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本文系统阐述了高等职业教育试题库的分析和开发过程。该系统分为输入、抽题和输出三部分。使用的工具语言是 Borland公司的 C+ + Builder  相似文献   

C语言是目前我国应用比较广泛的程序设计语言,本文针对C语言在高校教学过程中所遇到的困难,提出了激发学生兴趣、归纳知识点之间的联系等方式,并从教学内容,教学方法,教学手段及考核方式四方面对C语言教学进行了探讨。  相似文献   

C++语言课程设计的实践   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
C+ +是多范性的程序设计语言 ,它既支持面向过程的程序设计 (Procedure- Oriented Programm ing,简称 POP) ,又支持面向对象的程序设计 (Object- Oriented Programming,简称 OOP)。是一种适合组织较大型程序的程序设计语言。C+ +有着极其丰富的概念和语法规则 ,要求在程序设计中 ,灵活地组织应用。为了帮助学生巩固所学知识 ,达到拓宽编程视野的效果 ,在教学中 ,特别安排了运用 POP思想和OOP思想进行编程的课程设计。通过课程设计的实践 ,使学生具备用 C+ +语言编写程序的基本素质 ,融会贯通各种语法现象 ,增强自学能力。下面以《…  相似文献   

在C语言中有一个比较特殊的变量,就是指针。学习C语言,如果你不能用指针编写正确、灵活的程序,可以说你就没有学好C语言。指针使得C语言在编程的过程当中增加了灵活性,它让程序员可以直接和地址打交道,而不仅仅使用系统栈分配的地址。  相似文献   

通过分析传统作业提交批改方式,结合国内外作业系统的研究现状,提出针对《C语言》课程的作业在线提交批改系统。运用CentOS+Tomcat+JSP+JavaBean实现C语言作业在线提交系统的后台管理、作业在线提交、在线评判、实时成绩统计以及研究在系统设计过程中应用的关键技术。并针对学生作业中存在抄袭现象,运用指纹算法技术对学生的作业进行相似度检测,最大程度减少作业抄袭现象。  相似文献   

《C语言程序设计》在高校中作为计算机专业基础课,但由于课程本身相对比较抽象、难懂、语法规则较多等特点,使得在目前的C语言教学中普遍反映出老师难教、学生难学的情况。本文分析了C语言教学过程中所常见的一些问题,探讨了C语言教学的改进,并提出了一些具体的改进方法。  相似文献   

世界上所有词语的创造公式为:W=K(C1+C2+C3+…),其中:W为表达某事物所使用词语:K为一门语言的原始符号变化规律;C1,C2,C3…为表达某事物某特征所用词语;C1+C2+C3+…为一个民族观察某事物所用视角及排列.世界上所有的语言词汇都可以据此公式重新整理,整理方法分四步:(1)总结出这门语言的原始符号变化规律K;(2)找出某一事物的特征C1,C2,C3…及这个民族观察这个事物所用视角及排列C1+C2+C3+…;(3)根据K规律变化C1+C2+C3+…得出W;(4)按词典顺序排列整理好的字词W.  相似文献   

C语言比较经典的案例是歌词解析器,它包括数组、结构体、文件、链表、函数等内容.给出了设计歌词解析器的整体流程图、解析歌词信息的过程图和进行歌词解释的C语言代码.  相似文献   

FOXBASE+与C语言的混合编程,是数据处理很好的方法,通过他们的取长补短,可大大提高程序的效率.给出了C语言中一个简单易行的通用存取函数,大大简化了C语言对数据库中的读取.  相似文献   

C语言是系统描述语言,是一种通用的程序设计语言,具有许多突出的优点,因而在许多方面都得到了广泛应用。越来越多的程序员将C语言作为主要的编程工具;同时,越来越多的人开始学习C语言。但由于C语言灵活,功能强大,也给初学者带来了一定的学习难度。文章从教学法出发,认为教师在《C语言》授课过程中,应根据不同的教学目的,针对不同的教学内容,采用比较教学法,以获得良好的教学效果。  相似文献   

Java高级编程语言的特点及发展趋势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着计算机高级编程语言的普及推广,计算机系统高级语言编程势在必行。文章对目前比较流行的编程语言Java的发展过程、技术性能和发展趋势进行了介绍。  相似文献   

Ambivalent words are a common phenomenon objectively existing in most of the languages in the world.The previous studies mainly focus on the following questions:Do ambivalent words really exist?How many types of ambivalent words are there?What are the forming reasons of ambivalent words?This article aims to analyze the developing tendency of ambivalent words and its inspiration on lexicography.  相似文献   

Papua New Guinea (PNG), an independent state in the southwest Pacific, is the most linguistically diverse country in the world. Its roughly six million people speak over 800 distinct languages. In spite of this diversity, in 1995 the Papua New Guinean government established a mother tongue-based bilingual education programme in which community languages are taught as a subject and used for instruction in the first three?years of formal education. English is introduced as a subject in the third year of school and becomes one of the languages of instruction, with the community language, in early primary. In grades seven and eight, teachers use only English for instruction, although community languages can still be used informally. By the early 2000s, over 400 languages were being used in PNG??s formal education system. This paper describes the background to PNG??s bilingual education programme, then provides an overview of its main features and the positive outcomes as well as the problems encountered since it was initiated 15?years ago.  相似文献   

一词多义是一种极为常见的语言现象,体现了语言的经济性原则。在一个词语拥有多种意义的过程中,人们从基本义项出发,主要利用隐喻和转喻的思维方式,将新词义赋予现有的词汇。以"heart"为例,探讨了一词多义的产生机制及认知过程中的思维特点。  相似文献   

黔东方言,总体上说都属于西南官话,但内部有差异。到底有何差异,语音上的分区常常显得不得要领,而利用方言特征词,能为区分方言与方言之间的差异提供较为可行和较为科学的依据,弥补历来凭借语音标准区分差异的不足。  相似文献   

For the past 35 years, various models of intercultural bilingual education (IBE) have been implemented in Latin American schools and adult education. While Spanish is the official language in Nicaragua, many indigenous languages, such as Miskito and Sumo-Mayangna, are also spoken ?C especially in the Atlantic coastal region. The Nicaraguan Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport recognises the need for a flexible curriculum that reflects individual local and regional linguistic and socio-cultural characteristics, through the use of mother tongue and second language learning. The contextualisation model applied in the Atlantic coastal region of Nicaragua is therefore based on the use of a languages strategy in preparing textbooks and basic technical materials with an IBE approach, as part of the process of improving the quality of education. Thus intercultural communication is enhanced, and the need to strengthen the systematic teaching of languages, differentiating between mother tongue, second language and foreign language, is recognised. As well as explaining the contextualisation process in detail, this article discusses the conceptual differences between intercultural bilingual education (IBE) and bilingual intercultural education (BIE). The paper concludes with several recommendations for the further development of BIE in Latin America.  相似文献   

Identifying the Causes of DIF in Translated Verbal Items   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Translated tests are being used increasingly for assessing the knowledge and skills of individuals who speak different languages. There is little research exploring why translated items sometimes function differently across languages. If the sources of differential item functioning (DIF) across languages could be predicted, it could have important implications on test development, scoring and equating. This study focuses on two questions: “Is DIF related to item type?”, “What are the causes of DIF?” The data were taken from the Israeli Psychometric Entrance Test in Hebrew (source) and Russian (translated). The results indicated that 34% of the items functioned differentially across languages. The analogy items were the most problematic with 65% showing DIF, mostly in favor of the Russian-speaking examinees. The sentence completion items were also a problem (45% D1F). The main reasons for DIF were changes in word difficulty, changes in item format, differences in cultural relevance, and changes in content.  相似文献   

本从语言历史这一角度来着重分析和探究日语敬语的起源、变迁以及各历史阶段日语敬语的不同特征,从而说明敬语并不是现在才存在的,也与其它语言一样,有一个产生、变化和发展的过程。同时也有助于我们全面学习和掌握日语的敬语并加深对日本人根深蒂固的获语意识的理解。  相似文献   

随着计算机技术的发展,程序设计语言也越来越多,其中C 、Java可以说是目前应用最为广泛的语言,其原因与它们优良的特性密不可分。本着重探讨这两种程序语言的特征,分别总结和阐述了它们优越于其他语言的、自身所独有的特点及为实现这些特点而采取的有效机制。  相似文献   

在世界语言交叉、融合、发展的形势下,在翻译过程中,重视翻译者的主体地位及其主体性、创造性的发挥,有着十分重要的意义.  相似文献   

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