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科技书刊插图的一般原则   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着计算机技术的发展 ,越来越多的科技书刊插图采用计算机绘制 ,这对于提高其插图的质量 ,具有十分积极的意义。计算机绘制插图有手工绘制不可比拟的优点 ,如对称图形的镜像完成、相同图形的多次拷贝、相似图形的任意级缩放、绘图和文字标注一次完成、可多次修改等。但目前由于可用于绘图的软件较多 ,非专业绘图人员较多 ,制作的插图或多或少地存在这样那样的问题。对于科技书刊来说 ,插图要形象、直观、准确地表现作者难以用文字表述的科学思想和技术知识 ,所以要求插图必须是意义完整明确 ,示意清楚 ,符合一定的专业规范。笔者从事图书插…  相似文献   

书刊插图出错种种陕西师范大学出版社杨雪玲插图可以把用文字、表格难以表达清楚的复杂问题形象地表示出来,使正文内容更加清晰、充实。插图是科技书刊中不可缺少的组成部分,它为人们提供定性或定量、直接或间接的知识和信息。插图设计的科学性、绘制的准确性、内容的正...  相似文献   

本文论述了科技插图在现代社会出版工作中的应用以及如何在科技飞速发展的今天利用绘图设备,有意识地去粗取精、去伪存真、删繁就简,绘制出更科学、更直观、更便于理解、记忆的插图,同时展现科技插图的绘制水准、艺术个性及品位。  相似文献   

Word虽然不是专业的图形绘制软件,但是它可以绘制出各种各样的矢量图形[1-2]。笔者在长期使用Word绘图的实践中体会到只要掌握了Word的绘图技巧与图形元件模板的制作及应用,Word不但能绘制出各种各样精美的图形,而且还可以大大提高绘图的效率。下面结合笔者的绘图实践具体谈谈W  相似文献   

本文详述了科技书刊中插图的特点、类别以及应用插图的原则,针对科技书刊的特殊性,重点阐释科技书刊中插图的表示方法以及正确使用地图的要点,并总结了插图中经常遇到的问题,呼吁编辑人员重视插图问题。  相似文献   

浅谈科技期刊插图的计算机绘制   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
王胜流  施蓉 《编辑学报》1998,10(4):211-212
简述了用手工绘制科技期刊中插图的工序及其存在的缺点。详细介绍了用AutoCAD软件绘制科技期刊插图的实现方法及其操作步骤.并总结了与手工绘图相比,计算机绘制插图所具有优点。  相似文献   

AutoCAD在书刊插图中的应用   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
AutoCAD是广泛应用于机械、电子、建筑、航天、冶金、纺织等工程领域 ,并在PC机上实现辅助设计的优秀软件 ,它具有强大的绘图功能、图形编辑功能和友好的界面以及支持多种出图打印设备的功能。用它绘制书刊常用的黑白线条插图具有易学、快捷、细致、精确等优点 ,是非常值得推介的一个优良工具。笔者从事绘制图书插图工作几年 ,深感同行中懂得AutoCAD的人员不少 ,但他们对于制作书刊插图的基本要求与基本技术尚有欠缺 ,笔者不揣浅陋 ,将自己使用AutoCADR14的一些经验介绍出来 ,以期使更多的出版界同仁用计算机绘制书…  相似文献   

科技书刊黑白插图的计算机处理   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
张昆 《编辑学报》1994,6(4):242-245
科技书刊黑白插图的计算机处理张昆科技书刊常借助大量插图来形象地表达科学思想、技术知识、科研成果。插图可使某些内容的描述简洁、清晰,具有文字描述难以替代的作用,而且插图还具有美化、活跃版面的功能。历来,插图的编排是一项繁杂的工作,从制图、剪辑、缩放、植...  相似文献   

AutoCAD图形与方正系统的图文合一排版   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
方正书版系统操作简单,编排格式规范,已成为大多数编辑部首选的排版软件。现今,大部分编辑部都实现了从稿件的编辑到排版的全程计算机化,许多编辑部早已甩掉了描图板,开始利用计算机绘制书刊插图。绘图软件有多种,但真正用起来方便、快捷,绘图准确的软件当属AutoCAD绘图软件,此软件虽然为绘制机械图而开发,但绘制曲线图或其它图形也很方便。除了计算机直接绘图外,我们还可以利用计算机描图。将一幅作者提供的图稿通过扫描仪扫描后,利用AutoCAD中的插入功能,插入图片,将此图片作为模板,再进行描图,最终得到所需的图文件。Au…  相似文献   

AutoCAD是广泛应用于机械、电子、建筑、航天、冶金、纺织等工程领域在PC机上实现辅助设计的优秀软件,它具有强大的绘图功能、图形编辑功能、友好的界面以及支持多种出图打印设备的功能,用它绘制书刊常用的黑白线条插图具有易学、快捷、细致、精确等优点,是非常值得推介的一个优良工具。笔者从事图书插图画数年,深感同行虽懂得AutoCAD的人员不少,但对于制作书  相似文献   

选择CNKI数据库,运用文献计量分析方法、计算机统计分析技术、词频分析方法、共词分析方法、社会网络分析软件等对文献编目领域的历史文献进行计量分析,通过绘制文献数量分布图、文献期刊分布图、作者合著网络,挖掘当前文献编目领域的发展趋势、研究水平、高影响力作者及合作情况、研究概况等信息,以期让读者对国内文献编目领域的研究趋势、研究力量的分布、领域合作情况、研究概况有一个直观、清晰的认识,为以后的研究工作提供一个指引。  相似文献   

统计线图绘制中常见的错误是坐标轴上各标值线间隔表示的数量不等。为了使编辑和作者重视并解决此类问题,进一步规范科技论文中统计图的表达,该文列举了科技论文中统计线图坐标标值不等距的表现,并提出了不同情况下的处理方法。  相似文献   

医学论文中有许多组织病理图、细胞显微结构图等常常需要放大数百倍才能供医师、研究者分析,显微照片图在医学临床和基础研究中起着举足轻重的作用;但这些照片在电子排版过程中通常会被编排者不同程度地放大或缩小,清楚知道显微照片图的放大倍数很重要,而传统标注放大倍数的方法已不能适应医学论文的需要。国外多数期刊已明确规定显微照片图需要添加标尺,此方法值得国内期刊借鉴。本文以医学期刊为例探讨科技期刊中显微照片图标尺的应用问题,对传统标注显微照片图放大倍数的弊端、添加显微标尺的优势及注意事项进行了比较和介绍。  相似文献   

引文分析是指采用各种数理统计和逻辑方法对文献的引用频率、模式和图像进行计量研究。该文综述2009年以来国外在引文分析的基础理论、研究方法、研究前沿探测应用、引文指标四个方面的研究进展。  相似文献   

介绍动态图绘制的类型及选择依据,分析动态图绘制错误的原因,提出了对此类图进行编辑加工的方法.  相似文献   

This paper deals with automating the drawing of subway maps. There are two features of schematic subway maps that make them different from drawings of other networks such as flow charts or organigrams. First, most schematic subway maps use not only horizontal and vertical lines, but also diagonals. This gives more flexibility in the layout process, but it also makes the problem provably hard. Second, a subway map represents a network whose components have geographic locations that are roughly known to the users of such a map. This knowledge must be respected during the search for a clear layout of the network. For the sake of visual clarity the underlying geography may be distorted, but it must not be given up, otherwise map users will be hopelessly confused. In this paper we first give a rather generally accepted list of rules that should be adhered to by a good subway map. Next we survey three recent methods for drawing subway maps, analyze their performance with respect to the above rules, and compare the resulting maps among each other and to official subway maps drawn by graphic designers. We then focus on one of the methods, which is based on mixed-integer linear programming, a widely-used global optimization technique. This method guarantees to find a drawing that fulfills a subset of the above-mentioned rules (if such a drawing exists) and optimizes a weighted sum of costs that correspond to the remaining rules. The method can draw even large subway networks such as the London Underground in an aesthetically pleasing manner, similar to maps made by professional graphic designers. If station labels are included in the optimization process, so far only medium-size networks can be drawn. Finally we give evidence why drawing good subway maps is difficult (even without labels).  相似文献   

Developments in publishing are drawing publishers into an area where it is becoming more and more difficult to assess by conventional methods whether a given activity or product is financially a good thing or not. The article looks at the reasons for this and proposes a new financial framework for decisions for publishers to ensure continued profitability as their activities develop.  相似文献   

Query reformulation mining: models,patterns, and applications   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Understanding query reformulation patterns is a key task towards next generation web search engines. If we can do that, then we can build systems able to understand and possibly predict user intent, providing the needed assistance at the right time, and thus helping users locate information more effectively and improving their web-search experience. As a step in this direction, we build a very accurate model for classifying user query reformulations into broad classes (generalization, specialization, error correction or parallel move), achieving 92% accuracy. We then apply the model to automatically label two very large query logs sampled from different geographic areas, and containing a total of approximately 17 million query reformulations. We study the resulting reformulation patterns, matching some results from previous studies performed on smaller manually annotated datasets, and discovering new interesting reformulation patterns, including connections between reformulation types and topical categories. We annotate two large query-flow graphs with reformulation type information, and run several graph-characterization experiments on these graphs, extracting new insights about the relationships between the different query reformulation types. Finally we study query recommendations based on short random walks on the query-flow graphs. Our experiments show that these methods can match in precision, and often improve, recommendations based on query-click graphs, without the need of users’ clicks. Our experiments also show that it is important to consider transition-type labels on edges for having recommendations of good quality.  相似文献   

This paper deals with automating the drawing of subway maps. There are two features of schematic subway maps that make them different from drawings of other networks such as flow charts or organigrams. First, most schematic subway maps use not only horizontal and vertical lines, but also diagonals. This gives more flexibility in the layout process, but it also makes the problem provably hard. Second, a subway map represents a network whose components have geographic locations that are roughly known to the users of such a map. This knowledge must be respected during the search for a clear layout of the network. For the sake of visual clarity the underlying geography may be distorted, but it must not be given up, otherwise map users will be hopelessly confused. In this paper we first give a rather generally accepted list of rules that should be adhered to by a good subway map. Next we survey three recent methods for drawing subway maps, analyze their performance with respect to the above rules, and compare the resulting maps among each other and to official subway maps drawn by graphic designers. We then focus on one of the methods, which is based on mixed-integer linear programming, a widely-used global optimization technique. This method guarantees to find a drawing that fulfills a subset of the above-mentioned rules (if such a drawing exists) and optimizes a weighted sum of costs that correspond to the remaining rules. The method can draw even large subway networks such as the London Underground in an aesthetically pleasing manner, similar to maps made by professional graphic designers. If station labels are included in the optimization process, so far only medium-size networks can be drawn. Finally we give evidence why drawing good subway maps is difficult (even without labels).  相似文献   

利用Word的图形编辑功能处理科技期刊插图   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:9  
利民  曾孜 《编辑学报》2002,14(4):296-297
在分析常用的科技论文插图绘制和处理方法的基础上,介绍一种利用图元文件格式来处理科技插图的方法.  相似文献   

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