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长期以来,许多学校的道德教育一直处于低靡状态,效率不高,其中一个重要原因是,道德教育的理论说教色彩过重,缺少真切的情感教育,学生的心灵缺乏必要的情感刺激和有效震荡。  相似文献   

道德教育的本质特征是人的主体性活动。唤起教育对象主体性道德意识是道德教育的最高价值目标所在,教育对象主体性道德意识的提升有助于教育对象的道德认知能力转化为道德实践能力,以此逐步形成教育对象的内心道德价值追求。情感活动作为人的重要存在方式,是道德教育中必不可少的要素。情感活动的介入赋予了道德教育以生命,而这种生命力是在参与主体性道德意识的构建中逐步地凸显出来的。  相似文献   

英国的PSHE情感教育模式评析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
杨韶刚 《教育科学》2002,18(1):56-59
情感教育是近年来我国教育理论界比较关注的一个话题。为了进一步论证情感教育的价值和可行性,本文探讨了情感教育在英国的成功实践,从情感教育所含含的基本内容入手,阐述了情感教育对学生身心发展的积极影响,情感教育并不是一种理论的概念,而是和每个学生个人的发展,社会发展及身民发展等都是密切联系的,因而是一种具有广泛意义的道德教育思想。  相似文献   

情感教育是道德教育的基础,“思想道德修养课”是对学生进行道德教育,培养学生良好道德品质的主渠道和主阵地,教师应运用和挖掘思想道德修养课教学中的情感因素,从自身、教学内容、教学手段、教学方法和艺术及教学氛围等方面注重对学生进行情感教育,充分发挥情感教育在“思想道德修养课”教学中的重要作用。  相似文献   

张欣 《文教资料》2007,(16):32-33
道德情感作为人在社会生活中所特有的一种情感,不仅是大学生道德主观方面的重要内容,也是大学生道德心理结构中一个极为重要的因素。本文针对目前在我国学校道德教育中偏重道德认知教育、而轻视情感体验和道德情感教育的问题展开研究。  相似文献   

论道德情感与感动教育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
肖祥 《黑龙江高教研究》2006,20(11):102-104
道德情感是基于一定道德认识基础上对是否满足自己的道德需要而产生的主观感受和心理体验。道德情感在道德教育过程中的重要意义表现在促进道德认识的完成、道德行为的发生和道德主体性的培育。提倡感动教育,充分发挥道德情感的积极作用应该成为现代道德教育的一个重要理路。  相似文献   

情感性道德教育是道德教育的新取向。道德情感是情感性道德教育的核心;情感动力是情感性道德教育的起点;情感体验是情感性道德教育的过程;情绪、情感经验的积累是情感性道德教育的结果。  相似文献   

道德教育需要返回到传统美德教育,但不是简单地向“美德袋”式道德教育的回归,必须返本而开新。传统美德教育要关注情感层面。积极的情感体验分成三类六组和三个发展阶段。中小学教师可进行动研究探索传统美德教育。  相似文献   

徐萍 《中国德育》2007,2(2):14-17
任何不囿于工具理性概念的教育都很关注个体的道德之维。情感的生长是个体道德形成中的重要组成部分。道德教育中的情感因素历来受到中西方思想家的共同关注。由于哲学上对情感的解释不能达成一致,情感与情感教育的边界不很清晰。文学与艺术代表着人类的感性能力,它们在道德情感的养成中扮演着重要角色。  相似文献   

目前,道德教育正经历着由重视外在形式向关注个体情感体验的方向发展。针对学校道德教育表浅化、孤立化、封闭化,德育课程知识化,道德教育僵化而少活动,学生情感体验不够,德育实效性差等特点,学校以德育途径、方法的深化研究作为突破口,通过开展多种形式的教育活动,增强学生情感体验,通过亲身亲历,学生的情感体验内化为外在行动,形成高尚的道德情操。  相似文献   

主体性:德育走出困境的选择   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目前学校德育软弱无力。学校德育局限于传授道德知识 ,忽略了道德情感、道德意志和道德行为 ;学生所学内容同社会实际状况反差强烈 ,因而被冲击得所剩无几。德育要走出困境 ,必须充分发挥德育对象的主体性作用。  相似文献   

A bstract .  A recent trend in moral education, social and emotional learning, incorporates the mantra of emotional intelligence (EI) as a key element in an extensive program of character building. In making his famous claim that the good life would have to include appropriate emotions, Aristotle obviously considered the schooling of emotions to be an indispensable part of moral education. However, in this essay Kristján Kristjánsson casts doubt on the assumption that Aristotelians should approve of the clarion call for EI, as understood by Daniel Goleman and the proponents of social and emotional learning, in the classroom. Various marked differences between EI and Aristotelian emotional virtue are highlighted and explored. Kristjánsson argues that the claims of EI lack moral ballast and that when this fact is added to an existing heap of educational problems attached to the implementation of EI programs, educators had better rethink their reliance on EI as a model of emotion cultivation, and perhaps revert to the teachings of Aristotle himself.  相似文献   

休谟对道德导源于情感的论证以及对同情的内涵的创造性解读,对学校道德教育具有重要的启示意义。目前我国学校道德教育中普遍存在着重道德知识的传授而轻道德情感培育的倾向,具体表现在道德教育的课程化、课程内容的知识化、教育方法的灌输化等方面。这种倾向的认识论根源就在于混淆了理性和道德的关系。  相似文献   

高红杰 《辽宁高职学报》2007,9(11):92-94,100
高职生职业道德教育的现状、高职生就业的严峻现实决定了只有改变当前职业道德教育乏力的现象,才能全面提高高职人才培养质量,适应社会发展的需要。为此,必须认真梳理当前高职职业道德教育中存在的问题和不足,在此基础上全面创新高职生职业道德教育,增强高职生职业道德教育实效性。  相似文献   

大学生道德教育要关注情感   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
道德教育要想培养出行道德之事的道德高尚之人,就必须促使学生由知到行的转变,而这个转变的核心就是情感的推动作用,这也就决定了道德教育也是一种情感教育。大学生作为年轻的群居的特殊群体,情感性特征尤为突出。因此,大学生的道德教育更应该关注情感。  相似文献   

Many authors have claimed a moral and educational significance for wonder. In this article Anders Schinkel assesses these claims in order to address the question whether we do indeed have reason to stimulate the sense of wonder and to provoke experiences of wonder in education with a view to its moral effects or importance. Are there moral effects of wonder — or does wonder have a moral significance — that give us a (further) reason to promote children's sense of wonder and to attempt to elicit the experience of wonder in children? And if so, will any experience of wonder do, from a moral perspective, or do only some experiences of wonder — in specific contexts, or with a specific object — have the desired effect? Schinkel argues that, although there is certainly a case to be made for wonder's moral (educational) importance, it needs to be made cautiously. Wonder coheres more easily with some emotions and attitudes than with others, but in the end its moral significance depends to a large extent on how we interpret or make sense of our wonder and what we wonder at. In moral education, therefore, the value of wonder depends on how it is framed and morally charged.  相似文献   


‘Lovelessness’ and ‘guiltlessness’ are often seen as the distinctive features of the psychopath. These characteristics can be interpreted as a failure to have two sub‐classes of moral emotions, the (moral) rule‐emotions and the altruistic emotions. For a better understanding of this moral defect, a more detailed analysis of these types of moral emotions is given. The analysis indicates that the disorder is caused by the absence of the second component of both types of emotions. The psychopath misses a positive commitment to both moral rules and to the well‐being of fellow man. The psychopath is characterized as a moral imbecile, and it is assumed that his moral development is stagnated in an early developmental stage. As a young child, the psychopath has not acquired the disposition to feel sympathy. This insight makes us aware of the utmost importance of early childhood (moral) education.  相似文献   


This article focuses on negative exemplarity-related emotions (NEREs) and on their educational implications. In this article, we first argue for the nonexpendability of negative emotions broadly conceived by defending their instrumental and intrinsic role in a good and flourishing life. We make the claim more specific by focusing on the narrower domain of NEREs and argue for their moral and educational significance by evaluating whether they fit the arguments provided in the previous section. We go on to propose three educational strategies to foster NEREs’ positive moral role. In conclusion, we point out that an exemplarist approach to character education would greatly benefit from a more fine-grained account of the emotions involved in the educational process and from a broader perspective on which of these emotions should be taken as valuable for educational purposes.  相似文献   

道德教育要坚持自律与他律相结合,并逐步引导学生由他律走向自律。为此,要以道德情感为中轴,唤起自律意识;以自我管理为依托,形成自觉行为;以体验教育为载体,强化自我教育,从而增强德育的实效性,促进学生的健康成长。  相似文献   

德育理论课为学生提供德育方面的知识、情感和认识基础;实训课德育在于以贴近学生和贴近学习场景的环境,实现德技互促的目标;课外德育是一种学校德育和自我德育相结合的教育形式,通过课外德育,大学生能够将从外界所获得的德育符号转化为自身品德有意义的一部分,进而实现知行合一。理论课德育、实训课德育和课外德育的有机统一,有利于将大学生培养成为智能协调发展的合格建设者和接班人。  相似文献   

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