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英语教学的最终目的是使学生在工作中能很好地使用英语,因此英语教学应根据职场英语的运用情况作出相应的调整。本文重点分析了职场英语运用情况调查问卷设计中的一些问题,从问卷的说明、受访者个人信息的填写、问卷的长度和题型、问题的内容和措辞及问卷的信度和效度等几个方面探讨了问卷设计中的一些问题,从而使问卷的设计更有针对性。调查得出的结果对英语教学有更大的帮助。  相似文献   

调查问卷的信度效度分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
问卷调查法是教育研究中广泛采用的一种调查方法,根据调查目的设计的调查问卷是问卷调查法获取信息的工具,其质量高低对调查结果的真实性、适用性等具有决定性的作用①。为了保证问卷具有较高的可靠性和有效性,在形成正式问卷之前,应当对问卷进行试测,并对试测结果进行信度和效度分析,根据分析结果筛选问卷题项,调整问卷结构,从而提高问卷的信度和效度。信度和效度分析的方法包括逻辑分析和统计分析,本文主要讨论后者。一、信度分析信度(Reliability)即可靠性,它是指采用同样的方法对同一对象重复测量时所得结果的一致性程度。信度指标多以…  相似文献   

运用文献法、开放式问卷和访谈法设计问卷,多次施测修改问卷,采用相关分析、探索性分析和验证性分析对问卷的信、效度进行检验。结果表明,大学生恋爱动机问卷包括功利性、面子性、性爱性、情感性、消遣性和婚姻性六个维度,累计贡献率57.459%,共27项;问卷的信度和效度均符合心理测量学的要求,可作为测评大学生恋爱动机的工具。  相似文献   

运用文献法、非结构式观察法、半结构式访谈法、要素分析法设计原始问卷,多次施测修改问卷,采用探索性因素分析、相关分析和方差分析对问卷的信、效度进行检验.结果表明,中小学的教师职场学习环境至少包含4个维度:物质环境、制度环境、心理环境和社会环境,累积贡献率为62.203%,共33项题目.问卷的信度和效度均符合教育测量学的要求.因此,此问卷可作为测量中小学教师职场学习环境的工具.  相似文献   

问卷由正性学业成就、正性人际关系、负性学业成绩、负性人际关系四个分问卷组成。每个分问卷包括若干个条目,共16个条目(正性事件、负性事件各8条)。各个分问卷的信度系数(Cronbach,s a)在0.533-0.744之间,全问卷的分半信度为0.549。运用主成分分析法和效标效度法判断问卷的效度。研究结果表明,问卷具有较为理想的信度和效度,可作为测量、评估大学生归因方式的工具。  相似文献   

在参考相关文献的基础上,采取内容分析法编制出中小学教师培训效度调查问卷,邀请专家初步筛选出不合格的项目,并初步构建中小学教师培训效度评估指标体系,通过项目分析法进一步剔除不适合的试题,采用探索性因子分析提取问卷的评价维度,并检验培训效度评估指标的可靠性和有效性。研究结果表明,培训效度评估指标体系包含培训需求、培训设计、培训学习、培训反应、培训结果等五个因子。评估指标体系的内部一致性信度Cronbachα系数为0.976。三周后,重测信度为0.881。问卷各因子与问卷总体相关在0.747-0.886之间,各因子之间的相关在0.495-0.631之间。这表明评估指标体系的信效度良好。  相似文献   

高校教风调查研究存在研究数量少、标准化测量工具缺乏、问卷设计水平低、推断统计分析少等不足.教风调查问卷的设计应从教风内涵、教风结构维度、教风特性的分析等方面进行思考.通过样本分析教风调查问卷的区分度、信度和效度,表明新设计的高校教风调查问卷有效可信,可以作为其他高校教风调查之问卷.  相似文献   

本研究以儿童对教师应对同伴侵害策略的知觉问卷、行为问题及同伴侵害问卷为工具,以252名4~6岁儿童为被试,采用访谈法和问卷法完成对儿童对教师应对同伴侵害策略的知觉问卷的信效度检验.研究结果表明:(1)儿童对教师应对同伴侵害策略的知觉问卷的结构效度较好.(2)儿童对教师应对同伴侵害策略的知觉的维度与儿童行为问题、身体侵害相关,校标效度较好.(2)儿童对教师应对同伴侵害策略的知觉问卷各维度的内部一致性系数在0.65 ~0.75之间.  相似文献   

朱卫华 《化学教与学》2011,(1):61-62,60
问卷调查法是教师教育研究中常用的一种实证方法,如何编制出信度和效度较高的调查问卷是很多教师思考的问题。本文介绍了一些能力调查问卷编制和使用的体会,希望能对老师们教育研究有所帮助。  相似文献   

学习教育、听取意见环节是党的群众路线教育实践活动的基础。为广泛听取意见,解决突出问题,全面了解我校党员干部"四风"方面存在的问题,设计专项调查问卷。调查问卷设计研究从调查的目的和意义着手,依据调查的对象的特点,对问卷填写对象进行分类,采用分层抽样调查和重点调查相结合的方法,创新使用以网页调查法为主的收集资料方式,对问卷的内容结构进行设计,并对问卷的主体内容进行预测试,借助SPSS软件对预测试问卷进行信度和效度分析后编制成问卷,最后运用SPSS软件进行统计分析处理。调查问卷由卷首语、填写问卷对象基本信息、问卷主体和编码四部分内容组成。  相似文献   

Self-rated competences questionnaires from a design perspective   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper provides a theoretical review of self-rated competences questionnaires. This topic is influenced by the ongoing world-wide reform of higher education, which has led to a focus on the learner outcomes of higher education. Consequently, questionnaires on self-rated competences have increasingly been employed. However, self-ratings are often criticised for their lack of validity. Our intention is to outline some principles of good questionnaire design and to use these principles to contrast questionnaires on self-rated competences. We begin with an overview of research about questionnaire design. Then we introduce seven questionnaires and portray them in terms of their design characteristics. A comparison reveals some significant points: biographical data need to be handled more carefully, and there is an overuse of vague and abstract language. On the positive side, all of the questionnaires that were examined provide reliable sub-scales covering important facets of competences.  相似文献   

信任关系的建立对于我国民办高等教育的健康发展具有重要的意义。民办高校教师的组成具有一定的特殊性,了解不同类型教师对学校的信任程度及其差异是进行有效管理的基础。本文以民办高校中不同类型教师对学校的信任度差异为研究内容。在对民办学校教师进行访谈和参考国内外有关研究文献及测量量表基础上,我们设计了包括13个变量在内的《民办高校教师信任测量量表》,通过统计抽样,向陕西省12所民办高校教师发放了调查问卷,实际回收508份。在总体统计分析的基础上,得出以下主要结论:第一,任职时间长的教师对学校的信任度高于任职时间短的教师对学校的信任度;第二,来校任职前有工作经验的教师对学校的信任度高于来校任职前没有工作经验的教师(从学校毕业后进入民办高校)对学校的信任度;第三,拥有较多个人资本教师对学校的信任度高于拥有较少个人资本教师对学校的信任度。  相似文献   

Reaction questionnaires administered at the conclusion of a training program are a common method of evaluation. Because such questionnaires are often constructed and analyzed in an ad hoc manner, their usefulness is often difficult to gauge. However, if properly constructed and analyzed, such instruments can help to make clear the strengths and weaknesses of programs. This article presents a framework for questionnaire development and analysis to ensure that such questionnaires are psychometrically sound and useful for decision making. The data used for this research were from over 5,000 questionnaires completed by individuals at the conclusion of educational programs. The Rasch model was used to evaluate the data. Results suggest that the posttraining questionnaire is a valid and reliable indicator of program quality. In addition, the Rasch analysis provided empirically based methods for diagnosing needed improvements to assessment instruments.  相似文献   

This study identifies qualities associated with the successful adaptation of families with a husband diagnosed with prostate cancer. Both qualitative and quantitative measures were used in this cross-sectional survey research design. Twenty-one husbands and their spouses independently completed six questionnaires and a biographical questionnaire, and they answered an open-ended question. The qualitative findings revealed the importance of intrafamilial support, spiritual/religious beliefs, and professional support and knowledge, while the quantitative results indicated that family adaptation was fostered by the family's internal strengths and durability, affirmative communication, and the experience of social support. The findings could be used to develop interventions that promote family resilience and affirm the reparative potential of families.  相似文献   

Questionnaire design for student measurement of teaching effectiveness   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
The design and use of questionnaires in course and faculty evaluation are discussed and the literature surveyed. Problems of questionnaire construction and interpretation of results are described and a questionnaire developed by the authors in the Faculty of Engineering at the University of Waterloo is given as an example.  相似文献   

针对目前中学物理教学中存在的实际问题,提出优化问题设计是驱动学生思维能力发展的有效途径,并从物理问题设计原则和设计方法等角度展开论述。  相似文献   

建立科学、系统、有效的课堂演示型多媒体课件评价指标体系,可为设计开发者诊断出多媒体课件存在的问题及广大用户选择多媒体课件提供重要依据,对大范围推广使用合格和优秀的多媒体课件,以及进一步改进和提高多媒体课件质量具有现实意义。  相似文献   

概率论与数理统计学和金属材料与热处理这两门课程改用“问题导引式”教学方法后所取得的良好效果加以论证,并指出,我们的先师孔子的教学方法基本上也是一种“问题导引式”教学法,因而,“问题导引式”教学方法是科学、有效的。  相似文献   

School Climate     
School climate is one of the significant factors determining educational achievement. However, the lack of instruments to measure it has complicated the study of this concept in Russia. We review the history of the study of the concept of “school climate,” and we discuss approaches to how it can be defined. We describe the most widely used questionnaires for studying school climate and analyze the set of components that have been included in them. To conduct the empirical study, we chose the student questionnaire that is used in the PISA international study, which provides a theoretical basis for measuring a number of dimensions of school climate. We conducted a psychometric analysis using methods from confirmatory factor analysis and modern test theory. It turned out that the structure of the indices that are used to measure school climate is not what the framers of the questionnaire assumed it would be. It is unclear whether the questions reflect the school climate indicators that are specifically proposed in the questionnaires. Some of the judgments in the questionnaire have been worded in such a way as to elicit most students’ agreement or disagreement with them without revealing any differences in how students perceive the subject of the question. The answer categories are unbalanced for most of the judgments. Respondents tended to fill them out in a one-sided fashion. We propose steps for how the instrument can be further improved.  相似文献   

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