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沙盘游戏疗法相对于药物治疗和其他心理行为疗法来说,是更适合于儿童的一种心理治疗方法,目前已广泛地应用于儿童注意缺陷与多动症、焦虑性情绪障碍、孤独症、社会退缩等各种心理行为问题的治疗中,且疗效明显.本文对沙盘游戏疗法及其应用现状进行了系统介绍,并对沙盘游戏疗法的发展趋势进行了展望.  相似文献   

个案研究发现,音乐疗法辅之行为疗法对孤独症幼儿的治疗非常有效。经过八个月的干预治疗,该名孤独症幼儿的社会认知、社会情感和社会行为都发生了积极的变化。  相似文献   

网络成瘾症行为主义治疗策略研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
网络成瘾症很明显是一种问题行为,根据行为主义理论,通过区别强化疗法、厌恶疗法、系统脱敏法、理性情绪行为疗法、贝克认知疗法,对网络成瘾症进行矫治,能够取得较好的治疗效果,是网络成瘾症有效治疗途径之一。  相似文献   

王蕾 《重庆师专学报》2003,2(4):103-105
行为治疗法是心理咨询与治疗实践中,基于行为主义心理学的基本观点和理论发展起来的一种可操作性疗法,被称之为心理治疗的第三个里程碑。本文一是论述了行为疗法的基本观点争操作步骤;二是重点论证了行为疗法的最新进展并对其进行了评述。尽管该疗法有许多不尽人意之处,但仍不失为一种重要的心理治疗形式,是当代占主导地位的一种治疗方法。  相似文献   

孤独症是一种复杂的发育障碍,是影响大脑功能的神经紊乱的结果。孤独症儿童的家庭治疗包括策略治疗法、代际/鲍恩疗法、结构家庭治疗法、心理动力学疗法、叙事治疗法和多系统疗法。  相似文献   

正向行为支持法干预孤独症儿童问题行为的个案研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究应用正向行为支持法,对一名孤独症儿童表现出的两种带有刻板和自伤性质的问题行为进行了干预,旨在验证该方法对干预孤独症儿童问题行为的有效性,并对干预的过程进行实践探讨。治疗小组基于前期行为分析的结果,制定针对性的干预计划,运用了前提控制、消退、区分强化等行为矫正策略,进行为期约三个月的干预。总的研究过程包括行为功能分析和干预实施等五个阶段,每个阶段都通过问卷和观察等形式收集数据,最终通过数据对比得出结论,认为:对孤独症儿童的行为问题,应注重外部因素也就是从环境因素中寻找其原因;采用正向行为支持法的策略来分析和处理孤独症儿童行为问题是有效的;在孤独症儿童干预中应关注其身心特征,采取有针对性的教学训练策略。  相似文献   

孤独症儿童及其矫治方法的调查研究   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:9  
通过对孤独症儿童的家长和孤独症治疗机构的调查,初步了解了孤独症儿童的基本情况以及各种矫治方法的应用。得出的结论如下:(1)被调查的21名孤独症儿童一般都在发现异常后及时诊断,都能够在家庭或治疗训练机构进行训练。(2)越是晚出生的孤独症孩子,其得到治疗的机会就越多,其预后状况越是乐观。(3)家长一般根据朋友推荐、医生或权威人士推荐、网上获悉来选择治疗训练机构。(4)治疗机构最常用的方法是感觉统合训练,而家庭最常用的方法是游戏疗法;治疗机构中最有效的方法被认为是行为治疗,而家庭中最有效的方法被认为是游戏疗法;治疗机构中最无效的方法被认为是药物治疗,家庭中最无效的方法被认为是感觉统合治疗。(5)每个治疗机构都有自己的训练方法、治疗机构都比较认可自己机构的训练方法。但是关键在于能否真正针对每个孩子的特殊情况来做,对孤独症儿童的训练将是终身性的。  相似文献   

通过对1例典型孤独症儿童进行问卷法、访谈法和观察法研究,探讨应用行为分析(ABA)疗法对孤独症儿童干预的效果。结果表明:该个案经过2年零4个月的ABA疗法训练,在感知觉、躯体运动、交往、语言和生活自理能力五个维度均有大幅提升,ABA疗法对本文研究的个案长程干预效果显著。  相似文献   

辩证行为疗法(dialectical behavior therapy,DBT)是在传统认知行为疗法基础上发展而来的一种新型认知行为心理治疗方法,由美国华盛顿州立大学教授玛莎·莱恩汉(Mar-sha M Linehan)博士于20世纪90年代初创立,它以辩证法的基本原则为理论基础,强调病患与治疗师之间,理性与感性之间,接受与改变之间的辩证训练和策略的应用。该疗法的治疗策略主要包括辩证法策略、合理化认同策略和啦啦队鼓励策略等,辩证法的策略贯穿于整个治疗过程。文章以一边缘人格障碍患者为例,具体说明辩证行为治疗策略的应用。  相似文献   

蔡旻 《广西教育》2014,(29):9-10
正儿童孤独症又称儿童自闭症,在婴幼儿时期表现为社交沟通障碍和行为刻板,是一种广泛性发育障碍综合症。它是一种对儿童、家庭和社会影响重大的残障疾病。笔者在从事孤独症儿童康复教育过程中,发现许多孤独症儿童的饮食行为与正常儿童存在较大的差异,这对孤独症儿童的身心健康发展及家长的生活造成了不同程度的影响。笔者通过问卷调查,对孤独症儿童的饮食行为进行分析,同时例举了一些康复训练的方法,以期对家长及康复训练师提供帮助。一、孤独症儿童偏食行为的原因分  相似文献   

Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and autism are neurodevelopmental disorders that emerge in childhood. There is increasing recognition that ADHD and autism frequently co-occur. Yet, questions remain among clinicians regarding the best ways to evaluate and treat co-occurring autism and ADHD. This review outlines issues relevant to providing evidence-based practice to individuals and families who may be experiencing difficulties associated with co-occurring autism and ADHD. After describing the complexities of the co-occurrence of autism and ADHD, we present practical considerations for best practice assessment and treatment of co-occurring autism and ADHD. Regarding assessment, this includes considerations for interviewing parents/caregivers and youth, using validated parent and teacher rating scales, conducting cognitive assessments, and conducting behavior observations. Regarding treatment, consideration is given to behavioral management, school-based interventions, social skills development, and the use of medications. Throughout, we note the quality of evidence that supports a particular component of assessment or treatment, highlighting when evidence is most relevant to those with co-occurring autism and ADHD across stages of development. In light of the current evidence for assessment and treatment of co-occurring autism and ADHD, we conclude by outlining practical implications for clinical and educational practice.  相似文献   

社会技能评估是自闭症儿童诊断、干预计划制定和效果评价的重要基础。本文回顾了自闭症儿童社会技能评估的学习理论及认知理论,系统梳理了行为观察、角色扮演测验等评估方法,并在此基础上提出了自闭症儿童社会技能评估研究进展的建议:进一步界定社会技能概念的外延及内涵;进一步完善角色扮演测验及编制学前自闭症儿童社会技能评估量表;临床评估中需整合各类方法;进一步将社会技能评估应用于临床实践中。  相似文献   

School is often considered an ideal setting for child social skills training due to the opportunities it provides for skills teaching, modeling, and practice. The current study evaluated the effectiveness of two variants of the Secret Agent Society social skills program for children with high‐functioning autism spectrum disorders (HFASD) in a mainstream school context. Sixty‐nine students aged 7–12 took part in one of two different 10‐week versions of the program (structured versus unstructured) to determine their relative effectiveness. Results suggested that both program variants led to improvements in emotion regulation abilities, social skills, and behavior at school and home, maintained at 6‐week follow‐up. However, the structured intervention generally led to superior treatment outcomes. These results suggest that improvements in social–emotional functioning can be achieved for students with HFASD through time‐limited school‐based interventions. Limitations of this study and directions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

Forty mothers of preschoolers with autism were interviewed about their children's child care programs and about factors that influenced program selection. Mothers also rated the importance of program features, their knowledge of the care settings, and their frequency of involvement in their children's settings. These mothers of children with autism had many of the same concerns as mothers of typically-developing children: they valued safety; warm, loving, and competent caregivers; and cleanliness. However, these mothers were also concerned about program features that might be especially important for their special-needs children, such as a focus on adaptive skills, the availability of special services, and an individualized program. In spite of relatively low levels of search behavior (e.g., visiting settings before making a decision) and uncertainty about some characteristics of their children's programs, mothers reported high involvement in activities such as field trips, parent-teacher conferences, and observing in the classroom. We highlight the need for additional research in this area.  相似文献   

In order to develop deeper and better understandings of what constitutes effective educational practices, and to bridge the gap between research and practice, there is a need for a paradigm shift in autism educational research. The contribution of this paper is to examine the key methodological challenges that stand in the way of autism educational research impacting on practice. This research field is dominated by experimental research designs that evaluate the impact of ‘interventions’ that focus on developing the skills, knowledge, and understanding of pupils with autism. For educational research to have an impact on the lives of individuals with autism, their families, and the practitioners who work with them, movement towards a more balanced range of methodologies is needed. This needs to include methodologies that situate the knowledge base of practitioners on a par with the knowledge base of researchers, drawing on the evidence base from the classroom itself, and bringing in the perspectives and views of individuals with autism, their families, and the practitioners who work with them.  相似文献   

Children with autism often show a lack of the interactive social skills that would allow them to engage with others successfully. They therefore frequently need training to aid them in successful social interaction. Video modelling is a widely used instructional technique that has been applied to teach children with developmental disabilities such as autism, and has been shown to be effective in teaching a variety of skills. The aim of this study is to evaluate the impact of video modelling on social skills development in children with autism living in the United Arab Emirates. The research was carried out by Mohammed Alzyoudi, AbedAlziz Sartawi and Osha Almuhiri, all from the United Arab Emirates University. A sample of five boys with autism was chosen to participate in this study. The boys ranged in age between five and seven years. Each child was asked to watch a videotape which presented two individuals interacting in a role‐play setting. One person portrayed a therapist giving cues, while the second portrayed a child acting appropriately and demonstrating correct social behaviours. The boys were then asked to complete a social task and their performance was compared against baseline assessment measures. The results of this study indicate that this is an effective instruction method. Results are discussed and implications for further research and practice are provided.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study was to develop and evaluate a scale to measure adaptive behavior skills in Chinese children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Participants were 121 young children (M = 55.18 months, SD = 0.18 months) with a formal diagnosis of ASD (73% male). Psychometric evaluation indicated that the reliability and validity of this scale were good. Furthermore, independent t‐tests revealed that boys demonstrated better adaptive behavior skills than girls. The present findings suggest that the scale is a valid measure of adaptive behavior skills in Chinese children with ASD.  相似文献   

自我刺激行为是自闭症的常见行为之一,虽然它不一定是挑战性行为,但是严重的自我刺激行为会损害自闭症的身体,阻碍自闭症的社会性发展.通过对文献的梳理,分析自我刺激行为与挑战性行为、重复刻板行为的关系、自我刺激行为的表现形式及形成原因等,重点探讨自闭症自我刺激行为的干预策略,为今后的研究和干预提供参考.  相似文献   

高校艺术实践课程在教学培养、个性化指导等方面存在现实困境,虚拟现实技术的发展为高校艺术实践的培养提供了更加丰富的教学情境。虚拟现实环境下的交互性、沉浸感和想象力特性能够提高学生的学习兴趣、学习投入度和演奏技能。文章从精准指导、个性化实践训练、技能薄弱点、个别化指导、情境化训练等方面提出基于虚拟现实技术的艺术实践教学培养策略,并对学生艺术实践的训练模式进行了探讨。  相似文献   

Teaching children with autism through task variation in physical education.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The purpose of the study was to determine whether the technique of task variation (with maintenance tasks interspersed) (TV) is more effective in the acquisition of gross motor skills for students with autism than a constant task (CT) condition in a physical education setting. Subjects were 12 male students with autism, ages 11 to 15 years. The study included pretest-posttest administration of the I CAN assessment of Gross Motor Skills to assess skills such as overhand throw, kick, and vertical jump. After a 6-week treatment period, the TV condition was significantly more effective than the CT condition, at the .05 level.  相似文献   

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