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明确提出、创设情感态度与价值观目标是新课程改革的重大举措。通过25节课堂的实证研究,结果表明该目标达成现状并不理想,仅有44%的课堂价值观目标预设科学,28%的课堂达成效果理想;同时还发现,价值目标达成策略应具有活动化、情感化、主体参与及教师在互动中引导的特点。  相似文献   

采用自编问卷对中学教师情感教学技能、课堂教学情感及认知目标达成度进行现场调查,系统探讨中学教师情感教学技能与其课堂教学情感及认知目标达成的关系。结果发现:中学教师情感教学技能总体水平不高,课堂教学情感目标落实情况欠佳,亟待进一步提高与改善;中学教师情感教学技能、课堂教学情感及认知目标达成三者间呈两两显著正相关;中学教师课堂教学情感目标达成在其情感教学技能与课堂教学认知目标实现的关系中起部分中介作用。  相似文献   

教学领域情感目标的形成性评价研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
情感目标是"按等级层次排列的连续体",按其"内化"过程来描述,并加以明确命名,可把乐情度、冶情度和融情度确定为教学领域中的情感目标分类的三大维度,并可在各维度上划分出由低到高逐级递进、逐步内化的四个层次:乐情度为接受、反应、兴趣、热爱,冶情度为感受、感动、感悟、感化,融情度为互动、互悦、互纳、互爱。在此基础上编制的"教学领域的情感目标测评问卷",信度、效度都比较理想,对情感教学模式的促情效果的检测具有较好的鉴别度和可行性。  相似文献   

张明庆 《课外阅读》2011,(12):109-109
随着新课改的力度的加大,情感教育已经成为课堂特别是语文课堂的一项重在内容,因为在新课程体系中所规定的三维目标就有了情感、态度、价值观这一个维度。作为一名语丈教师在课堂内外必须从:建立良好的师生关系;全面了解学生的情感特点;深入挖掘教材中的情感教育因素;重视对学生的情感调控;以情激情,以情育情等五个方面对学生进行情感教育。在平时的教育教学过程中一定善于积累,善于发现,善于总结,使学生的情感在课堂上得对延伸和展现,才能激发他们对语文这门课程学习的兴趣,也只有我们做到了上述内容,才能更好地在我们的课堂上展现三维目标,才能更好地实现情感教育。  相似文献   

"课堂、情感、生命"是教育的焦点和热点,"情感、态度与价值观"越来越受到教育的关注。教师要进一步确立学生在课堂上的主体地位,构建开放而有活力的课堂,沟通学习与学生的经验、成长的关系,促进情感目标的有效达成,让教学活动满足学生的需求,让课堂成为师生发现、追求和分享真理的地方。  相似文献   

上海市生命科学课程标准强调教学目标的达成必须满足三个维度,其中第三维目标(又称情感、态度、价值观目标,以下简称情感目标)教师们普遍认为难以预设和具体把握,或者说是颇感“迷茫”。作为教研员,笔者担任本区的中学生命科学教学比赛的指导。其中“神经调节”一课,主要的教学内容是:神经系统的组成(中枢神经系统和周围神经系统);脊髓的功能;反射弧的结构;多种感觉器官共同参与完成的复杂反射活动。其中教学重点是神经系统的组成;脊髓的功能;反射弧的结构。历经多次课堂观摩、反思、改进,对其中情感目标的内容预设和课堂落实中的一些共性问…  相似文献   

李扬 《考试周刊》2013,(93):121-121
本文对影响中职信息技术课程情感目标达成的原因进行了分析,主要原因是对情感目标达成的重视度不够。为了让学生培养出积极健康的情感世界和乐观向上的感情态度,本文论述了情感课堂氛围策略的达成、教学方法策略的达成、鼓励性策略的达成及发掘性策略的达成的应用,通过测评让孩子养成各自的发展个性,而不偏离价值观的轨道,让学生在中职信息技术课程中养成善于观察喜欢思考的习惯。  相似文献   

新课程情感目标的评价是课程改革中的一个重大课题与难题,目前还没有公认的成形理论与操作手段。借鉴布卢姆情感目标分类理论与拉斯思价值澄清理论,"价值指示"是评价情感目标的有力工具。"价值指示"评价本质上是对学生行为的评价,依据学生在情感目标达成的不同阶段表现出不同的情绪与行为,教师通过观察学生行为表现实施情感目标达成效果的评价。  相似文献   

基于对课程标准中情感类目标的内涵分析,结合实际教学场景搭建包含教学过程分析和情感目标拆解的情感目标分析模型,并基于此模型设计针对情感目标教学与检验的教学设计模板。情感目标分析模型有助于教师科学拆解并设定情感教学目标,分析情感目标达成效果,从而改进教学策略,促进情感目标的有效达成。为促进情感目标的有效达成,教师在教学中要设置合理的情感目标,以构建学生与情感对象的关系为主线进行教学设计,不断提高自身的情感感受与回应能力。  相似文献   

情感目标是课程的隐性目标,是对知识与能力等显性目标的升华。结合情感目标建设过程、课堂教学效果以及案例反馈样本,总结出工科课程情感目标案例设计基本原则,即融入显性目标的课堂同步性、基于显性目标的课外持续性和高于显性目标的终身伴随性。同时,给出情感目标有效达成路径,即聚焦学习质量的提高与学习效果的改善、着眼学生积极情绪的培养、关注学生精神生命的滋养以及注重教师情感态度价值观的建设。最后,基于案例反馈样本说明了课程情感目标的建设为培育学生内驱力提供了养分,推动了内驱力的激发过程。  相似文献   


It is often assumed that students’ personal achievement goals are most beneficial when they match the goal structures of the classroom, but interaction between achievement goals and goal structures is not well researched. In this study, we aim at providing a nuanced picture of the direct, interaction, and nonlinear effects of achievement goals and goal structures on test performance and autonomous motivation. We used multiple linear regressions, including interaction and quadratic terms, in combination with response surface methodology to analyze questionnaire data from students in Grades 6-10. We found no evidence for a general match effect, and only weak indications of interactions between achievement goals and goal structures. Thus, the match between classroom goal structures and students’ personal goals may be less important for students’ motivation and achievement than previously assumed. Still, based on our results we recommend a focus on mastery structures in the classroom.  相似文献   

This study examined the role of self-construal and classroom goal structure in predicting Singapore secondary students' achievement goals in their English study. Students from 104 classes were administered surveys of achievement goals, classroom goal structure, English self-concept, and self-construal. The results of two-level hierarchical linear modeling showed that after controlling for gender, previous English achievement, and English self-concept, interdependent self-construal significantly predicted mastery approach and avoidance goals, while independent self-construal was associated with performance approach, performance avoidance, and mastery approach goals. Mastery classroom goal structure predicted mastery approach and avoidance goals, whereas performance classroom goal structure predicted performance approach and avoidance goals as well as mastery avoidance goals. In addition, students with interdependent self-construal in classrooms with a performance focus were more likely to endorse mastery approach, mastery avoidance, and performance avoidance goals, while students with independent self-construal in classrooms with a performance focus tended to have performance approach goals. This study provides validation for the 2 × 2 framework of achievement goals, and advances our knowledge of how students adopt multiple goals. The findings are related to the educational achievement context of Singapore.  相似文献   


The authors assessed how classroom structure influenced student achievement goal orientation for mathematics. Three elementary school classes were assigned randomly to 1 classroom structure condition: token economy, contingency contract, or control. Students in each condition were required to set individual achievement goals on a weekly basis. The authors assessed differences in goal orientation by comparing the number of learning vs. performance goals that students set within and across classroom structure conditions. Results indicated that students in the contingency-contract condition set significantly more learning goals than did students in other classroom structure conditions. No significant differences were found for performance goals across classroom structure conditions. Within classroom structure conditions, students in the contingency-contract group set significantly more learning goals than performance goals, whereas students in the token-economy condition set significantly more performance goals than learning goals.  相似文献   

This article aimed to examine the relationship between mirror neuron and theory of mind functions and to explore their possible roles in the emergence of an achievement goal contagion in educational settings such as classrooms. Based on the evidence from different lines of research such as neurobiology, neuropsychology, social psychology, and educational psychology, a multilevel model of achievement goal contagion was suggested in order to clarify the role of the goal contagion effect in achievement-related settings such as classrooms. In the model, it was assumed that the well-known effects of perceived classroom goal structures on students’ achievement goals were mediated by students’ theory of mind and mirroring abilities while the interaction between them was examined. Finally, it was concluded that the hypothesized model of achievement goal contagion may provide a solid neurobiological and psychological basis for the effects of perceived classroom goal structures on students’ achievement goals. Educational implications and directions for future research were also discussed.  相似文献   

成就目标理论的发展过程——从简单的掌握目标观到复杂的多目标观,该文通过追踪有关成绩接近目标作用的讨论,阐述了当今研究者对成就目标动力学的认识,接着分析了掌握目标观和多目标观争论的原因,最后提出在今后的研究中应当把量的研究和质的研究结合起来,应当进一步研究个人成就目标和课堂目标对学生的独特影响,应当进一步研究成就目标在不同文化、不同课堂环境中对不同学生的影响。  相似文献   

This study investigated how gender shapes the relationships between classroom environment, achievement goals and maths performance. Seventh-grade students (N?=?498) from five urban secondary schools filled in achievement goal orientations and classroom environment scales at the beginning of the second semester. Maths performance was assessed as an average grade four months later. The results indicated gender differences in the perception of teacher and peers support, achievement goals and maths performance. The effects of goal orientations, teacher and peers support on achievement were moderated by gender. Furthermore, the interaction between classroom environment and performance goals on maths grades varied with gender. In the boys’ sample, performance-avoidance goals interacted with teacher support, while in the girls’ sample, performance-approach goals interacted with peers support in predicting maths grades. The educational implications of these gender differences are discussed.  相似文献   

Rooted in achievement goal theory, the buffering hypothesis posits that contextual factors serve to moderate the deleterious effects of personal achievement goals on relevant outcomes. The present study sought to test this hypothesis by examining the interactive effects of classroom affiliation perceptions and personal achievement goals for conducting research on participants’ goal strivings within physics, biology and chemistry laboratory classes. Participants consisted of 185 undergraduate students voluntarily engaged in faculty-led research. Results indicated that affiliation strengthened the positive association between research mastery goals and class-based mastery approach goals. In contrast, perceptions of affiliation in the laboratory environment weakened the relationship between research mastery goals and performance approach goals. The importance of academic climates as facilitators of goal striving in classrooms designed to cultivate research skill development is discussed.  相似文献   

This study examined Hong Kong students’ achievement goals and their relations with students’ perceived classroom environment and strategy use based on the multiple goal perspective of goal orientation theory. A total of 925 Grade 8 students from six secondary schools in Hong Kong voluntarily responded to a questionnaire that measured these three sets of variables. Consistent with previous studies using goal orientation theory, the findings of this study indicated that students’ perceived classroom environment was significantly related to their personal achievement goals and strategy use. While mastery goals were found to be the strongest predictor of strategy use, performance‐approach goals and perceived instrumentality also had positive relations with mastery goals and strategy use. Our findings suggest that mastery goals and performance goals were not contrasting goals as conceptualised in normative goal orientation theory. Students with high motivation for both types of goal were more adaptive in learning than were students who pursued a single type of goal. Moreover, the value of adding perceived instrumentality when studying students’ motivation should be emphasised. The implications of these findings for understanding Hong Kong students’ motivation, and for planning effective teaching instruction to enhance their motivation, are discussed.  相似文献   

In our previous work documenting benefits of both mastery and performance-approach goals, we assessed achievement goals for a particular type of student (specifically, the college student) in a particular type of classroom environment (specifically, the large introductory lecture). The current study sought to extend our initial work by testing college students in a different classroom environment (specifically, the small advanced seminar). Contrary to predictions that mastery goals may prove more advantageous in this context and performance goals less advantageous, we continued to find positive effects for both mastery and performance-approach goals. Implications for achievement goal theory are discussed.  相似文献   

Informed by achievement goal orientation and self-determination theories, we explored the role of cultural/contextual factors on Korean students' achievement motivation. Specifically, we examined the role of the Korean middle school students' family orientation as a mediator between their perceptions of parent goals or motivating styles and their achievement motivations in learning math, when their perceptions of classroom goal structures were controlled. We also investigated gender differences in the role of the students' family orientation and of their perceptions of their parents and classroom variables in predicting their own achievement motivations. Multi-sample path analyses indicated that both Korean boys' and girls' family orientation mediated between their perceptions of parent variables and their own achievement motivations. Korean students' family orientation predicted mainly controlled forms of motivation and ego-focused goals. In addition, the relationships between students' perceptions of parent variables and their achievement motivations statistically varied across gender.  相似文献   

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