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《广弘明集》十四句本多出之唯愿乘来生,怨亲同心朕二句可视为谢诗《宋书》本之佚文;《法苑珠林》舍身篇末之十六句颂文属于释道世本旧作而成新篇的文学创作,更多出之既知人我空,何愁心不谨二句有学者考证其为谢诗之佚文,实误。嵇公理既迫句顾绍柏《谢灵运集校注》沿袭黄节《谢康乐诗注》之误注,解嵇公为嵇绍,学界多受其误导。以内容逻辑与人名称谓而论,嵇公实为嵇康,理迫当解为好谈理而弊于理之窘迫境况。  相似文献   

《湛然居士文集》是元朝耶律楚材的诗文集,王国维在写作《耶律文正公年谱》的过程中,曾经对该文集的《四部丛刊》本进行批校,后又将《四部丛刊》本和渐西村舍刻本互校并将校注过录到渐西村舍刻本上,补逸诗、逸题、逸句。简要介绍赵万里曾过录王国维批校之渐西村舍刻本《湛然居士文集》。  相似文献   

高丽藏本《慧苑音义》作为《慧苑音义》的重要写本,是书征引《玉篇》凡106例,或用于释形,或用于释义,与宋本《玉篇》、《原本玉篇残卷》相较,三书有异同,比勘相异之处可以看到三书的失当之处。  相似文献   

近日,《康熙卢龙县志校注》出版发行。卢龙县曾是孤竹国都,勤劳智慧的卢龙人民创造了灿烂的孤竹文化。县志作为孤竹文化的重要载体,承载着卢龙历史文化信息,在研究、挖掘、传播孤竹文化中有着不可或缺的重要作用。《康熙卢龙县志校注》以清康熙十九年增刻本《卢龙县志》为蓝本,参以历代《永平  相似文献   

《冥报记》为唐朝初年唐临所撰,是一部鼓吹佛教因果报应的"辅教小说"。其成书时间史书无载,依书中所录故事,大致可推测为永徽年间(650-655)。岑仲勉先生考之为永徽四年(653)。《旧唐书》卷八十五《唐临传》云:"所撰《冥报记》二卷,大行于世。"《冥报记》成书不久,即有郎馀令之续书《冥报拾遗》问世。道世所撰《法苑珠林》  相似文献   

明代从事雕版印刷业的书工自署"吴郡"者,现有十二例,兹录下:1.吴郡金纯甫书见万历三十二年刻本《檀弓辑注》二卷;2.吴郡顾檈写见明刻本《增订史记纂》不分卷;3.吴郡顾檈书见万历十年刻本《管韩合刻》四十四卷;4.吴郡高洪写见万历三年刻本《国朝名世类苑》四十六卷;5.吴郡陈怡书见正德十年刻本《大唐六  相似文献   

本文通过《玉台新咏》赵氏覆宋本、明通行本与唐写本《玉台新咏》残卷对校研究,论证赵氏覆宋本与唐写本多合,说明赵氏覆宋本最合于徐陵旧貌。后世刻本均有改动,但明通行本改动多于赵氏本,其改动的依据主要来自《文选》,尤其是李善注本《文选》。  相似文献   

《毕注墨子》十六卷清毕沅校注日本天保六年(1835)灵岩山馆刻本五册书后有蜀人康氏墨笔题识,今录下: 日本天保六年翻刻中华经洲堂《毕注墨子》十六卷,此书为遵义黎莼斋氏所藏。黎氏晚清才智之士,珍藏倭刻古籍颇多,  相似文献   

笔者近来因校注《醒世姻缘传》,在搜索、对比该书的木刻本时,于2004年10月20日在北京大学图书馆意外发现一部未见于著录的本子,上有胡适先生的题记,并有数条批语。这部《醒世姻缘传》列于北京大学图书馆普通古籍目录中,判为同治庚午(1870)年刻本,24册4函。  相似文献   

日本米泽图书馆藏室町钞本、国立公文书馆藏庆长刊本《释氏要览》分别是目前所知三卷本系统《释氏要览》最早的写、刻本,一定程度上保存了旧本的原貌,校勘价值亦十分重要,皆为中华书局校注本所未利用。从卷末题记看,室町钞本可能是三卷本《释氏要览》的源头。  相似文献   

张炎 《晋图学刊》2010,(2):70-73
《续修四库全书总目提要》(稿本)是现存规模最大的古代文献解题目录。是书于兵乱之时成于众手,难免出现疏漏、讹误之处。本文即是针对其中著录的五百余条词籍提要的订正。  相似文献   

In this era of intense competition in medicine, it is essential for health sciences librarians to keep abreast of the new and varied socioeconomic influences in the medical environment. A list of socioeconomic resources is provided to help meet this objective. A citation analysis of the Socioeconomic Bibliographic Information (SIB) database was used as a selection criterion. An annotated list of ninety journals, newspapers, and newsletters is included, which provides title of publication, publisher, cost, index information, and special characteristics. In addition, publishers and associations that provide socioeconomic information are listed, and an annotated list of standard statistical resource books is given.  相似文献   


This article discusses research of initiatives and referendums in Arizona. A brief summary of the history of I&R in Arizona and an outline of the process is followed by an annotated list of some of the most relevant resources for those researching in the area.  相似文献   

孙微 《图书馆杂志》2008,27(4):72-74
清初张笃行所著<杜律注例>一书,是现存清代最早的杜诗注本,刊刻于顺治十六年(1659).该本无疑受到元明以来诗格著作的很大影响,但已经将繁琐的诗格大大精简,留其精华,对杜诗做了颇为详尽的分析.著者特别注意杜诗联章组诗之间的关系,指出组诗在章法上的整体性,反对明代选家对组诗的任意割裂,具有独到的目光,确为杜诗学史上的一大进步.  相似文献   


Academic libraries are at a crossroads, facing increasing competition from other student services within their institutions and from commercial entities that duplicate their services. Examining some broader trends in education leads to suggestions as to how libraries might re-examine legacy services and assumptions and consider new directions. Specifically, the contributions that might be made by areas traditionally considered part of access services are considered. An annotated bibliography is included.  相似文献   

This selective annotated bibliography is a guide to scholarly articles, books, and websites about felony disenfranchisement and published or updated between 1999 and 2018. Felony disenfranchisement affects more than 6 million Americans and disproportionately impacts African Americans. This annotated bibliography is intended to be used by scholars and practitioners to inform them about the origins and impact of felony disenfranchisement and to aid them in developing arguments against the practice.  相似文献   

清朝是中国古代学术的总结时期,学者们以深厚的学力和高度的责任感,对以往的文化典籍进行全面的整理研究,采用各种形式注释历代史书,在史书注释方面取得了重大的成就,将古代史书注释工作推向顶峰。  相似文献   

《The Reference Librarian》2013,54(94):233-255

This article is a selective annotated list of print and electronic sources that provide information on Native Americans and the United States Government. While most of these are issued by the federal agencies, there are also some commercially published works that cover government resources or describe and interpret federal activities. The bibliography is arranged in broad subject areas; headings include finding tools, federal policy, federal laws and regulations, treaties, statistics, history and culture, and contemporary issues.  相似文献   

This is a review of the literature and a selective, annotated bibliography on serials automation from 1976 to 1984 with an emphasis on recent English language publications. The bibliography is subdivided by topic: bibliographies; reviews and collections; bibliographic control, including ISBD(S), ISDS, ISSN, NSDP, CONSER, and AACR2; serials control, including chcck-in, claiming, binding and routing; systems and vendors; standards; union catalogs; fiscal control, and the organization of serials work. The selection of 150 citations highlights important events and trends and describes some lesser known developments. This review is written from the point of view of the working technical services librarian. Subjects for further research are suggested.  相似文献   

An annotated list of Nigerian magazines of a general nature is presented. Basic ordering information is given as available, for each title.  相似文献   

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