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#MeToo has breathed new life into the women’s movement and especially into understanding and rectifying sexual harassment, abuse and assault. It has galvanized activists around the globe. And it has placed thousands of stories of the harassed in full view of the public. Sexual harassment, abuse and assault may occur within the organizational context or beyond; but sexual harassment, in particular has been legally labeled an organizational phenomenon. With this in mind, Robin Clair frames the early part of this article around the most recent organizational communication theories (see the appendix for an overview of these theories). Following the essay is a forum, in which invited scholars address questions related to the #MeToo movement.  相似文献   

3月23日是我们的老馆长佟曾功先生的忌日。今年年初他因关节炎引起肾衰竭而离开了我们。我痛惜失去佟馆长这么一位好领导、好师长,难过的心情真是难以表达。他一生清正廉洁、严于律己,当了多年馆长,一直保持高风亮节。佟馆长一生有许多著述,主持了《当代……  相似文献   

Public libraries are not only political institutions, they are enmeshed in the politics of society. This paper presents some of the more thoughtful conceptions of both conservative and liberal politics, to a specific end. That end is the suggestion that public libraries can act as commons within their communities. The intricacies of acting as commons are detailed here, along with some practical suggestions for realizing the goal of becoming a commons.  相似文献   

《Communication monographs》2012,79(3):204-216
The cognitive-functional model of discrete negative emotions and attitude change (CFM; Nabi, 1999) attempts to bridge the theoretical gap between “emotional” and “rational” approaches to persuasion by focusing on how emotions motivate attention to and processing of persuasive messages. As a first test of the CFM, this study explored the effects of 2 emotions, anger and fear, and 2 levels of expectation of message reassurance, certainty and uncertainty, on attitudes toward domestic terrorism legislation. Results supported a main effect for emotion type, suggesting that anger promotes deeper information processing than fear, and a main effect for reassurance certainty level, with uncertainty promoting deeper information processing. The expected interaction between emotion type and reassurance expectation level was not found. Implications of these findings for the model and persuasion research generally are discussed.  相似文献   

Starting in the fall of 2012, the staff at the University of Texas at Arlington (UTA) Library began to plan for a library-wide reorganization of staff and services. Every staff member would be affected by the reorganization process, including the library’s serials and e-resources team. In what could be a most chaotic time, the serials and e-resources team chose to use the North American Serials Interest Group (NASIG) draft version of core competencies for electronic resource librarians as a guide to help in selecting members for the e-resources team that would emerge following the reorganization. The presentation on which this article is based reviews the situation at UTA, the core competencies, and how the serials/e-resources team used the core competencies along with a self-assessment tool to help select the most qualified staff for the team.  相似文献   

The Section on Acquisition and Exchange of the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions was set up to provide a forum for librarians interested in the theory and practice of acquisition of library materials by purchase, gift and exchange. The Standing Committee of 12 librarians from several countries has inaugurated several studies in this area, and organizes open sessions at IFLA Conferences. Three relevant papers were presented at the 1988 IFLA Conference held in Sydney, Australia. Dr Leonhard gave details of conspectus in various countries, designed to overcome the problems of an increasing volume of publications coming at a time of decreasing real purchasing power. Mr Montag highlighted the problems caused by price differentials, particularly in the case of serials. Pergamon Press is reported to have surcharges up to 1590% for libraries in the case of its serials, whilst the Hogarth Press serials are up to 100% higher in Europe than in the USA. The Section is to survey this phenomenon worldwide, and report at the 1989 IFLA Conference in Paris. Miss Walters gave details of the work of ACPAD, which shipped some 3,000 cartons of library materials to universities in five developing countries in 1986/1987. Most of these come from Australian libraries weeding monographs, or converting hardcopy serials to microform.  相似文献   

一、关于我市青少年教育基地工作的现状1“青少年教育基地”(以下简称“基地”)建立从无到有。为贯彻中共中央《爱国主义教育实施纲要》、中共北京市委关于《北京市爱国主义教育规划要点》的精神,充分发挥档案馆的社会教育功能,市档案局1996年提出建立“基地”...  相似文献   

崔金生 《北京档案》2006,(11):51-51
前不久,"琴书泰斗"关学曾走了.他的逝世,引起了不少曲艺爱好者的回忆和广大听众的怀念……  相似文献   

被誉为沪剧泰斗的筱文滨,他的历史功绩,不仅在于创造了独树一帜、影响深远的文派艺术,发现、提携和造就了大批沪剧人才,更重要的是,作为上世纪三四十年代沪剧界的领军人物,筱文滨以勇敢的开拓精神,高举改革的旗帜,倡导沪剧西装旗袍戏,创办当时被称为申曲托拉斯和沪剧界“水泊梁山”的文滨剧团,  相似文献   

Using a literature review this paper examines the changing role of the subject librarian within UK higher education institutions. Identifies models of subject librarianship in different countries for comparison with the UK role. Defines the role of subject librarian before the Follett Report and highlights the impact the report has had on the role. Considers how the role has developed since the Follett Report from the perspective of library managers. The relationship between subject librarians and the academic departments they serve, and the subject knowledge required to execute this function, have always been areas of concern. Since the Follett Report the increasing involvement of subject librarians in teaching students has added a new dimension to the relationship with academic departments. The liaison the subject librarian provides between the library and academic departments is an enduring facet of the role and helps to explain why it has persisted.  相似文献   

客观知识·图书馆·人——兼论图书馆学的研究对象   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
客观知识是图书馆的逻辑起点。人是客观知识的动物。图书馆是管理客观知识的社会机构 ,是人类追求知识生活方式的社会保障制度。图书馆学的研究对象是客观知识、图书馆和人之间的相互关系和相互作用。参考文献 16。  相似文献   

论文基于对《吴歙萃雅》周之标题辞、支如增《兰咳二集叙》《周君建鉴定古牌谱》周之标序文等文献的解读,认定明末出版家周之标是男性,而非女性.  相似文献   

Background:The proliferation of systematic reviews has impacted library operations and activities as librarians support, collaborate, and perform more tasks in the systematic review process. This case report describes a toolkit that librarians with extensive experience in supporting multiple review teams use to manage time, resources, and expectations in the systematic review process.Case Presentation:The toolkit is a compilation of documents that we use to effectively communicate with and help review teams understand and navigate each stage of the systematic review process. Elements included in the toolkit and discussed in this case report are intake forms, communication templates and memoranda, a process flow diagram, library guides on tools for retrieval and data appraisal, and established standards for guidance during the write-up stage. We describe the use of the toolkit for both education and project management, with a focus on its use in helping manage team time, resources, and expectations.Discussion:The systematic review toolkit helps librarians connect systematic review steps and tasks to actionable items. The content facilitates and supports discussion and learning by both librarians and team members. This toolkit helps librarians share important information and resources for each stage of the process.  相似文献   

苏曼殊是中国近代史上著名的文艺家和翻译家,也是一位有爱国思想的革命者.他一生浪迹天涯,孤苦飘零;他热爱祖国,向往民主革命,当革命受到挫折后,他孤吟自叹,悲观失望;他早年看破红尘,出家为僧,既出世又人世,三十五岁英年早逝.他素以"诗僧、画僧、情僧、革命僧"著称于世,日本文学家佐藤春夫称他是"近代中国文学史上之一彗星",南社创始人柳亚子誉之为"举世公认的天才",他的启蒙老师和挚友陈独秀毫不掩饰地称他"是一个绝顶聪明的人,真是所谓‘天才’".  相似文献   

The contextual approach gives the impression that we are moving into the 21st century with three competing scientific traditions of interpretation. Another understanding is the systemic view, which indicates a paradigm with complementing traditions of interpretation, depending on ontological level. The paradigm of archival science is, like that of many other sciences, influenced by positivism, systems theory and hermeneutics. The relevance of the paradigm depends on personal beliefs. The hermeneutic understanding of archival science emphasizes the context and deconstructs central concepts. Hermeneutics emphasizes the influence of conceptual changes and technological advances on perception. Hermeneutics stresses the need for a socio-cultural and historical orientation of archival science. The positivistic tradition is coloured by the myths about an ideal science. This is reflected firstly in the analogy comparing archives with nature, and secondly in the deductive method. Positivism is instrumental in its demands for distinct definitions of concepts and its insistence on the record as the basis of archival science. The flexibility of systems theory highlights the complex relations between context and record. Systems theory can, at its best, serve as a meeting-place for researchers, archivists and users and accordingly form the basis for new knowledge and theory formation. Systems theory enables a materialistic/dialectic epistemology based in reality and inspired by other relevant sciences. The result may be the foundation of a systemic-functionalist archival science with activities, records creation and evidential values in focus.  相似文献   

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