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丁正良 《陕西教育》2006,(11):36-36
新课标明确提出初中生物教学要倡导科学探究,把科学探究作为发现科学事实、揭示科学规律的过程和方法,在教学中,教师应该让学生亲历思考和探究的过程,领悟科学探究的方法.笔者认为,要使科学探究活动在教学实践中真正得到落实,教师就必须把握好以下四个“度”:  相似文献   

"科学探究"要求教师改变教学观念、更新教学理念.教师应树立师生间亦师亦友的平等关系,树立终生学习的意识.引导学生学习理念的转变,培养学生敢于质疑、敢于大胆参与科学探究,在探究中养成评估的好习惯,注重探究中的交流与合作,注重收集资料,能用身边的物品进行科学探究.  相似文献   

为了提高每一个学生的科学素养。课程改革中产生的科学课程(以下简称《科学》)要求通过科学探究的学习方式.“让学生通过手脑并用的探究活动,体验探究过程的曲折和乐趣,学习科学方法,发展科学探究所需要的能力并增进对科学探究的理解”。为了实现这一教学目标,笔尝试在教学中创设问题情境,让探究走进学生的学习生活,引导学生发现问题,进行猜想、探究:课后布置生活中的趣味小实验.让学生体验探究的乐趣,  相似文献   

新课程标准指出:"高中阶段的物理课程要给学生提供必要的科学探究机会,让学生通过自己的思维、动手、查阅文献等,体验探究过程的曲折和乐趣,发展科学探究的能力,增强对科学探究的理解.高中阶段尤其要注重科学探究的质量".但是由于受传统教学观以及相对滞后的教学评价机制的影响,许多教师在教学中往往以自己的思维代替学生的思维过程,以自己的讲解代替学生的主体活动,以学生掌握知识的多少作为教学优劣的最终衡量标准.  相似文献   

1问题的提出 笔者研究了大量的实验探究教学设计,结果发现.实验探究活动设计被越来越“严格”地恪守于科学探究的六个环节。在一节课内,学生经历由教师设计“完美”的从提出问题到反思评价的“全”实验探究过程,各环节之于学生如走马观花,成为一种简单的、重复的“行为体操”。为了将实验探究作为一种科学方法介绍给学生,笔者探索在“硫酸”教学中以实验活动中的科学思维为线索打破界限分明的探究步骤,在思维批判性——深刻性——灵活性水平逐渐提升的过程中,学生初步掌握并达到应用实验探究解决化学问题的方法。  相似文献   

传统的化学教学在指导思想、教学内容、教学方法上都存在着一定的问题,新的化学课程标准倡导从学生和社会发展的需要出发,发挥学科的自身优势,将科学探究作为课程改革的突破口,激发学生的主动性和创新意识。所以,教师应以探究式教学为指导思想,采用科学探究的一般策略,组织好化学课程的教学,以提高教学质量。  相似文献   

在科技迅猛发展,知识日新月异的今天,让学生掌握发现问题、解决问题的科学方法尤为重要.文章以<单摆的振动周期>一课教学为例,说明在教师的指导下,通过学生提出问题--形成假设--设计实验与实验探究--发现规律、得出结论的自主探究的过程,使学生学会如何学习且培养学生的创新能力与创新精神.  相似文献   

布鲁纳说过:"所谓知识,是过程,不是结果。"高中化学课堂中的科学探究是指学生用以获取知识、领悟科学思想观念、学习科学研究方法而进行的各种活动;是学生体验科学、理解科学本质、培养学生科学能力和学习科学知识的过程。体验式教学作为一种原生态的从学生实际出发的教学方式能够最大限度地发挥学生的自主学习精神,并通过勤于动手、乐于探究的多种形式的科学探究活动,培养学生获取知识的能力,体验科学的  相似文献   

讨论了科学探究作为一种教学理念和学习方式,对于学生科学素质的培养、科学思想的形成的作用和意义;讨论了实施科学探究教学的途径和方法。指出,科学探究式教学的意义在于通过教学,使得学生领悟科学探究的精神,掌握科学探究的方法,增强科学探究意识,培养科学探究能力。在教学中,要注意发挥学生的主动性、积极性,通过课堂的教学活动和日常生活,使得学生形成运用科学理论研究、解释自然现象的意识和习惯,积极、主动地培养自己的科学探究才能,不断提高科学探究水平。  相似文献   

刘大华 《物理教师》2007,28(7):20-21
探究学习作为一种教学方式,是指让学生获得知识的一种途径;探究学习作为教学目标,是指培养学生获得知识的能力,并在学生进行探究的过程中,激发学生学习的兴趣,构建学生的经验世界,培养学生的创新精神和实践能力,使培养学生的知识与技能、过程与方法、情感态度与价值观等三维教学目标得以达成.在现实教学中,探究学习已被越来越多的教师所接受和实践,但在实践中,  相似文献   

探究式教学是小学科学课堂教学中倡导的重要教学理论,是基于对科学的认识和对科学家进行科学研究方法认识的结果,是实现小学科学教育目标的重要教学方法。从辨析探究的广义和狭义定义出发,对探究式教学的程序、实施条件、探究式教学中学生和教师的角色方面进行了探索研究,希望能够对科学教学有启示。  相似文献   

幼儿园科学探究活动是实现幼儿科学教育,激发科学潜能的主要方式。本文结合幼儿园科学探究活动,探讨如何为高职学前专业学生构建幼儿科学探究活动设计的平台,从而有效提升学生的自然科学素养,为幼教事业输送高素质的人才  相似文献   

We conducted a laboratory‐based randomized control study to examine the effectiveness of inquiry‐based instruction. We also disaggregated the data by student demographic variables to examine if inquiry can provide equitable opportunities to learn. Fifty‐eight students aged 14–16 years old were randomly assigned to one of two groups. Both groups of students were taught toward the same learning goals by the same teacher, with one group being taught from inquiry‐based materials organized around the BSCS 5E Instructional Model, and the other from materials organized around commonplace teaching strategies as defined by national teacher survey data. Students in the inquiry‐based group reached significantly higher levels of achievement than students experiencing commonplace instruction. This effect was consistent across a range of learning goals (knowledge, reasoning, and argumentation) and time frames (immediately following the instruction and 4 weeks later). The commonplace science instruction resulted in a detectable achievement gap by race, whereas the inquiry‐based materials instruction did not. We discuss the implications of these findings for the body of evidence on the effectiveness of teaching science as inquiry; the role of instructional models and curriculum materials in science teaching; addressing achievement gaps; and the competing demands of reform and accountability. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Res Sci Teach 47:276–301, 2010  相似文献   

Although the effects of open inquiry vs. more didactic approaches have been studied extensively, the effects of different types of inquiry have not received as much attention. We examined the effects of guided vs. structured inquiry on secondary students' learning of science. Students from three schools in north-eastern Thailand participated (N?=?239, Grades 7 and 10). Two classes in each school were randomly assigned to either the guided or the structured-inquiry condition. Students had a total of 14–15 hours of instructions in each condition. The dependent measures were science content knowledge, science process skills, scientific attitudes, and self-perceived stress. In comparison to the structured-inquiry condition, students in the guided-inquiry condition showed greater improvement in both science content knowledge and science process skills. For scientific attitudes and stress, students in one school benefited from guided inquiry much more than they did from structured inquiry. Findings were explained in terms of differences in the degree to which students engaged effortfully with the teaching material.  相似文献   

In most primary science classes, students are taught science inquiry skills by way of learning by doing. Research shows that explicit instruction may be more effective. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of explicit instruction on the acquisition of inquiry skills. Participants included 705 Dutch fifth and sixth graders. Students in an explicit instruction condition received an eight-week intervention of explicit instruction on inquiry skills. In the lessons of the implicit condition, all aspects of explicit instruction were absent. Students in the baseline condition followed their regular science curriculum. In a quasi-experimental pre-test–post-test design, two paper-and-pencil tests and three performance assessments were used to examine the acquisition and transfer of inquiry skills. Additionally, questionnaires were used to measure metacognitive skills. The results of a multilevel analysis controlling for pre-tests, general cognitive ability, age, gender and grade level indicated that explicit instruction facilitates the acquisition of science inquiry skills. Specifically on the performance assessment with an unfamiliar topic, students in the explicit condition outperformed students of both the implicit and baseline condition. Therefore, this study provides a strong argument for including an explicit teaching method for developing inquiry skills in primary science education.  相似文献   

罗国忠 《教育科学》2008,24(1):41-44
我国基础教育各门课程均强调科学探究,但对科学探究的界定却不甚明了,以致一些研究者片面强调学生与科学家的相似性以及学生的自主探究。通过国际研究发现,受学生认知水平、班额大小和课时等内外因素的影响,学生的科学探究需要在教师指导下进行,其指导程度应根据实际情况进行调整。  相似文献   


Background: As inquiry-based instruction is not universally implemented in science classrooms, it is crucial to introduce instructional strategies through the use of contextualized learning activities to allow students with different background knowledge and abilities to learn the essential competencies of scientific inquiry and promote their emotional perception and engagement.

Purpose: This study explores how essential scientific competencies of inquiry can be integrated into classroom teaching practices and investigates both typical and gifted secondary students’ emotional perception and engagement in learning activities.

Sample: A case teacher along with 226 typical and 18 gifted students from a suburban secondary school at Taiwan participated in this study.

Design and methods: After attending twelve 3-hour professional development workshops that focused on scientific inquiry teaching, the case teacher voluntarily developed and elaborated her own teaching activities through the discussions and feedback that she received from workshop participants and science educators. Quantitative and qualitative data were collected through activity worksheet, questionnaire, video camera, and tape recorders. Frequency distribution, Mann-Whitney U test, and discourse analysis were used for data analyses.

Results: Case teacher’s teaching activities provide contextual investigations that allow students to practice making hypotheses, planning investigations, and presenting and evaluating findings. Students’ learning outcomes reveal that typical students can engage in inquiry-based learning with positive emotional perception as well as gifted students regardless of their ability level. Both gifted and typical students’ positive emotional perception of and active engagement in learning provide fresh insight into feasible instructions for teachers who are interested in inquiry-based teaching but have little available time to implement such instructions into their classrooms.

Conclusions: The results of our work begin to address the critical issues of inquiry-based teaching by providing an exemplary teaching unit encompassing essential scientific competencies  相似文献   

"科学探究"是当前国内外科学教育的关注热点。让学生经历"真实的科学探究",教师需要了解"真实科学探究"的本质,明确科学探究的教育指向,学会引导学生开展科学探究的方法。"真实科学探究"是科学知识生成、验证和发展的过程,面对的是开放性的问题,需要探究者科学知识、有关科学的知识、直觉、想象力、创造性以及个性品质的介入,不存在一套普适性的、"正确的"方法和逻辑。教育中的科学探究不是让学生生成和验证新的科学知识,而是理解科学知识及其产生的过程,学习过程性科学技能,培养科学思维和科学理解,形成合理的科学本质和价值观。引导学生开展科学探究,教师需要学会创设不同结构化程度的探究情境,重视学生自由式的探索性活动,充分利用探究活动中的错误或失败引导学生进行科学思维,学会协商型的对话策略和引导学生进行科学思维的对话方法。  相似文献   

Teaching students how to conduct authentic scientific inquiry is an essential aspect of recent science education reform efforts. Our National Science Foundation-funded GK-12 program paired science graduate students—fellows—with secondary science teachers in order to enhance inquiry-based instruction. This research examined the roles of the fellows, teachers, and school culture in the implementation of inquiry and the fellows’ conceptions of classroom inquiry versus that in their own research. Qualitative data were collected for two academic years. Overall, the classrooms shifted toward a more inquiry-oriented approach over the academic year. Several aspects of school culture influenced inquiry implementation. Fellows described their research as similar in overall structure but less constrained by known concepts, less guided by mentors, and more in-depth than that of secondary school students. The teacher-fellow scientist partnership is a potentially effective professional development model to create positive and lasting change within the science classroom.  相似文献   

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