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The Education Reform (Northern Ireland) Order 1989 requires that all pupils of secondary school age should have equal access to a broad and balanced curriculum. The inclusion of language studies within the statutory framework of the Northern Ireland curriculum has led to a significant expansion in the teaching of modern languages to pupils with special educational needs. Many teachers are now faced with the task of teaching pupils who hitherto would have been excluded from the language department and some teachers in special schools now have to teach a language with which they themselves are unfamiliar. This paper is the first stage of a research and development project funded by the Northern Ireland Council for the Curriculum, Examinations and Assessment (NICCEA); it examines some research evidence relating to the challenge of teaching languages to pupils with special educational needs.  相似文献   

This research is designed to provide information for participants, facilitators and policy makers in the area of Extended Schools. Its salient purpose is to investigate and examine the feelings, beliefs and attitudes of teachers and parents involved in the development of the Extended Schools project in Northern Ireland. The Extended Schools project was formally launched by the Northern Ireland Secretary of State on 7 March 2006, and aims to provide a wide range of services and activities in school with the intention of helping to meet the needs of children, their families and the wider community. The qualitative approach was deemed the most appropriate methodology for gathering data.  相似文献   

This is the first of two articles concerned with schoolchildren and television in Northern Ireland. Research on children and television has concentrated on effects, notably adverse ones. Children's own definitions of and views about the medium have been largely ignored with the result that media education has been encouraged along prevent‐or‐cure lines. By establishing the programme preferences of 7 to 11 year olds in Northern Ireland, the research reported is seen as a step towards providing a sounder basis for media education development.  相似文献   

Most studies of higher education participation rates have been primarily concerned with the numbers of full-time students most of whom have progressed into higher education soon after leaving secondary school or full-time further education. This paper seeks to compare part-time provision and participation levels in Northern Ireland with that in other parts of the UK. The pattern which emerges is that part-time participation rates in Northern Ireland do not appear markedly different to those in other parts of the UK. However there are distinctive features in the pattern of provision. Compared with Scotland, a much higher proportion of part-time HE in Northern Ireland takes place within the universities. It is argued that these differences should be considered when examining options for tackling the under-supply of HE places in Northern Ireland which are identified in the Northern Ireland Appendix to the Dearing Report.  相似文献   

Higher education participation in Northern Ireland is higher than England and Wales and second only to Scotland. This paper charts the progress of participation and examines its social characteristics. Uniquely within the UK, approximately one-third of Northern Ireland entrants come from working class backgrounds. Catholic and female participation has also increased significantly but the participation of mature entrants is lower than in the rest of the UK. High participation levels have been achieved, however, by large numbers of entrants leaving to study in Scotland and England. There is a significant undersupply of higher education places in Northern Ireland when compared with either Scotland or Wales. With the costs of higher education being increasingly borne by individual students and their families there is already evidence that more students would prefer to remain in Northern Ireland to study. Increasing pressure on places is driving up A-level entry requirements and many students are forced to leave Northern Ireland to study or not to study in higher education. These developments threaten the advances made by particular social groups. Lifting the MASN cap in Northern Ireland is a significant policy objective.  相似文献   

This paper outlines some of the key changes in higher education participation in Northern Ireland from the mid-1980s onwards and places the discussion of participation in the evolving policy context of devolution in the United Kingdom. The paper draws upon research conducted on participation and the migration of students and graduates. Changes in student numbers by level and mode are complemented by a consideration of social class, religion, and gender. The analysis distinguishes between different reasons for migration or staying in Northern Ireland. The discussion highlights some of the early consequences of devolution in the UK for higher education participation and suggests that the UK system previously regarded as unified is set to become increasingly differentiated.  相似文献   


During the years of political violence in Northern Ireland many looked to schools to contribute to reconciliation. A variety of interventions were attempted throughout those years, but there was little evidence that any had produced systemic change. The peace process provided an opportunity for renewed efforts. This paper outlines the experience of a series of projects on 'shared education', or the establishment of collaborative networks of Protestant, Catholic and integrated schools in which teachers and pupils moved between schools to take classes and share experiences. The paper outlines the genesis of the idea and the research which helped inform the shape of the shared education project. The paper also outlines the corpus of research which has examined various aspects of shared education practice and lays out the emergent model which is helping to inform current government practice in Northern Ireland, and is being adopted in other jurisdictions. The paper concludes by looking at the prospects for real transformation of education in Northern Ireland.  相似文献   

Over the last 20 years, research has taken an increasing interest in the roles of parents in the education of children with severe learning difficulties. Aspects of these findings which portray the relationships between parents and the children's schools are taken from a review of different aspects of parental roles by Ian Wells, senior research officer with the Northern Ireland Council for Educational Research, Belfast.  相似文献   

This article considers the extent to which neuroscience is being applied to education, both on a classroom level and also on the level of curricular reform in Northern Ireland. The article reviews recent research in the area of neuroscience and education and examines a number of popular ‘neuromyths’. It urges the educational world to take a more informed, cautious and critical approach to neuroscience in education, not least in terms of the Northern Ireland Revised Curriculum, and also makes a plea to the neuro scientific community to police in a more rigorous way the application and misapplication of research findings in schools.  相似文献   

This paper analyses accountability and partnership in Initial Teacher Education for the primary school sector in Northern Ireland. In considering teacher education, the paper focuses on three higher education institutions: Stranmillis University College, St Mary's University College and the University of Ulster. Of the three institutions, the Roman Catholic Church maintains St Mary's University College while the other institutions have no religious affiliations. The paper focuses on the reform of teacher education within the British Isles and sets Northern Ireland into a context of a system of teacher education which has developed new patterns of accountability. Three sources of evidence are used to analyse accountability; firstly the perception of schools that are partners in Initial Teacher Education; secondly, the views of the Education and Training Inspectorate who are responsible for accrediting teacher education in Northern Ireland; and thirdly, the views of the three university schools of education. The paper will demonstrate how teacher education in Northern Ireland is simultaneously similar to, and different from, teacher education in the rest of the developed world. It will illuminate the dimensions of accountability in the primary school sector and show how in Northern Ireland this is heavily segregated by religious denomination.  相似文献   

This article explores the dichotomy between the high prevalence and low incidence of youth mobility intentions, utilising the results of quantitative and qualitative research conducted with 400 students during 2010 in Belfast, Northern Ireland. Comparisons with results from a prior study on student mobility also show that the recent recession had made relatively little impact upon the prevalence of mobility intentions. Following a theoretical perspective influenced by Bourdieu, these findings are explained through an appreciation of habitus in transmitting the appropriate values and necessary social and economic resources to enable entry to what we have termed the mobility field. This conclusion also helps account for the disparity between the high prevalence of intentions to leave and the low incidence of concrete plans to leave Northern Ireland, as only a small number of respondents have learnt how to mobile via an informal process of family and peer socialisation.  相似文献   

Until recently the great majority of pupils in Northern Ireland attended schools associated with their own religion. Recently there have appeared a number of new, planned, religiously integrated schools and this movement has been given official support by the decision of the Department of Education for Northern Ireland to include a section in its new legislation which facilitates and promotes the development of integrated schools. This paper is concerned with trying to understand what it means to call a school integrated in the specific context of Northern Ireland. It describes three characteristics of the new schools: school membership, that is, the planned religious composition of the enrolment and staffing; the ethos of the school with regard to the two communities; and the role of parents in their management.  相似文献   


This study adopts a creative methodology to investigate how cartoons can serve as visual representations of primary school children’s understanding of bullying and compares how their understanding develops over time. The study was carried out in Northern Ireland where the Addressing Bullying in Schools (Northern Ireland) Act 2016 will require schools to follow a new statutory definition of bullying. To investigate the behaviours that children associate with bullying, a set of 16 original stick figure cartoons was devised. The cartoons were shown to a sample of Year 3 and Year 7 pupils from two different primary schools in Northern Ireland (N = 90). Pupils were asked to record which scenarios they considered to be bullying or not bullying. They were then invited to write their own definitions of bullying and to creatively illustrate them using stick figures. A total of eight gender-specific pupil focus groups were conducted across the two schools to explore the key elements which the pupils considered significant to their understanding of bullying. The study highlights the value of this creative participatory approach and found a wide range of behaviours which children associate with bullying but also considerable variation among pupils in terms of their understanding. Levels of understanding in Year 7 were more nuanced than those in Year 3, but there were no discernible differences by pupil gender. Conclusions are drawn in terms of the new legislation in Northern Ireland, but also in relation to the benefits of adopting a creative research methodology using cartoons as visual representations with children to explore complex pastoral issues.  相似文献   

This research looks at the role of graduate placement programmes in bridging the gap between higher education and the small- and medium-sized enterprise (SME) sector. The research design and methodology used in this study was exploratory, in-depth and qualitative in nature. The research took the form of a multiple case study and focused on seven graduates with an engineering, science or technology background who have worked with SMEs. The graduates were employed by companies participating in the Fusion programme, a graduate placement and knowledge transfer programme currently running in the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland (the UK). The study shows that graduate placement programmes such as Fusion can help graduates in their transition to the SME workplace, but the impact can vary according to the individual placement context. Implications for policy and future research are considered.  相似文献   

In Northern Ireland, where the majority of children are educated at schools attended mainly by coreligionists, the debate concerning the role of schools in perpetuating intergroup hostilities has recently been reignited. Against questions regarding the efficacy of community relations policy in education, the research reported in this paper employs qualitative methods to examine social identity and intergroup attitudes amongst children attending a state controlled Protestant school and the school's response to dealing with issues of diversity and difference. Findings suggest a relationship between ethnic isolation experienced by children and negative intergroup social attitudes and the discussion focuses on issues germane to the separateness of the school that are likely to contribute to strong ‘own’ group bias, stereotyping and prejudice. The implication of the school's separate status for its engagement with a policy framework for relationship building is also considered. The paper concludes with some policy reflections that are likely to have resonance beyond Northern Ireland.  相似文献   

This paper argues that there is scope for considerable change and improvement in the way in which Poetry is taught at Key Stage Two in Northern Ireland. In making this case for significant improvement, the paper has three interconnected parts. In the first part, a range of critical ideas highlight the richness of poetry as a literary genre. Secondly, a number of pedagogical ideas are presented, which emphasise the enjoyment of poetry as an end in itself. In the third part, there is firstly a comparative evaluation of the statutory requirements for teaching Key Stage Two poetry in Northern Ireland and England. Secondly, the results of a questionnaire, which was distributed to a reasonably representative selection of Literacy Coordinators in primary schools across Northern Ireland, are evaluated. The results suggest that there is Indeed considerable scope for improvement in the teaching of poetry at Key Stage Two in Northern Ireland.  相似文献   

In this paper we respond to Staver’s article (this issue) on an attempt to resolve the discord between science and religion. Most specifically, we comment on Staver’s downplaying of difference between Catholics and Protestants in order to focus on the religion-science question. It is our experience that to be born into one or other of these traditions in some parts of the world (especially Northern Ireland) resulted in starkly contrasting opportunities, identities and practices in becoming and being science educators. The paper starts with a short contextual background to the impact of religion on schooling and higher education in Northern Ireland. We then explore the lives and careers of three science/religious educators in Northern Ireland: Catholic (Jim) and Protestant (Ivor) males who are contemporaries and whose experience spans pre-Troubles to post-conflict and a Catholic female (Colette) who moved to Northern Ireland during the Troubles as a teenager. Finally, we discuss the situation regarding the teaching of creationism and evolution in Northern Ireland—an issue has recently generated high public interest. The Chair of the Education Committee of the Northern Ireland Assembly recently stated that “creationism is not for the RE class because I believe that it can stand scientific scrutiny and that is a debate which I am quite happy to encourage and be part of…” (News Letter 2008). It could be the case that the evolution debate is being fuelled as a deliberate attempt to undermine some of the post-conflict collaboration projects between schools and communities in Northern Ireland.  相似文献   

This paper presents results from the Assessment of Performance Unit (APU) science surveys which relate directly to Northern Ireland and shows that both the performance on the APU tests and uptake of science subjects for 15‐year‐old pupils from Northern Ireland was worse than those of their English contemporaries. These differences were present throughout the ability range for boys and are extremely large for those pupils studying less than eight O‐levels (i.e. mainly those pupils attending secondary intermediate schools in Northern Ireland).  相似文献   

The article focuses upon a small‐scale research project undertaken in a Northern Ireland secondary school. Using a questionnaire, the article explores the views of a sample of young people from four European countries who are enrolled at the school, regarding the school's inclusive policy and associated practices. In recent years, Northern Ireland has experienced a significant increase in the number of migrant families that have settled in the province; this has presented schools with a challenge as to how their policies on inclusion are capable of embracing the needs of students with different cultural experiences and expectations. It is apparent that the school has made a considerable investment to provide a positive experience for these students. Likewise, it is evident that there are both financial and staff development implications associated with creating an inclusive school culture.  相似文献   

Despite a successfully negotiated peace agreement in Belfast in 1998, tensions between different community groups continue to exist in Northern Ireland. This situation creates a governmental need to find solutions to problems such as segregation, inter- and intra-group violence and other forms of sectarian antagonisms. On the one hand, this is attempted by disciplinary measures such as ‘peace walls’ and an increased presence of state powers such as police and armed forces. On the other hand, community relations discourses remain a common refrain in Northern Ireland with their focus on a ‘conduct of conduct’ approach. In this article, I seek to understand adult community education through community relations initiatives and designated anti-sectarian courses as a governmental technology in Northern Ireland designed to change technologies of the self. The article highlights the possibilities for a way forward inherent in this approach and links community relations to broader contexts of policy developments in Northern Ireland.  相似文献   

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