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play是初中英语中最常用的动词之一,它既可用作及物动词,又可用作不及物动词。现将它的常见用法归纳如下,供同学们参考。一、用作及物动词1.play意为“打(球)”、“下(棋)”、“玩(牌)”时,表示“球”、“棋”、“牌”等的名词前面一般不加冠词。例如:The boys are playing football.男孩子们正在踢足球。M any people like to w atch others playing chess.许多人爱看别人下棋。A re you interested in playing basketball?你对打篮球感兴趣吗?D on t spend too m uch tim e playing cards.别花费太多的时间玩牌。2.play意为“弹”、“拉…  相似文献   

Kate likes to play piano. Peter is playing the football. 改正: Kate likes to play the piano. Peter is playing football.注解:1.play 作"演奏"讲时,所跟的乐器前面一定要加定冠词the2."玩"某种球、棋、纸牌时,play所接的对象不要加the见错就改,有错必纠! 细心的你快来给病句"诊断"错误吧!1 I play the table-tennis each noon.2 Look!Mum is teaching them to play violin.3 He likes playing the cards with her.  相似文献   

Lesson 31.Tim,Tom and Mary are playing with some coins.(蒂姆、汤姆和玛丽正在玩一些硬币。)play with sth./sb.玩……;玩弄……;与……一起玩。注意它与 play 的用法区别。如:Children like to play.(孩子们喜欢玩。)  相似文献   

1.构成:am,is,are+现在分词(doing) 2.用法:①表示说话时正在进行的动作。例如: Look!They are playing football.瞧!他们正在踢足球。He is writing a letter now.  相似文献   

1.Let's play soccer.一句中play一词该怎样理解? play在本句中作动词,表示"玩、打(球)",后接球(棋)类名词时,球(棋)类名词前不加冠词。 例如:I can play ping-pong.我会打乒乓球。He likes playing cards.他喜欢打扑克。  相似文献   

I.单项选择。 1. Look! The girls_______cards over there. A. play B. playing C. is playing D. are playing  相似文献   

词汇类:●let意为“让(某人/物)……;允许”,其后接省略to的动词不定式作宾语补足语。例如:Let him do what he likes.让他做自己想做的事吧。●sound作连系动词时,意为“听起来”,后接形容词作表语。例如:That music sounds beautiful.这音乐听起来很优美。●play意为“玩;打(球);弹奏”。当棋类、球类作其宾语时,名词前不用冠词;当乐器作其宾语时,名词前要加the。例如:Do you often play basketball after class?你经常在课下打篮球吗?A lot of kids are learning to play the pi-ano in the hall now.许多孩子现在正在大厅里学弹钢琴。…  相似文献   

Kathy takes her new friend,Phoebe,to the playground. There are a lot of fun things to play with.Some kids are playing on the slide, some are playing with balls,and some are playing on the seesaw.Kathy  相似文献   

Ⅰ.根据句意及所给首字母的提示完成单词。1.The elephant likes to play with her friends and eat a lot of g____.2.What other a____do you like?3.The flowers in the garden are very b____.4.We have a good time d____the Spring Festival.5.My classmates are f____with each other.6.Some students are playing football;o____are playing basketball.7.We don!t like Henry,because he is k____of lazy.8.Lions are from S____Africa.9.She usually a____at school early.10.Today is Children!s Day.There are h____of …  相似文献   

1.in the tree/on the tree 这两个短语都有“在树上”的意思。in表示“在某范围内”,说鸟、猴子、松鼠、猫等隐藏于树叶之中,用in the tree。如:Is there a cat in the tree?树上有猫吗?Look!Some monkeys are playing in the tree.看!一些猴子在树上玩。on的意思是“在某物之上”(表  相似文献   

Ⅰ.单项选择。1.I think the best way to learn more English isto learn by______English.A.speaking B.writingC.saying D.using2.I used to______basketball,but now I getused to______football.A.play;play B.playing;to playC.play;playing D.playing;playing3.—Are you serious or kidding?—I’m really serious______my study thistime.A.about B.with C.in D.at4.We are allowed_______part-time jobsafter school.A.having B.to haveC.had D.to having5.I’ll be late home,but please don’t______for me.You’d b…  相似文献   

在英语中,介词at,on与名词构成介词短语作连系动词be的表语时,具有"进行"意义.如: 1.be at/on 动作名词 ①A group of students are at play on the playground. =A group of students are playing on the playground.  相似文献   

问句子Let’s play soccer.中的play该怎样理解?答play在本句中作动词,意为"玩、打(球)",后接球(棋)类名词时,球(棋)类名词前不加冠词。例如:  相似文献   

一种时态,两种用法在七年级时,我们学过be v-ing形式构成的现在进行时,表示现在或现阶段正在发生的动作或存在的状态。例如:The children are playing basketball onthe playground now.孩子们现在正在操场上打篮球。本单元我们将学习用现在进行时表示动作即将发生。come,go,leave,arrive,move等表示位置移动的动词尤其惯用这种用法。例如:—Hurry up!It’s time to leave.快点!该走了。—OK.I’m coming.好的,我就来。用法定断,仔细分辨现在进行时既可表示动作正在进行,又可表示动作即将发生,那么,面对一个句子我们如何分辨它属于哪种用法呢?有以下几种方法:(1)现在进行时用来表示动作正在发生时,句中常有now,these days等时间状语或句首有look,listen等动词。例如:He is now watching TV in his room.他现在正在他的房间里看电视。Look!These boys are having lunch.看!这些男孩们正在吃饭。Listen!Who is singing ov...  相似文献   

play用作及物动词时的含义较多,用法也不同。 play表示“玩”时,后可接表示“牌、游戏、棋类”等名词;表示“打、踢、参加时,后可接表示”球类、体育活动、  相似文献   

1.A dog, a chick and a duck are good friends,One day,the are playing hide and seek.It's the dog's turn.He closes his eyes and tries to catch his friends.They are happy.小狗、小鸡和小鸭子是好朋友,一天,他们在玩捉迷藏的游戏。该小狗了,他蒙上眼睛正准备追他的朋友。他们玩得很开心。  相似文献   

<正>1.游戏导入新课。游戏是学生最喜爱的学习形式之一,因为学生爱玩、好动、好奇心强。教师应设计多种多样的游戏,以激发学生的学习热情,可以是Bingo,猜谜、接力采访、比赛、速认、速记等。游戏的趣味性能极大地激发学生的学习热情,使他们积极主动地参与游戏中,主动开口说英语,复习相关语言点。例如:T:Hello,boy sand girls.Let’s play a game,OK?Ss:OK!  相似文献   

在动词家族中,do虽是一个不起眼的小不点,但它的作用可大了,忽略了它便会受到惩罚。同学们可千万别走入do的误区哟![误区一]多用do或其相应的变化形式1.当句子中的谓语动词含有be的相应形式(如am,is,are)时,应在其后直接加上not构成否定句,或将be的相应形式(如am,is,are)移到句首构成疑问句,不可再用do。例如:乔治没在和他的朋友玩。误:George doesn1t is playing with his friends.正:George isn1t playing with his friends.你是澳大利亚人吗?误:Do you are from Australia?正:Are you from Australia?正:Do you come from Australia?…  相似文献   

方衡 《今日中学生》2016,(13):26-27
同学们发现了吗?学习英语的时候,明明在汉语中是同一个字,在英语中的对应词却是千差万别.不信大家看看这个“打”字,由于接的宾语或使用场合不同,对应的英语词汇可谓截然不同! 1.打(篮球、排球等球类)play (basketball,volleyball,etc.) 例如:The boys all like playing basketball.这些男生都喜欢打篮球.  相似文献   

Hello,boys and girls!学会准确运用英语简单句的五大基本句型,是学好英语的基本功之一。因此,大家应花些时间去掌握它们。句型一:S+V该句型有两种基本句式:⑴主语+谓语(不及物动词);⑵主语+谓语(不及物动词)+状语。所谓不及物动词,是指动词之后不需接宾语,就可表达一个完整的意思,常见动词有work,study,walk,live,read,laugh,smile,sing等。例如:Sandy is singing.桑迪正在唱歌。The children are playing happily.孩子们玩得很开心。句型二:S+V+DO该句型中的动词(V)为及物动词,直接宾语(DO)常为名词、代词、动名词或动词不定式等。所…  相似文献   

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