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中美两国分属中西方两种文明,在文化传统、国家制度、经济状况等方面都存在明显的不同,教育方面也有很大的差异."前人之述"多是对两国在学校管理、教学方法、教材内容、学生课业负担等宏观层面进行的比较,本文则从课程设置的微观层面对中美两国在课程目标、课程内容、课程实施和课程评价方面存在的差异进行比较,藉此对我国新一轮的基础教育课程改革提供一些参考性建议.  相似文献   

中华优秀传统文化绵延数千年,影响着一代代的炎黄子孙,是中华民族精神的根基。一个国家的教育只有立足优秀传统文化的传承,才能凝结为国家民众的精神支柱。中华优秀传统文化体现在我们中国人生活的各个层面,渗透在物质形态、制度典籍、节日仪式、日常行为中。为此,在学校教育中,我们需要考虑以下几方面的融入。融入学校的办学理念。办学理念体现了学校的价值观,对基础教育阶段的学生具有很强的引导作用。中华优秀传统文化的本质是"立人",这与学校教育的最终目的相吻合。学校要善用这些资源,将传统文化中所倡  相似文献   

德国的职业教育哲学是德国职业教育区别于其它国家的职业教育的根本特征。它既体现在教育教育层面的职业行动能力和理论联系实践的理念上,也嵌入在制度层面的双元原则、共识原则和职业原则这三个基本原则之中,还扎根于德国特有的职业精神与文化以及理性精神之中。在德国职业教育哲学的不同层面中,职业原则和职业精神可以被看作是德国职业教育的根本原则和精神,具有更加基础性的作用;其不同层面不是一下子形成的,也不纯粹是人为设计建构起来的,而是不同历史时期逐渐演化和人为设计共同作用的产物,且它也受到当下环境下变化所带来的挑战。我们在学习德国职业教育的经验时,要关注其背后的制度和文化基础,并尝试在学习和借鉴其经验时,深入理解职业教育的基本规律和理念,并在自己的土壤和环境中进行尝试,建构起有中国特色且适应经济社会与人的发展的职业教育制度。  相似文献   

王伯芬 《教师》2014,(36):40-40
在高中英语教学中,教师应发掘教材中所含的中西方文化差异,让学生规范语言表达。语言作为文化载体,也是文化的组成部分,语言学习过程也是对文化了解的过程。由于生活方式、社会风俗、历史传统等不同,因而不同国家、不同民族的文化则有所不同,这又体现于一定语言上。  相似文献   

保姆式管理的弊端在于影响教师的专业发展、忽视学生的主观能动性、形成一种不平等的师生关系、忽视教育规律等方面。自主管理的优点在于尊重学生的差异、充分发挥学生的主体性、解放教师的时间和空间、形成民主平等的师生关系等方面。然而,在从保姆式管理到自主管理过程中诸如传统的教育理念、教师考核制度、个性化教育理念的缺失等因素影响着班级管理方式的转变。为此需要做到:理念层面——形成个性化教育理念;制度层面——教师考核制度的改革;行为层面——教师的自我反省和学习;实践层面——管理方式的转变和对学生的指导。  相似文献   

侯艳红 《教师》2016,(5):113-114
人文精神是人类精神文明的一种表现形式,能够提升人的社会认知、文化认知和群体认知,所以,近年来我国教育界广泛地引入人文精神的内容,希望有效地培养学生道德情操,使学生能够实现综合发展。但是直接在教育过程中展开,反而加重学生的课业负担。因此,从学生管理层面渗透人文精神就成为当前教育的一个热点。本文从传统理念、文化传承和以人为本制度三个层面就学生管理中人文精神的渗透进行研究。  相似文献   

申明 《怀化学院学报》2010,29(1):126-128
大学文化特色,是指一所大学中大学人共同的价值观念和行为方式的体系中所呈现出来的独特个性,这种"独特个性"是为一所大学所独有。其个性通过大学文化空间(校园)、主体(大学人)和内容(以知识和学科、专业为其核心和基础)体现出比较固定的与众不同的独特性和优良性,体现在大学理念和大学精神等大学价值观念上,则表现为大学的精神文化特色;体现在大学各种教学、行政、学生管理制度和奖惩条例、组织架构之中,则构成大学的制度文化特色;体现在大学校园建设的硬件设施之上,则表现为物质形态的文化特色;体现在教学、科研、文化、体育等活动之中,则表现为大学活动文化特色。大学文化特色的内涵非常丰富,体现在大学精神文化、制度文化、物质文化、活动文化等各个层面上。最主要的是:独到的教育理念和大学精神;独特的校风、学风和浓郁的文化氛围;优良的制度和制度精神;独具特色的校园环境、师资、学科;与众不同的活动文化传统和活动"品牌";良好的社会影响和效果。  相似文献   

怀特海教育的节奏这一理念告诉我们要重视人的身心发展,他所提出的浪漫阶段、精确阶段、综合阶段具有不同的特点。从纵向维度看,学生处于不同年龄段,智力的发展水平有差异;从横向维度来看,在同一阶段,学生在不同方面的能力也存在差异。三个阶段都可以在学生的发展上有所体现,体现出人的发展的不平衡性。在教育实践中,教育工作者只是停留在"知"的层面,怀特海先生的教育节奏的思想并没有被人们所关注和实践,出现了教育实践的偏离。  相似文献   

高校内部管理体制改革关涉双重纬度的文化冲突,即传统文化与现代文化、外来文化与本土文化的冲突。这种冲突主要发生在高校教师的职业角色认同、教师层与管理层、学生与教师及管理层三个层面,更多表现为不同群体间的冲突而非人际间的冲突,借鉴和吸收国外大学先进管理理念时应同时考察其制度设计和运行的文化基础。只有在进行制度改革的过程中同时考虑文化匹配因素,构建不同利益群体共同参与决策的治理结构,才能有效克服因文化堕距而带来的社会解组现象。  相似文献   

国家治理现代化与高校思想政治教育制度建设之间存在目的一致、内容包含、理念共享和意义互涉的关系。在实践层面上,高校思想政治教育制度建设存在内部发展不平衡不充分、运行过程不完善和效能发挥不明显的困境。在国家治理现代化背景下加强高校思想政治教育制度建设,在整体层面上,要加强党对高校思想政治教育的全面领导,明确思想政治教育制度现代化标准,完善思想政治教育制度体系;在要素层面上,应从观念、主体、内容和环境等要素着手,实现优化重组;在过程层面上,应优化制度运行的领导、管理、协商、监督和评价等机制,有效整合高校思想政治教育制度资源,把思想政治教育制度优势转化为思想政治教育效能。  相似文献   

比较教育:话语与权力   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
比较教育作为一门解释不同民族国家教育现象的教育学科 ,其话语实践总是同民族国家的社会文化紧密联系在一起。并且这种话语实践往往隐含着不同民族国家在教育科学乃至社会文化方面话语权力的争夺。通过分析研究本土生活中的日常生活层面的教育话语、本土教育实践中活跃的教育话语、民族传统教育理论中具有生命力的教育话语和民族交流本身产生的教育话语 ,进而使之体系化 ,探索并逐步建立兼具第三世界本土特色和国际通用性的比较教育话语体系 ,在教育和文化解殖民方面具有特殊的意义  相似文献   

In this article I describe the cultural origins of educational values and practices in East Asia, particularly Japan and China. Values and assumptions concerning ability and effort have deeply rooted origins in the cultural traditions of these nations. The observable differences in educational practice and thinking between these nations and the West exist for reasons that lie beneath the surface. Such unseen factors are not easily changed by simple advocacy or even by formal educational policies. I argue that at the same time that trends toward global diffusion of educational policies are gathering steam, care must be taken to understand the cultural context from which policies are being borrowed and into which they will be implemented.  相似文献   

This paper seeks to draw attention to the extent to which liberatory pedagogical intentions can function as part of a technology of surveillance unless, as socially critical educators, we actively work against our own tendency to totalising educational discourse. It notes a number of folkloric traditions in pre‐service teacher education that derive from discursive practices which position students either as inevitably acting out a well‐documented scenario or as ‘victims’ of the dominant technocratic model of teacher education. This paper suggests a way forward for teacher educators through the application of post‐positivist theorising to what has come to be understood as ‘proven’ by past and current educational research. This process is exemplified in the discussion by the application of post‐structuralist deconstructive techniques to avant garde educational text in order to bring forward for scrutiny the binary oppositions in our own ‘transformative’ educational discourse. The implications of ‘advocacy’ research are discussed and a plea made for pedagogy that intervenes in socially critical practices by making problematic our own ‘versions’ of student teacher needs.  相似文献   

In the past decade a growing number of industrialised nations have been concerned with school systems which have attained their goals of academic excellence. Within the research on education in less developed countries, environmental factors, particularly in‐school determinants of student achievement have not been fully explored. This paper examines classroom management and teaching practices as they impact on student achievement in a Caribbean setting. Characteristics of academically persistent environments and school effectiveness strategies are discussed.  相似文献   

This article reports findings from a qualitative case study, as part of which staff perspectives of student disclosure of mental health issues in an Australian post-secondary vocational education setting were explored. Twenty teaching and specialist support staff from four vocational education and training institutions participated in individual semi-structured interviews. Institutional policies and practices related to the management of disability at each site provided contextual information relevant to the staff experience. All data were analysed thematically. Staff participants strongly supported student disclosure of mental health issues. Staff linked the likelihood of course success for students experiencing mental illness with disclosure and the implementation of educational supports. Findings draw attention to subtle differences in constructions of student disclosure reported by the specialist support staff and the teachers: differences in perspective which were consistent across locations. This study highlights the influence of personal experience of mental illness and institutional processes for educational adjustment on staff perspectives of student disclosure. Implications of the current practices in post-secondary education student support services are discussed. Further research on disclosure beliefs among teachers and specialist support staff, in a wider range of educational settings, would allow for a deeper exploration of issues raised by this study.  相似文献   

This empirical study investigates secondary science teachers’ perspectives on science education reform in Taiwan and reflects how these teachers have been negotiating constructivist and learner-centered pedagogical approaches in contemporary science education. It also explores the challenges that teachers encounter while shifting their pedagogical focus from traditional approaches to teaching science to an active engagement in students’ learning. Multiple sources of qualitative data were obtained, including individual interviews with science teachers and teachers’ reflective journals about Confucianism in relation to their educational philosophies. Thematic analysis and constant comparative method were used to analyze the data. The findings revealed that Confucian traditions play a significant role in shaping educational practices in Taiwan and profoundly influence teachers’ epistemological beliefs and their actual classroom practice. Indeed, science teachers’ perspectives on Confucian learning traditions played a key role in supporting or obstructing their pedagogical commitments to inquiry-based and learner-centered approaches. This study draws on the literature concerning teachers’ professional struggles and identity construction during educational reform. Specifically, we explore the ways in which teachers respond to educational changes and negotiate their professional identities. We employed various theories of identity construction to understand teachers’ struggles and challenges while wrestling with competing traditional and reform-based pedagogical approaches. Attending to these struggles and the ways in which they inform the development of a teacher’s professional identity is vital for sustaining current and future educational reform in Taiwan as well as in other Eastern cultures. These findings have important implications for teachers’ professional development programs in East Asian cultures.  相似文献   

中国儒家文化教育传统对“儒家文化圈”內各国的政治、经济和文化教育产生了广泛而深刻的影响?垂壅庑┯跋?可以得到如下启示:“儒家文化圈”内各国文化教育的影响是相互的,多样性的文化教育在冲突与融合中推动着各国文化教育整体发展;中国文化教育传统尤其是儒家伦理具有广泛的适用性和影响力,经合理取舍,会成为促进现代化建设的有利因素;创新是每个民族文化教育进步的灵魂,某种文化教育的接受不是简单的移植,而是需要作出理性的选择和创造性的转换,赋予合乎时代与国情的內涵;必须坚持民族文化教育本位的基本立场,善于保留本民族文化教育传统之特色。  相似文献   

Research in education draws upon a wide range of epistemological traditions due in part to the wide range of problems that are investigated. While this diversity might be considered a strength of the field, it also makes researchers who work within it vulnerable to being divided into those worth listening to and those who should be ignored by ‘end-users’. These people and groups who are interested in the outcomes of educational research, such as policy makers and system providers, increasingly expect research findings to be accessible, and to inform questions of the ‘what works’ variety. Under this imperative, research processes that elaborate the complexity of educational problems, and the provisional, partial and contingent nature of solutions, tend to be dismissed as unnecessarily complex and inaccessible. Epistemological diversity in educational research also presents challenges for inducting teacher education students into the profession. We outline some of these challenges in a discussion of epistemological diversity in research in education. We also describe differences in how research traditions construct educational problems. We argue that crossing epistemic boundaries is a necessary condition of the educational practices of teachers and of those preparing to join their ranks. We compare and contrast knowledge-producing processes in education and identify the repertoires of capabilities and habits of mind associated with different epistemologies or ‘angles’. We suggest that the impact of educational research, including its contribution to teacher education programs, policy and public debate about issues in education, might be enhanced through a heuristic suite of four angles that are each understood to be necessary but not sufficient on their own. We provide a brief worked example of how such a heuristic might be applied to make sense of the diverse bodies of research regarding student engagement in school.  相似文献   

Globalisation is often thought to advocate for a single set of beliefs and customs and for a rejection of the need to protect regional cultures and traditions. In the aftermath of 9/11, the rift between Western and Arab cultures has deepened, and there is a patent need for cultural bridges to be built. The government of Saudi Arabia has, by increasing funding for higher education through grants and scholarships, enabled Saudi students to study at overseas universities. A number of non-Saudi students are also enrolled at Saudi Arabian universities. After a brief introduction to the cultural and educational history of the Arab region and Saudi identity, this article turns to contemporary higher education in Saudi Arabia. It introduces the King Abdullah Scholarship Programme and then goes on to present detailed enrolment data for 2006–2009, demonstrating trends and policy changes and identifying patterns in student mobility.  相似文献   

In this article our focus is on the persistent gendered divisions in educational routes of young people who choose a vocational path after compulsory education in Finland. We analyse how gendered subjectivities are constructed within the practices of educational and vocational guidance and within student cultures in the comprehensive school, as well as the way in which young people process understandings of themselves and their expectations during and after vocational education. In addition, we explore young people's ways to negotiate with disciplinary practices of the educational system. The paper draws on three ethnographic studies, and on feminist post-structural and materialist theories, intertwined with contextualised ethnographic perspectives. Our analysis reveals some patterns that might work as obstacles in the process towards reducing gender segregation in education and the labour market. We suggest that whilst gendered choices are sometimes taken for granted, gender dichotomy is often emphasised even if young people choose ‘differently’.  相似文献   

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