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对冰球运动员的功能动作筛查(FMS),有助于发现专项训练过程中存在的功能动作障碍,改进训练的方法和手段.采用问卷调查、功能动作筛查(FMS)方法,对33名冰球运动员进行伤病与功能动作筛查进行研究,从整体趋势、性别差异等方面对功能动作筛查(FMS)得分进行分析讨.结果表明:冰球运动员的伤病主要集中于膝关节、踝关节、腕关节和腰背部;调查冰球运动员的功能动作筛查(FMS)得分为13.12±4.43,低于公认的14分临界值,说明运动员潜在损伤风险较高;但总分上男女无显著差异;调查的冰球运动员的髋部、膝关节、踝关节的灵活性和稳定性较差,建议教练员在今后的训练中要进行有针对性地练习和及时进行训练后的放松,以此降低运动员损伤的风险,提高专项技术训练的质量.  相似文献   

现如今FMS功能性动作筛查越来越被广泛应用在各个领域,用来评估人的不同身体部位的受伤程度,根据测试结果再纠正训练,可以降低受伤的风险.本文以江苏省无锡市建筑路消防救援站的消防指战员为研究对象,目的是让消防员进行更科学的训练,减少不必要的损伤.实验为12周的体能训练,在训练周期的最初,采用FMS功能性动作筛查对每位消防员...  相似文献   

目的通过对普通大学生基本动作模式测试,发现身体运动的局限性,为大学生制定有针对性的身体功能动作训练、减少运动损伤、提高体质健康水平提供有效途径。方法采用功能动作筛查(FMS),运用SPSS统计分析普通大学生FMS的7个单项动作得分和FMS总分。结果普通大学生躯干稳定性、核心力量和肌肉神经协调性有待提高,完成运动动作模式存在不对称性,表现为力量的不对称性比例高于身体活动范围的不对称性。结论功能性动作筛查可运用到日常体育教学和训练中,设计开发"身体运动功能筛查和训练"的体育课程,改善大学生功能动作弱链;加强教师队伍对FMS和身体运动功能训练的知识培训,建设大学生功能性训练实验室。  相似文献   

张鹏  李春雷  刘杰 《体育科研》2018,(4):94-101
目的:对国家艺术体操队22名运动员进行功能动作筛查并分析,了解该项目运动员的功能动作特征,并针对存在问题的功能动作提出纠正性训练方法,以期达到改善功能动作质量、减少损伤发生、提高专项训练水平的目的。方法:文献资料法、实验法、数理统计法、逻辑分析法。结果:(1)队员的FMS得分为13.0±2.5分,存在较大的损伤风险;(2)主动直膝抬腿、肩部灵活性、躯干稳定俯卧撑得分与其他动作相比具有显著性差异;(3)共有23人次在测试中存在疼痛,7人次存在不对称现象。结论:国家艺术体操运动员:(1)髋、肩关节灵活性较好而踝关节则较差,部分运动员腰椎灵活性过度而胸椎灵活性受限;(2)髋关节、肩胛区及核心区稳定性较差;(3)小腿三头肌柔韧性差,踝关节和髋关节外展、内收肌力失衡,部分运动员下肢不对称。纠正性训练应首先根据排序原则进行排序,其次从灵活性、稳定性、功能性力量、动作模式重建这4个方面开展针对性的训练。最后,8周的纠正性训练显著地提高了FMS得分,功能动作质量得到改善。  相似文献   

职业院校体育课中引入功能动作训练对学生身体素质影响进行分析和研究。将功能动作训练引入到职业院校体育课堂中,对实验班级进行了测试,实验结果表明:引入功能动作训练能够有效提高职业院校学生的力量及速度,对提高学生的身体素质有着较大的影响和重要作用。  相似文献   

在明确李玄旭400米混合泳技术结构的基础上,采用技术分析和功能动作训练的方法,优化其混合泳技术,提高运动成绩。认为利用系统论的观点明确李玄旭400米混合泳技术结构,并提出解决、稳定、巩固的优化路径,对奥运备战有着积极的意义;在研究过程中,运用运动技术诊断和功能动作筛查是基础、功能动作训练是关键的思路,收到了较好的效果;明确身体各环节功能,训练较好的身体流线型姿态,提炼关键技术的基本动作是从体能方面优化游泳运动技术的良好手段;奥运会分段成绩提示李玄旭400混蝶泳、蛙泳成绩均有所提高,且蛙泳提高幅度可观。上述实践可为游泳项目运动技术优化提供借鉴。  相似文献   

运用实验法对深圳市皮划艇运动员进行身体功能动作测试,对测试结果进行分析,认为整体灵活性和稳定性较好,但部分队员肩部和髋部柔韧性较差,对柔韧性训练和纠正动作提出了建议。  相似文献   

功能性动作筛查(FMS)可以有效检测出高校网球运动员关节稳定性、灵活性,对预防运动损伤、改善身体功能具有重要作用。本文利用功能性动作筛查方法对高校网球运动员进行实验前检测,根据检测情况进行为期9周、每周训练3次、每次训练40min左右的三个阶段的功能性纠正实验训练。9周的纠正训练结束后再次进行功能性动作筛查,对两次筛查结果进行对比分析。结果表明:高校网球运动员肩部灵活性相对较好,核心的稳定性不足,各关节之间的肌肉柔韧性较差;左右两侧不对称性比较严重,主要表现在髋关节以及腿部肌肉力量不平衡等;纠正训练后可在缓解高校网球运动员肌肉紧张度、增强肌肉力量等方面取得了较好的效果。训练9周后,FMS评分从14.08±2.12提升到17.75±0.54,使用t检验P<0.05;左右不对称性也得到了改善,增强了弱侧链的肌肉力量与柔韧性,动作质量得到了极大提升。  相似文献   

通过对篮球爱好者进行功能性动作筛查,了解篮球爱好者的身体功能情况。根据功能性动作筛查结果设计功能性训练方案。经过12周功能训练,采用配对样本T检验和列联表分析法,对比功能训练前后篮球爱好者功能动作筛查得分和伤病变化。结果表明,篮球爱好者的身体功能动作筛查平均得分由13.27提高到15.47,伤病发生率显著下降,说明身体功能训练能够有效提高篮球爱好者的身体功能水平,降低篮球运动损伤的发生。  相似文献   

基本动作是运动表现金字塔最基本、最重要的根基,动作模式对完成动作的效率和专项技能有着重要影响,FMS筛查和YBT测试是功能动作系统的常用测试方法,是教练员把控运动员身体状态及调整和实施训练计划的重要依据,对运动员预防运动损伤、提高运动成绩有重要意义。该文以重庆市某羽毛球运动队运动员为测试对象(均为男性,n=16,年龄为15.88岁±1.21岁,所测对象均无身体疾病),进行FMS运动筛查和YBT测试,旨在为受试者的运动损伤风险评估提供理论依据。  相似文献   

The functional movement screen is developed to examine individuals’ movement patterns through 7 functional tasks. The purpose of this study was to identify the internal consistency and factor structure of the 7 tasks of the functional movement screen in elite athletes; 290 elite athletes from a variety of Chinese national teams were assessed using the functional movement screen. Cronbach’s alpha was calculated for the scores of the 7 tasks. Exploratory factor analysis was performed to explore the factor structure of the functional movement screen. The mean and standard deviation of the sum score were 15.2 ± 3.0. A low Cronbach’s alpha (0.58) was found for the scores of the 7 tasks. Exploratory factor analysis extracted 2 factors with eigenvalues greater than 1, and these 2 factors explained 47.3% of the total variance. The first factor had a high loading on the rotatory stability (loading = 0.99) and low loadings on the other 6 tasks (loading range: 0.04–0.34). The second factor had high loadings on the deep squat, hurdle step and inline lunge (loading range: 0.46–0.61) and low loadings on the other 3 tasks (loading range: 0.12–0.32). The 7 tasks of the functional movement screen had low internal consistency and were not indicators of a single factor. Evidence for unidimensionality was not found for the functional movement screen in elite athletes. More attention should be paid to the score of each task rather than the sum score when we interpret the functional movement screen scores.  相似文献   

功能动作训练的重要意义在于优化人体各个动作模式、预防运动损伤、加强康复效果和质量、提高运动员的耐用性和延长运动寿命。在我国高水平运动训练前沿实践领域,现代动作科学理论与前沿方法的应用,正体现在我国多支顶级水平国家队常规系统的训练中,日益广泛和深入地实施功能动作训练,为运动队和运动员们创造超乎寻常的运动成绩,为他们备战2012年伦敦奥运会保驾护航。  相似文献   

The scoring scheme for the functional movement screen implicitly assumes that the factor structure is consistent, stable, and congruent across different populations. To determine if this is the case, we compared principal components analyses of three samples: a healthy, general population (n = 100), a group of varsity athletes (n = 101), and a group of firefighters (n = 397). The congruence of the principal components derived through these analyses were evaluated across all of the samples, using Tucker’s congruence coefficient. Factor extraction was guided by parallel analyses, and interpretation was facilitated by Varimax rotation. We observed factor instability, low factor congruence, and inconsistent factor structure. Additionally, we observed a two-factor structure of the functional movement screen in all of our sample groups. These analyses suggest that, although the independent elements of the functional movement screen may continue to be used, use of the composite score is not supported by the factor structure of the measure.  相似文献   

Fatigue protocols have been used over the years to examine muscular exhaustion. As an alternative to approaches in laboratory settings, functional agility protocols claiming to mimic the multifaceted loads of athletic activity have been proposed. This study aimed to examine the effects of a functional agility short-term fatigue protocol (FAST-FP) on neuromuscular function. Twenty-eight healthy sports students (15 males, aged 24.3 ± 2.4 years) completed the FAST-FP, which consists of four components: three counter-movement jumps (90% of individual maximum), a 20-s bout of step-ups, three bodyweight squats and an agility run. Tasks were repeated until the participants no longer achieved the required jump height in two consecutive sets. Outcomes (pre-post) encompassed subjective exhaustion (visual analogue scale [VAS]), maximum isometric voluntary force of the knee extensors (MIVF), reactive strength index (RSI), mean power frequency (MPF, measured using surface electromyography) and maximum knee range of motion (ROM). Post-intervention, VAS (+54 mm) increased significantly, while MIVF (–6.1%), RSI (–10.7%) and MPF (–4.1%) were reduced (p < 0.05). No changes were observed for ROM (p > 0.05). The FAST-FP induces small-to-moderate impairments in neuromuscular function and considerable self-perceived fatigue. Current evidence on exhaustion developing in team sports suggests that this magnitude of fatigue is similar. The protocol might thus be valuable in the evaluation of treatments counteracting post-match fatigue in team sports.  相似文献   

Based on literature identifying movement imagery, observation, and execution to elicit similar areas of neural activity, research has demonstrated that movement imagery and observation successfully prime movement execution. To investigate whether movement and observation could prime ease of imaging from an external visual-imagery perspective, an internal visual-imagery perspective, and kinesthetic modality, 36 participants (M age = 20.58; SD = 3.11; 18 women and 18 men) completed an adapted version of the Movement Imagery Questionnaire-Revised under four modes of delivery (movement prime, external observation prime, internal observation prime, and image-only). The results revealed that ease of imaging was significantly greater during the movement and observation prime conditions compared to the image-only condition (p < .05). Specifically when priming external visual imagery and internal visual imagery, observation facilitated ease of imaging only when the perspective was congruent with the imagery perspective. The results support the use of movement and observation to facilitate ease of imaging, but highlight the importance of considering the visual perspective when using observation.  相似文献   

This study aimed to investigate the independent and combined associations between several fatness indicators and fitness components with functional movement quality in overweight/obese children. A total of 56 children (33 girls, aged 8–12) classified as overweight/obese according to the World Obesity Federation standard cut points, participated in this study. Participants underwent assessments of fatness [body mass index (BMI), waist circumference, and bioelectrical impedance measures], fitness [1 repetition maximum bench and leg press, and ALPHA test battery], and functional movement quality [4 tests from Functional Movement Screen TM (FMS)]. All fatness outcomes, except waist circumference, were negatively associated with total FMS score, after controlling for cardiorespiratory fitness. Cardiorespiratory fitness, lower limbs muscle strength, and speed-agility were positively associated with the total FMS score, regardless of BMI. Our results suggest that children with greater fatness indicators demonstrate lower functional movement quality independently of their fitness level, whereas children with better fitness level (i.e. cardiorespiratory fitness, lower limbs muscular strength, and speed-agility) demonstrate greater functional movement quality independently of their fatness level. However, children´s weight status seems to be more determinant than their fitness level in terms of functional movement quality, whereas being fit seems to moderately attenuate the negative influence of fatness.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine relationships between functional movement screen scores, maturation and physical performance in young soccer players. Thirty males (11–16 years) were assessed for maturation, functional movement screen scores and a range of physical performance tests (squat jump, reactive strength index protocol and reactive agility cut). Older players significantly outperformed younger participants in all tests (P < 0.05; effect sizes = 1.25–3.40). Deep overhead squat, in-line lunge, active straight leg raise and rotary stability test were significantly correlated to all performance tests. In-line lunge performance explained the greatest variance in reactive strength index (adjusted R2 = 47%) and reactive agility cut (adjusted R2 = 38%) performance, whilst maturation was the strongest predictor of squat jump performance (adjusted R2 = 46%). This study demonstrated that variation of physical performance in youth soccer players could be explained by a combination of both functional movement screen scores and maturation.  相似文献   

Sporting performance is often investigated through graphical observation of key technical variables that are representative of whole movements. The presence of differences between athletes in such variables has led to terms such as movement signatures being used. These signatures can be multivariate (multiple time-series observed concurrently), and also be composed of variables measured relative to different scales. Analytical techniques from areas of statistics such as Functional Data Analysis (FDA) present a practical alternative for analysing multivariate signatures. When applied to concurrent bivariate time-series multivariate functional principal components analysis (referred to as bivariate fPCA or bfPCA in this paper) has demonstrated preliminary application in biomechanical contexts. Despite this, given the infancy of bfPCA in sports biomechanics there are still necessary considerations for its use with non-conventional or complex bivariate structures. This paper focuses on the application of bfPCA to the force-angle graph in on-water rowing, which is a bivariate structure composed of variables with different units. A normalisation approach is proposed to investigate and standardise differences in variability between the two variables. The results of bfPCA applied to the non-normalised data and normalised data are then compared. Considerations and recommendations for the application of bfPCA in this context are also provided.  相似文献   

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