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中国城市女性体育参与分层现象的质性研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
熊欢 《体育科学》2012,(2):28-38
改革开放以来,城市女性对体育以及休闲运动的参与出现了分层现象,如何进行体育运动成为衡量其社会地位和身份的标准之一。本研究以社会分层理论和体育女性主义理论为指导,以质性研究的范式为基础,采用深度访问的研究方法讨论了白领阶层、蓝领阶层和失业群体三个不同群体女性的体育行为及观念。通过比较研究,分析了不同阶层的中国女性的体育经验是如何与她们的经济地位、教育背景、家庭环境以及社会文化意识相互作用、相互牵制并导致体育参与分层现象的。通过研究认为,不同群体妇女参与体育运动的机会和制约不同,她们并不能完全地、平等地获取城市体育发展的成果。一方面,女性参与体育的障碍已经减弱;另一方面,女性参与体育在制度上和文化意识上仍存在一定的限制因素,影响了女性体育参与的深度与广度以及她们对体育参与真正意义和价值的认识。  相似文献   

我国女性在体育参与中相对于男性遭遇了很多不平等的现象,这些现象必然有其文化历史根源。通过文献梳理和逻辑分析,从意识形态层面的审美取向、形成意识形态的氏族制政治生态与形成政治生态的社会及人类进化论根源三个角度,对我国女性的体育参与特征进行剥离式解读,总结出女性参与体育的时代特征。同时从经济学的视角分析了女性体育参与的机会成本或许在短时间内不会降低到与男性相同的水平,但过去阻碍女性参与体育的桎梏将随时间一一消弭。  相似文献   

城市化与市民体育的兴起——美中城市体育发展之比较   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
熊欢 《体育科学》2008,28(1):13-21
就美国和中国城市变革对体育的发展的影响探讨中、美市民体育的不同发展路径.通过文献分析、访问调查、参与观察以及比较研究,认为美国的城市化过程是一个自下而上的自然发展过程,城市体育的发展随之也是一种渐进的、历史的、社会的进化(evolution)过程;而中国的城市化比较复杂,体育的发展和城市化一度并不成并行发展的趋势,直到改革开放以后,当城市中出现了市场机制,市民体育的动力因素才在市场的刺激下开始出现了一些具有革新性的变化,这个过程与美国市民体育的发展有类似之处,但也存在着明显的差异.中国城市社会需要有一个良性的经济、政治、文化环境来创建具有中国特色的市民体育.  相似文献   

Since the 1980s, China has initiated a new era of urbanisation. Urbanisation, like a social engine, has driven a dramatic change in the way that people take part in sport. The particular focus of this article is to explore the impact of urban development on the systematic transformation of women's sport at the grass-roots level. Based on Riess's perspective of the relationship between cities and sport, and socialist feminist's points of view concerning female sport, this research applied a qualitative research paradigm using an in-depth interview method to examine the major social forces which stimulated the rise of women's mass sport in urban China. It is argued that urban development has provided Chinese women with a governmental guarantee, comparatively free individual choices and diversified opportunities to pursue their own interests and fulfilment in and through sport. Generally speaking, Chinese women's mass sport has improved. However, there are still limitations within the institutional structure, physical structure and value systems of the urban society, as well as its sport subsystem to support the sustainable development of women's mass sport. Ideas concerning women's inferiority and gender inequality still remain during this transformation.  相似文献   


The world is becoming a global village and within many professions, including physical education and sport, individuals have multiple opportunities to work and socialize with people from different ethnic backgrounds, cultures, lifestyles, religions, etc. Due to the increasing cultural diversity, it is important for physical education and sport professionals to understand how cultural and social factors of different ethnic groups and countries may influence a person from participating in physical activity. The aim of this paper was to examine some of the traditional and recent cultural and social factors that have an impact on women's participation in physical activities in Taiwan. Factors such as changes within the family structure, equal education opportunities, and the growing attention from the government toward physical activity for all have motivated and encouraged women in Taiwan to participate in physical activity. The other aim of this paper was to emphasize the importance of Taiwanese women's physical activity participation and to encourage continued involvement in physical activities.  相似文献   

During the 1920s, women physical educators promoted play days as an alternative model of sport for women that emphasized participation over competition. Play days were special events where girls played a variety of games and sports in teams comprised of girls from different schools. Winning was not important to the success of the day but social activities were. Women physical educators believed this model would ensure that women's sport avoided the abuses found in men's athletics while staying within the boundaries of acceptable gender and class behaviour. The women's leadership worked diligently to market play days as the correct way for women to play sports. They were quite successful with schools and colleges but not in other sport settings. By the 1960s, social forces began to erode the barriers between the play day model and the competitive model. The legacy of play days was at best a mixed one.  相似文献   

This article, based on archival records, published documents, interviews with elite sportswomen and three regional case studies, deals with the radical social, economic, cultural and political changes in the early years of the Communist China, the consequent changes in women's lives and the eventual extraordinary impact on elite women's sport. It analyses the complicated relations between the communist system, gender ideology, sports policy, international politics and elite women's sport. With the establishment of a variety of sports institutions, systems and structures women in increasing numbers took part in competitive sport and produced even increasingly remarkable achievements.  相似文献   

The authors explore the sporting experiences and community strengths of Indigenous Australian women. The intention is to inform both health promotion and contemporary sport management strategies, and policies and practices, leading to better health outcomes for this cohort. The authors employ an interpretative qualitative methodology, which involves the combination of data from a range of sources, including interviews and focus groups with 22 Indigenous women living in urban and rural areas, narratives from elite Indigenous athletes and coaches, as well as findings from a recent Australian Parliamentary inquiry into Indigenous health and wellbeing. Drawing from an agency/empowerment theoretical framework, the authors posit that, given support and opportunities, Indigenous women can become empowered to improve their mental and physical health through participation in sport. Sport managers can facilitate Indigenous women's agency in the effects of colonisation, which continues to be the basis of health issues for this cohort. Listening to Indigenous women and facilitating opportunities for them to take control of their own participation can help facilitate this process. Indigenous-women's only opportunities, partnerships with health agencies and sports organisations, culturally safe spaces and Indigenous women acting as role models are some factors that may augment Indigenous women's agency, and thus empowerment. Government, sports, community organisations and health agencies which provide these conditions in their program design can help to overcome entrenched social, historical and health inequalities that Indigenous women may experience.  相似文献   

体育产业快速发展要求充分重视和准确把握其规模、与国民经济中各产业部门之间的经济联系,以及它对国民经济的贡献,等等.借助体育卫星账户进行体育经济核算,是实现这一目标的有效途径.我国体育卫星账户(SSA)的构建应综合生产法和需求法两种模型的优点,以部门间投入产出关系为核心,根据国民账户分类标准,将体育消费而引致的产出部分从各体育相关部门中剥离出来.在体育卫星账户基础上,可通过一步建模,测算体育相关活动与其它经济部门的联系、产业规模、对宏观经济的贡献以及各种经济措施或事件的影响.  相似文献   

娱乐体育——中国群众体育的一个重要形式   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
比较分析了群众体育与高水平竞技运动的差异。由于群众体育的业余性、参加者的异质性、目标的多样性、组织实施的分散性以及旨在满足参加者自身需要等特征,发展群众体育不能简单地搬用发展竞技运动的模式。开展娱乐体育与我国体育经费、设施尚不充裕的现实相适应;适合中国体育文化的民族特点;符合中国居民生活中能量摄入与支出的特点;有利于启发人们的体育动机;有利于建立正确的、全面的体育观。因此,娱乐体育是我国发展群众体育的一个重要形式。  相似文献   

中国社会阶层变迁与体育人口结构性增长策略研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
根据当代中国社会阶层结构体系的现状及特点,分析社会阶层变化给体育人口发展带来的契机和挑战,据此提出体育人口结构性增长策略:1.以中青年中间阶层为重点,年轻的“农民工”为突破口,有效提高中青年体育人口比例;2.增加农村体育投入,改善体育人口的城乡结构;3.关注城市弱势体育群体,提高低收入者体育人口比例。为把握现阶段我国社会阶层构成和特点,并据此制定针对性的发展策略.实现我国体育人口结构性增长是一个极具现实意义的研究课题。  相似文献   

Managers of sports programs, facilities, and organizations can have a role in promoting health through physical activity participation. From the perspective of a leisure scientist who has examined various dimensions of leisure-time physical activity, this paper aims to appraise the status of how sports as potential physical activity interventions have been examined, particularly in the sport management literature. Although the purpose of many sport management organizations is to encourage spectatorship, sports have always offered significant opportunities for children and adults to be more physically active. Sports are a motivator for physical activity because they are enjoyable to participants. Therefore, research done by academics in sports management could reflect more about how mass participation recreational sports can serve as interventions to promote healthy physical activity behavior for individuals and within communities.  相似文献   

通过文献资料与逻辑分析等方法,对近10年有关女性体育研究的现状进行综述,分别从女性体育发展历程、女性体育与奥林匹克、媒介体育报道中的性别差异、女性体育锻炼与健身、女性体育消费、女性体育交叉学科研究等几个方面对2000年1月1日至2010年12月30日期间CNKI数据库收录的文章进行统计与研究分析。提出了未来我国女性体育研究中存在的问题和今后的研究建议。  相似文献   

我国城乡群众体育统筹的最终目标是缩小城乡群众体育之间的差距,让城乡居民享有均等化的体育生活水平,从而实现全民健身的目的。居民的体育参与情况能很好地反映城乡群众体育的统筹情况,对不同社会分层的城乡居民体育参与进行研究,找出社会分层与体育参与的关系。结果显示:不同的职业声望、不同收入、不同学历的城乡居民其参与的运动项目有所不同,城乡居民体育参与情况具有显著性差异。  相似文献   

采用文献资料法、问卷调查法、数理统计法对福建省漳州市“城中村”妇女体育参与现状进行调查研究.结果显示:“城中村”妇女的工作时间长、体育意识淡薄,体育参与率和体育消费较低,对体育活动的组织和体育设施的投入要求不高.影响“城中村”妇女参与体育锻炼的因素有年龄、工作时间、受教育程度、职业、家庭月收入.建议政府管理部门加强对“城中村”妇女进行体育卫生健康教育的宣传,适当增加“城中村”体育活动和体育设施的投入,并协调相关劳动部门调整中低阶层群体的收入分配,缩短女工的工作时间等.  相似文献   

分析了我国城市社区体育迅速发展的主要原因是社会体育需求的变化、经济体制改革、体育社会化、社区建设发展和老龄人口增多等多种因素;描述了我国城市社区体育的人、财、物、活动和组织等要素的现状;指出目前的主要不足是:对社区体育认识不足、正式的与自发性的社区体育组织间缺乏联系、非经常性的与日常性的社区体育活动相脱节、发展不平衡以及体育资源紧缺。  相似文献   

In general, women are well represented among sport participants and sport audiences but not in the media. Data show that women's sport is greatly underreported and trivialized in newspapers. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to measure press coverage during the 2000 Summer Olympic Games in the largest circulating Belgian, Danish, French, and Italian daily newspapers by: (a) number of articles, (b) size, (c) page placement, (d) accompanyingphotographs, and (e) photograph size. For each sport covered, the athletes' nationality and the gender were recorded. Compared to the 1996 Atlanta Games, there was an increase of 326 female athletes (+4 %), and women competed in 25 sports and 132 events (44 %) of the total 300 events. Although only 29.3 % of the articles and 38 % of photos were on women 's sports, the newspaper coverage was similar to the distribution of participating athletes and events. No significant gender differences were found with respect to article size, page placement, accompanying photographs, or photograph size. The most covered sport was track and field, independent of national achievement. Other sports received different coverage in relation to national expectations, achievement, and participation. In conclusion, there was a trend to overcome gender inequities in media coverage during the Olympic Games, which may be due to the International Olympic Committee's actions to promote increased participation of women in sport activities and to publicize their achievements. Moreover, during the Olympic Games, a nationalistic fervor might affect the equality of gender coverage.  相似文献   

高职院校学生课外体育活动现状的调查研究   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
运用问卷调查、文献资料等研究方法,对高职院校学生课外体育活动的现状进行调查分析。结果表明:高职院校学生参加课外体育活动频度不稳定,随意性较大,锻炼时间明显不足;活动项目选择切合实际,注重发展身体素质,并兼顾价值取向;课外体育活动参与形式、活动项目、场所的选择具有明显的性别特征,参与课外体育活动的动机呈现多层次;体育意识差和学校体育设施不足是影响学生参与课外体育活动的主要因素。  相似文献   

大型赛事对中国经济和社会发展的影响论纲   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
中国的许多政府部门和省市政府正在制定“十一五(2006-2010年)计划”,不少城市的这个计划中已经越来越多地把体育赛事,尤其是大型国际体育赛事纳入了思考范畴当中。这是国际体育赛事的经济和社会价值逐步被中国认同和接受的结果,也是中国的国家政策追求科学和可持续发展的表现形式。21世纪的前10年是中国大力申请和筹办国际大型体育赛事的高潮期。大型体育赛事对于中国经济和社会发展的影响主要体现在:刺激各项相关产业快速发展:国际体育赛事拉动建筑、旅游、金融、保险、信息技术、交通、通信等产业获得强大的推动力,进而带动整个经济发展;加快各项事务与国际的接轨:中间社会或民间社团的广泛参与推动社会结构的有序运作,民间企业和资本获得参与重大事务的机会,民众的开放意识和国际意识逐步增长,国际先进规则逐步被中国理解和接纳。  相似文献   

The period of Portuguese history known as the New State (1930–1974) was marked by a strong ideology that had a great impact upon gender relations and on women's status and their participation in sport. During this period a variety of arguments grounded in aesthetics, morals, health and women's biology were put forward not only to encourage women's involvement in sport but also to control the kinds of sports in which women could be involved, as well as the intensity of sports practice. In spite of the state's attempt to control women's involvement in sport, there were women who resisted this control by pursuing sport, thus showing the existence of spaces within the sports figuration that were used to express ideas different from those disseminated by the regime. In this context the campaign for women's sport, which developed in the 1930s, was important. This paper seeks to examine women's participation in sport and in particular in all-female sports clubs and the controversies that surrounded the campaign for women's sport and the creation of such clubs.  相似文献   

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