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周汝昌先生硬把自己编的一百零八钗强加给曹雪芹和《红楼梦》,还把这个"一百零八钗"变成他的"一百零八回两扇大对称结构"的基石。曹雪芹在《红楼梦》初稿中曾经想写五副"金钗",但在定稿时删掉了两副,只保留三副册子共三十六个女儿。清代模仿《水浒传》歌颂才女的小说是李汝珍的《镜花缘》,根本不是曹雪芹的《红楼梦》。周汝昌一百零八钗名单中充满常识性错误,他硬把一些平庸女子拉来凑成一百零八位"脂粉英雄",这只是他的"龙门红学"的又一次表现罢了。  相似文献   

文章围绕冯其庸先生的《瓜饭楼丛稿》的出版展开访谈,重点对冯先生在红学研究方面的成就做了梳理。  相似文献   

文章在刘世德先生近作《四种〈红楼梦〉程乙本的差异》一文讨论了四种本子的细部特征和版次问题的基础上,继续考察青石本、中本、吴本、仓石本、陈本、津藏本等六种《红楼梦》活字本之差异、重叶、缺文、"异植字版"现象,考辨青石本乃活字印本中的早期过渡本;中本、吴本次之;仓石本、陈本、津藏本等又次之。同时,廓清刘世德所据"异植字版"现象考论活字本孰先孰后之误及其举证之失。  相似文献   

本文指出上世纪五十年代那场评红批俞运动弄错了对象:将俞平伯研究红楼梦脂本发现的“红楼梦新观念”当作俞平伯自己的观念大批了一通,所批的是“脂本观念”而非俞氏的观念,以致造成诸多纷乱,红坛的种种争论和此不无关系,进而说明以搞运动方式搞学术的弊端。  相似文献   

胡适之在红学史上的贡献,前人已多有论及,应该肯定。在全面梳理胡适红学研究材料的基础上,对其研究方法进行反思:适之先生倡导的红学研究,史学重于文学,自传说问题重重;其得出后四十回一定是高鹗所续的结论,略显武断;在研究方法上,其强调"大胆的假设,小心的论证",却难于确定文献的真伪,材料选取上,有"六经注我"的嫌疑。  相似文献   

"红学"勿反《红楼梦》   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
“曹学”、“脂学、“探佚学”之“学术风气”是“反《红楼梦》”的“红学”研究。俞平伯先生晚年深刻地认识到了这一问题,对自己青年时期的“反《红楼梦》”研究进行了深层反思和痛心地忏悔。《红楼梦》研究应该更新观念,努力进取,走出误区,开拓红学研究新局面。  相似文献   

《红楼梦》打破传统的思想和写法,其思想内容与艺术价值,鲁迅都给以高度评价。然而。人们并未能完全理解鲁迅在红学领域提出的美学思想的真谛。鲁迅在阅审《红楼梦》最早的话剧本《绛洞花主》后,撰有著名的《小引》,提出“《红楼梦》的神情”这一命题,亦未引起红学界的重视。《红楼梦》的神情,包括《红楼梦》情节结构主线、主题思想、人物形象塑造。这些都是研究《红楼梦》原著的主要课题,却历来存在纠缠不清的问题。鲁迅作《小引》的《绛洞花主》剧本,是我们探索《红楼梦》神情的珍贵史料;通过鲁迅指明的“神情依然具在”这座桥梁,比较研究、对照探索,势必得以揭示出鲁迅体味到的《红楼梦》的“奥秘”。  相似文献   

This paper explores issues of critical literacy, gender justice and masculinity through ‘Mr A’s’ story. Mr A is head of English at ‘Grange College’ – an all boys’ school in a large urban centre in Queensland (Australia). The paper highlights how the privileging of rationality, control and ‘the masculine’ within Mr A’s ‘teaching‐as‐usual’ discourse constrains his efforts to pursue gender justice through critical literacy. While Mr A scaffolds his students’ critical analysis of gender and power in texts, his investments in teacher/student binary relations draw rigid boundaries between himself and his students in ways that delegitimise the terrain beyond the rational and ignore a theorising of the self. Drawing on Mr A’s story within Davies’ theorising about the possibilities of critical literacy, this paper adds to key work in arguing the importance of teachers’ interrogating their classrooms as lived texts where the relations of domination and power that derail the social justice possibilities of critical literacy can be made both recognisable and revisable. Such interrogation is foregrounded here as particularly urgent within the current moment where rationalist discourses within and beyond schools are increasingly working to circumscribe and constrain teacher practice in ways that stifle transformative social agendas.  相似文献   

周汝昌研究《红楼梦》的主观唯心论及其走红的原因   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在21世纪第一个10年,一场严肃的红学打假斗争深入进行着。这场斗争揭露周汝昌国学底子较差,名利心太重,一生治学,为此所误。他过去有关《红楼梦》的研究,其本质属新索隐派的龙门红学。周汝昌解读《红楼梦》文本、对曹雪芹及其家世历史的研究,以及不端学术行为,充分表现出主观唯心主义的特点,——证明他的红学是"反《红楼梦》"的典型代表。周汝昌新索隐派龙门红学之所以走红,红学界、新闻媒体和主管文化思想的相关领导难辞其咎。  相似文献   

胥惠民先生《与周汝昌先生商榷》一文指明“不要把瞎编的一百零八钗硬我到曹雪芹头上”,有较强的说服力。所排“又副册”名录亦很有见地。惜乎对“副册”中人员暨“十二钗”的地域界定有偏执之论,对此特作补苴罅漏。为求“金陵十二钗”三册全璧,诚为阙如的“金陵十二钗副册”人员甄审排名。  相似文献   

毛泽东作为政治领袖,一生钟爱《红楼梦》,并留下了大量关于《红楼梦》的评语。本文通过梳理其相关评论,认为毛泽东一直将百二十回本《红楼梦》当作艺术整体来对待,并高度评价了高鹗及其续书。周汝昌先生所谓对他的“毛泽东好评说”只是欺人之谈。  相似文献   

刘再复先生给今年即将再版的梁归智的《红学泰斗周汝昌传》作序,他的题目直言"周汝昌是中国文学第一天才的旷世知音"。刘先生的"首先如此肯定曹雪芹的无比崇高地位的是周汝昌先生"的论断是错误的。纵观周汝昌研红的一生及成果只能证明他"根本不懂《红楼梦》",在《红楼梦》研究上他一生都是在证假为真,都是在曲解、颠覆《红楼梦》的思想内容、艺术构思。周汝昌其实不是考证派,而是典型的索隐派;他的一切所谓的考证,其实都打着索隐派的烙印,他也把自己定位为索隐派。他的索隐其实都是脱离了文本的"悟证",是猜笨谜,乱索隐。因此,他绝对不能被称为中国文学第一天才曹雪芹的旷世知音。  相似文献   

This article examines what science education might be able to learn from phenomenological religious education’s attempts to teach classes where students hold a plurality of religious beliefs. Recent statements as to how best to accomplish the central pedagogical concept of ‘learning from religion’ as a vehicle for human transformation are explored, and then used to appraise the historical research into how Charles Darwin’s responses to religious ideas influenced and were influenced by his scientific work. The issues identified as crucial for science educators to be aware of when teaching students Darwinian evolution are then outlined and, finally, suggestions are made to enable individual students to examine how their personal religious beliefs might interact with their growing understanding of Darwin’s evolutionary approach.  相似文献   

张裕钊不仅是中国近代颇有影响的文学家,而且也是桐城派发展史上重要的文章学家.张氏与其师友及门人的论文书信,多有关于文章学的论述.但迄今为止,尚少有人就此问题予以深入、全面的考察.张氏的论文书信,集中体现了他的文章学思想:倡导“萧疏暗淡”的文风;为文主张以“意”为主,而以“辞”、“气”、“法”辅之;注重声调,并提倡“因声求气”.考察张氏论文书信中的文章学观,既有利于我们探索其文章学思想的形成原因,又有利于我们看到其文章学对桐城诸贤的继承与超越,还有助于我们对从姚鼐到曾国藩再到张裕钊的这一文章发展史进行深入研究.  相似文献   

1995年,周汝昌发表《还"红学"以学——近百年红学史之回顾(重点摘要)》,他通篇文章贬人扬己,把20世纪《红楼梦》研究的辉煌成就抹成一片白地!对红学的大是大非问题,我应该说明自己的看法,于是就有了《读周汝昌〈还"红学"以学〉》这篇文章。从此我开始思考他绝对化的"写实自传说"究竟错在什么地方。1997年撰写了《论周汝昌先生"写实自传说"的失误》,从曹雪芹的文学观、脂砚斋的批语、周氏自传说的巨大破绽三个方面论证了自传说根本不能成立。进入21世纪以后,周汝昌肆无忌惮地宣扬他的"史湘云就是曹雪芹的妻子脂砚斋",而且要把这个荒谬观点强加给曹雪芹和《红楼梦》。于是我就有了《"史湘云就是曹雪芹的妻子脂砚斋"是一个伪命题》,多方面证明了在雪芹笔下根本没有湘云嫁宝玉(曹雪芹)的内容,用大量论据证明脂砚斋是个男人,从而证明这个论题的"伪命题"的性质。这之后,我还批评了他的"一百零八回两扇大对称结构"法和"一百零八钗"说,诠释了聂绀弩先生的"周汝昌根本不懂《红楼梦》!"揭露他辱骂诬陷高鹗背后的目的,批评了他主观唯心论的方法论。  相似文献   

Exploring how the transformative intentions within the mandated citizenship curriculum framework for English schools demand a particular kind of citizenship teacher – one who ‘acts against the grain’ of the inequities and injustices of the social world – this paper presents Mr C's story. Mr C is a secondary teacher at an Upper School located north of London. The paper considers the significance of his philosophies and knowledge in enabling practice aimed at developing students' socially inclusive but critical understandings of diversity and difference. Mr C's well‐defined personal philosophies about justice and the ‘common good’ and his capacity to translate these philosophies into practice are presented as central to mobilising the transformative or ‘maximal’ intentions of the citizenship curriculum. In highlighting the complexities and sophistication in Mr C's approach, however, the issues presented in this paper further strengthen the critique regarding the curriculum's depoliticised approach. While Mr C draws on the curriculum as a political device to support equity goals, it cannot be assumed that citizenship teachers more generally will have the requisite philosophies and knowledge necessary to do so.  相似文献   

周汝昌先生常用的红学方法论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
周汝昌先生认为对20世纪的《红楼梦》研究只有自己正确,其实他的考证大部分都是在证假为真。我们在探讨周先生的红学研究的时候,注意到他的方法独具的特点。他的主要方法有:随意附会法;曲解作品为自己观点服务法;大话欺人法;泼脏水法;无中生有法;翻手为云,覆手为雨法。方法在研究工作中绝对不是一个小问题,正确的方法会引导我们走向胜利的彼岸,错误的方法则会把我们引入迷途,走向泥沼。因此总结周先生的方法论,也就是在总结上个世纪的红学史的经验与教训,不会是一个没有意义的问题。  相似文献   

全面抗战爆发,冯先生随着清华大学流亡到昆明西南联合大学。民族兴亡"启示和激发"了冯先生的爱国情愫。为了复兴中华,他奋笔创造哲学体系,同时还直接投入联大的爱国活动。他出任校歌校训编制委员会主席,与同仁们殚精竭虑地一起进行创作,其中著名的校歌、进行曲的歌词以及纪念碑的碑文,均出自冯先生之手。冯先生的美文极大地张扬和鼓舞了联大师生的爱国主义精神和对抗战胜利的信心,促使了师生们的思想得到净化和升华,为联大培养爱国志士和世界一流人才作出了杰出的贡献。冯先生的爱国主义精神永垂青史。  相似文献   

Although the concept of “rural” is difficult to define, rural science education provides the possibility for learning centered upon a strong connection to the local community. Rural American adolescents tend to be more religious than their urban counterparts and less accepting of evolution than their non-rural peers. Because the status and perception of evolutionary theory may be very different within the students’ lifeworlds and the subcultures of the science classroom and science itself, a cultural border crossing metaphor can be applied to evolution teaching and learning. This study examines how a teacher may serve as a cultural border crossing tour guide for students at a rural high school as they explore the concept of biological evolution in their high school biology class. Data collection entailed two formal teacher interviews, field note observations of two biology class periods each day for 16 days during the Evolution unit, individual interviews with 14 students, student evolution acceptance surveys, student evolution content tests, and classroom artifacts. The major findings center upon three themes regarding how this teacher and these students had largely positive evolution learning experiences even as some students continued to reject evolution. First, the teacher strategically positioned himself in two ways: using his unique “local” trusted position in the community and school and taking a position in which he did not personally represent science by instead consistently teaching evolution “according to scientists.” Second, his instruction honored local “rural” funds of knowledge with respect to local knowledge of nature and by treating students’ religious knowledge as a form of local expertise about one set of answers to questions also addressed by evolution. Third, the teacher served as a border crossing “tour guide” by helping students identify how the culture of science and the culture of their lifeworlds may differ with respect to evolutionary theory. Students negotiated the cultural borders for learning evolution in several ways, and different types of border crossings are described. The students respected the teacher’s apparent neutrality, sensitivity toward multiple positions, explicit attention to religion/evolution, and transparency of purposes for teaching evolution. These findings add to the current literature on rural science education by highlighting local funds of knowledge for evolution learning and how rural teachers may help students navigate seemingly hazardous scientific topics. The study’s findings also add to the current evolution education literature by examining how students’ religious perspectives may be respected as a form of expertise about questions of origins by allowing students to examine similarities and differences between scientific and religious approaches to questions of biological origins and change.  相似文献   

《红楼梦评论》是王国维在其西方哲学的基础上对悲剧观念的一次整合。本文试从理论底色、思维方式以及最终之道三个方面,来探清《红楼梦评论》中悲剧观念的理论脉络,以使得王国维先生悲剧观念整体的构架得以清晰。  相似文献   

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