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Rats injected with lithium chloride after ingesting familiar food pellets presented in textured metal sleeves learned aversions to the sleeved food. In a choice between sleeved and unsleeved food, the aversions were evident following conditioning with toxicosis delayed as long as 120 min after exposure to the sleeved food (Experiment 1). Texture-specific aversions resulted from procedures in which rats were exposed to food in both rough- and smooth-textured sleeves but were injected with lithium only in conjunction with one of the textures (Experiments 2–4). This differential aversion learning occurred when lithium treatment was delayed 30 min after exposure to the sleeved food (Experiments 3 and 4) and was equally evident in rats conditioned and tested in total darkness or in normal room-level illumination (Experiment 4). However, differential texture aversion learning was not observed with 90- or 300-min delayed toxicosis (Experiment 3). The present experiments highlight the importance of tactile cues in the poison-avoidance learning of species that handle their food during the course of ingestion.  相似文献   

In four experiments, each using a single conditioning trial, rats avoided a light more than a saccharin solution after these stimuli had been paired with footshock, whereas saccharin was avoided more than the light after these stimuli had been paired with lithium injection. The use of a single conditioning trial precludes possible US-induced differential orientations from influencing which stimuli will be associated on the conditioning trial. This cue-consequence specificity effect was obtained even when subjects conditioned with lithium received a non-contingent footshock prior to the test session, and when subjects conditioned with footshock received a noncontingent lithium injection before testing (Experiments 2–4). Weak aversions to the light in rats given a light-lithium pairing and noncontingent footshock and to the saccharin in subjects that received a saccharin-footshock pairing and noncontingent lithium administration were obtained in Experiment 2. However, these weak aversions were not obtained when subjects were given three nonreinforced exposures to the test chamber before the test session (Experiments 3 and 4). These results indicate that US-induced differential orientations do not mediate the cue-consequence effect in aversion learning.  相似文献   

Animals were first conditioned to expect lithium treatment following exposure to one taste solution (the CS+) and to expect no drug treatment following exposure to another flavor (the CS?). All subjects then received a saccharin taste-aversion conditioning trial. In Experiment 1, this conditioning trial was preceded 0, 1, 2, 4, or 6 h earlier by exposure to the CS+ flavor for independent groups. The CS+ exposure attenuated saccharin aversion learning if it occurred immediately before the saccharin conditioning trial but not if it occurred 1 h or more before conditioning. In Experiment 2, the saccharin conditioning trial was preceded 3 or 4.5 h earlier by a lithium injection. This proximal US preexposure injection was either unannounced (Li) or preceded by exposure to the CS+ (CS+Li) or the CS? (CS?Li) stimuli. The US preexposure attenuated saccharin aversion learning in all cases. However, the interference effect was less when the preexposure injection was expected (CS+Li) than when it was unexpected (CS?Li). This outcome could not be explained in terms of direct effects of the CS+ and CS? stimuli on the saccharin conditioning trial, and shows that the proximal US preexposure effect is a function of not only the drug dosage and preexposure interval, but also the anticipation of the drug pretreatment.  相似文献   

Retention interval effects are seen in taste-aversion learning when single-element aversions are significantly weaker 24 h after conditioning compared with tests at later intervals. This report contains three experiments which suggest that the source of the increased drinking at the 1-day interval is nonassociative interference produced by the novel conditioning episode. In Experiment 1, a parametric analysis demonstrated that aversion strength increased monotonically over a 30-h period following conditioning, and that by 48 h after conditioning it was stabilized. In Experiment 2, a single US preexposure was used to reduce the novelty of the US prior to conditioning. As a result, animals preexposed to the US had stronger taste aversions than did non-preexposed controls at a 1-day retention interval; however, no differences were seen at a 5-day interval. Experiment 3 investigated whether the counterintuitive outcome of Experiment 2 was due to the summation of environment-illness and taste-illness associations at the 1-day test. The results ruled out the summation argument; the US preexposure did not need to be presented in the conditioning context to strengthen the aversion at the 1-day interval. Collectively, these results suggest that the presentation of a surprising US can interfere with the retrieval of the taste-illness association for a short period after conditioning, and that this contributes to the retention interval effect.  相似文献   

In six experiments, we examined taste and compound taste/taste aversions at different retention intervals. In Experiment 1, saccharin aversions were significantly weaker 1 day after conditioning than 21 days after conditioning. This effect was determined not to be caused by the aftereffects of illness or differential hydration. With the use of a saccharin/denatonium compound, Experiment 2 demonstrated overshadowing of a denatonium aversion at 21- and 1-day retention intervals, Experiment 4 showed a potentiated saccharin aversion only at the 21-day retention interval, and both Experiments 2 and 4 revealed that the aversion of the taste-only controls was stronger at the later retention interval. Experiments 3 and 5 demonstrated that the differences at the two retention intervals were not caused by unconditioned changes in taste preference. Finally, Experiment 6 showed that extinction of the conditioning environment prior to testing results in stronger saccharin aversions than occur in nonextinguished controls. Collectively, these experiments suggest that testing within a 24-h period after conditioning will result in significantly weaker taste aversions. Also, these results support a retrieval-competition explanation that may account for the weakened aversions at the 1-day testing interval of both groups conditioned to single elements and those conditioned to compounds.  相似文献   

Thirsty Sprague-Dawley rats drank flavored water in a wind tunnel prior to lithium-induced toxicosis. Flavors were presented for 5 min; 30 min later a toxin, lithium chloride, was injected. After the rats had recovered, subsequent aversions to the taste and the odor were assessed separately. In Experiment 1, extensive preexposure to the taste component of the flavor attenuated neophobia to the flavor and the subsequent taste aversion. However, the subsequent odor aversion was unaffected. Experiment 2 partially replicated the results of Experiment 1 and showed that, in a situation in which only taste-potentiated odor aversions are usually found, nonpotentiated aversions were evident. Experiment 3 found that, in addition to attenuating taste aversions, taste preexposure enhances the capacity of rats to learn nonpotentiated odor aversions. The results are interpreted with a neural-based model of conditioned flavor aversions.  相似文献   

In three conditioned taste aversion experiments, we examined the roles of several variables in producing super-latent inhibition (LI). This effect, greater LI after a long interval than after a short interval between the conditioning and the test stages (De la Casa & Lubow, 2000), was shown to increase with the number of stimulus preexposures (0, 2, or 4; Experiment 1) and with the length of the delay interval (1, 7, 14, or 21 days; Experiment 2). Furthermore, super-LI was obtained when the delay interval was introduced between the conditioning and the test stages (Experiments 1 and 2), but not when it was introduced between the preexposure and the conditioning stages (Experiment 3). The results are discussed in relation to interference explanations of LI.  相似文献   

The present series of five flavor aversion experiments with rat subjects examined compound conditioning at varying CS-US intervals. Using a taste-taste design, Experiments 1A and 1B demonstrated overshadowing at a 0-min CS-US interval and potentiation at a 120-min CS-US interval, and these effects occurred with both tastes of the compound. Experiment 2 showed that the aversion to a single element is reduced when the CS-US interval is increased to 120 min, but the aversion for a compound taste is not. Experiments 3A and 3B explored odor + taste compound conditioning; the results demonstrated odor potentiation across the trace interval and a transition from taste overshadowing to taste potentiation. Collectively, the data show that the change from overshadowing to potentiation was not due to changes in the aversions produced by compound conditioning but, instead, was due to a more rapid loss of conditionability across a trace interval prior to the US in single-element conditioning. These experiments suggest that following compound conditioning, the aversion to each element represents generalization decrement from the configured compound, but the designation of overshadowing or potentiation actually depends on the status of conditioning in the single-element control.  相似文献   

Previous studies on the effect of CS amount/duration on the conditioning of taste aversion have reported that animals having greater contact with the CS acquire greater aversion. These findings appear to contradict studies of CS preexposure, which show that greater contact with the CS results in less aversion. In the present research, the effect of CS amount was shown to depend on the CS-US interval. Thus, a 10-ml CS (0.15% saccharin) at 3- and 9-h CS-US intervals produced less aversion than a 1-ml CS, but there was no significant effect of CS amount at a 30-min interval. These results suggest a two-process interpretation of the delay gradient in conditioned taste aversion: one process (learned safety) is dominant at relatively long CS-US intervals, and a different process becomes dominant at short intervals.  相似文献   

A conditioned emotional response procedure was used to study the interactive effects of stimulus preexposure and retention interval in rats. In Experiment 1, the subjects were conditioned by presenting a light CS paired with mild footshock as the US. Half of the subjects were given nonreinforced preexposure to the CS, and the others were not. Separate preexposed and nonpreexposed groups were then tested 1,7, or 21 days after conditioning. Suppression of ongoing activity was used to assess the degree of conditioned fear. Latent inhibition was found at the 1-day retention interval; the preexposed subjects displayed less conditioned fear than did the nonpreexposed subjects. In contrast, equally strong conditioned fear was expressed by the preexposed and the nonpreexposed groups tested after the 7- and the 21-day retention intervals. These results indicate a release from latent inhibition similar to that obtained with conditioned taste aversions (Kraemer & Roberts, 1984). The results of Experiment 2 suggest that retention-interval-induced increases in sensitization, pseudoconditioning, or neophobia cannot account for the release from latent inhibition effect obtained in Experiment 1. The implications of these findings for a retrievaloriented view of latent inhibition are discussed.  相似文献   

Taste-aversion learning in rats is disrupted if the subjects are exposed to the unconditioned stimulus (US) shortly before the conditioning trial but not if this single US preexposure treatment occurs 1 day or more before conditioning. Several characteristics of this proximal US-preexposure phenomenon were explored. Experiment 1 showed that the time course of the interference with conditioning is directly related to the preexposure drug dose. Experiment 2 demonstrated that the interference effect is evident even if the test for aversion learning is conducted following a drug injection, thereby minimizing stimulus generalization decrement for the preexposed subjects. Finally, Experiment 3 showed that disruption of the contingent relationship between tastes and drug effects is probably not responsible for the proximal US-preexposure phenomenon because the interference with conditioning occurs regardless of whether or not the preexposure drug treatment is paired with a novel flavor. These findings, together with previous research, demonstrate the remarkably robust character of the proximal US-preexposure phenomenon.  相似文献   

The effects of flavor preexposure and retention interval were assessed in 6- and 12-day-old rats. Conditioned aversions to a flavor appeared at both ages. The conditioning of the younger pups was unaffected by conditioned stimulus (CS) preexposure and was not evident after a 10-day retention interval. For the 12-day-old rats, preexposure to either the flavor CS or a different flavor attenuated aversion strength when the rats were tested soon after conditioning. Other 12-day-old rats that were tested 10 days after conditioning also expressed substantial aversions, but with a retention interval of this length, the aversions were equivalent for animals preexposed to the CS and those not preexposed before conditioning. This loss of the CS-preexposure effect over a long interval, which has also been observed in adult rats, identifies the locus of this effect as postacquisition and perhaps at the stage of memory retrieval.  相似文献   

Pentobarbital is self-administered by rats but has also been reported to produce a conditioned place aversion. Since the self-administration and place preference paradigms both are considered to assess drug reward, we further examined the hedonic properties of pentobarbital, using place conditioning. In Experiment 1, a dose of 15 mg/kg (intraperitoneal) of pentobarbital produced a conditioned place aversion after 4 conditioning trials of various durations (5, 15, 30, or 60 min). Since rats are typically drug experienced in the self-administration paradigm, in Experiments 2 and 3, we examined the effect of drug history on pentobarbital-induced place conditioning. Although preexposure to pentobarbital attenuated the place aversion, it never resulted in a place preference. As has been reported with alcohol, pentobarbital is hedonically aversive in rats, when novel.  相似文献   

The effect of a retention interval on latent inhibition was studied in three experiments by using rats and the conditioned taste-aversion procedure. In Experiment 1, we demonstrated an apparent loss of latent inhibition (i.e., a strengthening of the aversion) in preexposed subjects that experienced a retention interval of 12 days between conditioning and the test. In Experiment 2, we found no effect of this retention interval on the habituation of neophobia produced by the phase of exposure to the flavor. In Experiment 3, we showed that interposing a retention interval between preexposure and conditioning produced effects exactly comparable to those seen in Experiment 1. The implications of these results for rival theories of latent inhibition, as an acquisition deficit or as a case of interference at retrieval, are discussed.  相似文献   

In two experiments, rats were presented with a taste conditioned stimulus (CS) alone, an odor CS alone, or an odor-taste compound followed by lithium chloride injection. When tested 1 day following conditioning, there was evidence that the odor cue overshadowed conditioning to the taste; however, there was no indication of overshadowing following a longer (21-day) retention interval, despite undiminished strength of the aversion in animals conditioned with only the single element (taste). The overshadowing observed at the 1-day retention interval was not reciprocal. Rats conditioned with the odor CS alone or with the compound CS expressed odor aversions of comparable strength—that is, no overshadowing. However, in contrast to the taste aversion, overshadowing of conditioning to the odor by taste was evident following a 21-day retention interval. Rather than reflecting a failure of the overshadowed stimulus to acquire associative strength, these data suggest that overshadowing may be expressed, or not expressed, as a result of changes in the relative retrievability of learned associations over time.  相似文献   

Following drug preexposure, rats were given taste aversion conditioning in either the preexposure environment or the home cage. For animals preexposed to LiCl, only the subjects conditioned in the preexposure environment showed the typical UCS preexposure effect, that is, an attenuated aversion, an effect consistent with a blocking interpretation of the LiCl-induced preexposure effect. On the other hand, all rats preexposed to morphine displayed attenuated aversions, independent of the preexposure and conditioning environments, an effect consistent with a pharmacological tolerance explanation of the UCS preexposure effect to morphine. The specific mechanism underlying the drug-induced attenuation appears to be drug-dependent.  相似文献   

The attenuation of an LiCl-induced conditioned taste aversion (CTA) by LiCl preexposure is mediated primarily by associative blocking via injection-related cues. Given that preexposure to morphine attenuates morphine-induced CTAs, it was of interest to determine whether injection cues also mediate this effect. Certain morphine-induced behaviors such as analgesic tolerance are controlled associatively, via injection-related cues. Accordingly, animals in the present experiments were preexposed to morphine (or vehicle) every other day for five total exposures, followed by an extinction phase, in which the subjects were given saline injections (or no treatment) for 8 (Experiment 1) or 16 (Experiment 2) consecutive days. All of the animals then received five CTA trials with morphine (or vehicle). The morphine-preexposed animals in Experiment 1 displayed an attenuation of the morphine CTA that was unaffected by extinction saline injections, suggesting that blocking by injection cues during morphine preexposure does not mediate this effect. All of the morphine-preexposed subjects in Experiment 2 displayed a weakened preexposure effect, an effect inconsistent with a selective extinction of drug-associated stimuli. The attenuating effects of morphine preexposure in aversion learning are most likely controlled by nonassociative mechanisms, like drug tolerance.  相似文献   

Two experiments with rat subjects examined conditioning of an aversion to a compound flavor stimulus after preexposing the compound, its constituent elements, or no explicit flavor stimulus. Experiment 1 used a short-term procedure in which preexposure and conditioning treatments occurred on the same day; Experiment 2 used a long-term procedure in which more extensive preexposure was administered several days before conditioning. In both experiments, preexposure of the elements slowed conditioning to the compound more than did preexposure of the compound itself. These effects were apparently not mediated by changes in pseudoconditioned or neophobic responses. The results were related to Lubow’s conditioned attention theory of stimulus preexposure effects.  相似文献   

Rats were used in a conditioned taste aversion procedure in order to examine the effects of context exposure duration during the conditioning sessions on conditioned responding. One flavor was paired with lithium chloride during a long session in one context, whereas another flavor was conditioned during a short session in another context. Testing occurred in the home cage. The results showed that conditioning during short sessions produced strong conditioned taste aversions. Conditioning during long sessions produced strong conditioned taste aversions when the conditioned-stimulus-unconditionedstimulus (CS-US) pairing occurred at the end of the lengthy session. Other results showed that context-US associations were formed during the short duration sessions and that these associations supported conditioned responding to the CS trained in that context. The results are discussed with respect to the different influences that contextual cues can exert on conditioned responding.  相似文献   

In two experiments, rats received preexposure consisting of six intraperitoneal injections of lithium chloride (LiCl). This treatment reduced the magnitude of the unconditioned response (UR; suppressed consumption of a novel flavor) evoked by an additional injection (Experiment 1) or by oral consumption (Experiment 2) of LiCl. In both experiments, preexposure also attenuated the acquisition of a conditioned aversion with an LiCl injection as the unconditioned stimulus (US) but had no effect on the aversion produced when the US was oral consumption of LiCl (Experiment 2). These results are consistent with the view that the reduced ability of the preexposed US to serve as a reinforcer depends on blocking by injection-related cues and is independent of habituation of the UR recorded in the present study. Possible interpretations of this dissociation are discussed.  相似文献   

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