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绿党在欧洲一体化中的地位与作用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
绿党是近 30年在西欧兴起的一支新的政治力量。它自一诞生就参加了欧洲议会选举 ,并最终成长为欧洲议会中第三大政治力量。绿党在经济、社会、安全、外交等各项政策上提出了一系列与其他政党不同的主张 ,对欧洲一体化建设产生了明显的影响。进入 2 0世纪 90年代后半期 ,绿党在欧盟 5个国家加入了联合政府 ,并渗透到欧盟委员会、部长会议等重要决策机构当中 ,对欧盟决策的影响越来越大  相似文献   

The creation of a distinctive and useful European education policy space is a necessary part of the project of Europeanization in the European Union. A ‘European education area’ is fundamental to the contemporary structuring of the European Union; it announces the arrival of a major discursive space, centred on education in which the legitimation, steering and shaping of European governance is being played out. This article explores the problem of governance and education, through its first stage, the construction of a European education project, based on cultural inheritance and then cooperation networks; then it examines, in the second stage, the determination of a new policy of lifelong learning. This new policy shifts the emphasis from formal institutional influence and centres on the individual learner, stressing performance and comparison. The article discusses the difficulty of this task, and its most important aspect, connecting governance and a meaningful project.  相似文献   

The Lisbon Process: a European Odyssey   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This article deals with the process in the field of education and training that the European Union has put forward to tackle the main challenges it is facing: globalisation, ageing and the ICT revolution. In order to take advantage of the opportunities brought by these three forces and to counteract their potential negative impact, the European Union defined a strategy in 2000: the Lisbon process. It aims at determining the adequate policies to improve Europe's growth potential, employment participation and social cohesion. Five years after its launch, the Lisbon process suffers from a clear lack of implementation that partly explains Europe's lacklustre economic and social performance. The success of the Lisbon process hinges more than ever on the optimal formation and usage of the stock of human capital. Human resources are the main engine for the creation, dissemination and application of knowledge essential for the increase in productivity and creation of jobs necessary for the sustainability of the European economic and social model. The article shows why and how human capital policies aiming at more efficient and more equitable European education and training systems are crucial to the achievement of the economic and social goals set at Lisbon.  相似文献   

欧盟于世纪之交开始实行新一轮科学教育改革。在这次科学教育改革中,欧盟始终以终身学习的大教育观为出发点,以"提高公民科学素养"和"促进所有学生科学兴趣"为主要目标,重视基础学校的科学教育质量,并力图实行几大科学教育的重要任务,为全体公民提供平等、开放、民主与包容的科学教育环境。欧盟在科学教育方面的新举措值得我们关注与借鉴。  相似文献   

林海亮 《中学教育》2013,(6):89-102
欧盟基础教育政策由宏观条约宪章、周期战略、教育与培训的战略框架(十年规划),以及学校教育质量、幼儿教育与护理、学生关键能力、辍学和移民儿童教育等政策组成。这些政策主要依托夸美纽斯计划而得以实施。欧盟基础教育政策的实施增强了教育的欧洲维度,促进了教育公平,提高了教育质量。欧盟基础教育政策在制定和实施过程中,扩大欧盟对基础教育的干预力度和基础教育对欧盟一体化的影响力度,通过合作联动欧盟所有成员国基础教育,为全球化、区域化的教育问题提供典范。  相似文献   

当前,老龄化已然成为全球面临的共同挑战,老年教育在应对老龄化社会进程中,应发挥其特有的角色与使命。积极老龄化的理念由世界卫生组织提出,经联合国以及欧盟的不断推进,当前已经形成具有一定实践意义的政策框架与指标体系,得到了国际社会的广泛认同。作为终身学习体系组成部分的老年教育,能够为实现积极老龄化所倡导的“独立健康生活”“就业”以及“社会参与”等政策支柱发挥重要的促进作用。与发达国家相比,我国对老年教育的认知与实践仍有很大的提升空间。在未来,我国应当树立“健康即是回报”的老年教育观念,增加对老年教育的社会支持,通过教育增强老年群体的健康知识学习与社会参与,进而促进积极老龄化的实现。  相似文献   

Along with China’s economic growth, the notable rise of its universities and innovation system has inspired growing interest in how the higher education institutions (HEIs) of the European Union (EU) cooperate with Chinese HEIs. Beginning with a review of China-EU higher education relations, this paper presents a case study of a Sino-Danish collaborative programme in which cooperation and programme quality were limited by both partners’ different aims over time, and their alternate quality assurance systems. We suggest a proper collaborative level and discipline should be developed before the establishment of cooperation by taking relevant policies, merits and disadvantages of both partners, into consideration. This paper also points out that limits in collaboration can be alleviated, if a number of elements can be used effectively, such as China’s significant EU knowledge diaspora. Given this and other listed factors, including favorable policies introduced by the Chinese government, there are substantial prospects for extending China-EU collaborative relations and exchanges.  相似文献   

The European Commission has determined the following priorities to increase the quality of teacher training programmes in the European Union: ensuring that all teachers have access to the knowledge, attitudes and pedagogic skills they require to be effective; ensuring that provision for teachers’ education and professional development is coordinated, coherent and adequately resourced; promoting a culture of reflective practice and research among teachers; promoting the status and recognition of the teaching profession; and supporting the professionalization of teaching. In this context, the RELEASE project pursued the adaptation of the teachers’ in-service training programme in Cyprus to the teachers’ and schools’ needs. The project also aimed at the enhancement of the school principals’ pedagogic role in supporting teachers’ professional development, the promotion of teachers’ development at school and the acquisition of self-regulated learning skills. The present paper draws on the benefits of the action research procedure for teachers’ development and the changes revealed in the teachers’ discourse throughout the project as illustrated in their oral and written reflections. The discourse analysis of the teachers’ speech in different stages of the project indicates a movement from remoteness and distance to collaboration, participation, openness and exchange, and a movement from low trust in their own choices to reflection and self-confidence to make justified selections and act in alternative ways. The discussion of the project’s results attempts to distinguish the effective key components of this project, providing empirical evidence/support for the reflective paradigm of teacher development.  相似文献   

Since the early 1990s, lifelong learning has become a major policy concern for the European Union, being seen as a means for enabling individuals to be more competitive in social and economic contexts that are continually changing. After a series of white papers and strategies in the field of lifelong learning, the EU launched the Lifelong Learning Programme in 2007, which dealt with the most pressing issues in the field. In light on the complexity of this programme, we need to ask ourselves if traditional evaluation models and approaches are appropriate for evaluating complex educational policies and programmes in the educational field. Thus, the stake of this article is to explore the challenges which arise when evaluating the EU’s lifelong learning policies and programmes in general, and the Lifelong Learning Programme 2007–2013 in particular, as well as to propose several new directions for overcoming these challenges.  相似文献   

The European Union (EU) plays a dominant role in coordinating the responses to the massive inflow of refugee-migrants into Europe; consequently, the conceptions of citizenship and future integration which are embedded in its policies are significant. We explore and analyse the key EU education policy documents that refer to immigrants to identify the forms of citizenship attributed to various types of incomers by the EU. Our analysis demonstrates that the EU’s conception of refugee-migrants is more closely affiliated with the notion of ‘Global citizens’ rather than with that of ‘European citizens’. Furthermore, we suggest that the EU distinguishes and navigates between various migratory flows, namely internal-European, desired external-European and undesired external-European (refugee-migrants), each associated with a distinctive conception of citizenship as well as with related policy discourses. In the light of the migratory flows into Europe, the particularistic conceptions of citizenship shaping the EU’s educational policy carry considerable implications for the future integration of refugee-migrants in Europe.  相似文献   

"2001年欧洲语言年"的举办,取得了令人瞩目的成果,提高了欧盟公民对欧盟丰富的语言和文化多样性的认识,提升了语言多样化的概念。它对欧洲语言政策的讨论和语言教学产生了重大影响,导致语言多样化政策被逐渐纳入区域政策。欧洲语言年是欧盟语言政策的转折点,欧盟从此把视角从对主要语言的关注,转移到对所有语言的关注,语言政策逐渐向多样化方向发展。  相似文献   


The influence of the European Commission (EC) expert groups on policy coordination within the European Union has received a growing interest among researchers, who have assessed their role in policy-making processes, their participation patterns, their transparency, and their knowledge-generating process. This article interrogates the structural configuration of the networks, and the relationships between the actors, formed through the Commission expert groups on adult learning, and under the Education and Training 2020 work programme, respectively, by means of a Social Network Analysis. So attention is paid on the mutual-constitutivness of a social network and its members, or the potential power within a network, and of a network, to influence member states’ domestic adaptation of communitarian policies. Our analysis points at noticeable differences between the connectivity of each of the Commission expert groups, and the groups emerging from the two forms of network governance these produce in the adult learning, and education and training domains. A key result, however, is that two actors (i.e. Flemish Department for Education and Training, Ministry of Education and Culture of Finland) stand out as fully embedded in both forms of network governance, and represent highly connected ‘informal’ brokers across policy domains.  相似文献   

This paper first examines the New Labour government's redefinition of equality of opportunity in Britain, mainly with regard to education and the ways in which it mediates ‘opportunity’. In doing so, it also draws on wider social policy issues, such as the use of education policies to combat social exclusion. Second, the paper reviews European Union policies and selected documents that address questions of social inclusion, social cohesion and the role of education in achieving those policy goals. The main argument is that both New Labour policies in Britain and the examined EU documents promote rather minimal understandings of the term ‘equality of opportunity’, while, education, in both cases, is given an enormous burden to carry in balancing increasingly liberalised market‐driven economies, with the requirements of a socially just society.  相似文献   

This study addresses issues surrounding the recruitment and training of black African religious education teachers within the context of the government’s intention to make the teaching profession more representative of the wider community. In relation to this there is a strong emphasis in the Teacher Training Agency’s Qualifying to Teach on selection procedures which promote equality of opportunity and the recognition of individual training needs. The study is informed by the work of Sikes and Everington who have highlighted the place of religion and culture within the personal histories of religious education teachers. Black African members of two successive cohorts of PGCE students are tracked to identify their training needs in relation to their cultural and religious backgrounds. The data identifies four cultural and religious factors which impact on their training to teach religious education in the UK. Finally, as advised by the Carrington Report, recommendations are made for the practice of teacher educators.  相似文献   

Since 2000, the European Union has given greater attention to lifelong learning, as expressed in the Lisbon presidency conclusions and the general objectives of the Education and Training 2010 work programme. In September 2007, these policy proposals were further strengthened with the announcement of the ‘Action Plan on Adult Learning’ that sets out how Member States and other stakeholders could be supported to improve, implement and develop adult education and monitor its results. Because of the multitude of policy expectations, training and professional development for adult learning staff are still relatively uncommon in some parts of Europe, despite a societal demand, which also should be interpreted in the context of changing societal conditions and needs besides raising the quality of lifelong learning. This is largely echoed in South-East Europe where the situation of the training of adult learning staff is more on the downside than most policy-makers would have expected. In most South-East European countries, adult learning is expected to provide individual, cultural, and social improvement, to address illiteracy or earlier unsatisfactory access to initial education, and mostly to respond to labour market access problems. At the same time, adult learning staff have to face obstacles such as dependency on government or EU funding, changing political perspectives on and interest in adult education, policies prescribing an enclosed employment-oriented adult education market and occasionally a lack of national legislation or frameworks and structures covering their field. Along with these general findings, this article focuses on the comparison of current policies on training and professional development of adult learning staff in Bulgaria, Cyprus, Greece and Turkey, according to three vital topics:
  • • Selection procedure and working conditions of adult learning staff (focusing on recruitment, professional expectations and employment situation).
  • • Opportunities and obstacles for their professional development and evaluation (focusing on career paths and monitoring, assessing and evaluating issues).
  • • Societal situation for the profession (focusing on attractiveness and social impact).

The article compares educational regionalisation in Europe and Latin America. This analysis unveils the influence of three social phenomena in the two case studies, namely power, fields of activity and knowledge. Mostly, it focuses on the initiatives led by the European Union and the Organisation of Ibero-American States in order to implement large strategic, multi-government educational plans in each continent. The actions of international political players, the theories (or ‘ontologies’) embedded in these devices and the consequences for sub-national politics are observed.  相似文献   

里斯本会议以来,欧盟制定了多项促进成人学习的教育与培训方面的政策。近几年,国内学者对这些促进成人学习政策进行了不同层面的研究。通过对国内相关研究成果进行统计分析和系统的梳理,从政策的背景与特征、政策实施的成效与问题、政策发展的趋势等方面进行了综述。最后指出相关研究存在的不足和亟待加强之处,以供国内学者进一步研究之参考。  相似文献   

《Higher Education Policy》2001,14(3):225-240
This article examines the impact of European integration on higher education policies of the Netherlands, Belgium/Flanders and Germany. The analysis of higher education policies in the three countries is part of a broader project, which focuses on a majority of E.U. member states. The selection of the three countries for this paper is not based on any methodological considerations. The question addressed is if higher education policies of member states are converging, diverging or not changing at all, and whether such developments are a consequence of the policies of the European Union (E.U.) or of other factors (e.g., the globalization of the market or of institutions imitating each other). A preliminary assessment leads to the conclusion that a number of important indications of convergence are present in national policy arrangements in the field of higher education (in particular student mobility and quality assurance, but less in the structure of higher education systems My attention will be focused on the structure of higher education systems, on quality assurance and on student and teacher mobility. These domains appear to cover most relevant issues pertaining to higher education policies in the European Union member states (funding of higher education is sometimes considered as a separate domain, but it can also be regarded as an element of the structure of higher education systems, while it is also related to the issue of quality assurance).). The European Union, however, does not have much legal authority in the policy sector in question. Thus, an explanation for converging national policies may lie elsewhere, in part in the concept of “institutional isomorphism”.  相似文献   

Language issues and social inclusion consistently remain two major concerns for member countries of the European Union (EU). Despite an increasing awareness of the importance of language learning in migrants’ social inclusion, and the promotion of language policies at European and national levels, there is still a lack of common actions at the European level. Challenged by questions as to whether language learning should be prioritised as a human right or as human capital building, how host/mainstream language learning can be reinforced while respecting language diversity, and other problems, member countries still need to find solutions. Confronting these dilemmas, this study analyses the relationship and interactions between language learning and immigrants’ social inclusion in different contexts. It explores the potential of enhancing the effectiveness of language policies via a dialogue between policies and practices in different national contexts and research studies in the field of language and social inclusion. The research data are derived from two databases created by a European policy for active social inclusion project called INCLUDE. This project ran from 2013 to 2016 under the EU’s lifelong learning programme, with funding support from the European Commission. Through an analysis of these two project databases, the paper reviews recent national language policies and their effect on the social inclusion of migrants. In the second part of her article, the author interprets the process of language learning and social inclusion using poststructuralist theories of language and identity.  相似文献   

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