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Critical thinking pedagogy offers a supportive environment for teaching ethics in the professional communication classroom. Four important aspects of critical thinking which particularly encourage ethical thought and behavior are identifying and questioning assumptions, seeking a multiplicity of voices and alternatives on a subject, making connections, and fostering active involvement. Focusing on these behaviors allows an ongoing incorporation of ethics into many different aspects of the classroom.  相似文献   

蓝文桥 《天津教育》2021,(9):116-117
立足语文学科的核心素养,构建群文阅读课堂,教师要为学生的发展服务,要在学生的内心构建起道德标准,使其真正融入课堂中,思想跟随文本内容而迁移,养成良好的思想道德品质和思维习惯。具体的语文群文阅读教学中,教师可以从自主讲述文本内容、联想思考和审美评判等方面展开课程教学活动,从而提升学生的语文素养。  相似文献   

赵坤 《成才之路》2020,(1):16-17
文章简述体验式教学在道德与法治课堂实施的重要性,分析体验式教学在道德与法治课堂存在的问题,并从从传统式教学过渡到体验式教学、提高教师的综合素质和能力、贴近生活实际开展体验式教学、完善体验式教学的多元化评价体系等方面,对体验式教学在道德与法治课堂的应用策略进行探讨。  相似文献   

职业道德教育的中外比较研究及启示   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
本文从职业道德的含义和职业道德的指导思想、教学形式、课堂内容等方面对中外职业道德教育进行了比较研究,并以案例的形式强调了中外职业道德教育内容的差异。通过比较研究,提出当前我国职业道德教育亟待解决两个问题:选择恰当的方式对学生进行职业道德灌输,培养学生的职业道德价值观和职业道德推理能力。  相似文献   

The Trolley Problem as defined in this paper is a series, or continuation, of increasingly difficult ethical riddles successfully implemented in a classroom environment to spur complex, critical thinking and dialogue. The activity is designed upon the scenario of a runaway train with different and challenging choices, segueing neatly into group discussions of ethics while limiting potential disruptions or controversies. It fits nicely with multiple standards, goals and/or outcomes and can be accommodated to multiple grade levels and courses. It is a powerful, yet easily implemented classroom exercise for educators to develop higher order thinking and dialogue for their students.  相似文献   

This paper reviews three pioneer programs that attempt to integrate genetic science and ethics in the classroom. The critical discussion focuses on what counts for ethics in each of these programs, on the corresponding theoretical framework represented in each, and on the success of each program in integrating science and ethics. It concludes by suggesting that the basic goal of integrating science and ethics is undermined in each program by a lack of correspondence between the articulated pedagogical goals and the unarticulated theoretical framework. In each case the unexamined framework gives epistemological privilege to science and undercuts the veracity of ethics. The constructive discussion suggests a theoretical framework that corresponds with the pedagogical goal of integrating ethics and genetic science in the classroom.  相似文献   

This article is a case study of the thinking and actions of Mr. Corrigan, an experienced high school chemistry teacher. We explored Corrigan's ideas on teaching science by conducting two types of interviews, and wrote a case summary for Corrigan to read that compared his ideas with our classroom observations. We described his practice as centering on structured classroom and laboratory time, and contrasted it with his emphasis on students' exploratory thinking in the interviews. Corrigan's reflections on the case summary revealed a set of tacit conceptions of teaching science centered on the necessity of having a highly organized classroom and laboratory to ensure students' content understanding and success on tests and in college. We felt Corrigan faced a dilemma in that he values both his control of learning activities and the students' learning through exploration. Corrigan was confident in his practice and did not see much of a dilemma, and felt he was attending to both aspects of his thinking in an adequate fashion. Corrigan's reflections on the case summary are presented as a commentary on our perspective of the relationship between his thinking and actions. Working with Corrigan revealed to us the complexity of characterizing a teacher's thinking and its relationship to actions, and the value of the insight researchers gain from discussing their conclusions with the teacher. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Res Sci Teach 34: 239–254, 1997.  相似文献   

A bstract .  Ethics penetrates every aspect of Western education. Many of its dominant narratives — education as salvation, as progress, as panacea, and as liberation, for example — are infused with the ethical. Educators are compelled by ethical callings; in fact, education as the call of the ethical informs the singular and collective identities of educators. In this essay, Aparna Mishra Tarc troubles the role of the ethics in Western education using Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak's deconstruction of the ethical in philosophy. Spivak's deconstruction reveals how an ethics based in one's idea of what the Other is and should be violates the uniqueness of Others. Spivak challenges educators to examine vigilantly the ethico-political assumptions and discourses underlying ethical acts in the classroom. Drawing on the writings of Emmanuel Levinas, mediated by the thinking of Jacques Derrida, Spivak re-imagines ethics apart from — and as a part of — its metaphysical heritage. Tarc discusses aspects of Spivak's vision for an education borne out of ethical singularity as hearing and responding to the Other's call. Finally, she explores its implications for how one might begin to respond justly to the conditions of others within and alongside of one's own intellectual and pedagogical engagements.  相似文献   

要提高文学概论课程的教学质量,必须注意教学方法的改革与更新。文学概论课程的教学思维方式应是理论逻辑思维、文学形象思维和教学思维等三个维度的有机统一。教学思维方式的转换必然带来教学方法多样化运用的结果,从而改变传统的单一教学模式和教学方法。应根据教与学双方的实际来选取和运用切实可行的教学方法,为文学概论课程教学寻找到最佳途径和最佳方式。  相似文献   

课堂沉默现象越来越受到学界的关注。虽然高中英语教师在课堂教学中尽力采用任务型、启发式教学,但是相当多的学生仍然是问而不答、启而不发。文章基于课堂沉默的溯源研究,从教师课堂霸权、应试教育和传统文化视角探析高中学生英语课堂沉默的原因,旨在重构和谐课堂,回归生态课堂,倡导合作学习课堂。  相似文献   

This study investigated professional thinking about pedagogical aspects of technology use in mainstream classroom practice. It focuses on the systems of ideas which frame teacher accounts of the successful use of computer-based tools and resources in the core subjects of English, Mathematics and Science at secondary-school level. These accounts were elicited through group interviews with the relevant subject departments in six secondary schools in England. The analysis identifies seven broad themes in which teachers point to the contribution of technology use in: effecting working processes and improving production; supporting processes of checking, trialling and refinement; enhancing the variety and appeal of classroom activity; fostering pupil independence and peer support; overcoming pupil difficulties and building assurance; broadening reference and increasing currency of activity; and focusing on overarching issues and accentuating important features. Further examination of these themes shows how professional thinking about technology use is anchored in well-established representations of pupil motivation and classroom learning, and how contrasting subject profiles reflect corresponding differences in wider subject cultures.  相似文献   

马丁的评价理论是对功能语言学理论的延伸和补充,态度系统是该理论的核心。文章以态度系统为根据,从情感、判断、鉴赏三个方面来探讨教师课堂用语。运用实例对大学英语课堂中教师课堂问候语、课堂指令语、课堂提问语、对学生回答的反馈语进行详细分析,提出了大学英语教学中教师灵活运用课堂用语的思路,以期促进教师更好地通过语言表达发挥课堂语境中的人际功能。  相似文献   

新形势下课堂教学的改革创新,应渗透人文修养教育于传统方式的教学形式,使学生在获得知识技能的同时,获得人文素养的熏陶。文章探讨了人文修养与课堂教学的关系。学生在自然课堂的学习中,如果能够与人文修养相结合,将会起到相互促进的作用。学生能够拥有历史责任感及科学道德,能够以德立身,同时获得人文修养的美感体验。人文修养具有独特的魅力,人文哲学能够更好地指引科学思考,促进自然科学的创新。  相似文献   

The purpose of the Taking Design Thinking to Schools Research Project was to extend the knowledge base that contributes to an improved understanding of the role of design thinking in K‐12 classrooms. The ethnographic qualitative study focused on the implementation of an interdisciplinary design curriculum by a team of university instructors in a public charter school. Three questions framed the study. How did students express their understanding of design thinking classroom activities? How did affective elements impact design thinking in the classroom environment? How is design thinking connected to academic standards and content learning in the classroom?  相似文献   

结合社区体育工作的特点,论述社区社会体育指导员在政治思想、法律意识、职业道德、知识结构、能力结构等素质方面要求。  相似文献   

“探索——发现”数学课堂教学模式主要是指在数学课堂教学中,以问题为中心、以教材内容为素材、以思维训练为主线的课堂教学结构。本文从教育心理学等方面对这一模式的理论依据进行了论述,同时,对这种教学模式的运用从四个方面进行了探讨。  相似文献   

电子白板教学的局限性   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
针对目前电子白板在学校的课堂教学中大规模推广的实际情况,提出应该理性对待采购和应用的问题,并从交互性、信息量计算、思维训练和人文精神等几个方面对电子白板在课堂教学中表现出的教学非适应性进行分析。从本质上说,任何教育装备都存在教学的适应和不适应两方面的性质,对电子白板进行分析的目的是希望用户根据学科和学生特点来科学地选择这一教育装备,避免不理性的跟进而人为地造成浪费。  相似文献   

结合社区体育工作的特点,论述社区社会体育指导员在政治思想、法律意识、职业道德、知识结构、能力结构等素质方面要求。  相似文献   

网络以其独特的方式影响着社会的各个方面和领域,高校大学生更是深受其影响。网络在改变着大学生学习、思维和生活模式的同时,也影响到了大学生的道德意识生成。文章从网络道德的特点出发,分析了网络对大学生道德意识的影响尤其是负面影响,进而探讨了培养大学生网络道德的主要途径。  相似文献   

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