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以"核心素养"为导向的课程教学是信息时代课程改革的出发点和归宿,以"乘务言语与沟通"课程为例,高职人才培养模式应从"能力本位"转为"素养本位",从传统的知识灌输走向自主探究,从机械的业务操练走向真实的情境体验,同时应重视生活实践经验与岗位职业能力之间的迁移。利用职业教育丰富的教学资源为学生创设语用情境,指导学生使用更多元的视角解决问题,使学生能够活学活用,发展受益终身的核心素养。  相似文献   

依标命题,是科学评价学业水平,发展核心素养、推动“双减”落地的重要手段.依标命题,改变了过去的命题方式,从双向细目表走向多维细目表,从学科情境走向真实情境,从能力立意走向素养立意,使考试真正成为教学诊断,促进教学发展的评价工具.  相似文献   

<正>基于核心素养指引,教师开始思考改变传统的教育教学理念,认真对核心素养下学生能力培养要求进行深度学习领会。由此,初中美术课程开始从传统学科本位与知识本位转变为素养本位。美术学科核心素养是基于美术学科而形成,以使学生具备相应的素养和能力面对并解决各项问题,追求丰富的精神情感体验。而创建良好的美术教学情境,更有利于形成生动的课堂氛围,促使美术教学向更科学和高效的方向发展。对此,从国内外关于核心素养和美术情境教学的研究着手,提出了初中美术教学情境创设的要点,最后再以实际的教学实践过程对情境创设在课堂教学中的有效性进行了详细分析。  相似文献   

费浩芳 《现代教育》2023,(8):17-22+33
语文核心素养为本的单元统整教学,旨在通过情境任务、活动实践和动态评价等支架搭建,探寻单元课文最优化进阶融通式实施路径。本文以统编五年级下册第七单元统整中单篇课文教学设计为例,通过“单元解构·情境创生:从‘孤立’走向‘融合’,指向关键能力培养”“活动开发·任务赋能:从‘知识’走向‘素养’,亲历实践过程转化”和“评价分析·证据设计:从‘学习’走向‘学评’,诊断核心素养达成”三条路径,通过梳理单元语文要素逻辑线、编织学习实践进阶网、创设情境支架任务轴、构建动态化评价链等策略,展开单元视域下描写类单篇课文的实践路径探究,从而达成语文核心素养培养的目标。  相似文献   

基于核心素养的新课程改革提倡从大概念视角分析教学内容,实现由“知识本位”向“素养本位”的转化。大概念教学以单元教学为基点,在大单元教学背景下,教育评价亟待转变传统纸笔测验的评价,转而推行表现性评价。在高中思想政治课中开展大单元视域下的表现性评价符合素养导向逻辑、知识整合逻辑、评价反馈逻辑;体现以素养本位提升教学整体站位、以评促教推动教学评一体化、由虚到实指向真实情境三个方面的价值意蕴。开展大单元视域下高中思想政治课表现性评价需要从评价目标、表现性任务、评分规则三个方面入手,将表现性评价嵌入课程与教学,充分利用学生素养表现信息促进“教—学—评”一体化发展。  相似文献   

"核心素养时代"的学习应该是学生个体发生真实的、深度的学习。教育部2017年版《高中历史课程标准》在实施建议中明确指出,"要实现基于历史学科核心素养的教学,教师须确立新的认知观、教学观和评价观,从知识本位转变为素养本位,努力将学生对知识的学习过程转化为发展核心素养的过程"。[1]因此,指向核心素养的高中历史教学,要求教师"通过对课程内容的整合,引导学生深度学习,促进学生带着问题意识和证据意识在新情境下对历史进行探索,拓展其历史认识的广度和深度"。  相似文献   

议题式教学是高中思想政治课教学的一种教学设计形式,是落实高中思想政治学科核心素养的重要抓手。议题式教学从关键问题出发,培育学生问题探究意识,并基于教学情境,发挥学生能动性,引导学生剖析议题的命理脉络,围绕核心概念分解教学内容,是培育学生学科核心素养的重要途径。发挥议题式教学的重要作用,要采用正确的教学评价手段,以学科知识的超越性、教师自身思维的辩证性与教师评价素养的多元性为基点,发挥议题式教学的多向反馈作用,助力学生完成学科学习任务,促进学生学科核心素养培育。  相似文献   

研制以核心素养为导向的学业质量标准是《义务教育生物学课程标准(2022年版)》重大突破之一,对教学具有导向作用。义务教育生物学新学业质量标准的教学导向包括:从“三维目标”走向“核心素养”;从“知识理解”走向“知识运用”;从“能力提升”走向“综合发展”;从“坐而论道”走向“实践育人”;从“封闭情境”走向“开放情境”。  相似文献   

培育学生的核心素养,促进人的全面发展是教育改革的发展方向。政治学科的核心素养包括政治认同、理性精神、法治意识和公共参与。在《认识人生意义》一课的教学中,教师可通过主题式教学,从明确素养,构建教学设计;创设情境,开展课堂教学;引出话题,生发教学思考;修改评价,完善教学评价四个方面来促进学生政治核心素养的发展。  相似文献   

当前的课程改革强调从知识学习向素养进阶的转换,真实情境是以素养为本的教学的必备要素。真实情境可以引领学习从游离走向沉浸,促进学习从封闭走向开放,实现学习从碎片走向整体,助推学习从离身走向具身。真实情境的设计路径应从链接生活实践,设计生活体验情境;依托数学实验,设计思维挑战情境;跨界主题融通,设计综合实践情境三个维度展开,以此助推学生数学核心素养的生长。  相似文献   

Teaching is an increasingly recognized responsibility of the resident physician. Residents, however, often assume teaching responsibilities without adequate preparation. Consequently, many medical schools have implemented student‐as‐teacher (SAT) programs that provide near‐peer teaching opportunities to senior medical students. Near‐peer teaching is widely regarded as an effective teaching modality; however, whether near‐peer teaching experiences in medical school prepare students for the teaching demands of residency is less understood. We explored whether the anatomy‐based SAT program through the Human Structure didactic block at Mayo Medical School addressed the core teaching competencies of a medical educator and prepared its participants for further teaching roles in their medical careers. A web‐based survey was sent to all teaching assistants in the anatomy‐based SAT program over the past five years (2007–2011). Survey questions were constructed based on previously published competencies in seven teaching domains – course development, course organization, teaching execution, student coaching, student assessment, teacher evaluation, and scholarship. Results of the survey indicate that participants in the anatomy‐based SAT program achieved core competencies of a medical educator and felt prepared for the teaching demands of residency. Anat Sci Educ 6: 385–392. © 2013 American Association of Anatomists.  相似文献   

核心素养引领课堂教学最基本的路径就是以核心素养为导向进行教学设计,基于数学核心素养的教学设计有助于数学课堂教学在教学理念、教学模式等方面发生转变.以人教A版必修五第二章第四节"等比数列"的教学设计为例,从教学目标、教学流程、教学检测三方面呈现等比数列通项公式等相关知识内化为学生数学核心素养的过程与方法.  相似文献   

深度学习的课堂教学是培养高职学生核心素养的重要途径,基于UbD模板的机制专业课堂教学设计案例,通过基本问题设计、表现性任务设计、教学活动安排将学生的能力训练、测评明确指向核心素养培养,是一种以教学目标为设计起点,而非教学内容为起点的逆向教学设计,其将课堂教学的重点从教材知识和技能的传递转向对知识的运用、分析、综合与评价的深度学习,对以学生为中心的教学改革具有实质性的指导作用。  相似文献   

This paper presents a framework for developing pre‐service teachers’ competencies in using technologies to enhance teaching and learning. It focuses on building the capacity of teacher education institutions (TEI) based on six strategic dimensions: (1) vision and philosophy; (2) program; (3) professional learning of deans, teacher educators and support staff; (4) ICT plan, infrastructure, resources and support; (5) communications and partnerships; and (6) research and evaluation. This paper describes each of these six strategic dimensions and synthesizes these in the overall framework for developing pre‐service teachers’ competencies in generating technology‐enhanced teaching and learning.  相似文献   

To conduct evaluations that can benefit individual programs as well as the field as a whole, environmental educators must have the necessary evaluation competencies. This exploratory study was conducted to determine to what extent a self‐directed learning resource entitled My Environmental Education Evaluation Resource Assistant (MEERA) can enhance environmental educators' evaluation competencies. The multiple case studies relied on data from eight environmental educators with limited evaluation experience who used MEERA to evaluate one of their programs. Results suggest that MEERA can (1) increase environmental educators' perceived evaluation competencies, (2) help environmental educators produce quality evaluation outputs, and (3) foster their use of evaluation results. Perceived benefits of using MEERA included obtaining evidence of program success, insights into how to improve programs, and alternative ways of thinking about programs. Perceived challenges included varying difficulties with evaluation tasks such as prioritizing evaluation questions and designing data collection instruments and, in line with this, desiring personal expert assistance for context‐specific advice and reassurance. This research contributes to expanding understanding of how to enhance environmental educators' evaluation competencies and practices.  相似文献   

This study was carried out in the framework of continuous professional development (CPD) programmes following a CPD model aimed at promoting ‘accomplished practice’ involving: pedagogical knowledge, content knowledge, pedagogical content knowledge and scholarship of teaching. Teachers were asked to bring evidence about their practice. The context was related to the ‘Learning Skills for Science’ (LSS) programme, which advocates the explicit incorporation of high‐order learning skills into science school curricula. The main goal of the study was to test the evidence‐based LSS CPD model by investigating the impact of its related CPD programmes on participating teachers. The impact relates to teachers’ perceptions about teaching learning skills, teachers’ LSS practice, and their professional influence in the educational system. As part of the evaluation method, we developed a criterion‐based diagnostic tool and a visual representation, designed to assess a teacher’s professional profile and progression according to dimensions of ‘accomplished practice’. The diagnostic tool can be adjusted and tailored to different CPD domains. Results indicated that requiring teachers to bring evidence from practice and students’ learning enabled us to follow teachers’ progress and succeeded to improve their performances towards accomplished LSS practice. The results exemplify a synergy between CPD designed activities and the ongoing evaluation of its impact.  相似文献   

This study describes an approach to learning and teaching that is structured as a project‐based context‐driven inquiry. The approach is positioned at the interface between knowledge‐generation and use, and grounded in a generic notion of responsibility for the future of bodily life. The intention is to move the debate beyond the exhausted language of rigid oppositions between the academic and vocational, the universal and contextual. The purpose is to identify and nurture a personal portfolio of competencies responding to the contemporary material condition of humanity. It is expressed in terms of the student's learning power, a manifold of new assessment criteria and methodological steps constitutive of what a student could achieve having progressed through a given course. This is an approach in which competencies are outcomes supported rather than led by subject knowledge. The course structure combines traditional instruction with innovative project and assessment components and also provides an opportunity for the student to get acquainted with an employment niche. The practical applications of this approach at university and secondary‐school levels have led to encouraging results for both staff and learners.  相似文献   

《Cultura y Educación》2013,25(3):329-344

Recently the educational system in general, and the university in particular, have suffered a transformation in the way learning, teaching, and subsequently, evaluation are considered due to changes in the European context, including the Bologna Declaration and the constructivist view of learning. There are several adjustments required to implement successfully traditional university teaching practices, such as the use of new technologies in teaching, new ways of tutoring, different groupings, the teaching of competencies and social skills, and, as a result, new forms of evaluation, which constitute the object of this paper. Thus, we show an objective alternative —or complement—to traditional evaluation: a very exhaustive tool for evaluating oral and written presentations which includes four sections: general aspects, contents, questions concerning design and layout, and psychological aspects concerning general competencies. Throughout the paper, the constructivist notions of learning, teaching and evaluation are substantiated and validated with the use of this tool for group or individual presentations or end-of-degree dissertations.  相似文献   

Dealing with ethnic and linguistic diversity is one of the major challenges in today’s education. Therefore, the formulation of competencies for teachers and teacher training should take into account the specific requirements of teaching in multicultural schools. In 2002, a series of small‐scale studies were conducted to identify and formulate teachers’ communicative competencies in multicultural classes through a mixture of instruments and data sources. The studies aimed at providing recommendations for improving these competencies through teacher education and professional development. This study reports on the multiple instruments used to study the practical knowledge and behaviour of experienced teachers in multicultural schools by discussing research evidence from a series of case studies from primary and secondary education. These case studies explored teachers’ knowledge, beliefs and behaviours in creating healthy teacher–student relationships as well as making lesson content accessible for all students, including students with limited language skills. The findings show how small‐scale studies with multiple data collection techniques can help in providing an empirical foundation for the formulation and specification of teacher competencies in multicultural settings. Based on our findings, we argue that by conducting multiple investigations in different settings, using a variety of instruments and by interpreting this data from different communicative domains, a valid, reliable and complete picture of teachers’ scientific competencies can be obtained.  相似文献   

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