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We analyse the “two‐dice horse race” task often used in lower secondary school, in which two ordinary dice are thrown repeatedly and each time the sum of the scores determines which horse (numbered 1 to 12) moves forwards one space.  相似文献   

利用掷骰子的方法模拟了不同类型的测量误差,且通过实例,对均匀分布、三角分布、正态分布的随机误差进行模拟,对其数字特征与对应不确定度进行印证,并提出了用掷骰子的方法产生给定数学期望与方差的正态随机数的模拟法。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to investigate the ways in which Swedish seventh grade students (12 and 13 years old) handle chance encounters. Four groups of students working in pairs participated in the study. In the group discussions, which were tape-recorded and fully transcribed, the students were encouraged to explore strategies for winning a specifically designed dice game based on the sum of two dice. The dice game included four different set-ups of dice designed to bring to the fore different aspects of probability modelling and to offer the student the opportunity to encounter small differences in the mathematical structure of the sample space and of the probability distribution between the four different set-ups. The study describes strategies that the students use when confronted with these different set-ups, what their activities imply in terms of resources in handling random phenomena and what the dice game offers in terms of opportunities for learning probability. In order to explain such meaning-making processes the students’ activities are viewed from a perspective that takes into consideration how the students’ understanding varies with their interpretations of the situation they are confronted with, i.e., how they contextualize the different set-ups of the dice game. The results show how the students, during the course of the game, reorganize their interpretations of the mathematical content confronting them, and how a variation of guiding principles becomes the object of exploration. Approaches of extremes and a number model are described as a means for the students to identify and assign probabilities for the total of two dice.  相似文献   

The sampling (probability) distribution for the sum of dice is presented graphically as a compelling demonstration of the Central Limit Theorem.  相似文献   

梯摩西与乌尔本是两个常用的外国男性名字,就和中国的张三、李四差不多.话说梯、鸟两人用两颗骰子做游戏,可是他们别开生面,不用骰子上的数目字.在骰子表面上,有些涂上了红色,有些涂上了蓝色.  相似文献   

Data from 154 interviews with students in grades 3 to 13 were analyzed to suggest a developmental progression of conceptual understanding associated with the sample space for two ordinary six-sided dice tossed simultaneously. The model was then considered in the light of responses to an extension task involving three six-sided dice with four sides painted black and two white. Forty-five of the interviews were longitudinal interviews of students 3 or 4 years after the original interviews, allowing for analysis of change in levels of understanding across time. This study suggests some of the intuitions and understandings that form the intermediate steps to a complete understanding of outcomes for two dice, as well as documenting the conceptual regression likely to occur when a more difficult task is encountered. Links to previous research, including well-known misconceptions, and educational implications of the model are among the discussion points.  相似文献   

In this article Ann-Lee Wang describes a gambling game that many Malaysians engage in. often illegally. The game is called “Tai Sai” which literally means “Big Small” in Chinese. There are two versions of the game, both of which provide interesting problems for teachers of introductory courses in probability. Both versions use three dice.  相似文献   

This study investigates the nature and role of common ground in group learning of mathematics by means of the analytical constructs of focal projects and contextualization. The analysis investigates two students (12–13 years old) playing a dice game, where their task is to distribute a set of markers based on the total of two dice. The analysis shows how consistency between the students' focal projects became crucial in their progression from a uniform to a non-uniform distribution of the markers used in the game. The task system and concrete manipulatives became important in furthering the students' explorations. In the frame of a frequency context, we also discuss how a contextualization may restrict certain aspects of probability from coming into play during such explorations.  相似文献   

This article describes two simple ways to illustrate the important concept in statistical process control known as “hunting”. The two simulations use dice and Minitab respectively.  相似文献   

In a recent issue of Teaching Statistics, an intransitive dice competition was published. In this article some further interesting results about such dice are presented.  相似文献   

This article describes a musical game devised by W.A. Mozart in which dice are used to select randomly from a number of possible arrangements of each bar in a Viennese minuet.  相似文献   

A dice throwing game is used to develop the key concepts in statistical thermodynamics of systems with two or three energy states. The experiment will demonstrate how, according to the second law of thermodynamics, an increasing number of molecules in an assembly produces a particular distribution of microstates. It will also lead to a statistical definition of temperature.  相似文献   

Learning the fundamentals of probability and random variables can be a struggle for many students. Games by their nature require active participation and reward mastery, lending naturally to the framework of active learning. In this study, we designed and evaluated the efficacy of a lab activity using a game where strategy hinges on sums of dice to teach about linear combinations of independent random variables. We found that both activities lead to improved understandings of course concepts, but the dice game provided increased student engagement and interest.  相似文献   

We describe an approach to teaching probability that minimizes the amount of class time spent on the topic while also providing a meaningful (dice‐rolling) activity to get students engaged. The activity, which has a surprising outcome, illustrates the basic ideas of informal probability and how probability is used in statistical inference.  相似文献   

Probability simulations are a useful way of helping students to challenge their intuitions about chance events. However, tossing dice and coins can be slow and messy, and may mask underlying long-run patterns. This article provides examples of probability simulations on a spreadsheet which overcome some of these difficulties.  相似文献   

量子密码的安全性是基于量子原理正确性的基础上的,因而是物理上安全的密码.但是窃听者可以在不违反物理原理的基础上对量子密码的产生过程进行攻击.本文将详细介绍量子密码过程当中窃听者的攻击手段,其中包括单独攻击、集体攻击、角色扮演攻击、光子数劈裂攻击.  相似文献   

Intransitive dice were discussed in a previous article, following a competition in the journal. A further interesting result is presented here.  相似文献   

时当前的主流的木马臆藏技术进行分析,根据分析结果,提出了一种木马进程的变名反清除技术,从心理与技术两方面规避用户的清除行为,与采用Rootkit进程隐藏技术的木马相比,使木马的生命周期成倍延长.  相似文献   

Luk Kow is a Chinese game played with three dice. Students may find it interesting to simulate the game and to study its properties.  相似文献   

宫春虎马画具有独特的艺术风格。他一方面继承了徐悲鸿、韦江凡写意的艺术风格,并增加了马的数量,以马多见长;另一方面又创立了婉约的风格,开辟马画的另一番天地。文章试图通过对宫春虎马画进行美学的分析,从理论上给予一种美学价值的判断,并指出其对于欣赏者的审美意义。  相似文献   

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