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The study was designed to determine whether outer-directedness, measured by glances at E during object assembly tasks administered according to the Turnure and Zigler (1964) procedure, predicts changes in preschoolers' Binet IQs over 6 months. With MA as a covariate to control for the small but significant relationship betweeen glances and developmental level, an ANOCOVA showed a significant interaction resulting from increases in the IQs of non-outer-directed Ss and declines in the IQs of outer-directed Ss. Glances at E's puzzle while S assembled his own were unrelated to glances at E or to IQ changes, but, unlike glances at E, were significantly related to improvements in performance from puzzle 1 to puzzle 2.  相似文献   

在李白身上,充满着强烈的事功精神,一生渴望建立不世之功业。李白常以那些因特殊机缘得以施展才干、建树奇勋的历史人物自比,欲重寻他们成功的途径,设想由布衣直致卿相。然而,综观李白的从政历程,他却屡遭挫折,政治上一无所成。但是,李白对自己理想的追求则表现出一种顽强而执着的精神。  相似文献   

李商隐诗歌因其诗风诗境和抒发的思想情感的独特性,形成了古典文学研究中少有的李商隐现象。刘学锴、余恕诚编撰的《李商隐诗歌集解》对李商隐的诗歌进行了成功的解读,成就巨大。该著作所蕴含的注释思想主要有:第一,诗文史整体通观,知人论世;第二,以意逆志,历史还原中以人为本;第三,高屋建瓴,融通各种分歧见解;第四,基于时代,提升诗歌思想艺术境界;第五,面向读者,兼顾普及与提高。这五个方面形成一个严密的系统,通过注释者辛勤而创造性的工作,沟通了作者、文本和一般读者,连接起了历史和现实,并向未来进一步开放,最终实现了注释的目的和文学的价值。  相似文献   

儒学重在建设而不在于批判,但前提是对其要有清醒的了解。李泽厚通过对现代新儒家的解读,指出其核心之误是以道德代政治,文章对此进行了梳理。在李泽厚思想的多种面相中,儒学是其底色和基本面,与其说他是新康德主义者、自由主义者等等,不如视为新儒家更为准确和实在。  相似文献   

An N of 105 fifth and sixth grade Ss was randomly assigned to one of three groups: high level questioning (HQ), low level questioning (LQ), or control (C). Instructionally, the geographical themes for HQ and LQ were identical. However, in implementing instruction, higher (than recall) questions were predominately employed in the HQ and low level questions prevailed for LQ. Observers monitored the number and nature of the student responses to the questions. Analyses of variance indicated that HQ and LQ outperformed C Ss in terms of low as well as high level achievement for both post- and retention test situations (p < .01). The results, when compared to a previous study by the investigator, indicate the instructional importance of considering not only the level of questions posed but also the level of student involvement with those questions, as reflected in the response patterns.  相似文献   

李侗作为北宋时期著名的思想家,其思想体系蕴含丰富的教育内容。然而李侗生前隐居山野,并无著书立说,其学生朱熹编撰的《李延平集》以及后人编撰的其他书目收入了他的传记、书信、答问及诗歌等,成为今日探讨李侗教育思想的原始素材。李侗的教育思想可归纳为学习目的、学习态度、学习方法、教育方法、道德修养方法等五个方面,其对名利的淡泊,学术态度的严谨,学习方法的朴实与科学,道德修养的内省,融洽的师生关系及高风亮节的师德风范至今仍具有一定的时代意义,值得今人领悟、学习和借鉴。  相似文献   

在人的精神素质建设和社会人丈精神建设过程中,进一步了解和认识代表了盛唐时代风格和人类积极向上健康精神追求的大诗人李白,对丰富人们的精神世界、滋养心灵大有裨益。本文着眼于人生价值和人与社会的关系,以今人眼光并结合历史实际对李白其诗其人从七个方面进行了简要正面分析,意在匡正李白研究中业已出现的戏说、调侃倾向,同时也为李白研究这一急需加强的学术工程添砖加瓦。  相似文献   

This longitudinal study used piece-wise growth curve analyses to examine growth patterns in oral reading fluency for 1,991 students with speech impairments (SI) or language impairments (LI) from first through third grade. The main finding of this study was that a diagnosis of SI or LI can have a detrimental and persistent effect on early reading skills. Results indicated differences between subgroups in growth trajectories that were evident in first grade. A large proportion of students with SI or LI did not meet grade-level reading fluency benchmarks. Overall students with SI showed better performance than students with LI. Reading fluency performance was negatively related to the persistence of the SI or LI; the lowest performing students were those originally identified with SI or LI whose diagnosis changed to a learning disability. The results underscore the need to identify, monitor, and address reading fluency difficulties early among students with SI or LI.  相似文献   

通过《四阿含》中佛的教说与《转法轮》中李洪志邪说的多视角的比较研究,无可辨驳地断定:“世尊为法本,世尊为法主,法由世尊。”而李洪志却极力贬斥佛陀,诽谤佛法,大肆鼓吹“邪法”、“邪道”、“邪业”,无疑是“恶轮坏法轮”。因而,李洪志冒称的“法轮大法是佛家八万四千法门中的一法门”,不过是货真价实的邪教之一法门。  相似文献   

李商隐及其诗文研究在宋元明三代几百年间备受冷落和鄙视。但到了清代却出现了一个长达200多年的李商隐研究热潮,研究内容既有对李商隐生平经历和政治归属的考证,又有对其诗文的年系考辨、笺注、解说与评点,还有对其无题诗、锦瑟等作品进行新的诠释。研究者众多,著作迭出,成果丰硕,使李商隐及其作品的价值得到广泛的认可。对清代李商隐及其作品研究进行梳理、总结,有利于我们对其研究的总体把握,为后来学者提供有益启示。  相似文献   

为了利用小波压缩图像的残留冗余减小其经过衰落信道造成的传输错误,并针对直接利用场模型描述残留冗余概率结构带来的较高计算复杂度,提出了一种简化的残留冗余统计模型和低复杂度的信源信道联合译码方法.小波压缩图像的复杂残留冗余统计模型被简化成多个独立的一维Markov链构成的统计校验方程,并被看作是一种具有类似于LDPC码结构的天然信道编码,在此基础上设计出一种并行的和积迭代联合译码算法.仿真显示该联合译码算法既可以充分利用多个方向的残留冗余进行纠错,提高重建图像的PSNR,又可以减小联合译码的复杂度和延时,并且在同样的数据传输率下,比利用算术码的传统分离编码系统鲁棒性更好.  相似文献   

The study was conducted to determine if students graded by the contract method (experimental group) would retain, for a 5-week period, the knowledge level possessed at the end of a 9-session venereal disease unit and if the contract students would retain as much, or more, knowledge than students graded by the traditional method (control group) . Ss for the grade contract group (n = 27) were drawn from two junior high school health classes and Ss for the traditional grading group ( n = 30) were drawn from two other health classes. Results of the ANOVA tests conducted at the .05 alpha level indicated that 1.) the grade contract students, as well as the traditional grading students, retained the knowledge level possessed at the end of the unit, and that 2.) the contract students did not retain any more, or less, knowledge than the traditional grading students.  相似文献   

李一氓生先是20世纪后期中国古籍整理事业的一位卓越的组织和领导,他在古籍整理方面的思想成果极为丰厚。他把古籍整理视为中华民族特有的精神生产,并对古籍整理的下限、整理重点和先后缓急、新领域的开拓等若干理论和实践问题作了大量探索。在古籍整理的手段与方法,既重视前人的基本路数,又强调并及时总结新的途径。他强调古籍整理要有研究成果,整理的最终目的,是要研究和总结出有关的科学概论。  相似文献   

唐人李善、李邕父子籍贯一直存在异说。两《唐书》说李善父子是江都人,后人多从此说。而与李邕同时的李白、杜甫、颜真卿等人则称“江夏李邕”。据李邕及其家族墓志铭,李善父子实为唐代江夏(今属湖北咸宁)人。其世系亦历历可考。  相似文献   

李白故里的人民为李白而骄傲和自豪,千余年来对李白十分崇敬,为了表达对李白的崇敬之情,修祠堂、塑金身、行祭典、办庙会、讲故事、演戏曲……积淀成了深厚的李白非物质文化。李白非物质文化遗产具有历史传承价值、科学认识价值、审美艺术价值和潜在的经济价值,是中华民族宝贵的文化遗产,也是江油人民的宝贵财富,千年难得。"5.12"大地震中李白非物质文化遗产遭受不同程度的破坏。地震后,河南援建李白故居,文物修缮全面完工。随着工业设施、道路桥梁、民房民居灾后重建如火如荼地展开、竣工,笔者希望李白非物质文化遗产灾后重建能够引起足够重视,在建设物质家园的同时,将江油精神家园也建设起来。  相似文献   

李白诗歌的魅力在于气象不凡。他的诗感情奔放、气势恢宏,极具感人的力量;他的诗意象奇特、境界超凡,给人以独特的审美享受。  相似文献   

We report results from 2 language‐based processing tasks designed to investigate the performance of linguistically diverse learners. The tasks were the Competing Language Processing Task (CLPT) and Non‐Word Repetition (NWR). Participants were 100 school‐age children in 1 of 3 different experimental groups: monolingual English‐speaking children with specific or primary language impairment (LI), typical English‐only‐speaking children (EO), or typical Spanish–English bilingual children (BI). On both CLPT and NWR, EO group performance was best and LI group performance was poorest, with BI group performance falling in between. Likelihood ratios indicated that performance on these tasks does not provide compelling diagnostic power for separating typically developing bilinguals from monolingual children with LI. One exception is that children who obtained an NWR score of 93 percent or higher could be ruled out of the LI group with a high degree of confidence.  相似文献   

陈独秀和李大钊都没有参加党的“一大”,李大钊未能进入中央局,党内地位甚至一直低于他的学生张国焘,而陈独秀却能够当选为中央局书记。李大钊对马克思主义思想宣传重于组织建党的主观原因和“一大”前北方党组织未能大发展的客观状况决定了他不可能进入“一大”中央局。“一大”前陈独秀重视组织建党并取得巨大成就是其没有参加“一大”却能够当选为中央局书记的原因。  相似文献   

基于政治上的原因,陈独秀教育思想具有鲜明的时代性和革命性,他提出改造国民性,发展个性,提倡启发式教学,开拓了教育理论,对当时的教育改革起了一定的促进作用,但他进行教育改革有过激的一面,必须辩证地看待。  相似文献   

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