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While decline and/or extinction threaten an ever-increasing number of languages, most of these are minority tongues that struggle for survival against dominant languages. The present paper reports the case of Belarusian, a national and co-official language, which the great majority of the population of Belarus considers as its mother tongue, but which has become endangered due to sustained official policies discriminating against it, and the general apathy of the population. The paper places this complex and puzzling situation in the historical context of people long accustomed to changing cultural and linguistic elites, with a succession of rulers that paid little regard to the wishes or needs of the majority of the country’s inhabitants. Recent data are presented showing the rapid decline in the teaching of Belarusian language in schools and other public domains and the use of mixed dialects as the prevailing mode of communication, shifting through a Belarusian-Russian mix (trasianka) to Russian. The effort of a small national linguistic elite to sustain the use of standard Belarusian is examined against the concept of language as a core value of culture and Fishman’s framework for reversing language shift, in order to evaluate the prospects of maintaining Belarusian as an integral part of the linguistic heritage of Europe.  相似文献   

Youth with no or only a lower secondary school degree (Hauptschulabschluss) are increasingly disadvantaged in terms of access to vocational education and training (VET). Their lower chances of obtaining a trainee are explained by the claim that an increasing number of them are ??not mature enough for VET??. These young people would not (yet) meet the training requirements??so the criticism. So far there are no empirical studies that have shown whether such immaturity can indeed serve as an appropriate explanation for differences in training chances of less-educated youth. This paper answers this question by analyses using a panel survey of school leavers after grade 9 from the Hauptschule in Lower Saxony. Central results are: About 45?% of the school leavers had successfully entered into an apprenticeship within three months. School grades in German and mathematics were less important than grades for work attitudes and firm-internships while still at school. In general, our analyses reveal that social behaviour and a firm??s opportunities to discover the strengths of low-achieving youths and not only their weaknesses are important factors for the chances of successful transitions into training.  相似文献   

Efforts to break the link between the school type attended and the qualification awarded are seen an important step in the modernization of Germany??s tracked secondary school system. However, it remains disputed whether these efforts have reduced social disparities or in fact increased them. This study examined the transition from lower secondary education in academic- and intermediate-track schools to upper secondary education in general and vocational gymnasium schools in the state of Baden-Württemberg. When indicators of parental social background and school-leaving qualifications were controlled, the opening of upper secondary education was found to be associated with a decrease in the social selectivity of upper secondary education for intermediate-track students. At the same time, for those intermediate-track students who were entitled to enter upper secondary education, social background had predictive effects on the transition decision; however, the overall size of these effects was low.  相似文献   

Die kürzlich kundgemachte UG-Novelle, BGBl I 2011/13, sieht ein Anmeldesystem, die Verpflichtung zur Inanspruchnahme einer Studienberatung sowie eine „Straffung“ der Vorgaben der Studieneingangs- und Orientierungsphase vor. Diese Vorgaben sind nicht frei von Widersprüchen und dürften in der Umsetzung einige Schwierigkeiten bereiten, vor allem aber auch enormen administrativen Mehraufwand bewirken.  相似文献   

The novelist Andrew O’Hagan remembers his own early days and suggests writers are both born and made. Now the university – creative writing courses, in particular – may become the clearing houses for new literary talent as book publishing shrinks.  相似文献   

Performance Technologists have come a long way—from producing zebra-striped books to implementing innovative interventions. It is about time we applied our technology to where the money is: compensation packages and incentive systems. This new series will feature articles on different aspects of developing, implementing, evaluating, and improving incentive systems.  相似文献   


This paper takes the view that evaluation is a trade and suggests that while psychologists and sociologists are needed in it for their skills they need to adapt some of their approaches and renounce some of their specialist values to become effective as evaluators.

A not untypical evaluation job is looked at to see whether an evaluator is more than a tradesman and the answers seem to be ‘not much’ but that he needs special skills in interpretation and negotiation. Both Hudson and Wilson are found to provide helpful rules. Where the evaluator rises above technician level is in his identification and definition of the questions he is to answer but how far can he be left to decide what evaluation is for?


在西方,不管是看牙医还是去拜访朋友都需要事先约定,这是非常重要的交际礼仪,也是对他人的尊重,千万不要做“不速之客(an unex-pected guest)”。那么如何“预约”呢?看看我为大家准备的“套话”吧,学会一种表达方式,你就能举一反三!1.Is May1st OK!五月一日行吗?2.How would12  相似文献   

Students' concepts of the library and its function should be brought closer to those of librarians in the view of the chairman of library services at Jersey City State College (B.A., UCLA; M.A., Columbia). He has had a notable dozen years in library work across the continent, was author of a twice printed satire “How to Appear Educated” in Library Review.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung  Lehrerinnen und Lehrer erscheinen in der Forschung zur Belastung und Beanspruchung im Lehrerberuf nicht nur als Informanten über die Belastungsquellen sowie über die Wirkungen und Folgen der beruflichen Beanspruchungen. Sie werden zugleich durch die – in diesem Beitrag kritisierte – dominierende Erfassung individueller Pers?nlichkeitsmerkmale in der Forschung implizit selbst als ma?geblicher Faktor der Belastung und Beanspruchung im Beruf behandelt und empirisch erfasst. Da jedoch in der bisherigen Forschung – so der Kern der Kritik – systematisch in erster Linie nur personenbezogene Merkmale erfasst werden, kann ein Primat dieser Faktoren vor personenunabh?ngigen, bedingungs- bzw. verh?ltnisbezogenen Aspekten sowie die einseitige konzeptionelle Ausrichtung der Forschung nicht empirisch begründet werden. Als Konsequenz aus der diagnostizierten Einseitigkeit werden im Anschluss an arbeits- und organisationspsychologische Zug?nge Forschungsbemühungen gefordert, die sich der Erfassung struktureller, berufsspezifischer Merkmale des Arbeitsplatzes Schule und des beruflichen Handelns von Lehrerinnen und Lehrern und damit einer situations- bzw. bedingungsbezogenen Analyse der Berufst?tigkeit mit Blick auf Belastungen und Beanspruchungen widmen. Auf diese Weise sollte eine ausgewogene empirische Basis für eine differenzierte Analyse und Interpretation von Personenmerkmalen sowie Arbeits- bzw. Situationsmerkmalen geschaffen werden, die schlie?lich in den Versuch der Integration beider Betrachtungsweisen münden kann.
Martin RothlandEmail:

During the Bologna reforms, the Standing Conference of the Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs (abbr.: Standing Conference) formulated education standards for higher education teacher training programmes (KMK 2004a) in the areas of teaching, educating, diagnostics, and innovation. Currently there is very little research on the extent to which these education standards are reflected in the teacher training curriculums at universities. This contribution analyses the course regulations, module handbooks, and exam regulations for teacher training programmes at 16 universities for the inclusion of content required by the education standards. The document analysis shows that a large proportion of the education standards introduced by the Standing Conference (KMK 2004a) are not considered by the curriculums of many universities.  相似文献   

In research on stress and strain within the teaching profession teachers appear not only as informants on the causes, effects and consequences of occupational stress and strain, but in the dominant personality-psychological analyses they are also viewed and treated empirically as central influence factors. However, as research only systematically collates person-related characteristics a primacy of these factors over person-independent, framework-related and relationship-based aspects cannot be empirically founded in this one-sided research. Therefore, it is argued here that organization-psychological approaches to research are required, which look at both the structural and profession-specific characteristics of schools as a workplace and of the professional work of teachers. These approaches would facilitate a situational analysis, including framework conditions, of stress and strain within the teaching profession. This would lead to a more balanced empirical basis for a differentiated analysis and an integration of personal characteristics – on the one hand – and work and situational conditions – on the other – and eventually enable attempts at integrating both approaches.  相似文献   

Visual phonics is an instructional program to provide print awareness, alphabet knowledge, and sound-letter correspondence for children with hearing loss who experience difficulty developing a foundation of phonemic awareness skills. Its purpose is "to clarify the sound symbol relationship between spoken English and print" (Waddy-Smith & Wilson, 2003, p. 15). It is implemented in numerous school districts, particularly in California and Florida, and can be learned in a 2-day workshop. Administrators, teachers, and speech pathologists see potential benefit in using Visual Phonics to help students with hearing loss raise their achievement scores in reading and spelling. However, it is critical to note that Visual Phonics has virtually no research base. Researchers, teachers, and speech pathologists are called upon to collect their data and begin research on the effectiveness of Visual Phonics. This is a case in which the research-to-practice gap must be closed.  相似文献   

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