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<正>Part1引言平面镜成像是光学知识的重点内容之一,也是中考重点,探究平面镜成像的特点对于学生理解和运用平面镜成像知识解决具体问题具有重要的意义。本期介绍如何探究平面镜成像的特点。Part2学生活动卡实验名称:探究平面镜成像的特点  相似文献   

平面镜在光学中的作用实质是光的反射定律的具体应用,并且属于光的镜面反射.平面镜的作用是平面镜成像和改变光的传播方向.平面镜成像的主要内容:平面镜成虚像,像和物大小相等,像到镜面的距离等于物到镜面的距离.平面镜通过反射改变光的传播方向,但不改变光的发散和会聚的性质.  相似文献   

平面镜成像具有物、像关于镜面对称的特点.这一特点的运用是讨论平面镜成像问题的一条重要思路. 例1 如图1,S为静止的点光源,M为与水平方向成θ角的平面镜.若平面镜在水平方向做振幅为l的简谐运动,则S的像如何运动?  相似文献   

平面镜在光学中的作用实质是光的反射定律的具体应用,并且属于光的镜面反射。平面镜的作用是平面镜成像和改变光的传播方向。平面镜成像的主要内容:平面镜成虚像,像和物大小相等,像到镜面的距离等于物到镜面的距离。平面镜通过反射改变光的传播方向,但不改变光的发散和会聚的性质。  相似文献   

教学目标 1.了解平面镜可以改变光的传播方向及平面镜成像的规律。  相似文献   

一、热点解读平面镜和凸透镜是光学中的两个重要知识点,考查的知识内容主要有:①利用平面镜改变光的传播方向;②平面镜成像作图;③平面镜成像规律的应用;④利用凸透镜特殊光线进行作图;⑤凸透镜成像规律;⑥凸透镜成像规律的应用等。考查题目一般不难,但有时也会有少量的较难题目出现,如利用平面镜改变光线方向时平面镜转动角度大小的判断,根据不同的成像情况判定凸透镜的焦距大小,凸透镜成像时出现的一些现象的原因分析和根据题意要求选择合适的平面镜和凸透镜等。总之,平面镜和凸透镜在中考试卷中是考查频率非常高的知识点,因此我们在学习…  相似文献   

光学作图题主要考查同学们作图的基本技能和应用作图解决物理问题的能力。本文就近几年来的中考试题进行归类。 一、平面镜作图题 用平面镜改变光线的方向、平面镜成像是常见的平面镜作图题。这类题是光的反射定律、平面镜成像特点(对称法)的重要应用。  相似文献   

浙教版初中《科学》教材内容很简单,但涉及的知识点、考点很多,考试难度加大,如七年级下册第一章第五节《光的反射与折射》中的"平面镜成像",总共只有63个字,但蕴含许多中考考点。在杭州市的中考说明中,是这样描述的:理解平面镜成像规律的得出与光反射定律之间的联系;理解虚像的物理意义;能直接应用平面镜的成像规律作出虚像,找出物、像的对应关系。  相似文献   

平面镜成像问题是初中物理重点考查的知识点,本文总结出"一个本质、两个关键、三个决定于"的解决诀窍,可以使学生加深对平面镜成像问题的理解,有效提高解题的正确率.  相似文献   

一、教学目标1.知识与技能:了解平面镜成像的特点;了解平面镜成虚像,了解虚像是怎样形成的;理解日常生活中平面镜成像的现象;初步了解凹面镜对光的会聚作用、凸面镜对光的发散作用,以及了解它们的应用。2.过程与方法:经历"平面镜成像特点"探究,学习对实验过程中信息记录;观察实验现象,感知虚像的含义;通过观察感知球面镜对光线的作用。3.情感态度与价值观:在探究"平面镜成像特点"中,领略物理现象的美妙与和谐,获得"发现"成功的喜悦;培养实事求是的科学态度;通过对平面镜、球面镜的应用的  相似文献   

This paper reports on a study that was designed to investigate the knowledge about image formation exhibited by students following instruction in geometrical optics in an activity-based college physics course for prospective elementary teachers. Students were interviewed individually, using several tasks involving simple apparatus (plane and curved mirrors, lenses, and prisms). The diagrams drawn by the students and the verbal comments they made provide evidence that their knowledge can be described as an intermediate state, a hybridization of preinstruction knowledge (which is dominated by a holistic conceptualization) and formal physics knowledge. We infer from our data the core concepts and main ideas of the postinstruction students' hybrid knowledge. Finally, by comparing preinstruction and formal physics conceptualizations of image formation we argue that a strong type of knowledge restructuring (in the sense of Carey, S., 1986: American Psychologist, 41, 1123-1130; Vosianou, S., & Brewer, W.F., 1987: Review of Educational Research, 57, 51-67) is required for students to acquire the latter.  相似文献   

基于2DGabor小波与2DPCA的人脸识别方法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
2DGabor小波变换能够将相邻区域的像素联系起来,从不同的频率尺度和方向反映局部范围内图像像素灰度值的变化,2DGabor小波变换系数描述了图像上各给定位置附近区域的灰度特征。2DPCA方法,避免了从图像矩阵向一维向量的转换,并在人脸识别中获得了满意的效果。提出了2DGabor小波变换和2DPCA相结合的人脸识别方法,实验证明,2DGabor小波变换+2DPCA的算法在识别效果上优于Gabor小波变换+DPCA的算法。  相似文献   

In this study, 6‐month‐olds' ability to mentally rotate objects was investigated using the violation‐of‐expectation paradigm. Forty infants watched an asymmetric object being moved straight down behind an occluder. When the occluder was lowered, it revealed the original object (possible) or its mirror image (impossible) in one of five orientations. Whereas half of the infants were allowed to manually explore the object prior to testing, the other half was only allowed to observe the object. Results showed that infants with prior hands‐on experience looked significantly longer at the mirror image, while infants with observational experience did not discriminate between test events. These findings demonstrate that 6‐month‐olds' mental rotations benefit from manual exploration, highlighting the importance of motor experience for cognitive performance.  相似文献   

运用《镶嵌图形测验》(CEFT,1998年)和"成就目标取向量表",以180名五、六年级的学生为被试,探讨了小学儿童成就目标取向与认知风格之间的关系。研究结果表明:(1)小学高年级儿童场独立的认知风格与其掌握目标取向呈非常显著的正相关,与成绩目标取向不呈现显著相关;(2)在0.01水平上,掌握目标和成绩目标都高的小学生和两者都低的小学生的认知风格存在着非常显著的差异;(3)掌握目标和成绩目标都高的这种组合模式的场独立性最强。  相似文献   

Although curriculum orientations are widely discussed in educational literature, the extent to which teachers and other educational specialists in the United States hold these curriculum orientations is neither well documented nor well known. The relationships between a teacher's beliefs and the five dominant curriculum orientations (Academic Rationalism, Behavioural, Humanistic, Social Reconstruction and Cognitive Process) are unclear. Therefore, it is difficult to discuss the nature of how these curriculum orientations influence teacher choices and their execution and implementation of educational policy. This study replicated the 2002 research of Cheung and Wong in Hong Kong. A sample of 308 teachers in the United States participated. Findings indicate that the reliability and validity of the data were weak to moderate, and gender, level, subject speciality and experience influence a teacher's value of the particular curriculum orientations. The research also indicates that the construct of complementary pluralism (a strong positive relationship between the orientations of an individual teacher) does not exist with the same level of intensity for teachers in the United States. Rather, the theoretical opposition of the curriculum orientations is a practical opposition.  相似文献   


Whilst spatial reasoning skills have been found to predict mathematical achievement, little is known about how primary (elementary) students’ conceptual understanding of three-dimensional objects develops. In this article, we report a qualitative study and the impact of rich learning experiences on 48 Years 3–6 students’ geometric reasoning relating to prisms. A one-to-one task-based interview, refined by the researchers, was used to assess student learning. Coding and data analysis were informed by our previous research. The findings reveal noticeable shifts in students’ knowledge of and reasoning about prisms, their ability to construct and describe prisms with geometric language, and their visualisation and spatial structuring skills. The implications of these findings highlight the importance of teachers’ choice of tasks that require students to compose and decompose three-dimensional (3D) objects; compare 3D objects through physical and mental transformations; take different perspectives; and visualise and reason geometrically.


关于全站仪照准误差的测试实验与初步分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用坐标测量和对边测量的方法,用不同的棱镜、不同厂家的全站仪和不同的距离对照准误差进行测试,经过对7000多个观测数据的统计分析,初步得出了照准误差的分布规律.  相似文献   

理念是一个动态性的概念,大学理念的科技取向是在大学理念演进过程中产生和发展的。大学内部教育环境和社会的科技环境促使了大学理念科技取向的形成和发展。科教一体化、科技社会化和研究型大学建设等体现了当代大学理念科技取向的基本特征。  相似文献   

大学定位   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
高等教育产业化是大学发展的趋势 ,用市场手段解决高等教育存在的矛盾和问题成为必然的选择。大学定位是大学创建品牌与谋求发展的前提。大学欲获得准确的定位 ,应该对高等教育市场、自身状况、竞争对手进行认真分析研究 ,从而确定目标市场。在此基础上制定人力资源产品定位策略与大学的定位策略。  相似文献   

This article defines and measures interest in lifelong learning in an effort to capture motivation as an outcome of schooling. As a school-internal counterpart, motivational orientations toward learning at school in general and toward mathematics learning in particular are introduced, based on Deci and Ryan’s theory of self-determination. Analysis within the Swiss TIMSS samples in lower and upper secondary education led to the definition of five such orientations with a constant structure across grades and levels of generality. Some orientations show a concrete focus like long-term utility. The validity of these constructs is examined by analysing the relation among these motivational orientations, their relationship to interest in lifelong learning and mathematics achievement as well as age and gender differences. As hypothesised, the higher a motivational orientation’s degree of self-determination, the higher is its correlation with interest in lifelong learning and mathematics achievement. Among age and gender differences, the contrasting behaviour of intrinsic and long-term utility orientation toward mathematics is notable. For example, the gender difference in long-term utility but not in intrinsic orientation increases from grade 6 to grade 8. These findings can be understood as an expression of gender-typical vocational aspirations which define technical and scientific fields as a domain for males and not for females.  相似文献   

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