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Based on a qualitative study in Indiana, this article examines the college preparation process of Latino high school students. It uses social capital theory to identify the ways families, peers, and school staff members contribute to students’ access to college across the stages of college preparation. Findings suggest that students receive strong support in their development of aspirations from families, but they face multiple challenges in accessing the information and support they need to realize their college goals. It offers implications for families, schools, and higher education institutions on how to more effectively support college access for Latino students.  相似文献   

在普通高校学生工作中加强与家长的交流可以使很多难以处理的学生问题得以解决。然而毕竟大学生不同于中学生,在实际操作中辅导员遇到很多不同于中学班主任所面临的问题和困难,和家长的交流难度也比中学班主任面临的难度大。本文通过分析得出高校学生工作中与家长联系交流的困难所在,以及如何克服这些困难,以达到更加通畅地与大学生家长交流联系,从而使高校学生工作取得事半功倍的效果。  相似文献   

Being that educational disparities, manifested through socioeconomic instability, were a major contributing factor to the Los Angeles riots, it is important to examine how public high schools are now shaping the postsecondary opportunities of underrepresented students. Using opportunity-to-learn (OTL) and bounded rationality as frames, this article examines the college preparatory experiences of Black and Latina/o students at a magnet and standard urban high school, specifically focusing on the experiences of high achievers. Findings indicate that students at the two schools had equally high college aspirations, but experienced very different college preparatory environments. Magnet students had access to more college-going resources and greater opportunities to learn, manifested directly from opportunities offered at their school and indirectly from the collective college-going culture shaped by the school, peers, and parents. Bounded rationality allowed students at the underresourced urban school to perceive their school's resources positively and stay motivated, but limited their efforts to pursue additional resources to enhance their opportunity-to-learn.  相似文献   

The main aim of the current research was to identify the similarities and differences in learning patterns used by secondary school, high school and college students. There were 8,072 participants and they responded to the Chinese version of Inventory of Learning Styles (ILS) online. Findings show that the three groups of students were significantly different in their adoption of learning patterns; the dimensionalities of learning patterns observed in secondary school and high school students were similar, but were different from those of college students; these students’ learning patterns differed from each other in relation to personal characteristics (i.e. gender and age), but tended to have similar strong relationships with parents’ education level and parents’ jobs. This study contributes to the understanding of the learning patterns characterized by school and college students. By acknowledging this, educators can help to develop better support for students in adapting to new study environments.  相似文献   

This paper quantifies the extent of student-college “academic undermatch,” which occurs when a student's academic credentials permit them access to a college or university that is more selective than the postsecondary alternative they actually choose. Using a nationally representative dataset, we find that 41 percent of students undermatch in their postsecondary choice. We also find that academic undermatch affects students with a range of academic credentials, but is more common among those students from low socioeconomic status families, who live in rural areas, and whose parents have no college degree. Finally, we show that between the 1992 and 2004 high school senior cohorts, academic undermatch has decreased by nearly 20 percent. The decrease is partially due to students being more likely to apply to a matched college.  相似文献   

Although previous studies show that a majority of parents want their children to go to college and graduate with a 4-year degree, the strategies used to accomplish this goal vary widely. While some parents feel it is important for their children to attend school while living at home (college-at-home parents), others do not (college-anywhere parents). This study investigates the influence of these parental strategy preferences on whether children apply to college during their senior year of high school, as well as whether they apply to multiple colleges. Net of measured ability, socioeconomic factors, and students’ own strategy preferences, students with college-at-home parents are significantly less likely to apply to college than students with college-anywhere parents; and among those who do apply to college, students with college-at-home parents are significantly less likely to apply to multiple colleges.  相似文献   


Students and parents base college selection on how well the college will overcome the perceived financial, social, psychological, physical, and functional risks associated with the college experience. Nineteen criteria associated with these risks were evaluated for significant differences between students and parents as well as for their level of importance in the selection process. Significant differences were found with regards to financial aid, security/safety, weather, professors, marriage prospects, athletics, and reputation of the school. The most important criterion for both students and parents was the academics of the institution. Only seven of the top ten criteria were the same.  相似文献   

学校、家庭、社会是学生发展的重要影响因素。然而,随着学生的成长,特别是在高等教育阶段,学校与家庭之间的沟通机制缺失,家长对学校发展与学生培养的作用没有有效发挥。为实现家、校互动,为学校培养目标的实现获取更为广泛的现实依据,我院编制了《关于高职院校办学与人才培养状况的调查问卷》,以学生家长为调查对象,对调查结果进行定量分析,为高职院校专业建设、师资队伍建设、学生培养模式完善等方面提供了切实的参考依据。  相似文献   

The authors draw from a 16-month ethnographic study to examine Latino middle school boys’ early college and career aspirations. Sources of information and support for students, as well as contextual factors that shaped students’ early career aspirations were explored. Findings indicate that early college and career exposure may allow Latino middle school males to form feasible college and career plans. While parents and older siblings served as sources of encouragement, teachers and other institutional agents played a more direct role in assisting students prepare and plan for college. The AVID program provided exposure and concrete information that allowed students to identify different colleges and admissions requirements. Findings from this study may be beneficial for school leaders who hope to engage Latino males during this critical stage of development and help improve their college participation rates.  相似文献   

Online sources are increasingly the most likely starting place when seeking information about any topic. Parents of prospective students may access school websites in advance of enrolling their child. Parents of current students are likely to access a school’s website for information about the school’s current activities or to learn more about the teaching and learning taking place in their child’s classroom. With a few notable exceptions, there is limited research on the quality of school websites internationally, particularly at primary level. For this paper, the online presence of 100 Irish primary schools was examined. Of the 90 schools for whom some web presence was established, information provided to parents of current students and parents of prospective students was examined. Findings show that primary school websites do not comprehensively address the information needs of either group of parents and highlight areas of potential improvement.  相似文献   

As implemented in North Carolina, Early College High Schools are small, autonomous schools designed to increase the number of students who graduate from high school and are prepared for postsecondary education. Targeted at students who are underrepresented in college, these schools are most frequently located on college campuses and are intended to provide students with 2 years of college credit upon graduation from high school. This article reports on preliminary 9th-grade results from 285 students in 2 sites participating in a longitudinal experimental study of the impact of the model. These early results show that significantly more Early College High School students are enrolling and progressing in a college preparatory course of study. This expanded access, however, is associated with somewhat lower pass rates for some courses, suggesting the need for strong academic support to accompany increased enrollment in more rigorous courses. Implementation data collected on one school indicate that it is successfully implementing the model's components.  相似文献   

College attendance is an impending major life change for many high school students. Attendance at particular colleges or universities is also a crucial issue for marketers of higher education institutions. This study reports the results of a survey of college-bound high school seniors in the midst of the college choice process. Specific stressors are identified and significant sex differences are discussed. Higher education marketers, guidance counselors, and even parents should find these results useful in reducing perceived risk by communicating relevant information about key stressors to deciding students.  相似文献   


Preferences for college education among year 12 and 13 high school seniors from throughout New Zealand were surveyed. Initial focus group researched students in the process of deciding on college education and/or on a particular college or university institution in their choice process. Quantitative research developed from the focus group responses and based on a stated preferences (choice) survey of school students (n = 526) followed. Students' preferences regarding university choice were predominantly influenced by the quality and flexibility of the degree and/or course options, likelihood that employers will recruit from the university, the extent that university accommodation is subsidized and the overall cost of attending the university positioned in comparison to other universities. Secondary students would prefer not to attend a university with access restricted to an “A” bursary examination mark (bursary is a New Zealand pre-college examination to gain fee subsidy), that has limited first year accommodation, or which offers sports scholarships. New Zealand secondary school students are relatively price insensitive, with the cost of attending university not perceived as a deterrent. Moreover, the research findings show a positive cost-value relationship exists in students' choice preferences. Students would prefer to attend a university where the cost was equal to or higher than other options.  相似文献   

运用问卷调查法、专家访谈法、数理统计法对一些高中学校学生、家长及这些学校的老师就体育优胜者高考加分这一政策及实施相关问题进行调查。调查认为:学生参与体育高考加分比较普遍,学生体育高考加分的组织形式以学校老师和校外人员联合形式为主,学生加分训练所选项目以武术为最多,其次是三大球和健美操;周训练次数以3—4次为主,体育加分训练能促进绝大部分学生的身体、心理和学习的良好发展;体育高考加分政策及实施过程中有诸如钱权交易、冒名顶替等现象,大多数人认为应通过法律、媒体及多部门联合监督等方法来抑制不法行为,同时应完善体育高考加分政策;综合性运动会(全运会)和教育系统举办的运动会所获加分资格得到承认度最高。  相似文献   

Developed in response to concerns that too few students were enrolling and succeeding in postsecondary education, early college high schools are small schools that blur the line between high school and college. This article presents results from a longitudinal experimental study comparing outcomes for students accepted to an early college through a lottery process with outcomes for students who were not accepted through the lottery and enrolled in high school elsewhere. Results show that treatment students attained significantly more college credits while in high school, and graduated from high school, enrolled in postsecondary education, and received postsecondary credentials at higher rates. Results for subgroups are included.  相似文献   

A vast majority of colleges and universities have provisions for admitting high school students to special college programs (Robinson & Noble, 1992). These postsecondary enrollment options programs are vital because they link local higher education to the community by actively involving high school personnel, students, and parents in planning for college. Establishing and maintaining this link presents unique challenges to educators because it must meet the needs of a diverse population. The purpose of this study was to assess how students and parents perceived a suburban community colleges’ postsecondary enrollment options program. Basing marketing strategies on these perceptions provides colleges and universities an effective means to maintain the established community link.  相似文献   

采用社会支持评定量表对高职在校生进行问卷调查,结果发现:父母及兄弟姐妹、同学、舍友对高职生的支持十分重要,老师及学校内的团体的支持很欠缺,高职生求助和倾诉行为被动且窄。不同类型高职生在社会支持及各分量表支持状况存在显著差异。应该深化认识,增强主导学生社会支持体系建构的责任感;建构个体自身,家长与舍友,班干部与同学,党团组织与社团,辅导员及任课教师、心理辅导教师的六级心理支持体系;完善党团、社团组织建设,提高学生的归属性支持;尊重差异,对特殊群体进行针对性干预;弘扬传统文化,实现学生互帮互助。  相似文献   

This study examined a model of college student choice for male and female ninth graders using LISREL. A sample of 703 male students and 718 female students and their parents responded to two sets of questionnaires regarding high school experiences and expectations about college. Endogenous variables examined included parents' expectation regarding higher education for their children, parents' savings for college, students' discussion of college with their parents, and students' aspiration for postsecondary education. The model explained 30.8% of the variance in students' aspiration for males and 36.8% for females. Final empirical models for the two groups suggested that there may be subtle differences in family influence on male and female students' college-going plans.  相似文献   


A new college admission policy will be implemented in Taiwan in 2022. The purpose of this study was to understand the relationship between admission criteria and college success. Data was obtained from the Taiwan Higher Education Database; a sample size of 8443 students from 156 universities was used in this study. By using the structural equation model, this study tested a research model that included factors such as motivation, standardized test scores, high school achievements, and college success. The findings revealed that the General Scholastic Ability Test scores (in Chinese, English, Social Studies) and high school average academic grades are significantly associated with college success. A student’s motivation to complete a certain major can significantly predict the quality of student effort and influence college success. These findings highlight the importance of some admission criteria and provide practical implications for educational policy-makers, school administrators, students, and parents.  相似文献   

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