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我端着一罐水跑到楼梯上,打算背那厚厚的一沓政治。已经是高中最后的自主复习阶段了,而对于政治,我真的没有一点把握。我希望自己一个人背,会更有效率。然而,听到窗外传来了熟悉的舞曲声,我的心便再也静不下来。我知道高二的孩子们在跳集体舞。无数记忆的片段飞也似的从眼前闪过,而我盯着的政治讲义,自然也不再是一行行文字。分明看到那在暮春的风中飘扬的红纱裙摆,分明看到一袭黑衣的男  相似文献   

从人物设置、人物心理、主题思想、表现方式等不同侧面,比较《哈姆莱特》和《海鸥》两个剧本。这两部作品,塑造了两个在新旧势力的夹缝中不断抗争、孤独品尝痛苦的年轻人,表达了两位作者对新思想、新一代的期待和惋惜的双重态度。  相似文献   

盛世嘉年,如日中天。喷薄朝阳,蔚为大观。乾转坤定,风樯彼岸。驰目骋怀,碧野平川。长虹卧波,御风凭栏。血性阳刚,地阔天宽。弯弓射雕难酬志,戏转环球点江山。堂堂青年,力量泉源。肩担道义,臂挽狂澜。湘江橘洲,惊涛拍岸。长征之炬,代有薪传。  相似文献   

青春是离年少的朋友们最近的东西,所以很多读者都争相谈论读了《青春是什么》一文后的感想。我选了这几篇(因为篇幅关系,有的仅是片段),是因为我感动于他们简洁灵动的文字和条理清晰的观点,这些其实就是对"青春是什么"这个问题的圆满回答。  相似文献   

我觉得,世上的青春像一件件永远穿不坏的衣服,从一些人身上剥下来,穿在另一些人的身上。剥衣人叫时光,穿衣人是爹娘。衣服就那么多,被古往今来无数的人穿过。  相似文献   

<正><国宝档案>聂耳小提琴属性:乐器时期:近代藏馆:云南省博物馆我是一把小提琴。在我的同类里,我的做工并不算精良,质量也算不上上乘。和"朱颜辞镜花辞树"一样,时光在我身上留下的是剥落的油漆、磨损的边缘和一道道浅浅的细纹。但琴弦经历雕琢,却愈发显得光洁如新,似乎在期待着被谁托在肩头,再次流淌出岁月喑哑。  相似文献   

张小梅  罗弦 《高中生》2011,(4):54-55
1.如何避免雷击 ①预知打雷和雷击。看到乱积云变大,不久即变成雷云,应赶紧到安全的地方躲一躲。收音机中有刺耳的杂音、忽下大粒雨滴也是打雷的预兆。②跑向低地。③远离高树或密叶树林。④远离铁塔,去掉身上的金属物,装入塑料袋中。⑤如在水域活动,要赶紧上岸。⑥不要和别人聚集在一起,应分散开。  相似文献   

余毛毛  橙子 《高中生》2011,(28):56-57
6月里,我遇到两个平凡的女孩,都只有19岁,她们的生活态度让我很感动。第一个女孩是一家饭店的服务员。那天,和几位朋友在一起吃饭,席间,聊到各自读中学时的母校,当我说自己曾是市S中的学生的时候,在一旁不声不响为我们服务的她快乐地笑了起来,对我说:"呀,我们是校友啊!"我承认我那天喝得有一点高,我承认我对我的母校没有什么敬意,因为它几乎是全市最差的  相似文献   

Using data from 5,070 youth ages 11 to 18 years old who participated in the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health, concurrent and longitudinal associations among cumulative risk, protective factors, and youth maladjustment were examined. Cumulative risk was associated with concurrent conduct problems and depressed mood. For conduct problems, a compensatory effect was found for scholastic achievement and problem-solving ability. For depressed mood, a compensatory effect was found for scholastic achievement. A protective-reactive effect of self-esteem was found for both forms of maladjustment. Youth gender, grade, and ethnicity moderated these associations. Cumulative risk predicted change over time in depressed mood. Scholastic achievement and self-esteem compensated for this risk. Findings indicate that youth attributes offer limited protection when adolescents experience risk factors across life domains.  相似文献   

Proud Maisie is in the wood,   Walking so early;   Sweet Robin sits on the bush,   Singing so rarely.……  相似文献   

2013年,《中学生》杂志将隆重推出小说连载栏目,敬请期待! 第一个登场的是《青春飓风季》,讲了一段发生在‘我”高中时代的故事。生活还会继续,也还会谱写新的篇章,而青春期里发生的一些事情,总是像一场飓风,来势汹汹,却又走得悄无声息,让人回想起来觉得充满了喜怒哀乐,精彩万分。  相似文献   

志愿服务是指任何人自愿贡献个人时间和精力,在不为物质报酬的前提下,为推动人类发展、社会进步和社会福利事业而提供服务的活动。中国青年志愿服务有着“服务社会”和“培养青年”的双重目的,青年在参与志愿服务的过程中,不仅加深了对社会的认识、提高了自身的能力,而且在思想  相似文献   

Educational alternatives for marginalised youth   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In the context of pressure to increase retention rates a wide variety of alternative educational programs has developed in Australia over the past few decades. The purpose of this paper is to provide a map of the alternative education landscape for marginalised youth in New South Wales, in order to reduce confusion and enable communication between programs, practitioners and scholars, locally and internationally. This paper focuses on two dimensions to do with the program’s purpose in relation to locus of change and with the stability of the program to construct a proposed map of alternative education for marginalised youth in Australia. Based on this map, the paper argues that one type of program is most useful, not only for marginalised young people but also for suggesting possibilities for reform in mainstream education.  相似文献   

德国纳粹运动的群众基础是德国青年。希特勒纳粹思想对德国青年一代的征服可视作青年的可导性与政治易操纵性被付诸实施的典型个案。纳粹思想既符合希特勒的战略目标 ,又满足了在第一次世界大战后政治、经济、文化背景中成长起来的德国青年的自然冲动 ,终于衍化为湮灭世界的恶潮。  相似文献   

Sexual abuse of deaf youth   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

动漫是青少年中流行的亚文化,青少年这一文化选择充实了青少年闲暇时间。本文通过对我国动漫文化流行原因、动漫文化特点及它的积极与消极影响的分析,对热流行的动漫文化进行了冷静的思考。  相似文献   

Domestic-minor sex trafficking (DMST) continues to affect youth in the United States; however, lack of empirical evidence for interventions and the complex sociopolitical discourses surrounding sex trafficking and the commercial sexual exploitation of children (CSEC) hamper delivery of effective services to this population. To explore perspectives on best practices with these young people, 20 in-depth interviews were conducted with key stakeholders whose work provides them with a unique vantage point on the needs and experiences of survivors of DMST in New Jersey. Notes from interviews were coded and analyzed for emergent themes. While key stakeholders generally agreed on best practices, there were several important areas of dispute that emerged regarding how best to serve youth involved in DMST, specifically with regard to youth running away from services, models of service provision, and the use of technology by these youth. Findings suggest that professionals from diverse backgrounds may disagree about the extent to which youth involved in DMST possess agency in their decision-making capacities as adolescents. This study explores these areas of dispute, and discusses the implications for the many different professionals and systems that must work together in providing services to this population.  相似文献   

The language of austerity has been widely used to characterize policy-making in post-industrial nations since the financial crisis. Youth services in England are a noted example of the effects of austerity, having suffered rapid and severe cuts following a period of record investment prior to 2008. In this article, I argue that ‘austerity’ is an inadequate conceptual basis for critical analysis of policy-making since 2008, and that youth services are better understood as an exemplar case of the reforming effects of a ‘late neoliberal regime’. The late neoliberal regime describes a regulation of production through a finance capital imaginary, as distinct from the productive capital imaginary of the quasi-marketising neoliberal regime. I argue that late neoliberalism has effected the disassembly of quasi-marketised youth services and simultaneously the emergence of a new youth sector founded on norms of investment and return. I trace the reforming force of this regime through the productive relations of capital distributions, policy discourse, and organizational forms.  相似文献   

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