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元朝国子学是元朝中央官学之一。在国子学中实际就读的生员基本上可分为国子生、伴读和陪堂生三种。其中,国子生和伴读是享有官给廪饩的公助生,而陪堂生则是不享有官给廪饩的自费生。对这些学生的入学资格从入学年龄、民族构成、生员人数、入学身份等方面都有明确而具体的规定;国子学生员的仕途主要有岁雷和科举两备途径.  相似文献   

国子监是中国古代的教育管理机构和最高学府。也称国学或国子学。在监读书的主徒被称为监生、太学生或国子生。国子监始建于公元276年西晋时代,时称国子学,隋朝政为国子监。唐宋时期,国子监作为国家教育管理机构,总辖国子学、太学、四门学等。元代设国子学、蒙古国子学、回回国子学等等,亦称为国子监。明清国子监兼具国家教育管理机构和最高学府的双重性质。明代设北京国子监和南京国子监,主管监务人员称为祭酒,监生可以选任六品以下官员。清代国子监沿袭明代体制,“设六堂为讲肄之所”,“穴堂讲师,极一时之选”。后来逐步衰退,…  相似文献   

元朝的国子学是元朝统治者入主中原后,因袭汉族旧制创建的,主要是为了培养蒙古贵胄子弟而设立的。元朝国子学的兴办和发展可分为前后两个阶段,即元世祖忽必烈统治时期国子学的创建阶段,成宗到顺帝统治时期国子学的发展变化阶段。  相似文献   

元朝的国子学是元朝统治入主中原后,因袭汉族旧制创建的,主要是为了培养蒙古贵胄子弟而设立的。元朝国子学的兴办和发展可分为前后两个阶段,即元世祖忽必烈统治时期国子学的创建阶段,成宗到顺帝统治时期国子学的发展变化阶段。  相似文献   

清代的国子监既是清王朝主管教育的行政机构,也是培养科举人才的最高学府。作为教学机构,国子监所招收的学生以贡生和监生为主体,二者统称为"国子监生"。清代国子监的监生和贡生既具有地方官学中生员的属性,可以参加乡试;又有不同于生员的权利,能够通过廷试等方式获取官职。不过,清代的监生和贡生并不完全相同,二者在入学资格、入监后待遇及仕途前景等方面的诸多差异表明,贡生的政治地位高于监生,入仕后所获取的官职和升迁速度也非监生所能企及。  相似文献   

公元1368年,朱元璋推翻蒙古贵族的元朝统治,建立明王朝以后,为了维护其中央集权,便大力兴办学校。洪武初年(1368年),明在元朝国子监旧学基础上,建立国子学,学生由朝廷品官子弟及民间俊秀者充任。洪武三年(1370年),创没科举科,实行科举取士。洪武十八年(公元1385年),全国举行会试,录取生员472人,他们都分别被派往全国各地,在各级行政机构中任职,为朱明王朝效命。朱元  相似文献   

元朝是我国历史上第一个由少数民族统治全国的封建王朝,它实行以蒙古贵族为主体的蒙汉地主阶级的联合统治,重视农业,手工业和商业也较繁盛,这些为教育的发展提供了条件。元朝统治者实行推行蒙古化,同时又加深汉化的双重政策,设立了一系列蒙古本民族的中央和地方管学,尊孔崇儒,因而儒家经典成为学校课程及科举的主要内容。元朝的中央官学包括国子学、蒙古国子学和回回国子学等;地方学校有路、府、州、县学、还出现了“社学”和“庙学”,书院也比南宋兴盛。这一层次结构比较分明、目标功能各不相同的教育体系。为教学实践提供了广阔的场所和必要的条  相似文献   

元代地方官学生员来源多途,既有官吏子弟,也有儒户及平民子弟,还有少数民族子弟。小学生员以学习《小学书》和《四书》为主,大学生员主要学习《五经》和诗赋,课试采用“积分法”。官学生员享有食宿和免役优待。其出路主要是出任学官和入吏。  相似文献   

宋代地方武学开创了我国地方军事教育先河,始于北宋崇宁三年(1104),终于南宋末。本文勾稽出22处地方武学,证明了县级武学的存在;其师资多为武举或中央武学上舍人;生员多为地方士绅子弟且需考试方能入学,有学籍,教学内容为武举考试内容及文化课;地方为武学生享有一定特权,其出路一是参加武举考试,其次是升入高一等武学。宋代地方武学开创了我国地方军事教育制度的先河。  相似文献   

童生乃明清两代对未入学的读书人的称呼。童生应试取入府州县学以后才算入学。入了学始称为生员或秀才。古代入学并无年龄大小之限制,如果应试以后还不能入学,即便银发白髯也仍然只能算一童生。不过,由于童叟共试共学之风已成,老童生是不会被人耻笑的。古往今来,学而不倦,不知老之将至者颇多。但也听人言:『人到中年万事休,保养身体为上。』或曰:『我这块牌子已足受用,操劳何为!』其为志之衰也,飞之暮也。想当年,童生入学殊不易为:应试需由一廪膳生员(享受  相似文献   

本文解决了公务员招聘中的录用分配问题。具体方法,结合应聘者笔试、面试成绩以及各部门要求建立二级评价模型。求解得到择优录用的具体方案。运用熵值对各评价指标进行客观赋权,确定各项指标的权重。  相似文献   

This experimental study investigates the effects of gender of the evaluator, gender of the applicant, and gender of the reference source at the screening stage of the selection process. Specifically, male and female principals were asked to evaluate re´sume´s and reference letters of hypothetical male and female applicants for the focal position of assistant principal. In the context of selection of an assistant principal, the authors hypothesized that male principals would prefer male applicants and female principals would prefer female applicants. This hypothesis was based on the sex similarity-attraction paradigm. The sex similarity-attraction paradigm suggests that same-sex applicants will be regarded as more similar than opposite-sex applicants (Gallois, Callan & Palmer, 1992) and that applicants who are perceived as similar will be evaluated favorably (Cardy & Dobbins, 1986). Finally, although the authors anticipated that sex similarity-attraction would support an interaction effect between gender of applicant and gender of rater, as strengthened by gender of the reference letter source, the findings did not support this interaction. In fact, the main effect for gender of applicant indicates that hypothetical female administrator candidates are evaluated significantly higher than hypothetical male administrator candidates. This is contrary to about half of past selection research that suggested female applicants are given lower evaluations than male applicants. Thus, these results may be an indication that the evaluations of female applicants for administrative positions are improving to the extent that female applicants were more likely to be offered employment interviews than male applicants.  相似文献   

非学术标准是国家与高等学校在学位授予活动中对学位申请人所提出的有关政治素质和道德品 行要求,可分为政治标准和品行标准。通过实证分析发现,目前《学位条例》《学位条例暂行实施办法》对学 位申请人的品行标准或未提出明确要求,或对各高校自主设定非学术标准授权不明,使得各高校自主设定 的非学术标准在设定权限与内容方面存在合法性与合理性危机,并由此导致学位管理实践中的若干诉讼纷 争。根据法治的一般原理,非学术标准在设定权限上需遵循高校自主设定权有限原则,在设定内容和设定 程序上需恪守比例原则和正当程序原则。建议《学位条例》在修订中明确非学术标准的具体内涵,增加与非 学术标准相关的拒绝授予学位条款,并为学位申请人提供相应救济机制,以维护学位申请人合法权利。  相似文献   

Several German states recently introduced tuition fees for university education. We investigate whether these tuition fees influence the mobility of university applicants. Based on administrative data of applicants for medical schools in Germany, we estimate the effect of tuition fees on the probability of applying for a university in the home state. We find a small but significant reaction: The probability of applying for a university in the home state falls by 2 percentage points (baseline: 69%) for high-school graduates who come from a state with tuition fees. Moreover, we find that students with better high-school grades react more strongly to tuition fees. This might have important effects on the composition of students across states.  相似文献   


Full-time undergraduate applicants to English universities must apply via the University and Colleges Admission Service (UCAS). By analysing the UCAS statements of 15 undergraduate applicants this article attempts to develop a critical understanding of the role that the personal statement has in applicants’ formation of themselves as subjects within higher education. The article explores how UCAS’s advice around the personal statements draws on discourses that frame higher education as an investment in human capital. Through a textual analysis of applicants’ statements, the article explores how applicants come to present themselves as competitive subjects within their personal statements, and suggests they adopt this position not because they are preparing themselves for the unlimited number of student places in higher education, but for the limited number of graduate jobs that await afterwards. The article suggests there is a ‘cruel optimism’ to this element of the application process, linked to structural inequalities.  相似文献   

Postgraduate scholarship programmes are increasingly important for supporting gifted students from diverse backgrounds. Systems and processes in the application, determination and delivery of scholarships must be robust, transparent, accountable and equitable. However, they are rarely evaluated. One of the most prestigious scholarships in New Zealand – the William Georgetti Scholarship – is investigated here for the impact of student’s grade point averages (GPAs) and sex on applicant’s progression, the level of agreement between Scholarship Board member rankings, and whether applicants or members’ sex is material to any outcomes. Data from 2007 to 2015 were extracted, and contained 301 applicants considered for shortlisting, 78 who were shortlisted and 60 successful recipients evaluated by 17 Scholarship Board members (5 female, 12 male). Mean GPAs significantly increased over time amongst applicants, those shortlisted, and those successful. While 60% of applicants were female, only 49% of those shortlisted were female; however, this was explained by GPA differences. Some 52% of successful applicants were female. Ranking discordance amongst members was relatively high, but no differential sex biases were noted. The empirical results suggest that current systems and processes are consistent with the scholarship’s deed, although the difference in GPA scores between female and male applicants is of concern.  相似文献   

This paper examines and discusses the profiles of applicants and entrants to the DGO (Dioplóma Gairmiúil san Oideachas) initial teacher education programme between 2000 and 2011. The DGO is the only initial teacher education programme in Ireland that is specifically designated to prepare student teachers for the second-level Irish-medium (SLIM) school sector. It is delivered entirely through the Irish language. This study examines data collected from all DGO applicants (N = 1002) between 2000 and 2011. Results show that demand for this programme has increased over the past decade. The academic quality of applicants has risen dramatically in recent years and 75% of successful applicants are female. The data show that a significant proportion of DGO applicants are native Irish speakers from Gaeltacht (areas in Ireland where the Irish language Gaeilge is the vernacular). There has been a severe shortage of applicants with qualifications in certain subject areas, in particular in Sciences, Mathematics and European languages. Drawing on findings from this study as well as on national statistics and educational policy documents, this paper discusses how changes to the DGO selection process may contribute to better meeting the staffing demands in SLIM schools in Ireland.  相似文献   

牛津大学本科招生是对申请者A-Level成绩、AS成绩、GCSE成绩、个人陈述、推荐信、书面作品、入学考试、面试等因素的综合评价。作为衡量申请者学术能力的重要依据,牛津大学在招生过程中对A-Level考试成绩格外重视。牛津大学不同专业对A-Level考试科目及成绩提出了明确的等级要求,根据专业与科目的相关性设置了必选科目、建议科目、辅助科目三种科目类型,部分专业还对考试科目设定了模块要求。牛津大学本科招生极其注重A-Level考试科目与专业的匹配性,体现了科目设定详细、主次关系明显、专业与科目关联性强三个特点。  相似文献   

This study analyzes the impact of demographic,socioeconomic, and financial factors on the enrollmentbehavior of accepted college applicants. The receipt offinancial aid had a positive impact on the enrollment decisions of accepted applicants. For every$1,000 increase in the amount of aid offered, theprobability of enrollment increased between 1.1% and2.5%. Grants and loans had the expected positive impact on enrollment, but work study did not enticeprospective students unless it was packaged with somegrant or loan assistance. Upper-income applicants wereless likely to enroll at this institution regardless of financial aid incentives.  相似文献   

当前企业招聘工作中存在着重学历、轻能力,重内聘、轻外聘,对招聘工作疏于管理以及诸多招聘歧视现象。要想使企业招聘工作收到实效,真正招聘到企业适用的人才,就必须摒弃以往招聘工作中的旧观念,树立新的招聘理念:真实地介绍职位信息,将招聘工作与企业文化相融合,消除歧视,坚持职能匹配原则,注重树立企业形象。  相似文献   

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