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ABSTRACT:  Lifelong learning is something which one does for oneself that no one else can do for one: it is a public and personal human activity, rather than private or individualistic. One of the features of the education system is the paucity of a language for learning as process and participative experience. Personalised learning requires a sense of the worthwhileness of 'being a learner'– a virtue in the 21st century. A sense of one's own worth as a person is essential to understanding one's identity as a learner. Research suggests the human capacity to learn can be understood as a form of consciousness which is characterised by particular values, attitudes and dispositions, with a lateral and a temporal connectivity. This 'consciousness' has several dimensions which are all related to becoming a person, with a learning identity. They also enable the learner to become aware of and appropriate what is of worth and map onto the sorts of core values that learning communities espouse. Awareness of self and of one's own worth as a person is a necessary condition for 'becoming a learner' and for identifying and engaging with 'what is of worth'. Furthermore, a sense of self as a learner is formed in relationship, and understood as one learns to tell one's own story, as a participant in the conversation of the learning community. Character is the way in which we refer to that quality of personhood in which there is rooted the capacity to change and learn over time.  相似文献   

后现代主要并非指的是一种时态,而是一种思想态度和意识,以及一种崭新的思考问题的方法。师生关系是一种特殊的社会关系,是教育的全部蕴念所在。根据后现代基本精神,本文力图重新审视教育过程中目前已被广泛认可的师生关系,从一种全面的、多元化、多层次的视角反思传统的师生关系,从而对师生关系问题形成新的有益的认识,即师生关系应从二元对立的主客关系转变为相互作用的共生关系,由单向的知识传授关系转变为双向的平等对话关系,从理性保障的师生关系转变为情感保障的师生关系。  相似文献   

冯契认为,一切概念都有摹写现实与规范现实的双重作用,逻辑原则也体现着后验性与先验性的统一.在逻辑理论的证成问题上,"概念的双重作用"要求逻辑理论的建构必须坚持后验性与先验性的统一.有见于现代逻辑论证理论的普遍主义、先验主义倾向,非形式逻辑试图从后验性与先验性、普遍性与情境性的统一中去证成自身.  相似文献   

陈毅元帅的战争诗词是20世纪生动形象的革命战争史,又是壮美深沉的民族精英心灵史:在审美上既重风骨,又富意境;在形式上古近体并重,且创作颇丰。陈毅其人品性高洁,风骨凛然,其诗亦然,是20世纪传统诗词当之无愧的大家。  相似文献   

推类是中国古代推理的主要模式。其结构通常由"言事"与"言道"两个部分组成。"言事"与"言道"的核心是"喻"。其理论根据是:所言事与道之间共同存在的"义"。找到事与道之间共同的"义",便可"扶义而动,推理而行"。由"事"理过渡到"道"理。推类的本质是论证。如果我们较好地掌握了"言事"与"言道"这二者的关系及"引譬"、"援类"的思维方式,对于正确理解中国古代思想家们的思想和丰富我们的思维方式具有重要意义。  相似文献   

地方本科院校学报具有学术窗口、学院名片、学人摇篮、服务平台等功能。对地方本科院校学报进行科学的定位,首先要结合学校定位,其次要着眼地域定位,寻求错位发展,尤其要处理好学术性与应用性的关系、内向性与开放性的关系、科学性与人文性的关系。为提高学报的办刊水平与质量,办出特色,地方本科院校学报要坚持走特色化与品牌化道路,在办刊质量、学术品位、特色栏目创设、编辑素质、装帧设计上下功夫。  相似文献   

服装设计并非洋洋洒洒的效果图或稀奇古怪的款式造型,而是服装造型与服装材料之间美的和谐、美的升华。任何优秀的服装都是设计与材料的完美结合。从某种意义上说,服装设计就是服装的造型风格的设计。服装造型的体现要有相应的辅料来支持。不同的辅料具有不同的表现性,辅料特征对服装的造型起到了至关重要的作用。可以说,服装的造型风格在很大程度上是由辅料的风格决定的。  相似文献   

"扶义而动,推理而行"——引譬、援类再探讨   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
推类是中国古代推理的主要模式.其结构通常由言事与言道两个部分组成.言事与言道的核心是"喻".其理论根据是:所言事与道之间共同存在的"义".找到事与道之间共同的"义",便可"扶义而动,推理而行".由"事"理过渡到"道"理.  相似文献   

校长首先应当是专业化教育者,懂得教育教学规律,具有专业知识和技能,对学校的教学和课程负责,并起到示范和引导作用;校长又负有统领学校组织的整体发展之责,因而应当是一个领导者,一个职业化的学校最高层的领导者,即职业化的领导者。校长既是专业化的教育者,又是职业化的领导者,是专业化教育者和职业化领导者的统一体。  相似文献   

《文选》选文,有“对问”一类。问对作为人际语言交际的基本形式,由来已久;卜辞是人神问对,旨是决疑;《尚书》是君臣问对,旨在择贤;《论语》是师徒问对,旨在问道;《孟子》是君士问对,旨在问难;《庄子》是人物、物物问对,旨在说理。对问体在以专论为特色的第三阶段诸子散文消失,转移到以《战国策》为代表的史传散文中,《战国策》也是君士问对,旨在问计。对问作为文体是作为手法的问对句型发展而来,其基本特征是设词见志,抒发郁陶之情。宋玉《对楚王问》作为对问体的唯一代表,从问对内容上确立了文体范式,是北方文化与楚文化的结晶,成为骈赋尤其是设论体的直接渊薮。  相似文献   

中国古代小说的狐精色诱母题是指狐精化为男子诱惑女性,或化为美女诱惑男性,从而使对方遭受危害的叙事母题。从狐精色诱的发生机制与叙事形态来看,其邪媚作祟与修炼嬗变具有浓厚的巫道色彩,包含着宗教劝惩与道德训诫的意义;狐精色诱的主要类型是幻化为绝美佳人迷惑世间男子,狐精既是美女也是野兽,满足了男性一种非常隐秘的、幽微的欲望,折射出特殊的创作心态。  相似文献   

利用初等微分学比较了单参数平均与对数和指数平均的几何组合,发现了使得双向不等式Jp(a,b)1/2-3)/2]和所有a,b>0且a≠b成立的p的最大值和q的最小值,其中Jp(a,b),L(a,b)和I(a,b)分别表示a与b的p-次单参数平均、对数平均和指数平均.  相似文献   

所谓办学理念,是指人们对办学的基本信念,指人们对自己学校的定性、定位及职能的认识.办学理念对办好一所学校至关重要,"开发潜能,发展个性"乃是暨华中学的办学理念.对校外,它是一面彰显办学特色的旗帜;对校内,它是一个统一思想、引领行动的纲领.文章拟就办学理念作初步的探讨,并在此基础上,结合暨华中学办学实践,针对办学实践中的问题,交流一点办学理念的探索体会.  相似文献   

歌唱是一种听觉的艺术,一首歌曲是由词、曲作者共同创作而成。演唱必须在充分尊重歌曲原作的基础上,根据自己对歌曲的分析和理解,然后再准确处理和表现。歌曲的处理是手段,歌曲的表现是目的,二者相辅相成、相得益彰。因此,对歌曲的处理与表现进行深入分析具有十分重要的意义。  相似文献   

This article describes the personal experiences of a teacher turned counsellor developing a student counselling service in a school setting. It explores how a school seeking to become an emotional literate community enabled the development of a counselling service and a Learning Mentor programme, both of which focused on the needs of individual students. This diverse school community reflected a range of social circumstances from professional affluence to unemployment and deprivation, and it is recognized that emotional need is not confined to those from the latter. Open access to personal support enables every student to really feel that they matter. The significance of relationship is highlighted for its capacity to engender a sense of personal worth and of mattering within the community that is staff and students. Key learning from the development is explored for governors, school leadership teams and classroom teachers, and a culture of open and supportive involvement is seen as a means to enable young people to develop a sense of worth and belonging in the school community and thus in wider adult society.  相似文献   

教育研究之生命意识探寻   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
教育研究之生命意识,是对教育研究存在自身的思寻,是对教育研究自身作为一项有生命活动的思寻。教育研究之生命意识为教育研究者自身生命之意识,是教育研究者之个性的自我意识;教育研究之生命意识在于以整个生命的方式进行教育研究,要求以对生命的敏感性和理性关切来进行教育研究,让感官和人心都活跃起来;教育研究之生命意识表现为对生命和教育研究的一种精神担当,是对生命和教育的不断追问和困惑,而非给生命和教育提供技术方案,在于对教育和生命之赤子情怀和真性情;教育研究之生命意识蕴含于对生命和教育的宽恕,在于对教育研究的一种多元追求和关注。  相似文献   

This experiment investigated whether study of a scientific text and a visual display that contained redundant text segments would affect memory and transfer. The authors randomly assigned 42 students from a university in the southwestern United States in equal numbers to 1 of 2 conditions: (a) a redundant condition, in which participants studied a scientific text that described plate tectonics and a corresponding visual display that contained redundant segments from the text; or (b) a nonredundant condition, in which participants studied the scientific text and a corresponding visual display that lacked the redundant text segments. Embedding redundant text segments within the visual display enhanced performance on 3 measures of memory but not on a measure of transfer. The authors discuss the theoretical and practical implications using the cognitive theory of multimedia learning.  相似文献   

论悬赏广告的法律性质   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
悬赏广告是日常生活中常见的现象,同时也是一个在法理上很复杂的问题,其复杂性在于对其在法律性质上认识的不统一。就悬赏广告的特点、中外对于悬赏广告的三种不同的学说以及它们之间的差异、悬赏广告法律行为的效力争议等方面进行了阐述。  相似文献   

在人类文明发展的历史进程中,大学,特别是现代意义上的大学,作为社会的一个独特的文化教育机构,它的存在对于人类社会经济、文化的发展和社会的全面进步都起到了重大的推动作用,以至一所大学兴办的好坏成为一个国家和民族兴衰的缩影。而作为任何一所真正意义上的大学,都应该具备它应有的精神和职责。这就是:独立自由的灵魂、追求真理的品格、兼容并包的胸襟以及培养健全人格和合格公民的职责。  相似文献   

This article presents a case study of a child aged 12 years with a cochlear implant who is attending a mainstream educational setting in Skopje, FYR Macedonia. The study, which uses both qualitative and quantitative data, took place over a period of 12 months. It illustrates the importance of professional development and training of teachers and a need to emphasise a range of intervention strategies. It also highlights the challenges facing children and young people with cochlear implants in schools and suggests a range of systemic approaches to addressing the issues raised.  相似文献   

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