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国际化不仅改变着社会经济、文化的存在形态,还影响着高等教育发展的进程与大学组织的办学模式。香港科技大学作为一所年轻的现代高等学府,在国际化理念指导下实现了师资队伍、学术研究等方面的国际化,从而屹立在世界知名研究型大学之列。香港科技大学的国际化理念及成功办学经验,对高等教育改革,特别是高水平大学的建设有着重要的启示作用。  相似文献   

In the shifting environment of higher education, characterised by financial constraints, institutional competition and governmental steering, universities adopt a new stream of missions. In Japan, internationalisation and the acquisition of a global outlook have become a key strategy. The trend is endorsed through competitive public funding schemes, based on the belief that competition fosters so-called world-class universities. These schemes necessitate not only internationalisation of curriculum and research but also a wide range of projects and programs, which require talents that may not be readily found in the existing cadres of university workers. This empirical research assesses experiences and perceptions of project-based professionals in Japanese universities. It found unique ways in which ‘Specially appointed academic staff’ are given project and administrative responsibilities but with limited access to environment and/or support system for research. Discussions focus on impacts of such appointment on their academic career and explore how these institutional projects may be handled in regards to university organisation.  相似文献   

单一模式开放大学的远程教育研究:两岸三地的比较   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
如同其他地区的开放大学一样,两岸三地单一模式的开放大学非常注重远程教育的研究。远程教育的优势之一是资源共享,远程教育的研究也需要合作与联合。然而,关于两岸三地远程教育比较研究的文献很少,远程教育研究的合作也是刚刚起步。为了促进中国地区远程教育的合作,对内地、香港、台湾单一模式的开放大学的远程教育研究进行比较分析是必要的。本文以内地的电大系统、香港的公开大学以及台湾的空中大学为样本,探讨远程教育研究的四个主题:研究机构的类型、研究人员的组成、研究项目的管理以及研究课题的重心。根据研究的结果,作者提出,远程教育研究机构应该担负研究的规划、主持、培训以及交流的职责;研究人员应该由不同层次、专业、外语、年龄的人员组成,并辅以兼职顾问和合约课题参加者;研究课题应该包括校内的常规研究和跨校、跨地区的研究。作者建议,通过合作研究课题、组织协会、主持年会、开办期刊等途径,促进和加强大中华地区的远程教育研究。最后,作者希望本文能帮助远程教育工作者更好地了解两岸三地远程教育研究的现状,促进两岸三地远程教育研究者之间的交流与合作。  相似文献   

本文在概述香港高等教育发展历程的基础上,分析了世纪之初香港高等教育所面临的主要问题、重要改革举措和政策变革。香港高等教育在21世纪初的主要发展和改革表现在:素质评鉴机制的制度化,大学管治体制和教职员薪酬制度的改革,大学角色的再定位,社区学院和私立大学的发展,以及大学教育的国际化等方面。这些改革对香港高校与政府的关系、高校的角色定位等都带来重要影响。香港高等教育的国际化发展,将使香港高校在中国内地高等教育体系中扮演越来越重要的角色,推动香港与中国内地高等教育的互动和发展。为此,香港与内地之间需要加强在高等教育政策上的协调与合作。  相似文献   

The present study investigates the predictive power of conceptions of effective teachers for teaching styles. Ninety-three academic staff from two large comprehensive universities in the People's Republic of China responded to The Effective Teacher Inventory [Zhang, L.F. (2003). The effective teacher inventory. Unpublished test, The University of Hong Kong: Hong Kong.] and to the Thinking Styles in Teaching Inventory [Grigorenko, E.L., & Sternberg, R.J. (1993). Thinking styles in teaching inventory. Unpublished test, Yale University.]. Results suggested that teachers who considered being superior in research-related activities as a more important attribute of an effective university teacher reported that they taught more conservatively, whereas teachers who perceived teaching-related activities as being more critical functions of an effective teacher reported that they taught more creatively. Implications of this finding for university teachers and administrators are discussed.  相似文献   

高校二级工会是面向教职工,直接与一线教职工打交道的平台,是实现上情下达、下情上达的重要桥梁。因此,高校二级工会应充分发挥部门工会的组织协调作用,在队伍建设、制度建设、作风建设、共建二级教工之家四方面加强自身建设,并对二级工会怎样得到大多数教职工的理解、支持和认同提出三点建议,充分发挥二级工会的作用,使工会真正成为教职工之家。  相似文献   


Hong Kong society is composed predominantly of people of Chinese ethnic origin and is characterized by a mix of traditional Chinese culture and Western culture, the latter arising in part from 155 years of British colonial rule. While some would argue that, by virtue of their international connections and British origins, Hong Kong universities do not differ in significant ways from their counterparts in Western countries, this paper pursues the counter‐argument that academic life in Hong Kong strongly reflects traditional Chinese culture (albeit in a modified form) and that this is turn influences not only the culture of teaching and learning but the possibilities for effective faculty development. It is by recognizing and valuing, rather than denying, unique local characteristics, that the universities can achieve the kind of excellence in education that Hong Kong society so clearly values. In evaluating the likely success of initiatives to enhance teaching effectiveness there is a need to consider those special aspects of Chinese culture which appear to underlie the context of university teaching and learning.  相似文献   

Major issues of university education policy in Hong Kong   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
University education is believed to be one of the most controversial public policies in Hong Kong. Numerous changes have also occurred in the university education sector since the 1990s when the rapid expansion of university places was put into force. The most notable changes may include the institutionalization of quality assurance mechanisms, the reform of university governance and staff remuneration systems, the adoption of role differentiation among the universities, the potential emergence of private universities and community colleges, and the trend of internationalizing university education. This article identifies major issues of university education policy and examines those factors that are affecting the development of university education, in Hong Kong.  相似文献   

The modern university is essentially an alien phenomenon in the Arab world where it lacks the societal support base enjoyed by the western university. Moreover, many of the new Arab universities, like Kuwait University, established in 1966, were either modeled after the French influenced Egyptian university — in-turn based on semi-independent colleges — or received their initial administrative and teaching faculty from Egypt. From this legacy is derived a significant share of the obstacles hindering organization and management reform. At the same time a variety of governmental traditions and regulations binding the university to general civil service regulations, an under-developed tradition of university autonomy and faculty participation in university decision-making, and a utilitarian concept of formal education which associates degress with employment status are among the more serious problems confronting the Arab university.Kuwait University can be seen as a microcosm of the organizational, management and academic problems encountered in the Arab university. Although Kuwait University enjoys adequate financial support and is not forced to accommodate an unreasonable number of students, it has peculiar problems arising from unequal admissions standards (Kuwaiti and non-Kuwaiti), traditional societal values, paucity of indigenous staff, inexperienced administrators, lack of balance in academic ranks, absence of tenure, a fragmented physical plant, inadequate support staff as well as insufficient societal understanding and support. Like most other Arab universities Kuwait University not only reflects the rudimentary societal development but is located on the frontier of that development. Given the small population of Kuwait, the university is especially important in this development role. As the university and its distinctive needs become better understood the total society will be strengthened.  相似文献   

香港理工大学在酒店管理人才培养和旅游教育理念的探索方面卓有成效,它独特的校企协作教育(Work Integrated Education)模式对高校旅游管理专业教学提供了有益的借鉴。通过结合在香港理工大学培训期间的调查分析,对香港理工大学旅游高等教育的校企协作教育模式进行相关论述以期达到相互借鉴的目的。  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to outline recent changes to higher education in Australia and assess the implications of those changes for teaching and learning in universities. Three main changes have been identified:
1. The meta-policy context that has transformed a binary system of higher education into a unified national system of universities. This has given rise to the concept of the comprehensive university accompanied by an economic rationalist approach to the funding of higher education. Issues identified are the relativities to be accorded to teaching and research in the new universities and the push for more efficient modes of teaching.
2. Institutional changes that have influenced the traditional character of universities. These changes include the politicisation of Vice-Chancellors whose peak body is now recognised by the government as the single voice of the university sector, the changing student composition of universities as a result of government policies relating to overseas students and students who have been traditionally underpresented in universities and the introduction of academic staff appraisal. An assessment is made of this broad range of changes on teaching and learning.
3. Changing conceptions of teaching are discussed with a particular emphasis on the work of Shulman and its implications for teaching in the university.  相似文献   

Academics in Hong Kong universities are urged to increase their research output. This article investigates the measurement of publication outputs among the three faculties of business, education, humanities & social sciences in the six universities of Hong Kong. Data were collected from the 1990–95 annual reports of research and publication outputs of each university. In order to have a fair comparison of publication outputs of each academic, rank, faculty and university, a framework was developed from practical experience and from literature to investigate the problem. Results indicate that the publication outputs of academics in Hong Kong were about the same as other countries in many aspects. Pressing academics for more research publications may raise the figure in the start, but would not necessarily increase the output in the long run.  相似文献   

教育改革是以一系列行动改变教育制度的"结构"、过程和行为习惯的过程.香港中文大学的成员利用教改的机会,在香港的学校内进行改进工作,让一系列学校改进计划成功地开展.本文试图总结大学与学校协作的经验,并分析大学成员如何面对学校教育庞大而牢固的"结构"而试图改变之.文章以"结构化"理论为探讨脉络,展现大学成员如何与政府和学校教师结为伙伴,让学校改进的协作模式得以更新.  相似文献   


The university of education might be seen as a new type of university, which has emerged in recent decades in Asia, and which may be able to contribute both to teacher education and the needs of the knowledge society in new ways. This article begins with a historical overview of the development of universities and normal colleges in Western and Asian societies. It explores the value orientations of these two types of institution, and their links to the different historical periods in which they emerged. These contrasting value orientations are schematized in the second part of the paper, which addresses its core question: how can teacher education attain a level of excellence parallel to that of universities, while maintaining those values of the normal college that are relevant to the knowledge society? A comparative historical analysis of three Western and three Asian societies in the third part of the paper gives an overview of different ways in which this dilemma has been resolved. The fourth part then draws out four distinctive models of teacher education that have emerged historically, and evaluates them comparatively. The paper concludes with comparative reflections on teacher education in Singapore and Hong Kong, suggesting the model of a university of education as uniquely suited to the Hong Kong situation, and possibly only culturally viable in an Asian environment.  相似文献   

分析我国高校行政管理人员职业发展的现状,指出高校行政管理人员职业发展是推动高等教育发展的重要力量,应该如同师资队伍建设一样处于高校人才队伍建设的重要地位,并进一步提出现时期我国高校行政管理人员职业发展的路径选择。  相似文献   

随着高等教育改革的不断推进,高校管理中的“行政化”问题日益突出,严重干扰了学术活动的活力和创造力,因此.推行高校管理的“去行政化”势在必行。我国目前的高校管理行政化的历史由来已久,探究我国高校管理“去行政化”的有效途径可以从以下三个方面着手:一是转变政府职能,理顺政府与高校关系,增强高校的自主办学权;二是民主管理高校,崇尚学术权力,处理好行政权力与学术权力的关系;三是以法律作为保障,坚持依法治校。  相似文献   

The recruitment of international academic staff is viewed as one of the strategies to internationalise the universities. International academic staff, however, usually encounter many challenges when in a foreign context. This study aims to investigate the challenges of Chinese academic staff teaching in the UK in terms of language, relationships and culture. Eight Chinese academic staff from three different disciplines in one UK university were interviewed. The interviews focused on three areas: their language abilities, socialisation patterns and ideas of pedagogy. It is hoped the study may help institutions, educators and scholars to consider this worthwhile issue as an area of study and provide better support to meet the needs of international academic staff.  相似文献   

高校是行政权力与学术权力二元交织的复杂系统。在我国高校中行政权力存在着较为突出的越位现象。为避免行政权力对学术权力的僭越,高校行政权力职能转变应以有限与有效为目标诉求,从重塑行政文化、规范高校行政行为、大力支持学术社团活动和提高基层行政管理人员素质等方面入手,构筑高校行政权力与学术权力、行政管理与教学科研良性互动的耦合关系。  相似文献   


This research investigated educational pathways into a Global Middle Class characterised by professional or managerial careers and cosmopolitan sensibilities. The focus was International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP) alumni with upper-middle-class backgrounds at ‘world-class’ universities in Hong Kong. The first objective was to investigate if and how the education of IBDP alumni at Hong Kong universities shapes self-perceptions of cosmopolitan sensibilities, university experiences, and economic futures. The second objective was to investigate how the IBDP and Hong Kong universities offer an educational pathway for the existing Global Middle Class to reproduce their social position and for local families to enter the Global Middle Class. Interview findings illuminated how cosmopolitan sensibilities meant that the students may be well-positioned for careers and lifestyles of the Global Middle Class. Nevertheless, there were paradoxes of cosmopolitan sensibilities as the students perceived a lack of belonging to their universities and a disconnection with the local society.  相似文献   

大学是文明产物,是人才培养和学术研究的重要阵地,怎样办好大学是共同关心的重要课题。笔者借参加“萌芽学者学术交流计划”活动之机,以母校清华大学与香港中文大学为例,在不同的社会制度和历史影响条件下,从两校在育人目标上的不同定位、育人方式上的不同组织形式、育人方向上的不同就业引导风格、师生互动上的不同情感交流方式等方面进行比较分析,以期达到促成大学之间优势互补、和谐共生和共同进步之目的。  相似文献   

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