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王唯燕 《知识文库》2023,(11):193-195
<正>随着自制玩教具制作相关法律法规的推广及教育部门的重视,越来越多的幼儿园更加着眼于幼儿可选择的玩教具的多样化。本研究运用问卷法和访谈法等研究方法对新入职幼儿教师的自制玩教具观念、制作现状、遇到困难和是否对新入职教师的专业能力提升有影响进行了调查。研究者建议,教育主管部门通过更多方式为新入职教师提供理论支持,幼儿园应为新入职教师创设积极的学习和制作自制玩教具的氛围和条件,园所建立科学的管理体系,为新入职教师减负减压,新入职教师深入学习系统理念,转变自制玩教具观念。在调查中研究者发现,多数幼儿教师能够正确认识到  相似文献   

<正>让幼儿主动学习是幼儿教育的新理念,玩教具则在幼儿主动学习中发挥着重要作用,它不仅是幼儿玩耍、快乐的工具,还有着科学游戏的价值。它是把玩具和教具功能合二为一的一种新名词,是让幼儿在玩中学、学中玩的新型工具。自制玩教具则是指自己动手制作的玩具,它能满足幼儿游戏的需要、身心发展的要求,适应环境的变化,创新新玩法,从而促进幼儿的健康成长。一、提升幼儿教师的专业能力玩教具的制作可以提高幼儿教师的动手、动脑能力,因为幼儿  相似文献   

幼儿教育离不开玩教具的制作.教师应提高对玩教具制作的认识;拓宽玩教具制作的设计思路;在教育实践中有针对性地设计玩教具,严把设计、选材、制作、使用关.通过开展自制玩教具展示活动,促进教师自制玩教具能力的发展.  相似文献   

为了使农村幼儿园能更好地开展玩教具制作活动,促进幼儿身心全面和谐发展,运用问卷调查法、访谈法和文献法对农村幼儿园自制玩教具的现状进行研究。结果显示:农村幼儿园自制玩教具占班级全部玩教具的比重严重不足、种类单一、质量低、更新和补充不及时;农村幼儿园自制玩教具活动中存在人力物力浪费的现象;自制玩教具的制作主体主要是教师,家长和幼儿参与较少;农村幼儿园自制玩教具使用的材料主要是幼儿园出资购买的,较少使用农村的本土自然资源。农村幼儿园自制玩教具活动比较普遍,但由于受多种因素的影响自制玩教具的效用并不是很高。对以上存在的问题进行原因分析,并在此基础上提出相应的对策。  相似文献   

针对目前农村幼儿教师整体专业素质偏低的情况,应统筹安排幼儿教师家庭、工作与学习,利用日常工作对教师进行园本培训,对其进行教育教学、形体、音乐、美术、玩教具制作、口语、写作能力、信息技术等方面的培训,以保证农村学前教育的健康发展。  相似文献   

在幼儿园,凡是可以用来游戏的物品都可以称作玩具或游戏材料。玩具是儿童的教科书,是儿童游戏的工具,是儿童的亲密伴侣[1]。幼儿园的玩教具配备具有较大的意义和作用。调查发现怀化市幼儿园玩教具基本配备,但结构还不完善,各类别配备不均衡;教师自主配备玩具意识较强,但缺乏系统性配备规划,随意性较大;对自制玩教具的具体使用缺乏管理;另外发现怀化市幼儿园的幼儿和幼儿教师使用玩教具频率较高,但对幼儿使用玩教具缺乏教师的指导;研究发现管理者思想观念、经济状况、教师管理与投放玩教具及对幼儿使用的指导,是影响幼儿园玩教具的配备和使用的主要影响因素,急需完善方能有效开展幼儿园保教工作。  相似文献   

玩教具是指在幼儿教学中的教具与玩具,学生通过玩教玩具既能开心游戏也能学到知识。在幼儿教学中,教师常常喜欢用玩教具引导幼儿游戏。幼儿教师在引导幼儿玩玩教具时,如果能适当引导幼儿用玩教具学习,幼儿会在游戏中受到初步的教育,否则玩教具可能对幼儿的教育作用不大。现以几个教师利用玩教具引导幼儿学习的例子说明玩教具在幼儿教学中的作用:一、使用玩教具发挥幼儿的想象力想象力是思维能力的重要环节,它是创造力的重要源泉。  相似文献   

根据调查,目前农村幼儿英语教学方法太单一,很枯燥,教学效果不理想.幼儿园需要寻求积极有效的方法和对策.其中,提倡和重视幼儿教师自制玩教具是解决设施设备困难和有效地改进教学效果的有力措施之一.根据调查结果分析了农村幼儿英语教师自制玩教具存在的问题并提出了培养农村幼儿英语教师自制玩教具的策略:“校园”联系,高校教师培训,“家园”联系,多方参与,“园园”展览和比赛;有效管理,形成氛围等.  相似文献   

幼儿园玩教具的自制活动有着特殊功能与价值。通过对幼儿园玩教具的制作现状调查可见,玩教具制作未能发挥必要的教育功能,存在着忽视幼儿创作、制作材料缺乏科学性、自制品玩法单一等问题。文章对此进行探讨,提出要重视幼儿先期经验的积累,增强自制玩教具的可操作性等改进策略。  相似文献   

幼儿园自制玩教具,不仅能满足幼儿个性化游戏的需求,提高教师的专业能力,而且有利于传承民族文化,是促进家长参与家园合作的重要方式.然而目前我国幼儿园自制玩教具,还存在着制作主体单一、制作过程流于形式、缺乏合理评价制度等问题.为了促进我国幼儿园自制玩教具的高质量发展,针对这些问题,提出以下解决措施:幼儿园应建立合理的玩教具...  相似文献   

The best source of infant learning toys is the trash can. A noted authority on infancy made this statement...me. Many commercially made toys and learning materials are available. Some of them were developed out of a firm knowledge of developmental tasks of infancy and with aesthetic sensitivity. Unfortunately they cost, and many of us who have our own infants or work in day care do not have resources for a lot of commercial materials.Mr. Altham taught infants and toddlers while studying at Bank Street College. After teaching in a Head Start program for four years, he moved to his current job as teacher/director of a college campus child care center.  相似文献   

Claims that young infants fail to react in a social manner to one another and that toys preempt attention to peers were assessed by comparing the interactions observed between infant peers when they met in the presence of toys versus in their absence. 44 pairs of unacquainted infants (either 10--12 or 22--24 months of age) came with their mothers to an unfamiliar room. Without toys available in the room, infants of both ages more often contacted one another, smiled at and gestured to one another, and duplicated each other's actions. With toys, they showed and exchanged toys and spent more time synchronously manipulating similar play material. The results document that infants as young as 10 months of age are responsive to the person and behavior of an unfamiliar peer and that they are no less responsive than older infants to the social versus nonsocial aspects of a novel setting.  相似文献   

中国传统玩具是中华民族传统智慧的结晶。合理地运用传统具,可以培养学生的观察、思维和创新能力,促进学生主动学习、探索。本文对传统玩具进行了分类,并结合具体的课程,探讨了在中小学科学教学中的应用。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine whether the dynamics and structure of mother-child interactions around toys vary with the familiarity of toys. Twelve mother-child dyads with a 5- or 9-month-old infant were filmed two consecutive 5-minute sessions in the presence of familiar or novel objects. By relating the mother’s behaviour to her infant’s, we were able to define episodes consisting of phases of joint engagement of the two partners on the same topic or reference object. In a context involving familiar objects, mothers more often took the initiative to introduce a topic, and they kept the child’s attention focused on the object for longer periods, by means of various manipulations. In contrast, the attractiveness of the novelty gave the infants more initiative, and the mothers followed the child by providing mostly verbal support.  相似文献   

玩具是儿童游戏的物质前提,倡导幼儿动手制作玩具是保障儿童游戏权利、促进儿童发展的需要.在幼儿自制玩具活动中,教师往往采用直接指导方式,不利于幼儿自主性、创造性和独立性的发挥.为充分发挥幼儿自制玩具活动的价值,教师应多采取以环境刺激的引发策略、平行介入的影响策略、适度适当的指导策略、榜样示范的暗示策略等为主的间接指导方式,同时注意根据幼儿个体差异,促进每个幼儿获得应有的发展.  相似文献   

Why buy commercial toys when they can be easily made? As you know, very young children will often bypass expensive toys and play with spoons, lids, or even boxes and cans. You can have fun making toys for babies and toddlers from readily obtained materials.  相似文献   

非专门化玩具是在性质上与专门化玩具相反的一类玩具。一般无固定用途,其玩法的确定性不强。大多是日常生活中的废旧物品或天然材料(如破皮球、空饮料盒子等)。家长巧妙利用非专门化玩具如分类整理,旧玩具新玩法,破旧玩具随意组合等,可充分发挥它们的价值,促进学前儿童想象力、记忆力、思维能力的发展。  相似文献   

The present study compared the effects of social and isolate toys as setting events on the social interactions of 2 pre-school-aged children with special education needs in a setting that approximated a regular pre-school environment. A single subject alternating treatment design was used for 3 days a week over a 7 week period. Findings of this study showed there was no consistent overall difference between social and isolate toys. This was in contrast to previous studies that have found differences in interaction patterns across conditions. There were also two unanticipated findings from the study. While there was no evidence of an overall difference between social and isolate toys, there was some evidence of an interaction. Students with special education needs tended to interact more with each other when using isolate toys and tended to interact more with regular peers when using social toys. Further, it was also found that particular toys from both social and isolate classifications were consistently associated with social interaction across both subjects while other toys were not associated with social interaction. This raises questions about the validity of traditional classifications of toys and materials. The use of toys to promote social interaction is a potentially valuable technique but this study raises questions that indicate a need for further research.  相似文献   

Play, in the West, is seen by professionals as a crucial context for the transmission of skills, such as problem-solving, language, and communication. As such, it forms the vehicle for much intervention and therapy. Reports were elicited from parents of children with cerebral palsy in West Bengal on the activities they engaged in with their child and on the toys, if any, the child possessed. The majority of parents reported spending time playing with and teaching their child and all respondents named at least two toys belonging to their child. Associations between play and teaching and characteristics of the families are examined along with implications for parent involvement programs in non-Western contexts.  相似文献   

12-month-old infants with Down syndrome (n = 14) and mental and motor age-matched high-risk preterm infants (n = 14) were studied with respect to their ability to attend to and explore their environment in interactions with their mothers. The effectiveness of particular maternal attention-directing techniques in modifying infant responses to toys was expected to vary across the 2 infant groups. In general, higher-level responses to toys were expected to be associated with mother's attempts to maintain rather than redirect the child's attention and the mother's use of structured verbal and nonverbal attention-directing techniques. Results indicated that mothers of the 2 groups of infants used different attention-directing strategies, and their use of particular strategies was differentially related to the attentional capacity of the 2 groups. Differences in the infants' responses to particular maternal strategies were related to the amount of structure provided and to the demands placed on their capacity to shift attention between objects. Fewer specific maternal techniques for directing attention elicited higher-level play behavior from the Down syndrome infants, compared to the preterm group.  相似文献   

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