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在外来人口宏观调控问题上,政府作用和市场作用同样不可或缺.外来人口的宏观调控不仅仅是数量上的调控,也不仅仅是人口准入制度的建立,而是一个如何让外来人口和本地社会经济协调发展的过程.我们应该正确评估城市合理人口规模对城市人口调控的指导意义,充分认识到城市合理人口规模只是一个理论概念,而不是一种操作手段.在市场经济条件下,产业结构调整、完善城市功能定位和优化城市空间结构、提高城市承载能力是实现外来人口和城市协调发展的长远措施.城市政府应该以劳动力市场干预为主要手段,合理引导劳动力流动,切实保障外来人口权益;同时以建立和完善外来人口社会福利制度和社会管理制度为抓手,消除市场经济所带来的各种负的外部性,特别是外来人口的社会不适应性及其不良社会后果.  相似文献   

城市流动人口子女教育问题是流动人口“城市梦”实现的重要内容。采用文献研究、调查问卷和综合分析的方法,指出流动人口子女教育存在如下问题:未能全面适龄入学、教育经费“真空”、管理缺位、家庭教育缺失等问题,提出建立技能培训制度,提升城市流动人口素质;主动适应城市化趋势,深化户籍制度改革;扩大社会保障覆盖范围,将城市流动人口纳入社会保障体系;发挥政府主导作用,强化流动人口子女教育服务和管理等建议。  相似文献   

本文首先界定高考移民热的含义,在此基础上从社会、文化、政策以及学校层面上探析高考移民热的成因。  相似文献   

近年来,“流动农民”已成为学术界研究的热点,面对主流的个体主义方法所持的地位结构视角的缺陷,本文试图从社会结构与行动的视角出发,借靠社会网络理论来分析流动农民外出就业的途径选择及流动农民作为“城里的乡下人”的社会支持网络结构。  相似文献   

该文利用农村流动人口发展状况调查数据,研究农民工离职倾向的现状以及农民工工作压力对其离职倾向的影响。研究发现,农民工离职倾向意愿较弱,工作压力对离职倾向有显著的正向影响作用;农民工的文化程度对农民工的离职倾向也要产生一定的影响。  相似文献   

The media have a profound effect on the worldview of their consumers and should be carefully considered in matters of immigration. Often, migrants are portrayed through a negative lens by the media and most usually as a homogenous group rather than as individuals. This article examines the portrayal of migrants in one particular context (Germany) and questions what the best ways would be for handling these negative images, especially but not only in education systems. The author concludes that perhaps the combination of viewing migrants as individual people, rather than as a homogenous group, as well as more positive media portrayal of migrant people, would lead to a more positive representation of migrants in society.  相似文献   

本文以内蒙古阿拉善盟孪井滩生态移民为调查对象.从社会适应、心理健康状况及其相互关系方面展开调查。结果显示,移民社会适应总体处于中上水平,不同收入水平移民在生活适应、生产适应有着显著性差异,贫困户适应水平低于富裕户,与中等户无差异。移民生理健康与心理健康都居于中上水平,贫困户与富裕户的心理健康和生理健康都有着显著差异,贫困户匆中等户的心理健康水平有显著差异。社会适应性与心理健康存在显著正相关。  相似文献   

This article focuses on adult learning in labour-market projects targeting unemployed migrants in Sweden. Drawing on a Foucauldian analysis of governmentality, the results of the study problematize the ways that such projects produce individualizing discourses – targeting individuals, constructing them as responsible for their position as unemployed. The project’s target groups are generally defined not on the basis of ethnicity as such, but rather using terms such as non-Nordic background, foreign born and immigrants. However, two groups considered especially problematic are constructed through ethnicity: Somali and Roma people. The notion of social competency is analysed here as a way of constructing the unemployed migrants as not yet employable. Another significant result concerns the notion of gender equality, which makes migrants governable because it constructs boundaries between Swedishness and Otherness. In line with this rationality, the targeted migrants are governed towards Swedishness through learning gender equality. These results raise a number of issues of great concern for the inclusion of migrants in the labour market, as they highlight a paradoxical relationship between the inclusive ambitions of interventions targeting unemployed migrants and the ethnicized discourses of ‘Othering’ that imbue these learning practices.  相似文献   

我国农村青少年流动人员学习需求的调查分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对农村青少年流动人员生存处境不利的问题,在试点地区为青少年流动人员提供非正规教育的基线调查项目组在北京、湖南、陕西、天津、河北五省市进行的调查研究发现,随着义务教育的全面普及和区域经济的均衡发展,目前农村青少年流动人员不同于其前辈,已具备一定的学习基础,并有着日益增长的通过多样化学习改善生活处境的愿望。实践证明,以保障学习权利为基础、以能力建设为核心、全面吸收良好经验,为农村青少年流动人员提供有效的非正规教育是改善其生活处境的成功模式。政府和利益相关方应当共同参与改进政策框架和制度执行,在政策供给、学习资源、条件保障和技术服务等方面提供有力支持,通过改善社会服务和工作条件保障这类困难群体的学习权利,实施以职业价值观、职业综合素质、职业技能培训、现代文明生活为重点的非正规教育,有利于增进他们的职业竞争力,以获得更好的工作机会,使其生活得更加幸福,更有尊严,更好地适应城市社会生活。  相似文献   

This article, based on qualitative research in Greater Manchester, examines the experience of migrants in navigating the education system, and in particular in choosing secondary schools for their children. There has been extensive research on the process of choosing schools since the policy reforms of the 1980s, but none has examined how the process of choosing a secondary school is impacted by the material and affective impact of migration. The article argues that migrants’ experience is embedded in gendered, classed and racialised processes and that, despite the heterogeneity of the category, migrants often face particular barriers in negotiating the school system. Nonetheless it also explores the importance put on education by the migrants who were interviewed and the active labour they engage in to try and achieve the best results for their children.  相似文献   

近些年来,国内外学者已经对旅游劳务移民(tourism labor migrants,TLM)的概念、特征、分类等问题进行了一系列的相关研究,为研究旅游劳务移民这一新移民群体初步搭建了一个基础性平台。但既有研究大多是基于旅游移民或劳务移民的宏观层面上展开论述,缺乏应有的概念内涵及对中国具体国情的考量。如何对旅游劳务移民这种衍生的城市新移民类型进行深入的研究,还需要结合旅游相关产业的特性做进一步的探讨,尤其应着力结合能调动移民的主体能动性的一些因素来进行考量。  相似文献   

改革开放后迁居广东珠江三角洲的第一代外地移民,在语言、饮食等民俗文化方面经历了初期的磕磕绊绊,逐渐与本地居民相互接纳、包容共生。而其第二代移民的融入则更显自然,他们通过融入排斥者的社会和群体来获得认可并且满足自己的希望,在自觉不自觉之间开始主动扮演"广东人"。"乡关"对于这些移民将不再是一块牢牢圈起的地,一道在心上卡得死死的关卡,而具有了更加强化的文化意味,其牵制性则被大大削弱,而人群的流动性则随之增强。  相似文献   

经调查,笔架山公园记录鸟类81种,隶属12目、31科、58属。其中留鸟47种、候鸟30种(冬候鸟23种、S候鸟7种)、旅鸟4种,国家重点保护鸟类6种。东洋界的鸟41种,古北界的20种,埃塞俄比亚界的1种(引进种),古北界和东洋界广泛分布的鸟类19种。在54种当地繁殖鸟类中,东洋界37种。笔架山公园的鸟类组成,东洋种具有显著的优势,并显示闽广沿海亚区的区系特征。文章分析了笔架山不同环境和植被类型分布的不同鸟类生态类群的种类组成和数量特点,评价了鸟类资源的状况,提出了若干保护管理建议。  相似文献   

The population of urban migrants in developing countries has received little specific notice within the field of adult education, although, because of its size and importance to the economic and social development of much of the world, this group deserves significant attention. Examination of urban migrants as learners provides important insight for policies and programmes that support developing their creative potential, building on individual and community strengths. Two characteristics of the motivation and learning needs of urban migrants stand out. First, individual characteristics relating to personality or motivation somehow differentiate migrants from non‐migrants, beyond generalized economic or macro‐level factors that affect migration decisions. On the other hand, it appears that group learning processes that incorporate the participation of the members and build on their networks, motivation, and coping skills, are particularly effective. Both of these aspects are important in identifying appropriate policies and programmes that stimulate the positive potential of this group. This paper examines evidence related to the demographic and cognitive characteristics of the urban migrant population in developing countries, how these relate to the learning tasks facing this group, and the implications for successful adult education programmes. In addition, these characteristics have implications for broader policies designed to take advantage of the role that communities of urban migrants can play, within a more participative development approach.  相似文献   

This paper studies the effect of migration age on school performance. We exploit that siblings have different migration age, but share the same family background to identify the effect of migration age on educational attainment in lower secondary education in Norway. We estimate a separate effect for migrants from countries with low access to a high quality school system.We find negative effects of migration age on exam results, and larger effects for migrants from countries with low school access. Language intensive subjects are substantially affected for all migrants, while there are differences according to school access for mathematics performance.  相似文献   

生态移民在新疆一些地方的实施,对新疆的经济发展有很大的促进作用。本文旨在多方面总结新疆生态移民经验,并为生态移民的深入开展提供一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

新型城镇化的推进,户籍制度改革对农民工的迁徙决策会产生重大影响,而同时农民工回流的决策对于我国中西部欠发达地区的城镇化推进有着重要意义。文章运用“推一拉”理论的思想以“城(流出地)一城(流入地)”为分析框架,利用对曾在外打工的回到江西省内工业园务工农民工的调查结果,实证分析了农民工回流的影响因素。研究发现,能否在城市稳定体面的生活是农民工回流决策的决定因素,户籍制度反而没有政府想象的那么重要。发达地区城市高昂的居住成本、日常生活成本及处于城市底层的就职状态促使外出农民工选择回到原流出地就近就业。  相似文献   

库区移民具有非自愿性,移民新村与迁入地社区存在文化差异,容易产生矛盾和冲突,因此,文化和谐对移民新村稳定发展意义重大。移民新村与迁入地社区文化和谐发展是实现文化互适与创新、促进乡风文明,是党和政府的鼓励与支持以及移民对幸福生活追求的动力。影响文化和谐发展的因素主要有物质条件的制约、陌生的人际关系、利益实现不均衡、文化本位主义以及陈旧思想观念等,应当通过夯实文化和谐发展的物质基础、搭建村间文化交流平台、健全激励机制、构建信息网络等措施,促进移民新村与迁入地社区文化和谐发展。  相似文献   

根据职业能力的内涵,结合三峡库区移民职业能力的总体特点,提出了库区移民职业能力的总体目标,以及实现库区移民职业能力目标的主要依据。  相似文献   

新移民与新侨乡问题引起学界广泛的关注。关注少数民族新移民问题,以朝鲜族新移民为中心简析延吉市如何崛起成为旅韩新侨乡,主要讨论新侨乡产生的背景、新移民的发展历程、侨汇和海外收入的影响,最后,揭示延吉市侨乡文化的形成,指出作为跨境民族的朝鲜族对韩国的文化适应相对容易和韩国民族主义化的政策改革是新移民迅速发展而使延吉市崛起成为新侨乡的主要原因,还提出延吉市丰富了侨乡的类型。  相似文献   

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