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与其他学科的课程资源相比,农村地区中学英语课程资源相对比较稀缺,教师教学观念僵化,缺乏英语课程资源开发意识,而学生则主要以背诵方式来学习英语,其接触和使用英语的场所常局限于教室环境,学生的英语学习严重脱离日常生活实际。这背离了新的《英语课程标准》所倡导的"拓展学生学用渠道"理念。为了积极响应新课标的要求,现结合农村中学校内英语课程资源开发现状,探究农村中学校内英语课程资源的开发策略。  相似文献   

随着网络的普及,信息通讯技术已开始被英语教师运用于课堂教学中。文章通过分析目前初中英语写作教学存在的弊端和教师对信息通讯技术的狭隘认识,从理论角度阐述了运用信息通讯技术优化英语写作教学的必要性和可能性,并提出在初中英语写作教学的实际操作过程中运用信息通讯技术多元功能的实施途径。研究表明,信息通讯技术能在很大程度上优化英语写作教学,培养学生英语写作的动机和兴趣,形成良好的写作习惯,提高综合运用语言的能力,促进自主学习和合作学习能力的发展。  相似文献   


This project was undertaken by researchers at three universities in England where there is a well established tradition of introducing student teachers to Information Technology. Questionnaires were administered at three key points in the course to a student group in each university, to establish how students' concepts of IT were developing and to identify key influences on their practice and their thinking. Selected students were interviewed towards the end of their teaching practice, as was the school mentor for each student wherever possible, and all staff in the student's host department were invited to complete a questionnaire. All tapes were transcribed. The study suggests that student teachers of English have a broader view of literacy than is currently predominant in schools and this view positively embraces the role of IT in literacy. Student teachers do not envisage the disappearance of books, instead they see a wider and more inclusive range of texts, including the electronic, as part of the normal focus of the English teacher. Practising teachers of English range from those with an essentially negative attitude to IT, to an increasing number who are themselves developing this broader view of literacy. Current pre-service provision appears to be succeeding in giving new English teachers a positive and committed attitude towards the use of IT in the current and future literacy curriculum.  相似文献   

要改变农村初中生厌学英语的现状,提高英语教学质量,需要做出艰辛的工作。其中,英语教师扮演的角色起着举足轻重的作用。论文通过调查访谈了解学生的需求,分析了农村初中学生的英语学习现状,探讨了学生所需求的英语教师角色——非智力因素激发者;探讨了激发和培养学生非智力因素的策略。  相似文献   

初、高中英语教学衔接的顺畅程度直接影响着中学英语教学质量。当前,许多地方初中与高中分离的办学体制使得初、高中英语教师难以进行教学交流;高中英语教材起点过高,学生对教学方式的改变不适应。另外,由于心智方面的原因,初、高中学生在课堂参与方式上和学习策略调整上存在着差异,这些便造成了现存的初高中英语教学衔接不畅。要使初高中英语教学衔接顺畅,首先,在教材编写上要注意初高中的自然过渡而不断层,其次,要改革现行教研体系,加强师资队伍的建设,加强学生的学法指导和良好的心理素质培养。  相似文献   

当前广大农村小学教师难教、学生难学英语。主要办法就是—Phonics,即用Phonics短期集中培训零起点的农村小学转岗英语教师,使他们尽快成为合格的小学英语教师,再让接受培训合格的英语教师运用Phonics教学方法教授小学生。所以各级教育部门大力在农村小学推广Phonics。  相似文献   

《Africa Education Review》2013,10(2):183-200

This study explored how Technology teachers in medium- and well-resourced schools use commercially prepared textbooks in their classrooms. A qualitative-interpretive design was used with a purposively selected sample of four schools from a city in the Gauteng province, South Africa. Data were analysed according to the conceptual framework of didactical transposition, focusing on textbook content, activities, context and teaching strategies. It was found that teachers in well-resourced schools adapt textbooks by adding content, thus expecting a higher standard from textbook content, and preferring learners to work individually, while teachers in medium-resourced schools follow textbooks without adapting them, therefore accepting the standard set by the textbooks. It is recommended that teachers in both contexts be assisted by specialists to interpret the curriculum so as to be sure how they are expected to use textbooks to improve their classroom practices.  相似文献   


This study reports Year 1 findings from a multisite cluster randomized controlled trial of a cognitive strategies approach to teaching text-based analytical writing for mainstreamed Latino English language learners (ELLs) in 9 middle schools and 6 high schools. There were 103 English teachers stratified by school and grade and then randomly assigned to the Pathway Project professional development intervention or control group. The Pathway Project trains teachers to use a pretest on-demand writing assessment to improve text-based analytical writing instruction for mainstreamed Latino ELLs who are able to participate in regular English classes. The intervention draws on well-documented instructional frameworks for teaching mainstreamed ELLs. Such frameworks emphasize the merits of a cognitive strategies approach that supports these learners’ English language development. Pathway teachers participated in 46 hrs of training and learned how to apply cognitive strategies by using an on-demand writing assessment to help students understand, interpret, and write analytical essays about literature. Multilevel models revealed significant effects on an on-demand writing assessment (d = .35) and the California Standards Test in English language arts (d = .07).  相似文献   

学习动机视角下大学英语教学内容的改革   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
行为主义的学习动机理论与人本主义学习动机理论为提高大学生的英语学习动机提供了理论基础。教材是学生学习外语的主要工具,好的外语教材内容应包括:与修养和自身提高相关的内容;与将来工作相关的内容;有关文字、芴史和生活方式等方面的内容。教师在选择教学内容时一定要针对学校及学生的不同需求,能够自由地驾驭教材,并善于利用竞赛等手段维持学生的学习动机。  相似文献   


Providing computers and in‐servicing staff is not enough to get teachers and students using technology for teaching and learning. Schools of teacher education can prepare teachers better by helping college and university education faculty model technology use throughout the teacher credentialing curriculum. Another approach is to help teachers construct a model for identifying and developing factors that will support their own technology initiatives. The literature on technology integration reveals eight success factors for schools attempting to help teachers adopt technology in their classrooms. This article examines those success factors and looks at strategies for implementing them.  相似文献   


Background: Interaction, participation and collaboration are thought to be important factors for supporting successful second or foreign language learning. The use of Interactive Groups (IGs) is regarded as helpful in creating the conditions in which interaction, participation and collaboration are increased to create effective dialogic learning. However, there is limited understanding of the role of IGs in supporting second or foreign language learning.

Purpose: The aim of the present study was to explore the opportunities that IGs generated for supporting interaction, participation and collaboration in a situation where students were learning English as a foreign language.

Method: A communicative methodology was used to collect and analyse observational and interview data from three classrooms where teaching and learning was organised through IGs, each in a different school in Spain involved in Schools as Learning Communities: Successful Educational Actions (SEAs). Across the three classrooms, there were 58 students, three teachers and 14 volunteers, whose role was to support and encourage communication. The schools served low SES communities. We conducted eight classroom observations and 17 semi-structured interviews. The data were analysed qualitatively.

Findings: The thematic analysis suggested that, in the classrooms that were studied, there was evidence that participants and observers felt that IGs promoted effective conditions for the inclusive participation of all learners, created a favourable climate for collaborative interactions regarding the target language and raised learning expectations for all students. In addition, the contribution of the volunteers was identified as crucial to the successful functioning of the IGs.

Conclusion: This small scale, qualitative study highlights the potential for IGs to create favourable conditions for the learning of English and other languages as a foreign language. More extensive studies are needed to determine the best way to use IGs for the teaching and learning of foreign languages in other contexts.  相似文献   

互联网通信工具被逐渐使用于英语学习。它能促进学生听说读写能力的提高,是英语课堂教学的必要补充。由于其在语言教学中的使用,使得学生英语学习的质量和效率大幅提升。文章通过回顾相关在英语教学活动中使用网络交流工具辅助教学的文献,介绍相关网络工具,旨在帮助广大师生更高效地利用网络资源,创建更加适合英语学习的环境。  相似文献   

高职艺术类学生学习风格调查与英语教学策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
学生的学习风格如果与教师的教学风格出现错位,会使学生对学科失去信心甚至放弃。文章以高职艺术类学生学习风格问卷调查的结果为基础,探讨了英语教学的策略,旨在帮助英语教师了解艺术类学生的学习风格,针对艺术类学生的视觉-空间优势智能来促进其语言智能的发展,做到学习风格与教学风格的有机结合,提高艺术类学生的英语教学质量。  相似文献   

对昭通农村英语教学现状的调查表明,农村英语教学注重语法知识的输入而忽视学生自主学习能力的培养。各级教育部门和学校应增加投入,加强农村英语教师师资队伍建设,改革农村英语课堂教学,注重学生学习策略的培训,帮助学生有效地进行学习。  相似文献   

Science vocabulary knowledge plays a role in understanding science concepts, and science knowledge is measured in part by correct use of science vocabulary (Lee et al. in J Res Sci Teach 32(8):797–816, 1995). Elementary school students have growing vocabularies and many are learning English as a secondary language or depend on schools to learn academic English. Teachers must have a clear understanding of science vocabulary in order to communicate and evaluate these understandings with students. The present study measured preservice teachers’ vocabulary knowledge during a science methods course and documented their use of science vocabulary during peer teaching. The data indicate that the course positively impacted the preservice teachers’ knowledge of select elementary science vocabulary; however, use of science terms was inconsistent in microteaching lessons. Recommendations include providing multiple vocabulary instruction strategies in teacher preparation.  相似文献   

语音教学是中职英语教学的基础和重要环节。然而,艺术类中职学生语音水平低,程度参差不齐;《大纲》规定课时少,教师左右为难。必须结合艺术类中职学生的特点,从强化语音基础、培养语感和激发兴趣入手,循序渐进、分类教学,改进方法;利用有限课时,拓展延伸时空,以解决艺术类中职英语语音教学中存在问题。  相似文献   

沈小才 《天津教育》2021,(3):124-125
素质教育的不断发展,引起了教师的思考,教师的教学理念发生了转变,培养学生的核心素养开始进入教师视野。而英语教学中最能有效培养学生核心素养的方法就是英语阅读,而如何利用英语阅读培养学生的核心素养,就是我们需要共同探讨的问题。本文首先分析初中英语阅读教学现状,然后探讨基于核心素养理念的初中英语阅读教学实践方法。  相似文献   

中职学生的英语学习基础普遍比较弱,部分学生相当于从零开始学习英语。还有部分学生学习态度不端正,根本不愿学习。身为中职英语教师的我们面临着许多教学难题。本文试利用跨文化交际学说的理论促进中职英语教学实效,提高中职学生英语交际运用的能力。  相似文献   

词典是沟通母语和外语的桥梁,查字典是学习外语的重要手段。本文从将词典教学引入英语教学的必要性入手,分析了在课堂教学中,教师应该如何指导学生进行科学选择和合理运用词典,以提高学生自主学习英语的能力,使词典运用和英语教学有机结合,改善和优化现有的英语教学。  相似文献   

This study examined the teaching assignments of English teachers in 13 Mid-Atlantic high schools across five states. Data on the experience levels of 175 English teachers teaching 246 classes and surveys from 85 teacher participants were collected. Findings reveal that major agency-thwarting challenges face new English teachers: They typically are assigned to teach the students who need the most assistance, do not have their own classrooms and believe that teacher tracking occurs in their schools. Results suggest that in order to increase teacher agency, retention, and student learning, we must shift the working conditions, rhetoric, and culture around new teachers.  相似文献   

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