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控制论自1948年问世以来,在各方面都有了广泛的应用,特别是60年代后,发展得更加迅速,正在向各个领域渗透。以控制论来研究教育的文章已不罕见,然就其深度和广度来讲,还有待进一步扩展、充实和完善。本文试图就反馈信息在武术技术教学中的作用问题作些探讨。 (一)武术教学过程实质上是信息传递的过程控制论把系统中输出的一部分信息返回到输入部分的过程叫做“反馈”。“反馈是控制系统的一种方法”,它的特点是“根据过去操作情况去调整未来的行为”。信息是物质客体间相互联系的一种形式和纽带,由于信息的存在和传递,事物才成为可以认识的。武术教学过程同所有教学过程一样也是信息传递的过程,是教学中师生间相互联  相似文献   

1、反馈原理及其在体育教学中的作用反馈原理出自于控制论,反馈是输出信息的一部分,而这部分输出信息必须再返回到输入信息中去,并对信息的再输出产生影响。体育教学的特点就是教师与学生的双边活动。在教学过程中, 教师是通过反馈信息实现对教学的控制,反馈作用是保持教师的“教”与学生的“学”获得信息传递  相似文献   

控制论的创始人N·维纳曾说过:“任何有效行为必须由某种反馈过程来提供信息,看它是否达到预定目标”。教学过程是一种教育信息传递过程。在体育教学系统中,各要素都要借助于信息或反馈信息来进行联系,教师通过在教学过程中获得的大量反馈学生身体素质、身体机能、  相似文献   

体育教学是一个复杂的信息传递过程。研究和探讨体育教学信息的传递,对于体育教学效果最优化有着重要意义。本文探讨了体育教学信息的特点以及信息传递过程中的障碍,提出了适宜性、反馈性、知情并举性、激发性、科学合理性、自我控制性等项目体育教学信息的传递原则。  相似文献   

体育教学过程是一个信息的输出、传递、转换、加工和储存过程。深化体育教学改革,努力提高教学质量,重要的是要实现体育教学信息的传递与转换的优化。确保体育教学信息传递和转换的畅通性、有效性和高能性,发挥信息反馈的调节作用,是优化体育教学信息传递与转换的主要途径。  相似文献   

所谓的反馈信息是:“控制系统将输入的信息,通过信息的变换,把它输出去,又把输出的信息作用于控制对象后所产生的结果,返送到原信息输入端,并对信息的再输出发生影响,对系统起到控制作用,以达到预定的目的过程…。”篮球教学过程实际上是一种信息的传递和转换过程。也是一个较复杂的过程,下面我们谈一谈,反馈信息在篮球教学中的应用。  相似文献   

体育教学过程是技术动作信息传递的过程,建立运动表象是实施教学的第一步,正确、合理地运用技术动作信息传送方法,可以帮助学生更好地建立运动表象,掌握动作要领和方法,从而达到良好的教学效果,提高教学质量。  相似文献   

教学训练过程,用信息论的观点来解释,就是一个信息传递过程。譬如在篮球的教学训练过程中,教师是关于篮球理论知识、技术、战术信息的传输者;学生就是这些信息的输入者。教与学二者的结合,就形成了篮球教学训练有关信息的传递过程。教师不仅要进行信息的传递,同时还要尽快地获取来自学生的种种反应,这就是信  相似文献   

跳跃远度项目两种教学法的比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运用”教学过程最优化”理论,对跳远、三级跳远进行了“同步优化教学”与“传统教学”的对比实验研究,实验结果证明:“同步优化教学”提高了跳跃远度项目的教学质量和教学效率.  相似文献   

在现行体育院系体育基础理论课教学中,多数仍是“教师——学生”的单向信息传递,是一种传统的“灌——收”的教学模式(见图一)。它的最大缺陷是限制了学生学的积极性和创造性,也限制了教师教的指导性和艺术性,它把生动活泼的师生双方的创造性活动,弄成一潭死水。采用集体思考教学法,则能变单向的信息传递为多向传递,使学生能对多种信息作创造性的加工组合(见图二),从而达到对问题的全面深入理解。集体思考教学法是一种特殊的课堂讨论。它要求教师将“引起、展开、深化、归纳”这一过程分为“发表意见”(引起、展开)及“评价意见”(深化、归纳)两个阶段。  相似文献   

手机短信随着信息时代的到来悄然而至,它是在通信工具革新和网络系统发展的前提下应运而生的。特别是在节日期间,收发短信成为一种时尚和潮流。这种崭新的节日短信祝福语在内容和形式上,与以往传统的节日祝福语相较,发生了一些变化和拓展,尤其体现在表现方式上,具有鲜明的时代特点。  相似文献   

新世纪教练员素质要求探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以观察法、文献资料法、逻辑分析法为研究方法,以中国竞技体育发展的前途和命运,以21世纪是信息时代的趋势,以运动训练的主要特点和基本规律为视角,深刻论证了新世纪的教练员应具有高尚的思想道德素质、雄厚的科学文化素质、过硬的心理素质、强健的身体素质、必要的信息素质,尤其是应具有独特的创新素质.  相似文献   

Background: In many countries around the world, physical education (PE) has been identified as a marginalized subject. PE teachers have been found to feel negative consequences associated with marginality, such as stress, burnout, and early career attrition. Recent evidence also indicates that physical educators can develop a sense of perceived mattering both in relation the subject of PE and their role as that teacher of that subject. Less is known, however, about the relationship between perceived mattering and marginalization, and how teachers navigate social messages associated with each that they receive while teaching. Role socialization theory has emerged as an approach to studying teachers’ experiences in school environments, and can be used to understand their experiences with marginality and mattering.

Aims: The purpose of this study was to understand how the social environment of schools influences PE teachers’ perceptions of marginalization and perceived mattering, and how these two constructs interact.

Method: The investigation was conceptualized as an interview study, and framed using a social constructivist epistemology. Participants included 30 in-service PE teachers (16 males, 14 females) from the Midwest region of the US. Data were collected using in-depth qualitative interviews, and analyzed through a collaborative approach to data analysis that drew upon both inductive and deductive forms of analysis.

Results: Participants identified experiences with both perceived mattering and marginalization in their work, and noted that sometimes these messages were contradictory. Some participants felt the effects of marginalization as their discipline was viewed as a dispensable commodity that is only meaningful for the service it provides to other teachers (e.g. gives elementary classroom teachers a break for planning). Some of the teachers internalized their marginal status and began to see their primary function as supporting the work of teachers in other subjects. Nevertheless, the participants derived a sense of mattering by building relationships with colleagues, administrators, and students, and by advocating for the discipline. Teachers also felt validated when colleagues acknowledge their attempts to implement effective practices, but struggled when working with colleagues who are resistant to change.

Conclusions: PE teachers experience both marginalization and perceived mattering, which are shaped largely by social interactions within the school environment. This study specifically lends to the view of marginalization and perceived mattering as two constructs at opposite ends of a continuum, rather than a binary conceptualization. This suggests that it could be the summation of marginalizing experiences and those that promote mattering that lead physical educators to develop overall impressions of their role in schools. Furthermore, this study adds to the literature indicating that physical educators may eventually internalize feelings of marginalization when consistently told that they do not matter. This has implications related to the washout effect whereby teachers who no longer feel as if they are making meaningful contributions to children’s education may compromise their teaching practice.  相似文献   

武术课堂教学中对于肢体语言的探索与研究,旨在把肢体语言巧妙地运用在武术课堂教学之中,从而更好地增强师生之间的教学信息的传递,达到最佳的教学效果。文章根据常用肢体语言的表现形式及其特点,分析出肢体语言在武术课堂上所起的作用,有利于组织和调控武术课堂教学活动,有利于传递正确完整的课堂教学信息。  相似文献   

《Sport Management Review》2020,23(2):183-199
Elite sport provides an exciting and dynamic emotional experience for spectators. Social marketers using sport sponsorship to promote health messages are yet to consider the impact of the temporal emotional sporting context in which health messages are promoted. The authors provide a critical review of the evidence for the influence of emotion on behavior and seek to elucidate the implications for health sponsorship in sport. Articles were identified via electronic database searches and returned-article references, with thirty-three suitable articles included. Drawing on evidence from sport sponsorship, social marketing, advertising, and cause-related marketing, the review highlights few studies have investigated emotion, health communication, and behavior in a sport sponsorship context. The findings indicate that positive (e.g. happiness, compassion) and negative (e.g. fear, guilt) emotions influence intentions and behaviors with the interaction of message framing important when delivering social marketing messages. A conceptual model presents how emotions may influence behavioral health sponsorship outcomes and provides areas of future research to develop best policy and practice when delivering health sponsorship in a sporting context.  相似文献   

In the debate over health, one political message has become more and more dominant in western societies over the past decade: Get moving! The logic seems to be that physical activity per se equals better health and that the more physical activity, the better one's health. This logic has, among other things, induced an increased political focus on educational settings and physical education (PE) as a central place for promoting health by increasing physical activity. Today PE is often explicitly identified with health in contemporary school curricula, and this means that PE teachers unavoidably encounter contemporary perceptions of health and physical activity in their professional practice. Taking as its starting point four different teaching resources produced for health education in the Danish Primary School, this article presents four different health cultures and their recommendations for physical activity as a health-promoting practice. The aim is to challenge current perceptions of health and the related recommendations for physical activity in providing a springboard for health communicators and PE teachers to reflect on the health cultures they encounter and maybe to consider how these aligns their own preferred health culture.  相似文献   

本文通过文献资料、问卷调查及访谈、逻辑分析等研究方法,对深圳市50位中学体育教师在田径项目的教学情况进行调查及分析。结果显示:教师们对新课程标准的了解程度普遍较高,但长期形成的体育教学观念没有完全转变过来;球类项目已经取代田径类项目成为深圳市中学体育教师教学内容的首选。同时发现多数教师的教学方式以完整运动技术教学为主,教学内容简单的围绕着单元教学体系进行设计,使内容过于枯燥单调,缺乏趣味性是学生不喜欢田径课的主要原因。  相似文献   


To better understand doping-related attitude change, it is important to consider not only the amount of thinking (i.e., elaboration) done by message recipients, but also the favourability of their thoughts in response to the proposal, as well as the perceived validity in their thoughts. The main goal of the present study was to analyse the effects of a meta-cognitive process (i.e., thought validation) on attitudes related to doping. Thus, we randomly assigned participants to read a message either against or in favour of legalising several doping behaviours. Participants listed their thoughts regarding the proposal and indicated the perceived validity in their thoughts, then reported their attitudes. As hypothesised, the message against legalisation elicited more unfavourable thoughts and attitudes than the message in favour of legalisation. Most relevantly, the effects of the message direction on attitudes were greater for participants with higher (vs. lower) levels of thought validity. Furthermore, consistent with the thought validation process, results revealed that thought favourability was a better predictor of attitudes for participants with higher (vs. lower) perceived thought validity, indicating that perceiving one’s thoughts as valid plays an important role in persuasion. These findings provide novel insights for research and interventions regarding doping in sports.  相似文献   

体育锻炼可以有效地促进身心健康,但在我国只有少数人群能够长期坚持体育锻炼。通过科学有效的健康宣导来鼓励更多的人参与体育锻炼是非常有必要的。以中国公民为研究对象,探究时间框架和未来结果的考虑对中国公民锻炼意愿的交互作用,同时也分析自我效能、时间框架和未来结果的考虑三者对中国公民锻炼意愿的交互影响。通过线上实验的方法,以不同时间框架信息为刺激物,收集了328个样本数据。研究结果显示,未来结果的考虑和自我效能都会对体育锻炼意愿产生主效应。未来结果的考虑和时间框架对体育锻炼意愿有显著的交互作用,相比于面向现在的时间框架,未来结果的考虑程度高的人接收面向未来的时间框架时更能提高体育锻炼的意愿;而未来结果的考虑程度低的人接触面向现在的时间框架信息后的体育锻炼意愿较强。此外,自我效能、时间框架和未来结果的考虑也会对中国公民锻炼意愿产生交互作用。针对自我效能高的人,如果未来结果的考虑程度较低,则接触面向现在的时间框架时,体育锻炼的意愿最强;如果未来结果的考虑程度较高,则不同的时间框架信息不会影响体育锻炼意愿。针对自我效能低的人,未来结果的考虑程度与不同的时间框架信息是否匹配则显著影响个人的体育锻炼意愿,即未来结果的考虑程度低的人接收面向现在的时间框架信息时会有较强的锻炼意愿,未来结果的考虑程度高的人面向未来的时间框架会有较强的锻炼意愿。最后,根据数据分析结果为体育锻炼健康宣导运动提出信息宣传策略,同时分析和总结本研究的不足,对未来的相关研究进行展望。  相似文献   

Verbal and nonverbal communication is a critical mediator of performance in team sports and yet there is little extant research in sports that involves direct measures of communication. Our study explored communication within NCAA Division I female tennis doubles teams. Video and audio recordings of players during doubles tennis matches captured the communications that took place between and during points. These recordings were coded and sequential analysis computed using the Discussion Analysis Tool software (Jeong, 2003). Results indicated that most communications were emotional (i.e., > 50%) or action statements (i.e., > 25%). Winning teams exhibited significantly different communication sequences than losing teams. In particular, winning teams had a more homogeneous model of communication, which perhaps makes message interpretation more reliable. Finally, winning teams exchanged twice as many messages as losing teams.  相似文献   

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