy’ generalisations as if they are from scientific or statistical generalisations; and that the individual case can strip away the clutter of large contexts and allow recognition of a common shared humanity. What these portraits also show is that responses to larger contexts are heavily dependent on personality and local context, and that if policy implementation and professional development are to have impact, then an attention to the personal and the local are going to be critical factors in any success in these areas.  相似文献   

On several levels it can be said that the act of modelling in science is inherently an argumentative act. That is, in virtually all aspects of modelling, from developing a question to judging between competing models that might answer that question, an individual is engaged in persuasive acts. Those acts may be private or public. They may be mental, written or oral, but they are about judging ideas and making sense of them; convincing oneself or others that the ideas and ways of looking at and explaining a phenomenon are useful. These acts are what scientists find exciting. They are what make science intellectually interesting and challenging. Inviting students into this practice is one way to help them learn both the content and process of science. This paper introduces a framework that is attentive to the research on how people learn while simultaneously pushing for curriculum and instruction that engages students in elements of the practice of science. We explore how this framework can be used to foster argumentation by describing the theoretical underpinnings of the framework and using classroom examples to illustrate the utility of the framework for promoting argumentation.  相似文献   

Studies on identity in general and mathematical identity in particular have gained much interest over the last decades. However, although measurements have been proven to be potent tools in many scientific fields, a lack of consensus on ontological, epistemological, and methodological issues has complicated measurements of mathematical identities. Specifically, most studies conceptualise mathematical identity as something multidimensional and situated, which obviously complicates measurement, since these aspects violate basic requirements of measurement. However, most concepts that are measured in scientific work are both multidimensional and situated, even in physics. In effect, these concepts are being conceptualised as sufficiently uni-dimensional and invariant for measures to be meaningful. We assert that if the same judgements were to be made regarding mathematical identity, that is, whether identity can be measured with one instrument alone, whether one needs multiple instruments, or whether measurement is meaningless, it would be necessary to know how much of the multidimensionality can be captured by one measure and how situated mathematical identity is. Accordingly, this paper proposes a theoretical perspective on mathematical identity that is consistent with basic requirements of measurement. Moreover, characteristics of students’ mathematical identities are presented and the problem of “situatedness” is discussed.  相似文献   

School Admissions: Increasing Equity, Accountability and Transparency   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
This paper examines the impact of education reforms on school admissions policies and practices. It discusses the changes that are needed to improve the current system, especially in areas where the market is highly developed. It is concluded that the new legislation to be enacted by the current Labour Government should be beneficial, but that more far-reaching changes are needed for the admissions process to be equitable, transparent and accountable.  相似文献   

If we accept Popper's idea that the human habitat is described in terms of three worlds, and that there are overlaps between these three worlds, our moral actions and values will also be subject to the same kinds of consideration as a repertoire of behaviours exhibited in a physical environment. We will develop moral habits in a moral habitat and our moral behaviours will also be dependent on the kind of moral habitat in which we find ourselves.

There are three main problems to which this analysis leads and on which we will focus in this paper. Firstly, there is the problem of the kind of moral environment—habitat—that we need to provide for human beings if they are to develop the kinds of moral values that we hold to be important. Secondly, there is the question of how we are to develop the kinds of moral habits themselves and thirdly, there is the question of how these moral habits and habitat are to be maintained. If we take Popper seriously then human beings have a crucial responsibility in the creation of a moral third world—that is, a habitat in which human beings can flourish. Schools have an important role as a moral habitat for the inculcation of good moral habits.  相似文献   

根据<招标投标法>,我国法律规定了公开招标、邀请招标2种方式,同时规定了可以不招标的情形.但以公开招标为代表的传统招标方式在节约社会成本、保证采购效率、提高资金使用效益等方面存在诸多不足,在邀请招标、不招标的具体制度设计上也有不少亟待完善之处.文章提出了推行电子招标和电子反向拍卖方式,严格邀请招标的条件设置,规范邀请招标的程序,将不招标纳入"议标"范畴,完善"议标"的具体适用条件和程序等若干具体设想.  相似文献   

This theoretical paper is concerned with problematising the rethinking of theoretical backgrounds associated with one of the commonly used educational technology terms (fields)—technology-enhanced learning—in the wider context of scholarship. Examples will show that the term itself is now used beyond its apparent, stated scope, that it is used in a number of varied ways, and that this is in itself problematic. The ways in which the term is used will be identified, and from these a strategic categorisation to rethink the use of the single term in areas of scholarship (particularly research and teaching) will be proposed, offering terms specifically encompassing the realms in which technologies are being used. From this categorisation, it will be shown that each specific category is based on different conceptions related to or arising from practice. Consequently, ways that theoretical backgrounds should be considered will be explored in each case. While existing theoretical backgrounds enable conceptual underpinnings in some of those cases, in other cases it will be shown that there are currently no fully developed theories or limited theoretical frameworks available. The paper will conclude by identifying key research areas needed if we are to develop and take pertinent aspects of scholarship further forward.  相似文献   

This article explores the value of student voice to school improvement, suggesting that it is often assumed to be a good thing. The article describes six trends that have contributed to this unexamined assumption. It is suggested that two dimensions of any claim that student voice can contribute to school improvement need to be analysed: the degree to which students are regarded as being active in participation in school life, and the purposed for which their voice is being used. A distinction is drawn between those that are for community purposes, such as the improvement of learning, and institutional purposes such as improvement in the appearance of the school. The various ways in which student voice can be used to coerce teachers of students into compliance are identified. An analytic matrix is presented. A dialogic model is proposed as the form of participation that will contribute most towards improvement. The article concludes with accounts of three projects in which student participation has been encouraged through dialogue about learning.  相似文献   

Robin Barrow 《Interchange》2006,37(4):287-307
The paper argues that 100 years of empirical research into teaching has failed to provide a usable account of best practice. This is partly because of conceptual and other logical problems that cannot in practice be resolved, as has been argued before. However, it is further argued that the real reason that no useful rules of good teaching can be established is that there are no substantive and important rules covering human interactions such as teaching. It is not that science cannot get the answers; rather it is that there are not any answers, and that is why there is not a science of teaching. Every teaching event is unique and the way to determine good practice is to be clear about what one is trying to achieve and to know one’s particular audience. This is not simply sound practical advice, but logically the only path to knowledge in this area.  相似文献   

In a paper presented at last year's conference, the author argued that there were at least six definitions implied in contemporary discussions of quality in higher education. The paper suggested that, by accepting quality as a measure of expectation, it was possible to place quality issues at the heart of the formulation of corporate strategy for institutions of higher education. It also argued that the linking of quality with funding mechanisms would be a procedure fraught with both conceptual and practical difficulties. In this paper, it is argued that the current position in the UK, with regard to quality issues, is demonstrating the predicted conceptual confusion and is generating practical consequences which can be catastrophic for the future of the higher education sector. It is proposed that this situation has its roots in a disregard of the ethical considerations involved in the determination of the appropriate concept of quality and its implementation in both national strategy and corporate policy. There are many approaches to the problems of ethics, but for these purposes the simple distinction between the ‘Guardian’ and ‘Trader’ syndromes is sufficient. The former identifies those ethical standards which are appropriate to protective, governmental behaviour whilst the latter concerns standards of behaviour in commerce. Whilst there are common elements, there are also codes of behaviour within each syndrome which are irreconcilable. The paper argues that the proper understanding of quality issues in higher education must be related to the choice of ethical standard, whilst the confusion which currently exists is caused by a reluctance to face up to that choice. It is clear that quality issues can never be ‘value free’: what is less evident is that quality can never be ‘amoral’.  相似文献   

语言与文化的关系决定了语言学习必须要重视文化因素,文化是语言使用的必要语境。语言与文化的差异归根到底是由民族心理差异造成的。同时,语言和文化是不断发展的。注意文化间的差异,融文化于语言的教与学中,有助于语言的学习和使用。  相似文献   

主体性德育——欣赏型德育模式论要   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
德育过程的本质是价值引导情境中道德学习主体的自主建构,这就要求在实施德育的过程中教学关系民主化、德育内容具有开放性及教育方法具有自由特征,即实施主体德育。而欣赏型德育模式符合主体性德育要求,其基本构想为:教师是参谋或伙伴,德育情景审美化,在“欣赏”中完成价值选择能力和创造力的培养。  相似文献   

If a grade is to be trusted as an authentic representation of a student’s level of academic achievement, one of the requirements is that all the elements that contribute to that grade must qualify as achievement, and not be something else. The implications of taking this proposition literally turn out to be far reaching. Many elements that are technically non‐achievements are routinely incorporated into grades and thereby act as contaminants. A variety of credits and penalties are often included with the intention of helping shape student behaviours or improve their learning. Reversing the situation has ramifications not only for assessment and grading practices but also for the ways in which curriculum and teaching are conceptualised, designed and engaged in.  相似文献   

Conclusion The substance of the case which has been presented is not that any of the procedures that are currently used to develop tests should be discarded but that a richer source of data should be used to make judgements about the validity of tests. It has been argued that the production of valid tests requires a subject-oriented approach and that interviews are a valuable source of information for assisting in the development of such tests. Interviews can be used in the initial exploration of the ways in which potential subjects perceive an area of knowledge, in the trialling of test items and even in the final administration of the completed test. One added bonus of such an approach is that it helps to bring together in a complementary fashion research paradigms which are more often seen to be in competition with one another.  相似文献   

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