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以经济全球化对发展中国家和发达国家主权观念的影响为视角,重点阐述了经济发达程度与国家主权观念形成的联系,分析了发展中国家与发达国家在国家主权观念上的特点.指出发展中国家的特点是没有形成系统的国家主权理论,正在不断丰富主权理论的内涵,主权表现出敏感性和脆弱性,遭受主权侵害的现象时有发生。发达国家的特点是主张弱化国家主权观念,致力于扩展外延,在主权的对外实践中常表现出霸权主义倾向.并执行双重标准。提出了发展中国家在参与经济全球化的进程中应最大限度地维护国家主权,增进国家利益。在国际事物中发挥更大的作用。  相似文献   

经济集约化程度是指经济增长额中靠集约所得所占的比重,它是评价经济增长方式的综合指标。当代发达的资本主义国家二战后都实现了经济增长方式由粗放到集约的转变,经济的集约化程度大大提高.而目前发展中国家的经济增长方式仍以粗放为主,经济的集约化程度远远低于发达国家。发达国家与发展中国家经济集约化程度差异的原因在于经济发展阶段、经济体制、科技教育状况等方面的差异。发展中国家要摆脱贫困落后的局面必须转变经济增长方式,提高经济的集约化程度。  相似文献   

一、选择资本主义道路的发展中国家没有取得成功第二次世界大战后,走资本主义道路的发展中国家接受了西方学者以现在的发达资本主义国家的历史经验为基础形成的传统经济理论,特别是以40年代形成的“经济增长论”为依据提出的政策建议,从而将增长与发展混为一谈,认为发展中国家只要从发达国家注入资本、引进技术,把经济增长速度搞上去,就能摆脱贫困、落后,赶上或超过发达国家。遵循这种发展战略的结果是“有增长而无发展”。经济增长不等于经济发展。经济落后国家在经济建设中的教训就是将  相似文献   

乌拉圭回合贸易谈判将知识产权并入其中,称为"与贸易有关的知识产权协定"(TRIPS)。对于这一套规则,一些发达国家学者极度赞誉,称颂这是"乌拉圭回合最令人惊喜的成功之一"。而实际上,在乌拉圭回合谈判中,美国与发展中国家在知识产权和纺织品、农业等问题的讨论是发展中国家的一个重大的战略失误。TRIPS协议虽然在执行时间上给予了发展中国家一定的推迟,但是发展中国家并不能数年内就在经济技术上赶上发达国家,TRIPS协议是"发达国家的巨大胜利,发展中国家失之甚多"。同时,由于TRIPS协议的高保护标准又使得经济水平低下的发展中国家雪上加霜,无法满足一些生存和教育必需品,从而又使得与保护基本人权相冲突。  相似文献   

发达国家与发展中国家合作办学是当今的一种潮流、发达国家在占领发展中国家的经济市场的同时,还要占领其教育市场.而发展中国家为发展本国经济,也不得不向国外开放自己的教育市场.  相似文献   

经济全球化是一把双刃剑,在促进全球经济发展的同时,也带来了一系列的矛盾,不但加剧了发达国家与发展中国家之间的矛盾,同时也影响到了发达国家与发展中国家自身内部的矛盾,而中国的"和"文化恰恰是解决这一矛盾金钥匙,与此同时还要正确处理"和"与"异"的关系。  相似文献   

在经济全球化过程中,经济发展处于不同阶段、工业化处于不同水平上的国家在参与国际竞争时,必须共同遵守相同的国际经济规则,但这些经济规则是在发达国家主导下制定的,它们与发达国家的经济发展水平相适应,是其国内经济发展的客观需要,故能最大限度地维护发达国家的经济利益。而发展中国家的经济利益未能得到充分体现,这对发展中国家来说,意味着重大制度“缺陷”。客观地研究国际经济制度的这种“缺陷”,对发展中国家制定正确的参与经济全球化策略,防止坠入经济全球化陷阱,具有特别重要的意义。一、国际贸易制度“缺陷”——发展中国家和地…  相似文献   

“九五”以来,我国政府财政性教育投入的大量增加有力地支持了各类教育事业的发展,但是,由于我国是发展中国家,人口多,经济不发达,财力也不充裕,教育投入规模和教育发展水平与发达国家相比还存在较大差距,为主要表现在四个方面:一、公共教育经费支出职责划分不同;二、教育经费来源渠道不同;三、政府教育拨款的分配结构不同;四、公共教育支出规模不同。  相似文献   

与发达国家相比,当前发展中国家的整体环境竞争力偏弱。造成这一状况的原因,除发展中国家自身环境保护意识薄弱、经济增长方式不可持续以及环境监管不力外,还有发达国家向发展中国家进行污染转移的因素。当今世界环境保护意识的普遍觉醒,产业结构全球范围内的深刻调整以及环境全球治理的共识,为发展中国家提升环境竞争力提供了机遇。发展中国家必须抓住机遇,在推进经济增长的同时,不断提高自身的环境竞争力。  相似文献   

中国是一个发展中国家。发展中国家寻求高等教育现代化途径的许多经验、教训值得我们借鉴。长期以来,发展中国家在追求现代化的过程中往往在“西化”和狭隘民族主义这两条道路间摇摆。早期现代化理论认为,所谓现代化就是“西化”,即非西方发达国家逐渐获得西方发达社会共同特征的过程。发展中国家高等教育的现代化也必须照搬西方模式,并把当今世界高等教育的国际化趋势视为“西化”的表现。这一理论曾经在不少发展中国家流行一时,然而它并没有给这些国家带来经济上的繁荣,反而使社会处于有增长无发展的恶性循环之中,也使高等教育陷入…  相似文献   

Building on international migration theories and the literature on the dynamics of student mobility, this study sketches a two-dimensional framework and examines its utility to understand the rationales of in-bounding student mobility in Turkey. The empirical part of the study was conducted with 331 international students studying in public universities of Turkey. The results suggest that private rationales are prominent for students coming from Western and economically developed countries. In contrast, economic and academic rationales are prominent for students coming from Eastern and economically developing countries. The study suggests three insights which are instrumental in re-interpreting the position of the countries in the periphery in international student mobility. First, the nature of cultural, political, and historical proximity between home and host countries determines the size and direction of in-flowing student mobility in economically developing countries. Second, for developing countries pre-departure pulling rationales at private level are more prominent than public rationales. Third, despite the general trend that student mobility flows from economically less developed toward economically developed countries, this study suggests that in the periphery there are regional hubs attracting students largely originating from other countries of the periphery.  相似文献   

The need for science and agriculture education in developing countries is at least as great as that in industrially advanced nations. To determine whether or not developing countries are devoting adequate resources to university level science and agriculture studies, a number of developed and developing nations were examined. Both student enrolments and awarded degrees in science, agriculture and non-science fields of study were used as criteria for determining the extent of resources being devoted to tertiary science and agriculture education. Generally, the developing countries showed similar enrolment patterns by area of study to the developed ones, although some countries clearly emphasize science and agriculture more than others. Similarly, the pattern for awarded degrees showed that developing countries produced equal or higher percentages of science and agriculture degrees relative to total degrees when compared with developed countries. Nevertheless, when evaluating science and agriculture study on a per capita basis, developing countries produce far fewer graduates than developed countries, due to the relatively restricted access to university study found in underdeveloped nations. It was concluded that the need for more science-based graduates cannot be met alone by greater percentages of students studying science but rather by large increases in the total numbers of students studying at the university level.  相似文献   

论高校人才流动的区域博弈及其均衡   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在市场经济与知识经济的双重作用下,虽然高校人才向经济发达区域的单向度集聚有其内在的合理性,但是,由此引发白热化的区域人才博弈以及一系列社会问题,都应引起有关决策部门的高度重视。有关部门应在充分尊重市场经济客观规律的前提下,建立一套较完善的人才流动区域均衡政策,最终达成我国不同区域高校的协调和统筹发展。  相似文献   

人权问题日益成为国际上霸权主义和反霸权主义斗争的焦点之一,在理论上也表现出不同人权观的较量美国及西方发达和中国及广大发展中国家之间所代表的两种不同人权观的理论分 ,约非学理之急或游戏,人权普遍性与和特殊性的问题,实质上是美国双重人权标准和美国干涉别国内政、称霸世界的强权政治与广大愍中国家维护国家主权,追求公正国际经济秩序、发展和保护自身人权要求之间的斗争。  相似文献   

俄国农奴制改革和日本明治维新,是两国通过发展经济而实现由落后的农业社会向现代工业国家跨越的重大事件。尽管改革初期俄国实现现代化的条件明显优越于日本,但由于改革领导者坚持沙皇专制统治,反对君主立宪制度,不仅损害了本来就非常脆弱的改革机制,同时也严重地阻碍了资本主义经济的迅速发展;而日本明治维新则是经济改革与政治体制改革同步进行,政治体制长期保持稳定,是大限度地激发了改革所带来的活力。从而导致日本后来者居上,在诸多方面赶上甚至超过了俄国。  相似文献   

Mohapeloa  J. M. 《Higher Education》1981,10(3):275-295
The work of universities in developing countries is reviewed in the context of a consideration of the whole system of education in such countries in the post World War II period. The author recommends closer links between the school and university systems with a view to improving teacher education, the creation of school curricula more relevant to current needs and flexibility in relation to admission to post-secondary education. Universities should develop programmes, including sub-degree programmes, designed to meet manpower needs. Efforts should be directed towards developing non-formal education, the training of administrators, political leaders and towards stimulating rural and cultural development. Universities in developing countries should maintain links with universities in advanced countries; the standards they set should be comparable with those of universities in advanced countries whilst at the same time being related to the needs and aspirations of the local communities. Examples are drawn from Africa and the South Pacific.  相似文献   

人权视野的可持续发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
伴随着时代变换和发展中国家越来越积极地参与国际事务,发展权、环境权等所谓"第三代人权"问题应运而生,这些权利突出了集体人权的地位,使人权作为一个整体不可分割的观点为人们所熟悉。重要的是,无论在国家层面还是国际层面,所有发展都应该是以人为中心(或以人为本)的发展,是可持续的发展;可持续发展概念比较好地体现了发展(权)与环境(权)的统一,但从观念到行动真正把权利落实到人,还有很长的路要走。  相似文献   

This study analyses the international flow of third level developing country students to advanced countries from the perspective of sending authorities in developing countries. The magnitude of this flow can hardly be overemphasized; on the basis of a conservative estimate made in the article, the annual loss of foreign exchange entailed by this flow amounted to 17 percent of the interest repayment on total external debts of the lesser developed countries (LDCs) in 1979, a sum which the developing countries themselves can hardly ignore.On an aggregate basis, our principal hypothesis is that the outflow of students is determined primarily by excess demand for third level education in developing countries. The empirical results support this hypothesis, while pointing to the importance of other factors. Excess demand for third level education in the developing countries is one of the most important determinants of the flow of developing country students to the advanced countries.On the whole, expansion of developing country tertiary education, at the national or regional levels, could effectively divert some of the flow to local institutions. Aside from this, expansion can also be argued on the basis of the high returns to third level education in developing countries compared to the returns to physical capital, as well as the considerable economies of scale associated with this level of instruction. Further, given the willingness/ability of the students to pay, as witnessed by the fact that the vast majority of developing country students finance privately their education abroad, the expansion of third level education in LDCs could be funded substantially via user charges and student loan schemes.  相似文献   

纵观市场经济国家经济发展的历史,可以发现,在其宏观经济政策背后都有着经济理论的支持,然而这些特定经济理论支持的经济政策,虽然会解决某一极具针对性的问题,但也因极具针对性而会产生未曾顾及的消极后果。我们是后发展中国家,可以发挥后发优势,汲取别人的经验和教训,使我们的经济政策设计更为科学,而不是重蹈别人消极后果的覆辙。  相似文献   

The relationships between funding, management and quality assurance of engineering education in developing countries are discussed in this paper. It is proposed to raise the debate on engineering education up to the global economic level and to examine some of the issues facing developing and poorer countries in managing and improving the quality of engineering education in their countries. Since the fall of the Berlin Wall, the world is now divided in two realigned blocks: one of developed (rich or advanced) countries that have a social security safety net for their population and another of developing (or poor) countries that have no such luxuries for their population. For the general public in the developing countries, any engineering degree is a passport to lifelong well-being of an individual and his/her extended family.Therefore, the demand for such qualifications is very high and it is almost a rat race amongst school graduates to get into engineering/technical colleges. In view of this booming demand, there are hundreds of privately funded engineering/technical colleges in countries like the Philippines, India, Thailand, etc. besides state-funded ones. It is extremely difficult to ensure good quality in this mushrooming scenario. There are also many very small poorresource developing countries where there is only one engineering school and/or two to three technical colleges. Products of these schools/colleges work only in their own country and educational globalization has little or no meaning for them. Besides highlighting the aforementioned general issues, the paper also presents a few case studies on problems of accreditation and quality assessment in larger developing countries such as India and the Philippines and also in very small developing countries such as Papua New Guinea, Fiji and Arab countries.  相似文献   

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