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高校研究生生源质量分析与对策研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
胡秋红 《文教资料》2013,(11):87-88
本文从硕士研究生生源总量、来源范围、入学前学习和学历形式等方面分析了广东省某高校2010—2012年硕士研究生生源情况。调查显示近三年报考攻读硕士研究生的人数和录取人数均在稳步上升,以普通全日制本科生为主,生源范围主要集中在华南、华中和华东等地区。通过揭示近年来生源情况变化,分析存在问题和原因,提出改善研究生生源质量的策略。  相似文献   

用自编问卷和SPSS19.0软件对江苏6所不同类型高校、共计1035名教育学硕士研究生的学习适应性及其有关特征变量之间关系进行了调查和数据分析。结果显示:从整体上看,教育学硕士研究生学习适应性水平不高。被试研究生学习适应性水平因其性别、年龄、年级、学习时间投入、导师指导方式、参与课题及论文发表情况等因素不同而存在显著差异;在其父母是否接受过高等教育,被试从事教育教学类工作经历、前学历学校类型、现就读学校类型,是否为跨学科生源等生源因素方面不存在显著差异。  相似文献   

随着我国高等教育的发展,硕士研究生教育的招生规模也在不断扩大。硕士研究生生源质量的优劣,在很大程度上影响着硕士研究生的培养质量,因此,如何构建有效的硕士研究生生源质量保障体系,已经成为高校硕士研究生招生工作中的重中之重。本文通过分析当前硕士研究生生源状况,对现阶段高校硕士研究生生源质量保障体系的构建提出了对策建议。  相似文献   

为全面把握目前全日制学术型研究生培养现状,探寻培养机制中存在的问题,这里以地方桌财经类高校为例,通过调查问卷的数据统计和分析,对研究生生源质量、师资队伍、科研条件、课程设置等相关问题进行思考,并就今后进一步提高全日制学术型硕士研究生的培养质量提出相应建议.  相似文献   

对西北高校硕士研究生教育现状的问卷调查显示,西北高校硕士研究生教育基础相对薄弱,研究生教育规模偏小;研究生生活、教学设施、资讯信息、实验设备等办学条件相对落后;研究生生源质量下降,学习、生活压力较大,研究创新能力不足;研究生导师队伍教学能力、指导水平、科研创新能力等还需提高;研究生培养和管理需要不断完善创新,并提出了具体的对策建议。  相似文献   

通过自编高校硕士新生学习适应性的调查问卷,对辽宁省大连市三所高校557名硕士新生的学习适应现状进行调查。研究发现:高校硕士新生总体学习适应性水平处于中等稍偏上状态,主观学习适应性的水平优于客观学习适应性水平。在差异性比较方面,硕士新生在录取志愿、是否跨专业、是否为重点院校这三方面的学习适应性水平存在显著性差异;硕士新生在性别、专业类型、家庭所在地这三方面的学习适应性水平并不存在显著差异。  相似文献   

本文采用数理统计法、问卷调查法、专家访谈法等研究方法,对重庆市普通高校在读硕士研究生开设体育选修课与课外活动的情况进行调查研究。通过走访及问卷了解的资料进行分析,全面了解了重庆市普通高校在读硕士研究生开设体育选修课与课外活动的情况及研究生体育工作存在不足,为高校研究生体育发展提供参考。  相似文献   

运用文献资料法、数理统计法、比较研究等方法,对河南省4所高校的体育学硕士研究生的研究方向设置现状进行分析,以更好的了解河南高校体育学硕士研究生教育的现状,为新时期深化体育学硕士研究生教育改革提供参考依据。  相似文献   

自编了研究生学术道德评定问卷,并采用成就动机问卷,对多所高校1000名在读研究生进行调研。研究结果显示,硕士研究生对学术道德的认知有所欠缺,态度有待修正,存在较多的学术道德失范行为。另外,方差分析结果显示,学科类别和成就动机水平对硕士研究生的学术道德水平有显著的影响。  相似文献   

学术型硕士研究生生源质量评价研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对生源质量评价的研究是研究生教育的重要课题。基于学术型硕士研究生生源质量评价研究现状,总结了学术型硕士研究生生源质量的概念以及生源质量评价的意义;学术型硕士研究生生源质量评价体系可以分为两类:一是生源结构和综合素质,二是个体和整体指标;通过对指标选取、指标体系构建、参照标准选择和评价方法等方面的研究,得出国内学术型硕士研究生生源质量评价研究存在的问题,包括无统一规范的评价指标体系,多指标综合评价法的实用和指导意义不强,漠视评价体系适用的学校级别、专业性质和时间变化等。  相似文献   

近十几年来,日本的研究生教育体制改革思路新颖、富于创新;独立研究生院、联合研究生院等新的办学模式纷纷出现。始于20世纪80年代末的研究生院大学作为专门培养日本顶尖人才的高等学府,更是在众多类型的学校中独树一帜。  相似文献   

教师是学校中第一位的资源,教师流失尤其是农村义务教育阶段教师的流失问题一直为世人所关注。近几年来,教师流失不仅没有得到有效遏制,反而有攀升的趋势。而目前,农村中小学教师流失的类型中,一支不容小觑的队伍就是考研一族。这类型教师以年轻人居多,年轻教师是学校的未来,也是学校发展的希望所在,此类教师的流失无疑使农村教育的发展雪上添霜。本文将在这样的背景下,以自己为个案研究对象,讲述自己的考研故事,进而探讨自己作为一位年轻乡村女教师选择考研的原因及心路历程。  相似文献   

搜集了2008-2012年五年间近百份研究生暑期学校总结报告,结合有关的暑期学校文献,从师资队伍、学员结构、教学形式、教学内容四方面总结暑期学校的类型,提炼其特色模式,归纳其共性特征。特色模式包括中外合办型、外教主导型、实验实践型、全程辅导型、小学期制型,共性特征涉及教学形式、师资队伍、学员结构、管理制度四方面。暑期学校分类、特色模式与共性特征研究可为暑期学校举办单位准确定位、提升办学水平提供参考。  相似文献   

The problem of student indiscipline is an issue of concern for teachers and parents around the world. Teachers need to maintain student discipline and for them to do so it is important that they also understand the nature of discipline problems. This study, by Lawrence Kofi Ametepee, who is studying for a PhD in special education, Morgan Chitiyo, board certified behaviour analyst and Assistant Professor of Special Education, both at Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, USA, and Susan Abu, who is currently a graduate student in the Department of Women's Studies at Texas Women's University, was designed to examine the nature and perceived causes of student indiscipline in Zimbabwean secondary schools. The authors anticipate that such an examination will promote teachers’, parents’ and policy makers’ understanding of student indiscipline, which will, in turn, enhance disciplinary policies and practices, making schools safer for all students and more effective in their role as educational and socialising agents.  相似文献   

The study investigated the effect of international student teaching experience on the professional and personal development of preservice teachers. Within the framework of their internship program, 26 graduate students in a private university in Turkey had a two-month internship in a mid western state in the United States, the main component of which was a six-week student teaching experience in high schools. Student teachers worked with mentors in pairs or triads in six high schools in different subject areas. They got involved in teaching practices, technology seminars, and diverse cultural activities during their internship. The student teachers and mentor teachers were surveyed through e-mail and three student teachers were interviewed to evaluate the outcomes of the program. The findings of the current research suggest that the international student teaching experience and the overall internship program with its cultural components contributed in a positive way to student teachers’ professional and personal development and helped student teachers increase their cultural awareness. The findings also suggest that the presence of international students in US schools and society in general helped American students and people have a better idea of other countries and cultures.  相似文献   


This is a selective bibliography of 89 references on recruitment of minority students and faculty for graduate and professional schools and programs. Education, social sciences, and law literature were scanned for the years 1981 to 1991. Resources on recruitment in graduate and professional education are included, as well as a few relevant references of somewhat broader scope on diversity in higher education. This bibliography is divided into two parts: Part 1 is on student recruitment, Part 2 on faculty recruitment. Each part is subdivided into three sections—general literature, strategies and programs, and literature pertaining to particular fields of study or professions.  相似文献   

In response to a serious shortage of primary teachers the New Zealand Government introduced competitive contracts for new and established providers to develop initial teacher education programmes which could be completed in a 12‐18 month timeframe. The University of Auckland reacted by developing a January to December post‐graduate programme taught in partnership with a consortium of primary schools. A mentor teacher from each of the selected primary schools was accredited at post‐graduate level to co‐ordinate and deliver the school‐based practicum component of the programme utilizing an associate teacher to host each student teacher. The programme was founded on a continuous placement model with student teachers attending one school per term for three days of each week, and university lectures for the other two days, throughout the year. Mentor teacher roles included in‐school seminars, assessment of the practicum component and assisting lecturers in planning and delivering university papers. Seven postulates which underpin the University of Auckland approach are advanced and the extent by which they can be generalized is discussed.  相似文献   

Science/Technology/Society (STS) as a reform effort has been active in Iowa for three decades. A program called Iowa Chautauqua has evolved over the four decades to promote K-12 STS teaching in Iowa’s 300 school districts. This is a study of how teachers have become Teacher Leaders of the reforms and lead other teachers who enroll as new teachers and schools each New Year. All were involved with Action Research projects each year while also assisting graduate student teams who serve as research associates. In this study, students were asked to identify specific teacher actions that were designed to make student learning more successful. The study examines general student views of teacher actions as well as specific examples of how students interact with the teacher and how the teachers encourage greater student/student involvement. The results show success with STS and how it defines science and affective actions of teachers in classrooms. Student views of Teacher Leaders, new Chautauqua teachers, and Control Teachers with no STS or Chautauqua experiences provide ways of recognizing successes of current reform efforts.  相似文献   

This article considers the practical, conceptual, and empirical foundations of an early identification and intervention system for middle-grades schools to combat student disengagement and increase graduation rates in our nation's cities. Many students in urban schools become disengaged at the start of the middle grades, which greatly reduces the odds that they will eventually graduate. We use longitudinal analyses—following almost 13,000 students from 1996 until 2004—to demonstrate how four predictive indicators reflecting poor attendance, misbehavior, and course failures in sixth grade can be used to identify 60% of the students who will not graduate from high school. Fortunately, by combining effective whole-school reforms with attendance, behavioral, and extra-help interventions, graduation rates can be substantially increased.  相似文献   

Başak Bilecen 《Compare》2013,43(5):667-688
Drawing on the literature on international student experiences and identities, this study discusses theories of identity from a social constructionist perspective. ‘Identification’ is the preferred term to describe a dynamic process through which students negotiate the meaning of their identities in different societies and communities. Based on interviews with 35 international doctoral students from two graduate schools in Germany, the article illustrates the significance of international mobility for education when external ‘differences’ are appreciated and contribute to cosmopolitan imaginations and when internal differences are created in relation to ‘Others’ in the host society. The article contributes to the literature on international student mobility by providing a fine-grained analysis of student identification, showing how the discourse of difference is used as a double strategy.  相似文献   

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