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自由教育思想是亚里士多德教育思想的重要组成部分。自由教育是以闲暇和自由为条件,以发展人的理性为根本目的,以自由学科为基本内容,反对进行专业化的职业训练。亚里士多德的自由教育思想的提出,标志着西方教育的一个重要思想传统的形成。  相似文献   

人性自由:思想政治教育的逻辑起点   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
思想政治教育的逻辑起点问题长期以来成为学术界争议颇多的问题之一。逻辑起点的准确定位决定了整个理论体系的科学建构,而在现代众多的思想政治教育逻辑起点研究中,以"现实的人"为思想政治教育逻辑起点的观点较多。人性自由作为思想政治教育研究的逻辑起点具有理论与实践的合理性。马克思主义思想政治教育始终是以以人为本、充分发挥人性的自由为起点,以促进人的全面而自由的发展为终点,形成了一个完整的科学理论体系。逻辑起点与逻辑终点的辩证统一,才使得人性自由成为思想政治教育的逻辑起点具有了现实性。  相似文献   

李粤 《教师》2015,(15)
随着新课程改革的有序深入推进,中小学心理健康教育正日益成为新课程改革下新的生长点.而以往那种以辅导和咨询为主的“矫正式”心理健康教育已不适应“面向全体,让每一位学生身心都得到和谐、全面、可持续发展”的新课改理念.为此,我们将绿色教育理念引进学校心理健康教育,在素质教育的大视野下构成一个德智体美劳相交融的、完整的绿色心育生态体系,促使学生身心和谐、全面、自由、可持续发展.  相似文献   

在21世纪人类正在迈向生态文明的重要时刻,教育的历史使命被赋予鲜明的前瞻性与先导性特征。教育工作必须从教育思想、教育内容,教育功能,教育发展、教育属性,教育观念和教育过程等事关教育发展的一系列重大问题上进行以可持续发展为目标取向的改革。全程教育作为一个集教育内容、思想、过程,观念等问题的合成体,成为一个值得我们去研究和解决的新问题。  相似文献   

"自由教育"涵义的演变   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
自由教育是一种古老的教育思想 ,但直到今天它仍然在教育领域发挥着影响力。在自由教育思想从古至今的发展中 ,它的涵义经历了一系列的变化。古希腊的自由教育思想重视理智、德性和审美修养 ,鄙视知识的实用价值 ;中世纪 ,古希腊人创造的自由学科被用作神学教育的基础 ;赫胥黎认为 ,自然科学应成为自由教育的重要内容 ;在 2 0世纪 ,人们致力于使自由教育与自由民主制度相适应。  相似文献   

为了自由的教育——论蔡元培的教育思想与实践   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自由主义是蔡元培教育思想的基础 ,对自由的追求贯穿了其教育思想和教育实践。他认为教育的目的在于使受教育者养成完全的人格 ,成为一个自由的人 ;而这种教育本身也须是自由的 ,因此他提倡学术自由 ,争取教育独立 ,目的在于为教育争自由。  相似文献   

论福禄培尔的教育顺应自然思想   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
福禄培尔的教育思想,主要是以教育顺应自然为核心的实物才学前教育理论,其目的是试图培养自由的,自觉行动的,有思想的,教育内容和形式。注重天性,自动,自由,发展。  相似文献   

尼尔自由教育思想的主要特色包括五个方面的内容,即以"让学校适应学生,而不是让学生适应学校"为办学宗旨,以"培养自由快乐的人"为教育目的,以"给学生权利,让学生民主自治"为管理方式,探索适当的教学方式,培养学生的创新精神,关注"性"教育,引导学生健康发展。他的自由教育思想对我国"问题儿童"的教育产生了诸多有益的启示。  相似文献   

《中国21世纪议程》明确指出:"加强对受教育者的可持续发展思想的灌输……将可持续发展思想贯穿于从初等到高等的整个教育过程中。"这样,培养具有可持续发展意识的人就成为当代学科教学的重要任务之一。中国历史教材中有很多进行可持续发展教育的素材,教师可以通过历史教学激发学生的可持续发展意识,树立可持续发展观念。本文从三个方面对中国历史教学中对学生可持续发展意识的培养作以初步探讨。一、经济可持续发展意识的培养经济可持续发展是可持续发展战略的重要内容之一,是一种以保持生态平衡为绝对前提的理性化经济增长,是一种…  相似文献   

蔡元培对自由教育的追求贯穿于其教育思想和教育实践中。他认为教育的目的在于使受教育者养成完全的人格,成为一个自由的人;而这种教育本身也须是自由的,因此他提倡学术自由,争取教育独立,目的在于为教育争自由。本文从四个方面对蔡元培自由教育思想进行了初探:(1)自由的理想;(2)自由的人格;(3)自由的学术;(4)自由的教育。  相似文献   

International reports on environmental policy promote 'education for sustainable development' as an instrument for realising environmental awareness, values and attitudes consistent with the liberal concept of 'sustainable development'. In this paper the ethical and political-philosophical assumptions of (education for) sustainable development will be criticised. First, it will be argued that (Rawlsian) liberal ethics cannot include obligations towards future generations. Second, the commentary focuses on the economic perspective underlying this liberal framework, its anthropocentric bias and the hierarchical distinction between public and private spheres. Third, to offer a more adequate framework for environmental education, some fruitful ideas within neo-republicanism will be examined.  相似文献   

Today, many liberal philosophers of education worry that certain kinds of education may frustrate the development of personal autonomy, with negative consequences for the individuals concerned, the liberal state, or both. Autonomy liberals hold not only that we should promote the development of autonomy in children, but also that this aim should be compulsory for all schools, private or public, religious or nonreligious. In this article, Anders Schinkel provides a systematic overview, categorization, and analysis of liberal arguments for compulsory autonomy-promoting education. He finds that none of these arguments can justify compulsory autonomy-promoting education, whether because they depend on empirical evidence that is not available, because they have as their basis an overly demanding concept of autonomy, or because they are intrinsically flawed in some way or another. Schinkel concludes with some suggestions as to what this means for the direction future research should take.  相似文献   

An influential view of liberalism and its view of education holds that it is a western construct unsuited to non-western societies. Bikhu Parekh's critique of liberal democracy is taken here as representative of that position. In challenging that view, this article shows through an analysis of recent policy that post-apartheid education in South Africa expresses a liberal view of education, just as the political order introduced in 1994 is a liberal one. If we adopt Parekh's principle that societies should be allowed to choose their own destinies, there are transcendental grounds for promoting liberalism and a liberal view of education outside of the liberal western democracies.  相似文献   


Inspired by concern about promoting civic participation and preserving the liberal democratic state, political theorists have recently reignited a debate about the nature of political education in a liberal society. These theorists' arguments in favor of teaching toleration are significant for the progress of education reforms currently being debated and implemented in current liberal democracies and some emerging nations. Despite the increasing attention paid to the value of liberal civic education, however, its specific content is typically left virtually blank. This article aims to redress this gap in the literature by developing a coherent and comprehensive (albeit still very general) curriculum for liberal political education. To this end, Section I analyses the nature of the ideal liberal democratic state and develops a general curriculum for liberal political education based on the type of citizens needed to preserve and take advantage of such a state. It concludes by introducing two potentially illiberal outcomes of this curriculum: children's forced development of the capacity for autonomy, and the reduction of diversity in the state. Section II argues that the development of autonomy is actually central to liberal theory and liberal education more broadly conceived, while Section III suggests that civic and social diversity will persist, but rightly play a secondary role to the goals of liberal political education. The article concludes, therefore, with a reassertion of the content and importance of liberal political education.  相似文献   

Why Should States Fund Denominational Schools?   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
It is generally accepted that liberal states should fund public schools for compulsory education. But whether states should also finance denominational schools is controversial. Does such funding not compromise the principle of liberal neutrality? In this article we evaluate two opposing views on this question. Both views give different interpretations of liberal neutrality and both have contrasting views on the relation between education and conceptions of the good. Arguing that neither view is convincing, we defend an alternative view, which holds that the liberal state under certain conditions should fund denominational schools.  相似文献   

Liberal education是西方教育思想史中的几个核心概念之一,但学界对这一概念的认识长期被其模糊性所困扰。本文通过思想史和类型学方法,对这一概念在历史上形成的多重涵义进行了梳理。研究发现,liberal education一词在历史上具有十种主要的语义,这十种语义分别从教育对象(自由人、绅士、自由公民)、功能(非功利教育、通识性教育、心智自由、心智训练)和内容(古典教育、人文学、文理学科)三个维度对这一概念进行了界定。这一概念在不同历史时期沉淀的语义一方面是“相互论证”的,另一方面也存在不一致甚至冲突之处。从课程实践角度来看,深入分析liberal education的多重涵义对于当下的本科教育改革也具有一定的启发价值。在未来的大学课程改革中,应更多强调通识课程的心智训练价值和公民素质培养的价值。  相似文献   

In this article, I will argue that the implementation of deliberative democracy needs to be supplemented by a specific political morality in order to cultivate free and equal citizens in exercising public reason for achieving a cooperative and inclusive liberal society. This cultivation of personality is literally an educational project with a robust ethical ambition, and hence, it reminds us the orthodox liberal problem concerning the relation between the state and its citizenship education. Following Callan’s reformulation of the political conception of the person, I will argue that Rawls’s political liberalism can accommodate the ethical demand of deliberative citizenship education. Liberal civic education should legitimately specify its own ethical endowments for active citizenship and need not shy away from making proposals on the cultivation of liberal character that might result in influencing individual’s conception of the good. Rawls’s theory thus redefines the state neutrality problem on education and paves the way for a framework of deliberative citizenship education.  相似文献   

我国成人高等教育现状与管理机制研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着我国高等教育向大众化和终身教育社会发展的不断推进,当前成人高等教育出现了许多新的趋势和特点,也面临着发展中存在的诸多问题和矛盾。本文从分析成人教育现状入手,就我国成人教育的管理机制科学构建的研究,旨在树立成人高等教育的科学发展观,使成人教育可持续发展,更好地为经济社会又好又快发展服务。  相似文献   

王珏 《凯里学院学报》2013,31(1):165-166
大学英语是一门提高学生人文综合素质的必不可少的课程之一,在大学英语中加强人文教育,有助于学生塑造理想人格,培养创新精神,促进自身文化发展,以宽容和开放的心态尊重不同的文化。当前,我国大学英语教学模式偏重于语言学习,不利于学生的全面发展,应在人文通识教育的理念下,对教学方式、教材内容等多方面进行改革,以促进学生英语水平和人文综合素质的提高。  相似文献   

In contrast to the continued decline of liberal arts education in the US, there has been a revived interest in liberal arts education in Asian countries in recent years. Grounded in a comprehensive understanding of the central tenets of liberal arts education in the West, this paper looks into the struggles Asian countries face in their exploration of liberal arts education and provides a direction for Asian countries in their efforts to practice liberal arts education. This paper establishes the deep connections between humanistic approaches of the Confucian tradition and liberal arts education by pointing to a common ground for the education of humanity. Ultimately, the purpose of liberal arts education, in the East as well as in the West, should be the liberation of human beings from the constraints of ignorance, prejudice and traditional customs and through the cultivation of a cosmopolitan morality that emphasizes unity, solidarity and the fusion of humankind. Chinese universities should contemplate the purpose and value of higher education in the 21st century and tap into the rich resources of Confucianism in order to give its liberal arts education a “soul.”  相似文献   

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